${'returns the default range if not specified'} | ${''} | ${''} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}
${'returns the default range if not specified'} | ${''} | ${''} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}
${'returns the dates specificed if in range'} | ${'2020-06-22'} | ${'2021-01-10'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-06-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-10')}}
${'returns the dates specified if in range'} | ${'2020-06-22'} | ${'2021-01-10'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-06-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-10')}}
${'returns the default range if dates are out of bounds'} | ${'2018-06-22'} | ${'2021-01-16'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}
${'returns the default range if dates are out of bounds'} | ${'2018-06-22'} | ${'2021-01-16'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}
${'returns the default range startDate is greater than endDate'} | ${'2021-01-22'} | ${'2020-06-12'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}
${'returns the default range startDate is greater than endDate'} | ${'2021-01-22'} | ${'2020-06-12'} | ${{startDate:newDate('2020-01-22'),endDate:newDate('2021-01-21')}}