Commit 6ada4ed1 authored by Chad Woolley's avatar Chad Woolley Committed by Amy Qualls

Add spam and CAPTCHA guide docs

- Developer guide docs
parent 2f06ef37
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- [Dashboards for stage groups](
- [Preventing transient bugs](transient/
- [GitLab Application SLIs](application_slis/
- [Spam protection and CAPTCHA development guide](spam_protection_and_captcha/
## Other GitLab Development Kit (GDK) guides
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# Exploratory testing of CAPTCHAs
You can reliably test CAPTCHA on review apps, and in your local development environment (GDK).
You can always:
- Force a reCAPTCHA to appear where it is supported.
- Force a checkbox to display, instead of street sign images to find and select.
To set up testing, follow the configuration on this page.
## Use appropriate test data
Make sure you are testing a scenario which has spam/CAPTCHA enabled. For example:
make sure you are editing a _public_ snippet, as only public snippets are checked for spam.
## Enable feature flags
Enable any relevant feature flag, if the spam/CAPTCHA support is behind a feature flag.
## Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA
1. To set up reCAPTCHA:
1. Review the [GitLab reCAPTCHA documentation](../../integration/
1. Get Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials using the instructions from
[Google's reCAPTCHA documentation](
1. For **Site key**, use: `6LeIxAcTAAAAAJcZVRqyHh71UMIEGNQ_MXjiZKhI`
1. For **Secret key**, use: `6LeIxAcTAAAAAGG-vFI1TnRWxMZNFuojJ4WifJWe`
1. Go to **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting** settings: `http://gdk.test:3000/admin/application_settings/reporting#js-spam-settings`
1. Select **Enable reCAPTCHA**. Enabling for login is not required unless you are testing that feature.
1. Enter the **Site key** and **Secret key**.
1. To set up Akismet:
1. Review the [GitLab documentation on Akismet](../../integration/
1. Get an Akismet API key. You can sign up for [a testing key from Akismet](
You must enter your local host (such as`gdk.test`) and email when signing up.
1. Go to GitLab Akismet settings page, for example:
1. Enable Akismet and enter your Akismet **API key**.
1. To force an Akismet false-positive spam check, refer to the
[Akismet API documentation]( and
[Akismet Getting Started documentation]( for more details:
1. You can use `` as the author email to force spam using the following steps:
1. Go to user email settings: `http://gdk.test:3000/-/profile/emails`
1. Add `` as a secondary email for the administrator user.
1. Confirm it in the Rails console: `bin/rails c` -> `User.find_by_username('root').emails.last.confirm`
1. Switch this verified email to be your primary email:
1. Go to **Avatar dropdown list -> Edit Profile -> Main Settings**.
1. For **Email**, enter `` to replace ``.
1. Select **Update Profile Settings** to save your changes.
## Test in the web UI
After you have all the above configuration in place, you can test CAPTCHAs. Test
in an area of the application which already has CAPTCHA support, such as:
- Creating or editing an issue.
- Creating or editing a public snippet. Only **public** snippets are checked for spam.
## Test in a development environment
After you force Spam Flagging + CAPTCHA using the steps above, you can test the
behavior with any spam-protected model/controller action.
### Test with CAPTCHA enabled (CONDITIONAL_ALLOW verdict)
If CAPTCHA is enabled in these areas, you must solve the CAPTCHA popup modal before you can resubmit the form:
- **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam**
- **Anti-bot Protection -> Enable reCAPTCHA**
<!-- vale gitlab.Substitutions = NO -->
### Testing with CAPTCHA disabled ("DISALLOW" verdict)
<!-- vale gitlab.Substitutions = YES -->
If CAPTCHA is disabled in **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam** and **Anti-bot Protection -> Enable reCAPTCHA**,
no CAPTCHA popup displays. You are prevented from submitting the form at all.
### HTML page to render reCAPTCHA
If you use **Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials** listed in
[Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA](#set-up-akismet-and-recaptcha), the
CAPTCHA response string does not matter. It can be any string. If you use a
real, valid key pair, you must solve the CAPTCHA to obtain a
valid CAPTCHA response to use. You can do this once only, and only before it expires.
