Commit 89207201 authored by Kamil Trzciński's avatar Kamil Trzciński Committed by Achilleas Pipinellis

EE: Add documentation for archive builds

parent 6bf1794a
......@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
<code>4 mins 2 sec</code>, <code>2h42min</code>.
= link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('user/admin_area/settings/continuous_integration', anchor: 'default-artifacts-expiration')
= f.label :archive_builds_in_human_readable, 'Archive builds in', class: 'label-bold'
= f.label :archive_builds_in_human_readable, 'Archive jobs', class: 'label-bold'
= f.text_field :archive_builds_in_human_readable, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'never'
Set the duration when build gonna be considered old. Archived builds cannot be retried.
Make it empty to never expire builds. It has to be larger than 1 day.
The default unit is in seconds, but you can define an alternative. For example:
<code>4 mins 2 sec</code>, <code>2h42min</code>.
Set the duration for which the jobs will be considered as old and expired.
Once that time passes, the jobs will be archived and no longer able to be
retried. Make it empty to never expire jobs. It has to be no less than 1 day,
for example: <code>15 days</code>, <code>1 month</code>, <code>2 years</code>.
= f.submit 'Save changes', class: "btn btn-success"
......@@ -91,3 +91,19 @@ You can see there an overview of the pipeline minutes quota of all projects of
the group.
![Group pipelines quota](img/group_pipelines_quota.png)
## Archive jobs **[CORE ONLY]**
Archiving jobs is useful for reducing the CI/CD footprint on the system by
removing some of the capabilities of the jobs (metadata needed to run the job),
but persisting the traces and artifacts for auditing purposes.
To set the duration for which the jobs will be considered as old and expired:
1. Go to **Admin area > Settings > CI/CD > Continuous Integration and Deployment**.
1. Change the value of "Archive jobs".
1. Hit **Save changes** for the changes to take effect.
Once that time passes, the jobs will be archived and no longer able to be
retried. Make it empty to never expire jobs. It has to be no less than 1 day,
for example: <code>15 days</code>, <code>1 month</code>, <code>2 years</code>.
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