Commit 8e02caff authored by Douwe Maan 🎆  Back on Jan 2!'s avatar Douwe Maan 🎆 Back on Jan 2!

Merge branch 'rs-empty-lambda-parameter' into 'master'

Resolve Style/EmptyLambdaParameter violations

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!3877
parents 8c46b1b2 390dd939
......@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ module EE
SAST_CONTAINER_FILE = 'gl-sast-container-report.json'.freeze
included do
scope :codequality, ->() { where(name: %w[codequality codeclimate]) }
scope :performance, ->() { where(name: %w[performance deploy]) }
scope :sast, ->() { where(name: 'sast') }
scope :sast_container, ->() { where(name: 'sast:container') }
scope :codequality, -> { where(name: %w[codequality codeclimate]) }
scope :performance, -> { where(name: %w[performance deploy]) }
scope :sast, -> { where(name: 'sast') }
scope :sast_container, -> { where(name: 'sast:container') }
after_save :stick_build_if_status_changed
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