To directly test the GraphQL API via [GraphQL Explorer](http://gdk.test:3000/-/graphql-explorer),
get a reCAPTCHA response string via this form: `public/recaptcha.html` (`http://gdk.test:3000/recaptcha.html`):
<title>reCAPTCHA demo: Explicit render after an onload callback</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var onloadCallback = function() {
grecaptcha.render('html_element', {
'sitekey' : '6Ld05AsaAAAAAMsm1yTUp4qsdFARN15rQJPPqv6i'
function onSubmit() {
window.document.getElementById('recaptchaResponse').innerHTML = grecaptcha.getResponse();
return false;
<form onsubmit="return onSubmit()">
<div id="html_element"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<div id="recaptchaResponse"></div>
<script src=""
async defer>
## Spam/CAPTCHA API exploratory testing examples
These sections describe the steps needed to perform manual exploratory testing of
various scenarios of the Spam and CAPTCHA behavior for the REST and GraphQL APIs.
For the prerequisites, you must:
1. Perform all the steps listed above to enable Spam and CAPTCHA in the development environment,
and force form submissions to require a CAPTCHA.
1. Ensure you have created an HTML page to render CAPTCHA under the `/public` directory,
with a page that contains a form to manually generate a valid CAPTCHA response string.
If you use **Google's official test reCAPTCHA credentials** listed in
[Set up Akismet and reCAPTCHA](#set-up-akismet-and-recaptcha), the contents of the
CAPTCHA response string don't matter.
1. Go to **Admin -> Settings -> Reporting -> Spam and Anti-bot protection**.
1. Select or clear **Enable reCAPTCHA** and **Enable Akismet** according to your
scenario's needs.
The following examples use snippet creation as an example. You could also use
snippet updates, issue creation, or issue updates. Issues and snippets are the
only models with full Spam and CAPTCHA support.
### Initial setup
1. Create an API token.
1. Export it in your terminal for the REST commands: `export PRIVATE_TOKEN=<your_api_token>`
1. Ensure you are logged into GitLab development environment at `localhost:3000` before using GraphiQL explorer,
because it uses your logged-in user as authorization for running GraphQL queries.
1. For the GraphQL examples, use the GraphiQL explorer at `http://localhost:3000/-/graphql-explorer`.
1. Use the `--include` (`-i`) option to `curl` to print the HTTP response headers, including the status code.
### Scenario: Akismet and CAPTCHA enabled
In this example, Akismet and CAPTCHA are enabled:
1. [Initial request](#initial-request).
<!-- TODO in future edit
Some example videos:
![CAPTCHA REST API](/uploads/b148cbe45496e6f4a4f63d00bb9fbd8a/
GraphQL API:
![CAPTCHA GraphQL API](/uploads/3c7ef0fad0b84bd588572bae51519463/
#### Initial request
This initial request fails because no CAPTCHA response is provided.
REST request:
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
REST response:
{"needs_captcha_response":true,"spam_log_id":42,"captcha_site_key":"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX","message":{"error":"Your snippet has been recognized as spam. Please, change the content or solve the reCAPTCHA to proceed."}}
GraphQL request:
mutation {
createSnippet(input: {
title: "Title"
visibilityLevel: public
blobActions: [
action: create
filePath: "BlobPath"
content: "BlobContent"
}) {
snippet {
GraphQL response:
"data": {
"createSnippet": null
"errors": [
"message": "Request denied. Solve CAPTCHA challenge and retry",
"locations": [
"line": 22,
"column": 5
"path": [
"extensions": {
"needs_captcha_response": true,
"spam_log_id": 140,
#### Second request
This request succeeds because a CAPTCHA response is provided.
REST request:
export CAPTCHA_RESPONSE="<CAPTCHA response obtained from HTML page to render CAPTCHA>"
export SPAM_LOG_ID="<spam_log_id obtained from initial REST response>"
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" --header "X-GitLab-Captcha-Response: $CAPTCHA_RESPONSE" --header "X-GitLab-Spam-Log-Id: $SPAM_LOG_ID" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
REST response:
{"id":42,"title":"Title","description":null,"visibility":"public", "other_fields": "..."}
GraphQL request:
The GitLab GraphiQL implementation doesn't allow passing of headers, so we must write
this as a `curl` query. Here, `--data-binary` is used to properly handle escaped double quotes
in the JSON-embedded query.
