Currently we rely on different sources to present merge request diffs, these include:
- Rugged gem
- Gitaly service
- Database (through `merge_request_diff_files`)
- Redis (cached highlighted diffs)
We're constantly moving Rugged calls to Gitaly and the progress can be followed through [Gitaly repo](
## Architecture overview
When refreshing a Merge Request (pushing to a source branch, force-pushing to target branch, or if the target branch now contains any commits from the MR)
we fetch the comparison information using `Gitlab::Git::Compare`, which fetches `base` and `head` data using Gitaly and diff between them through
`Gitlab::Git::Diff.between` (which uses _Gitaly_ if it's enabled, otherwise _Rugged_).
The diffs fetching process _limits_ single file diff sizes and the overall size of the whole diff through a series of constant values. Raw diff files are
then persisted on `merge_request_diff_files` table.
Even though diffs higher than 10kb are collapsed (`Gitlab::Git::Diff::COLLAPSE_LIMIT`), we still keep them on Postgres. However, diff files over _safety limits_
(see the [Diff limits section](#diff-limits)) are _not_ persisted.
In order to present diffs information on the Merge Request diffs page, we:
1. Fetch all diff files from database `merge_request_diff_files`
2. Fetch the _old_ and _new_ file blobs in batch to:
1. Highlight old and new file content
2. Know which viewer it should use for each file (text, image, deleted, etc)
3. Know if the file content changed
4. Know if it was stored externally
5. Know if it had storage errors
3. If the diff file is cacheable (text-based), it's cached on Redis
using `Gitlab::Diff::FileCollection::MergeRequestDiff`
## Diff limits
As explained above, we limit single diff files and the size of the whole diff. There are scenarios where we collapse the diff file,
and cases where the diff file is not presented at all, and the user is guided to the Blob view. Here we'll go into details about
these limits.
### Diff collection limits
Limits that act onto all diff files collection. Files number, lines number and files size are considered.