| `COVERAGE_FUZZING_BRANCH` | The branch for long-running fuzzing jobs. The default is `master`. |
| `COVFUZZ_BRANCH` | The branch for long-running fuzzing jobs. The default is `master`. |
| `CI_SEED_CORPUS` | Path to a seed corpus directory. The default is empty. |
| `COVFUZZ_SEED_CORPUS` | Path to a seed corpus directory. The default is empty. |
| `COVFUZZ_URL_PREFIX` | Path to the `gitlab-cov-fuzz` repository cloned for use with an offline environment. You should only change this when using an offline environment. The default value is `https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/gitlab-cov-fuzz/-/raw`. |
The files in the seed corpus (`CI_SEED_CORPUS`), if provided, aren't updated unless you commit new
The files in the seed corpus (`COVFUZZ_SEED_CORPUS`), if provided, aren't updated unless you commit new
files to your Git repository. There's usually no need to frequently update the seed corpus. As part
files to your Git repository. There's usually no need to frequently update the seed corpus. As part
of the GitLab artifacts system, GitLab saves in a corpus directory the new test cases that every run
of the GitLab artifacts system, GitLab saves in a corpus directory the new test cases that every run
generates. In any subsequent runs, GitLab also reuses the generated corpus together with the seed
generates. In any subsequent runs, GitLab also reuses the generated corpus together with the seed