export CAPTCHA_RESPONSE="<CAPTCHA response obtained from HTML page to render CAPTCHA>"
export SPAM_LOG_ID="<spam_log_id obtained from initial REST response>"
curl --include "http://localhost:3000/api/graphql" --header "Authorization: Bearer $PRIVATE_TOKEN" --header "Content-Type: application/json" --header "X-GitLab-Captcha-Response: $CAPTCHA_RESPONSE" --header "X-GitLab-Spam-Log-Id: $SPAM_LOG_ID" --request POST --data-binary '{"query": "mutation {createSnippet(input: {title: \"Title\" visibilityLevel: public blobActions: [ { action: create filePath: \"BlobPath\" content: \"BlobContent\" } ] }) { snippet { id title } errors }}"}'
GraphQL response:
### Scenario: Akismet enabled, CAPTCHA disabled
For this scenario, ensure you clear **Enable reCAPTCHA** in the Admin Area settings as described above.
If CAPTCHA is not enabled, any request flagged as potential spam fails with no chance to resubmit,
even if it could otherwise be resubmitted if CAPTCHA were enabled and successfully solved.
The REST request is the same as if CAPTCHA was enabled:
curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $PRIVATE_TOKEN" "http://localhost:3000/api/v4/snippets?title=Title&file_name=FileName&content=Content&visibility=public"
REST response:
{"message":{"error":"Your snippet has been recognized as spam and has been discarded."}}
GraphQL request:
mutation {
createSnippet(input: {
title: "Title"
visibilityLevel: public
blobActions: [
action: create
filePath: "BlobPath"
content: "BlobContent"
}) {
snippet {
GraphQL response:
"data": {
"createSnippet": null
"errors": [
"message": "Request denied. Spam detected",
"locations": [
"line": 22,
"column": 5
"path": [
"extensions": {
"spam": true
### Scenario: allow_possible_spam feature flag enabled
With the `allow_possible_spam` feature flag enabled, the API returns a 200 response. Any
valid request is successful and no CAPTCHA is presented, even if the request is considered
stage: Manage
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# GraphQL API spam protection and CAPTCHA support
If the model can be modified via the GraphQL API, you must also add support to all of the
relevant GraphQL mutations which may modify spammable or spam-related attributes. This
definitely includes the `Create` and `Update` mutations, but may also include others, such as those
related to changing a model's confidential/public flag.
## Add support to the GraphQL mutations
This implementation is very similar to the controller implementation. You create a `spam_params`
instance based on the request, and pass it to the relevant Service class constructor.
The three main differences from the controller implementation are:
1. Use `include Mutations::SpamProtection` instead of `...JsonFormatActionsSupport`.
1. Obtain the request from the context via `context[:request]` when creating the `SpamParams`
1. After you create or updated the `Spammable` model instance, call `#check_spam_action_response!`
and pass it the model instance. This call will:
1. Perform the necessary spam checks on the model.
1. If spam is detected:
- Raise a `GraphQL::ExecutionError` exception.
- Include the relevant information added as error fields to the response via the `extensions:` parameter.
For more details on these fields, refer to the section on
[Spam and CAPTCHA support in the GraphQL API](../../api/graphql/
If you use the standard ApolloLink or Axios interceptor CAPTCHA support described
above, the field details are unimportant. They become important if you
attempt to use the GraphQL API directly to process a failed check for potential spam, and
resubmit the request with a solved CAPTCHA response.
For example:
module Mutations
module Widgets
class Create < BaseMutation
include Mutations::SpamProtection
def resolve(args)
spam_params = ::Spam::SpamParams.new_from_request(request: context[:request])
service_response =
project: project,
current_user: current_user,
params: args,
spam_params: spam_params
widget = service_response.payload[:widget]
# If possible spam wasdetected, an exception would have been thrown by
# `#check_spam_action_response!`, so the normal resolve return logic can follow below.
stage: Manage
group: Authentication and Authorization
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Spam protection and CAPTCHA
This guide provides an overview of how to add spam protection and CAPTCHA support to new areas of the
GitLab application.
## Add spam protection and CAPTCHA support to a new area
To add this support, you must implement the following areas as applicable:
1. [Model and Services]( The basic prerequisite
changes to the backend code which are required to add spam or CAPTCHA API and UI support
for a feature which does not yet have support.
