%label.append-bottom-0.js-cluster-enable-toggle-area{title: s_('ClusterIntegration|Enable or disable GitLab\'s connection to your Kubernetes cluster.'),data: {toggle: 'tooltip',container: 'body'}}
=s_("ClusterIntegration| is the default environment scope for this cluster. This means that all jobs, regardless of their environment, will use this cluster. %{environment_scope_start}More information%{environment_scope_end}").html_safe%{environment_scope_start: environment_scope_start,environment_scope_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
=s_("ClusterIntegration| is the default environment scope for this cluster. This means that all jobs, regardless of their environment, will use this cluster. %{environment_scope_start}More information%{environment_scope_end}").html_safe%{environment_scope_start: environment_scope_start,environment_scope_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
@@ -29,7 +31,8 @@
@@ -29,7 +31,8 @@
=s_('ClusterIntegration|Specifying a domain will allow you to use Auto Review Apps and Auto Deploy stages for %{auto_devops_start}Auto DevOps%{auto_devops_end}. The domain should have a wildcard DNS configured matching the domain.').html_safe%{auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start,auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
=s_('ClusterIntegration|Specifying a domain will allow you to use Auto Review Apps and Auto Deploy stages for %{auto_devops_start}Auto DevOps%{auto_devops_end}. The domain should have a wildcard DNS configured matching the domain.').html_safe%{auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start,auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe}
%p.settings-message.text-center=s_("ClusterIntegration|In order to view the health of your cluster, you must first install Prometheus below.")
%p.settings-message.text-center=s_("ClusterIntegration|In order to view the health of your cluster, you must first install Prometheus in the Applications tab.")