Commit 67001c4d authored by Sean Arnold's avatar Sean Arnold Committed by Grzegorz Bizon

Return empty array if stack trace not present

- Add specs for issue_latest_event
- Remove previous changes to decorator
parent a5b6245d
title: Fix for 500 when error stack trace is empty
merge_request: 119205
type: fixed
...@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ module Sentry ...@@ -187,13 +187,13 @@ module Sentry
def parse_stack_trace(event) def parse_stack_trace(event)
exception_entry = event.dig('entries')&.detect { |h| h['type'] == 'exception' } exception_entry = event.dig('entries')&.detect { |h| h['type'] == 'exception' }
return unless exception_entry return [] unless exception_entry
exception_values = exception_entry.dig('data', 'values') exception_values = exception_entry.dig('data', 'values')
stack_trace_entry = exception_values&.detect { |h| h['stacktrace'].present? } stack_trace_entry = exception_values&.detect { |h| h['stacktrace'].present? }
return unless stack_trace_entry return [] unless stack_trace_entry
stack_trace_entry.dig('stacktrace', 'frames') stack_trace_entry.dig('stacktrace', 'frames') || []
end end
def map_to_error(issue) def map_to_error(issue)
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"dist": null,
"userReport": null,
"projectID": "1788822",
"previousEventID": "d32f1ce60de14911beec5109d9b5bdbd",
"message": null,
"id": "333b98e3b91341d8a6247edff171d8cf",
"size": 77202,
"errors": [
"data": {
"reason": "the cookie is missing a name/value pair",
"name": "request.cookies",
"value": "********"
"message": "Discarded invalid value",
"type": "invalid_data"
"data": {
"reason": "the cookie is missing a name/value pair",
"name": "request.cookies",
"value": "********"
"message": "Discarded invalid value",
"type": "invalid_data"
"culprit": "/",
"title": "ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError: FATAL: database \"test_development\" does not exist",
"sdkUpdates": [],
"platform": "ruby",
"location": "active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb",
"nextEventID": null,
"type": "error",
"metadata": {
"function": "rescue in connect",
"type": "ActiveRecord::NoDatabaseError",
"value": "FATAL: database \"test_development\" does not exist\n",
"filename": "active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb"
"groupingConfig": {
"enhancements": "eJybzDhxY3J-bm5-npWRgaGlroGxrpHxBABcTQcY",
"id": "newstyle:2019-05-08"
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"_meta": null
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"_meta": null
"value": "/",
"key": "transaction",
"_meta": null
"value": "http://localhost:3001/",
"key": "url",
"_meta": null
"query": "user.ip:\"::1\"",
"value": "ip:::1",
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"email": null,
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"1": {
"data": {
"": null,
"cookies": {
"": {
"err": [
"reason": "the cookie is missing a name/value pair"
"val": "********"
"url": null,
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"query": null,
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"server": {
"runtime": {
"version": "ruby 2.6.3p62 (2019-04-16 revision 67580) [x86_64-darwin18]",
"name": "ruby"
"os": {
"kernel_version": "Darwin 19.0.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Thu Oct 17 16:17:15 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.41.3~29/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64",
"version": "Darwin Kernel Version 19.0.0: Thu Oct 17 16:17:15 PDT 2019; root:xnu-6153.41.3~29/RELEASE_X86_64",
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"deployCount": 0,
"dateCreated": "2019-12-08T21:47:47Z",
"lastEvent": "2019-12-09T21:52:05Z",
"version": "b56ae26",
"firstEvent": "2019-12-08T21:47:47Z",
"lastCommit": null,
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"authors": [],
"owner": null,
"newGroups": 26,
"ref": null,
"projects": [
"slug": "gitlab-03",
"name": "gitlab-03"
"groupID": "1378364652"
\ No newline at end of file
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...@@ -218,4 +218,62 @@ describe Sentry::Client do ...@@ -218,4 +218,62 @@ describe Sentry::Client do
it_behaves_like 'issues has correct length', 1 it_behaves_like 'issues has correct length', 1
end end
end end
describe '#issue_latest_event' do
let(:sample_response) do
let(:issue_id) { '1234' }
let(:sentry_api_response) { sample_response }
let(:sentry_url) { '' }
let(:sentry_request_url) { sentry_url + "/issues/#{issue_id}/events/latest/" }
let!(:sentry_api_request) { stub_sentry_request(sentry_request_url, body: sentry_api_response) }
subject { client.issue_latest_event(issue_id: issue_id) }
it_behaves_like 'calls sentry api'
it 'has correct return type' do
expect(subject).to be_a(Gitlab::ErrorTracking::ErrorEvent)
shared_examples 'assigns error tracking event correctly' do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
where(:event_object, :sentry_response) do
:issue_id | :groupID
:date_received | :dateReceived
with_them do
it { expect(subject.public_send(event_object)).to eq(sentry_api_response.dig(*sentry_response)) }
context 'error object created from sentry response' do
it_behaves_like 'assigns error tracking event correctly'
it 'parses the stack trace' do
expect(subject.stack_trace_entries).to be_a Array
expect(subject.stack_trace_entries).not_to be_empty
context 'error without stack trace' do
before do
sample_response['entries'] = []
stub_sentry_request(sentry_request_url, body: sample_response)
it_behaves_like 'assigns error tracking event correctly'
it 'returns an empty array for stack_trace_entries' do
expect(subject.stack_trace_entries).to eq []
end end
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