1. REST API (Supported, documentation coming soon): The changes needed to add
spam or CAPTCHA support to Grape REST API endpoints. Refer to the related
[REST API documentation](../../api/
1. [GraphQL API]( The changes needed to add spam or CAPTCHA support to GraphQL
mutations. Refer to the related
[GraphQL API documentation](../../api/graphql/
1. [Web UI]( The various possible scenarios encountered when adding
spam/CAPTCHA support to the web UI, depending on whether the UI is JavaScript API-based (Vue or
plain JavaScript) or HTML-form (HAML) based.
You should also perform manual exploratory testing of the new feature. Refer to
[Exploratory testing]( for more information.
## Spam-related model and API fields
Multiple levels of spam flagging determine how spam is handled. These levels are referenced in
and used various places in the application, such as
The possible values include:
- `NOOP`
## Related topics
- [Spam and CAPTCHA support in the GraphQL API](../../api/graphql/
- [Spam and CAPTCHA support in the REST API](../../api/
- [reCAPTCHA Spam and Anti-bot Protection](../../integration/
- [Akismet and Spam Logs](../../integration/
stage: Manage
group: Authentication and Authorization
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Model and services spam protection and CAPTCHA support
Before adding any spam or CAPTCHA support to the REST API, GraphQL API, or Web UI, you must
first add the necessary support to:
1. The backend ActiveRecord models.
1. The services layer.
All or most of the following changes are required, regardless of the type of spam or CAPTCHA request
implementation you are supporting. Some newer features which are completely based on the GraphQL API
may not have any controllers, and don't require you to add the `mark_as_spam` action to the controller.
To do this:
1. [Add `Spammable` support to the ActiveRecord model](#add-spammable-support-to-the-activerecord-model).
1. [Add support for the `mark_as_spam` action to the controller](#add-support-for-the-mark_as_spam-action-to-the-controller).
1. [Add a call to SpamActionService to the execute method of services](#add-a-call-to-spamactionservice-to-the-execute-method-of-services).
## Add `Spammable` support to the ActiveRecord model
1. Include the `Spammable` module in the model class:
include Spammable
1. Add: `attr_spammable` to indicate which fields can be checked for spam. Up to
two fields per model are supported: a "`title`" and a "`description`". You can
designate which fields to consider the "`title`" or "`description`". For example,
this line designates the `content` field as the `description`:
attr_spammable :content, spam_description: true
1. Add a `#check_for_spam?` method implementation:
def check_for_spam?(user:)
# Return a boolean result based on various applicable checks, which may include
# which attributes have changed, the type of user, whether the data is publicly
# visible, and other criteria. This may vary based on the type of model, and
# may change over time as spam checking requirements evolve.
Refer to other existing `Spammable` models'
implementations of this method for examples of the required logic checks.
## Add support for the `mark_as_spam` action to the controller
The `SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction` module adds support for a `#mark_as_spam` action
to a controller. This controller allows administrators to manage spam for the associated
`Spammable` model in the [Spam Log section](../../integration/ of the Admin Area page.
1. Include the `SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction` module in the controller.
include SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction
1. Add a `#spammable_path` method implementation. The spam administration page redirects
to this page after edits. Refer to other existing controllers' implementations
of this method for examples of the type of path logic required. In general, it should
be the `#show` action for the `Spammable` model's controller.
def spammable_path
There may be other changes needed to controllers, depending on how the feature is
implemented. See [Web UI]( for more details.
## Add a call to SpamActionService to the execute method of services
This approach applies to any service which can persist spammable attributes:
1. In the relevant Create or Update service under `app/services`, pass in a populated
`Spam::SpamParams` instance. (Refer to instructions later on in this page.)
1. Use it and the `Spammable` model instance to execute a `Spam::SpamActionService` instance.
1. If the spam check fails:
- An error is added to the model, which causes it to be invalid and prevents it from being saved.
- The `needs_recaptcha` property is set to `true`.
These changes to the model enable it for handling by the subsequent backend and frontend CAPTCHA logic.
Make these changes to each relevant service:
1. Change the constructor to take a `spam_params:` argument as a required named argument.
Using named arguments for the constructor helps you identify all the calls to
the constructor that need changing. It's less risky because the interpreter raises
type errors unless the caller is changed to pass the `spam_params` argument.
