Commit 87c9a763 authored by Achilleas Pipinellis's avatar Achilleas Pipinellis

Revise Pages settings-related UI text

parent ba77e7d7
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
= f.label :pages_https_only, class: pages_https_only_label_class do
= s_('GitLabPages|Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)')
- docs_link_start = "<a href='#{help_page_path('user/project/pages/custom_domains_ssl_tls_certification/index', anchor: 'force-https-for-gitlab-pages-websites')}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
= s_("GitLabPages|When enabled, all attempts to visit your website through HTTP are automatically redirected to HTTPS using a response with status code 301. Requires a valid certificate for all domains. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}").html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, link_end: link_end }
= f.submit s_('GitLabPages|Save'), class: 'btn btn-confirm gl-button'
......@@ -2,6 +2,5 @@
= sprite_icon("warning-solid", css_class: "gl-text-orange-600")
%strong= _("Warning:")
- pages_host =
= s_("GitLabPages|When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (%{pages_host}), you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains. This means that if your username/groupname contains a dot it will not work. This is a limitation of the HTTP Over TLS protocol. HTTP pages will continue to work provided you don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS.").html_safe % { pages_host: pages_host }
%strong= external_link(s_("GitLabPages|Learn more."), "")
- docs_link_start = "<a href='#{help_page_path('user/project/pages/introduction', anchor: 'limitations')}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
= s_("GitLabPages|When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (%{pages_host}), you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains. This means that if your username/groupname contains a dot it will not work. This is a limitation of the HTTP Over TLS protocol. HTTP pages will continue to work provided you don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}").html_safe % { pages_host: pages_host, docs_link_start: docs_link_start, link_end: link_end }
......@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
= s_('GitLabPages|Configure pages')
- docs_link_start = "<a href='#{help_page_path('user/project/pages/')}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- docs_link_start = "<a href='#{help_page_path('user/project/pages/index')}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- samples_link_start = "<a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- templates_link_start = "<a href='' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
= s_('GitLabPages|See the %{docs_link_start}GitLab Pages documentation%{link_end} to learn how to upload your static site and have GitLab serve it. You can also follow a %{samples_link_start}sample project%{link_end} or use a %{templates_link_start}GitLab CI template%{link_end}.').html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, samples_link_start: samples_link_start, templates_link_start: templates_link_start, link_end: link_end }
= s_('GitLabPages|Your Pages site is not configured yet. See the %{docs_link_start}GitLab Pages documentation%{link_end} to learn how to upload your static site and have GitLab serve it. You can also take some inspiration from the %{samples_link_start}sample Pages projects%{link_end}.').html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, samples_link_start: samples_link_start, link_end: link_end }
......@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
= s_('GitLabPages|New Domain')
= s_('GitLabPages|With GitLab Pages you can host your static websites on GitLab. Combined with the power of GitLab CI and the help of GitLab Runner you can deploy static pages for your individual projects, your user or your group.')
- docs_link_start = "<a href='#{help_page_path('user/project/pages/index')}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer'>".html_safe
- link_end = '</a>'.html_safe
= s_('GitLabPages|With GitLab Pages you can host your static website directly from your GitLab repository. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}').html_safe % { docs_link_start: docs_link_start, link_end: link_end }
= render 'pages_settings'
title: Review and revise Pages settings-related UI text
merge_request: 58479
type: other
......@@ -14531,9 +14531,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|It may take up to 30 minutes before the site is available after the first deployment."
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Learn more."
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Maximum size of pages (MB)"
msgstr ""
......@@ -14558,9 +14555,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Save"
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|See the %{docs_link_start}GitLab Pages documentation%{link_end} to learn how to upload your static site and have GitLab serve it. You can also follow a %{samples_link_start}sample project%{link_end} or use a %{templates_link_start}GitLab CI template%{link_end}."
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Something went wrong while obtaining the Let's Encrypt certificate for %{domain}. To retry visit your %{link_start}domain details%{link_end}."
msgstr ""
......@@ -14576,10 +14570,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Verified"
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (%{pages_host}), you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains. This means that if your username/groupname contains a dot it will not work. This is a limitation of the HTTP Over TLS protocol. HTTP pages will continue to work provided you don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS."
msgid "GitLabPages|When enabled, all attempts to visit your website through HTTP are automatically redirected to HTTPS using a response with status code 301. Requires a valid certificate for all domains. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|When using Pages under the general domain of a GitLab instance (%{pages_host}), you cannot use HTTPS with sub-subdomains. This means that if your username/groupname contains a dot it will not work. This is a limitation of the HTTP Over TLS protocol. HTTP pages will continue to work provided you don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|With GitLab Pages you can host your static website directly from your GitLab repository. %{docs_link_start}Learn more.%{link_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|With GitLab Pages you can host your static websites on GitLab. Combined with the power of GitLab CI and the help of GitLab Runner you can deploy static pages for your individual projects, your user or your group."
msgid "GitLabPages|Your Pages site is not configured yet. See the %{docs_link_start}GitLab Pages documentation%{link_end} to learn how to upload your static site and have GitLab serve it. You can also take some inspiration from the %{samples_link_start}sample Pages projects%{link_end}."
msgstr ""
msgid "GitLabPages|Your pages are served under:"
......@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'Pages edits pages settings', :js do
expect(page).not_to have_field(:project_pages_https_only)
expect(page).not_to have_content('Force HTTPS (requires valid certificates)')
expect(page).to have_button('Save')
......@@ -73,6 +73,6 @@ RSpec.describe 'User searches project settings', :js do
visit project_pages_path(project)
it_behaves_like 'can highlight results', 'static websites'
it_behaves_like 'can highlight results', 'static website'
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