Commit 91cd678b authored by Amy Troschinetz's avatar Amy Troschinetz

Small fix to make strategy spec faster

parent 89e0628e
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
let_it_be(:feature_flag) { create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project) }
describe 'validations' do
it do
......@@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'skips parameters validation' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: invalid_name, parameters: { bad: 'params' })
......@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must have valid parameters for the strategy' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId', parameters: invalid_parameters)
......@@ -45,7 +44,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'allows the parameters in any order' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { percentage: '10', groupId: 'mygroup' })
......@@ -61,7 +59,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { groupId: 'mygroup', percentage: invalid_value })
......@@ -75,7 +72,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { groupId: 'mygroup', percentage: valid_value })
......@@ -92,7 +88,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { groupId: invalid_value, percentage: '40' })
......@@ -106,7 +101,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { groupId: valid_value, percentage: '40' })
......@@ -129,7 +123,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must have valid parameters for the strategy' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
parameters: invalid_parameters)
......@@ -144,7 +137,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
[:groupId, 'mygroup']
].permutation(3).each do |parameters|
it "allows the parameters in the order #{ { |p| p.first }.join(', ')}" do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
parameters: Hash[parameters])
......@@ -159,7 +151,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
"\n", "\t", "\n10", "20\n", "\n100", "100\n", "\n ", nil])
with_them do
it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: 'DEFAULT', groupId: 'mygroup', rollout: invalid_value }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -174,7 +165,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
where(valid_value: %w[0 1 10 38 100 93])
with_them do
it 'must be a string value between 0 and 100 inclusive and without a percentage sign' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: 'DEFAULT', groupId: 'mygroup', rollout: valid_value }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -190,7 +180,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
'!bad', '.bad', 'Bad', 'bad1', "", " ", "b" * 33, "ba_d", "ba\nd"])
with_them do
it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: 'DEFAULT', groupId: invalid_value, rollout: '40' }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -203,7 +192,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
where(valid_value: ["somegroup", "anothergroup", "okay", "g", "a" * 32])
with_them do
it 'must be a string value of up to 32 lowercase characters' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: 'DEFAULT', groupId: valid_value, rollout: '40' }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -218,7 +206,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
where(invalid_value: [nil, " ", "default", "DEFAULT\n", "UserId", "USER", "USERID "])
with_them do
it 'must be a string representing a supported stickiness setting' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: invalid_value, groupId: 'mygroup', rollout: '40' }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -233,7 +220,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be a string representing a supported stickiness setting' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
parameters = { stickiness: valid_value, groupId: 'mygroup', rollout: '40' }
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -251,7 +237,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must have valid parameters for the strategy' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'userWithId', parameters: invalid_parameters)
......@@ -268,7 +253,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'is valid with a string of comma separated values' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: valid_value })
......@@ -283,7 +267,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'is invalid' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'userWithId', parameters: { userIds: invalid_value })
......@@ -301,7 +284,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be empty' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'default',
parameters: invalid_value)
......@@ -311,7 +293,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'must be empty' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'default',
parameters: {})
......@@ -326,7 +307,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
with_them do
it 'must be empty' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gitlabUserList',
parameters: invalid_value)
......@@ -336,7 +316,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'must be empty' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gitlabUserList',
parameters: {})
......@@ -349,7 +328,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
describe 'associations' do
context 'when name is gitlabUserList' do
it 'is valid when associated with a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gitlabUserList',
......@@ -360,7 +338,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is invalid without a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gitlabUserList',
parameters: {})
......@@ -370,7 +347,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is invalid when associated with a user list from another project' do
other_project = create(:project)
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: other_project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gitlabUserList',
......@@ -383,7 +359,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
context 'when name is default' do
it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'default',
......@@ -394,7 +369,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is valid without a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'default',
parameters: {})
......@@ -405,7 +379,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
context 'when name is userWithId' do
it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'userWithId',
......@@ -416,7 +389,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is valid without a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'userWithId',
parameters: { userIds: 'user1' })
......@@ -427,7 +399,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
context 'when name is gradualRolloutUserId' do
it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
......@@ -438,7 +409,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is valid without a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'gradualRolloutUserId',
parameters: { groupId: 'default', percentage: '10' })
......@@ -449,7 +419,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
context 'when name is flexibleRollout' do
it 'is invalid when associated with a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
user_list = create(:operations_feature_flag_user_list, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
......@@ -462,7 +431,6 @@ RSpec.describe Operations::FeatureFlags::Strategy do
it 'is valid without a user list' do
feature_flag = create(:operations_feature_flag, project: project)
strategy = described_class.create(feature_flag: feature_flag,
name: 'flexibleRollout',
parameters: { groupId: 'default',
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