If you use an IDE (such as RubyMine) which supports this, your
IDE flags it as an error in the editor.
1. In the constructor, set the `@spam_params` instance variable from the `spam_params` constructor
argument. Add an `attr_reader: :spam_params` in the `private` section of the class.
1. In the `execute` method, add a call to execute the `Spam::SpamActionService`.
(You can also use `before_create` or `before_update`, if the service
uses that pattern.) This method uses named arguments, so its usage is clear if
you refer to existing examples. However, two important considerations exist:
1. The `SpamActionService` must be executed _after_ all necessary changes are made to
the unsaved (and dirty) `Spammable` model instance. This ordering ensures
spammable attributes exist to be spam-checked.
1. The `SpamActionService` must be executed _before_ the model is checked for errors and
attempting a `save`. If potential spam is detected in the model's changed attributes, we must prevent a save.
module Widget
class CreateService < ::Widget::BaseService
# NOTE: We require the spam_params and do not default it to nil, because
# spam_checking is likely to be necessary. However, if there is not a request available in scope
# in the caller (for example, a note created via email) and the required arguments to the
# SpamParams constructor are not otherwise available, spam_params: must be explicitly passed as nil.
def initialize(project:, current_user: nil, params: {}, spam_params:)
super(project: project, current_user: current_user, params: params)
@spam_params = spam_params
def execute
widget =, current_user, params).execute
# More code that may manipulate dirty model before it is spam checked.
# NOTE: do this AFTER the spammable model is instantiated, but BEFORE
# it is validated or saved.
spammable: widget,
spam_params: spam_params,
user: current_user,
# Or `action: :update` for a UpdateService or service for an existing model.
action: :create
# Possibly more code related to saving model, but should not change any attributes.
attr_reader :spam_params
stage: Manage
group: Authentication and Authorization
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Web UI spam protection and CAPTCHA support
The approach for adding spam protection and CAPTCHA support to a new UI area of the GitLab application
depends upon how the existing code is implemented.
## Supported scenarios of request submissions
Three different scenarios are supported. Two are used with JavaScript XHR/Fetch requests
for either Apollo or Axios, and one is used only with standard HTML form requests:
1. A JavaScript-based submission (possibly via Vue)
1. Using Apollo (GraphQL API via Fetch/XHR request)
1. Using Axios (REST API via Fetch/XHR request)
1. A standard HTML form submission (HTML request)
Some parts of the implementation depend upon which of these scenarios you must support.
## Implementation tasks specific to JavaScript XHR/Fetch requests
Two approaches are fully supported:
1. Apollo, using the GraphQL API.
1. Axios, using either the GraphQL API.
The spam and CAPTCHA-related data communication between the frontend and backend requires no
additional fields being added to the models. Instead, communication is handled:
- Through custom header values in the request.
- Through top-level JSON fields in the response.
The spam and CAPTCHA-related logic is also cleanly abstracted into reusable modules and helper methods
which can wrap existing logic, and only alter the existing flow if potential spam
is detected or a CAPTCHA display is needed. This approach allows the spam and CAPTCHA
support to be easily added to new areas of the application with minimal changes to
existing logic. In the case of the frontend, potentially **zero** changes are needed!
On the frontend, this is handled abstractly and transparently using `ApolloLink` for Apollo, and an
Axios interceptor for Axios. The CAPTCHA display is handled by a standard GitLab UI / Pajamas modal
component. You can find all the relevant frontend code under `app/assets/javascripts/captcha`.
However, even though the actual handling of the request interception and
modal is transparent, without any mandatory changes to the involved JavaScript or Vue components
for the form or page, changes in request or error handling may be required. Changes are needed
because the existing behavior may not work correctly: for example, if a failed or cancelled
CAPTCHA display interrupts the normal request flow or UI updates.
Careful exploratory testing of all scenarios is important to uncover any potential
This sequence diagram illustrates the normal CAPTCHA flow for JavaScript XHR/Fetch requests
on the frontend:
participant U as User
participant V as Vue/JS Application
participant A as ApolloLink or Axios Interceptor
participant G as GitLab API
U->>V: Save model
V->>A: Request
A->>G: Request
G--xA: Response with error and spam/CAPTCHA related fields
A->>U: CAPTCHA presented in modal
U->>A: CAPTCHA solved to obtain valid CAPTCHA response
A->>G: Request with valid CAPTCHA response and SpamLog ID in headers
G-->>A: Response with success
A-->>V: Response with success
The backend is also cleanly abstracted via mixin modules and helper methods. The three main
changes required to the relevant backend controller actions (normally just `create`/`update`) are:
1. Create a `SpamParams` parameter object instance based on the request, using the simple static
`#new_from_request` factory method. This method takes a request, and returns a `SpamParams` instance.
