Commit 62adb5fb authored by Dhiraj Bodicherla's avatar Dhiraj Bodicherla

Make text attr in custom var type optional

Custom type variables in monitoring dashboard expects
the options to have a text attribute. This MR makes the
attribute optional and uses value as text in such cases
parent 42fce179
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ const textAdvancedVariableParser = advTextVar => ({
const normalizeCustomVariableOptions = ({ default: defaultOpt = false, text, value }) => ({
default: defaultOpt,
text: text || value,
......@@ -621,6 +621,19 @@ const templatingVariableTypes = {
withoutOptText: {
label: 'Options without text',
type: 'custom',
options: {
values: [
{ value: 'value1' },
value: 'value2',
default: true,
......@@ -709,6 +722,26 @@ const responseForAdvancedCustomVariableWithoutLabel = {
const responseForAdvancedCustomVariableWithoutOptText = {
advCustomWithoutOptText: {
label: 'Options without text',
value: 'value2',
options: [
default: false,
text: 'value1',
value: 'value1',
default: true,
text: 'value2',
value: 'value2',
type: 'custom',
const responseForAdvancedCustomVariable = {
advCustomNormal: {
......@@ -752,6 +785,9 @@ export const mockTemplatingData = {
advCustomWithoutLabel: generateMockTemplatingData({
advCustomWithoutLabel: templatingVariableTypes.custom.advanced.withoutLabel,
advCustomWithoutOptText: generateMockTemplatingData({
advCustomWithoutOptText: templatingVariableTypes.custom.advanced.withoutOptText,
simpleAndAdv: generateMockTemplatingData({
simpleCustom: templatingVariableTypes.custom.simple,
advCustomNormal: templatingVariableTypes.custom.advanced.normal,
......@@ -773,6 +809,7 @@ export const mockTemplatingDataResponses = {
advCustomWithoutOpts: responseForAdvancedCustomVariableWithoutOptions,
advCustomWithoutType: {},
advCustomWithoutLabel: responseForAdvancedCustomVariableWithoutLabel,
advCustomWithoutOptText: responseForAdvancedCustomVariableWithoutOptText,
simpleAndAdv: responseForAdvancedCustomVariable,
allVariableTypes: responsesForAllVariableTypes,
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ describe('parseTemplatingVariables', () => {
${'Returns parsed object for advanced text variable'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advText} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advText}
${'Returns parsed object for simple custom variable'} | ${mockTemplatingData.simpleCustom} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.simpleCustom}
${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without options'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutOpts} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutOpts}
${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable for option without text'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutOptText} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutOptText}
${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without type'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutType} | ${{}}
${'Returns parsed object for advanced custom variable without label'} | ${mockTemplatingData.advCustomWithoutLabel} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.advCustomWithoutLabel}
${'Returns parsed object for simple and advanced custom variables'} | ${mockTemplatingData.simpleAndAdv} | ${mockTemplatingDataResponses.simpleAndAdv}
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