'AlertSettings|Resetting the authorization key for this project will require updating the authorization key in every alert source it is enabled in.',
// TODO: Will be removed in 13.7 as part of: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/273657
label:s__('AlertSettings|2. Add link to your Opsgenie alert list'),
'AlertSettings|Utilizing this option will link the GitLab Alerts navigation item to your exisiting Opsgenie instance. By selecting this option, you cannot recieve alerts from any other source in GitLab; it will effectivley be turing Alerts within GitLab off as a feature.',
@@ -111,6 +123,10 @@ export default {
// TODO: Will be removed in 13.7 as part of: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/273657
@@ -131,7 +147,6 @@ export default {
@@ -142,18 +157,33 @@ export default {
// TODO: Will be removed in 13.7 as part of: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/273657
// TODO: Will be removed in 13.7 as part of: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/273657
'AlertSettings|We will soon be introducing the ability to create multiple unique HTTP endpoints. When this functionality is live, you will be able to configure an integration with Opsgenie to surface Opsgenie alerts in GitLab. This will replace the current Opsgenie integration which will be deprecated. %{linkStart}More Information%{linkEnd}',
msgid "AlertSettings|2. Add link to your Opsgenie alert list"
msgstr ""
msgid "AlertSettings|2. Name integration"
msgstr ""
@@ -2643,6 +2646,12 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "AlertSettings|Utilize the URL and authorization key below to authorize an external service to send Alerts to GitLab. Review your chosen services documentation to learn where to add these details, and the %{linkStart}GitLab documentation%{linkEnd} to learn more about configuring your endpoint."
msgstr ""
msgid "AlertSettings|Utilizing this option will link the GitLab Alerts navigation item to your exisiting Opsgenie instance. By selecting this option, you cannot recieve alerts from any other source in GitLab; it will effectivley be turing Alerts within GitLab off as a feature."
msgstr ""
msgid "AlertSettings|We will soon be introducing the ability to create multiple unique HTTP endpoints. When this functionality is live, you will be able to configure an integration with Opsgenie to surface Opsgenie alerts in GitLab. This will replace the current Opsgenie integration which will be deprecated. %{linkStart}More Information%{linkEnd}"
<div id=\\"integration-webhook\\" role=\\"group\\" class=\\"form-group gl-form-group\\"><label id=\\"integration-webhook__BV_label_\\" for=\\"integration-webhook\\" class=\\"d-block col-form-label\\">3. Set up webhook</label>
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span class=\\"gl-text-gray-500\\">Utilize the URL and authorization key below to authorize an external service to send Alerts to GitLab. Review your chosen services documentation to learn where to add these details, and the <a rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/incident_management/alert_integrations.html\\" class=\\"gl-link gl-display-inline-block\\">GitLab documentation</a> to learn more about configuring your endpoint.</span> <label class=\\"gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-mb-0 gl-w-max-content gl-my-4 gl-font-weight-normal\\">
<div id=\\"integration-webhook\\" role=\\"group\\" class=\\"form-group gl-form-group\\"><label id=\\"integration-webhook__BV_label_\\" for=\\"integration-webhook\\" class=\\"d-block col-form-label\\">3. Set up webhook</label>
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span class=\\"gl-text-gray-500\\">Utilize the URL and authorization key below to authorize an external service to send Alerts to GitLab. Review your chosen services documentation to learn where to add these details, and the <a rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/operations/incident_management/alert_integrations.html\\" class=\\"gl-link gl-display-inline-block\\">GitLab documentation</a> to learn more about configuring your endpoint.</span> <label class=\\"gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-mb-0 gl-w-max-content gl-my-4 gl-font-weight-normal\\">
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span class=\\"gl-text-gray-500\\">Provide an example payload from the monitoring tool you intend to integrate with to send a test alert to the <a rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"http://invalid\\" class=\\"gl-link gl-display-inline-block\\">alerts page</a>. This payload can be used to test the integration using the \\"save and test payload\\" button.</span> <textarea id=\\"test-payload\\" disabled=\\"disabled\\" placeholder=\\"Enter test alert JSON....\\" wrap=\\"soft\\" class=\\"gl-form-input gl-form-textarea gl-my-4 form-control is-valid\\" style=\\"resize: none; overflow-y: scroll;\\"></textarea>
<div class=\\"bv-no-focus-ring\\"><span class=\\"gl-text-gray-500\\">Provide an example payload from the monitoring tool you intend to integrate with to send a test alert to the <a rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\" target=\\"_blank\\" href=\\"http://invalid\\" class=\\"gl-link gl-display-inline-block\\">alerts page</a>. This payload can be used to test the integration using the \\"save and test payload\\" button.</span> <textarea id=\\"test-payload\\" disabled=\\"disabled\\" placeholder=\\"Enter test alert JSON....\\" wrap=\\"soft\\" class=\\"gl-form-input gl-form-textarea gl-my-4 form-control is-valid\\" style=\\"resize: none; overflow-y: scroll;\\"></textarea>