1. Pass the created `SpamParams` instance as the `spam_params` named argument to the
Service class constructor, which you should have already added. If the spam check indicates
the changes to the model are possibly spam, then:
- An error is added to the model.
- The `needs_recaptcha` property on the model is set to true.
1. Wrap the existing controller action return value (rendering or redirecting) in a block passed to
a `#with_captcha_check_json_format` helper method, which transparently handles:
1. Check if CAPTCHA is enabled, and if so, proceeding with the next step.
1. Checking if there the model contains an error, and the `needs_recaptcha` flag is true.
- If yes: Add the appropriate spam or CAPTCHA fields to the JSON response, and return
a `409 - Conflict` HTTP status code.
- If no (if CAPTCHA is disabled or if no spam was detected): The normal request return
logic passed in the block is run.
Thanks to the abstractions, it's more straightforward to implement than it is to explain it.
You don't have to worry much about the hidden details!
Make these changes:
## Add support to the controller actions
If the feature's frontend submits directly to controller actions, and does not only use the GraphQL
API, then you must add support to the appropriate controllers.
The action methods may be directly in the controller class, or they may be abstracted
to a module included in the controller class. Our example uses a module. The
only difference when directly modifying the controller:
`extend ActiveSupport::Concern` is not required.
module WidgetsActions
# NOTE: This `extend` probably already exists, but it MUST be moved to occur BEFORE all
# `include` statements. Otherwise, confusing bugs may occur in which the methods
# in the included modules cannot be found.
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include SpammableActions::CaptchaCheck::JsonFormatActionsSupport
def create
spam_params = ::Spam::SpamParams.new_from_request(request: request)
widget =
project: project,
current_user: current_user,
params: params,
spam_params: spam_params
respond_to do |format|
format.json do
with_captcha_check_json_format do
# The action's existing `render json: ...` (or wrapper method) and related logic. Possibly
# including different rendering cases if the model is valid or not. It's all wrapped here
# within the `with_captcha_check_json_format` block. For example:
if widget.valid?
render json: serializer.represent(widget)
render json: { errors: widget.errors.full_messages }, status: :unprocessable_entity
## Implementation tasks specific to HTML form requests
Some areas of the application have not been converted to use the GraphQL API via
a JavaScript client, but instead rely on standard Rails HAML form submissions via an
`HTML` MIME type request. In these areas, the action returns a pre-rendered HTML (HAML) page
as the response body. Unfortunately, in this case
[it is not possible](
to use any of the JavaScript-based frontend support as described above. Instead we must use an
alternate approach which handles the rendering of the CAPTCHA form via a HAML template.
Everything is still cleanly abstracted, and the implementation in the backend
controllers is virtually identical to the JavaScript/JSON based approach. Replace the
word `JSON` with `HTML` (using the appropriate case) in the module names and helper methods.
The action methods might be directly in the controller, or they
might be in a module. In this example, they are directly in the
controller, and we also do an `update` method instead of `create`:
class WidgetsController < ApplicationController
include SpammableActions::CaptchaCheck::HtmlFormatActionsSupport
def update
# Existing logic to find the `widget` model instance...
spam_params = ::Spam::SpamParams.new_from_request(request: request)
project: project,
current_user: current_user,
params: params,
spam_params: spam_params
respond_to do |format|
format.html do
if widget.valid?
# NOTE: `spammable_path` is required by the `SpammableActions::AkismetMarkAsSpamAction`
# module, and it should have already been implemented on this controller according to
# the instructions above. It is reused here to avoid duplicating the route helper call.
redirect_to spammable_path
# If we got here, there were errors on the model instance - from a failed spam check
# and/or other validation errors on the model. Either way, we'll re-render the form,
# and if a CAPTCHA render is necessary, it will be automatically handled by
# `with_captcha_check_html_format`
with_captcha_check_html_format { render :edit }
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