Commit 946943c8 authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read Committed by Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski

Refactor rotate token and Rugged docs

parent 570a583c
......@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ exceptions:
......@@ -789,207 +789,212 @@ Though the name of the Prometheus metric contains `rate_limiting`, it is a concu
a rate limiter. If a Gitaly client makes 1000 requests in a row very quickly, concurrency will not
exceed 1 and the concurrency limiter has no effect.
## Rotating a Gitaly authentication token
## Rotate Gitaly authentication token
Rotating credentials in a production environment often either requires
downtime, or causes outages, or both. If you are careful, though, you
*can* rotate Gitaly credentials without a service interruption.
Rotating credentials in a production environment often requires downtime, causes outages, or both.
This procedure also works if you are running GitLab on a single server.
In that case, "Gitaly server" and "Gitaly client" refers to the same
However, you can rotate Gitaly credentials without a service interruption. Rotating a Gitaly
authentication token involves:
### 1. Monitor current authentication behavior
- [Verifying authentication monitoring](#verify-authentication-monitoring).
- [Enabling "auth transitioning" mode](#enable-auth-transitioning-mode).
- [Updating Gitaly authentication tokens](#update-gitaly-authentication-token).
- [Ensuring there are no authentication failures](#ensure-there-are-no-authentication-failures).
- [Disabling "auth transitioning" mode](#disable-auth-transitioning-mode).
- [Verifying authentication is enforced](#verify-authentication-is-enforced).
Use Prometheus to see what the current authentication behavior of your
GitLab installation is.
This procedure also works if you are running GitLab on a single server. In that case, "Gitaly
server" and "Gitaly client" refers to the same machine.
### Verify authentication monitoring
Before rotating a Gitaly authentication token, verify that you can monitor the authentication
behavior of your GitLab installation using Prometheus. Use the following Prometheus query:
sum(rate(gitaly_authentications_total[5m])) by (enforced, status)
In a system where authentication is configured correctly, and where you
have live traffic, you will see something like this:
In a system where authentication is configured correctly and where you have live traffic, you will
see something like this:
{enforced="true",status="ok"} 4424.985419441742
There may also be other numbers with rate 0. We only care about the
non-zero numbers.
There may also be other numbers with rate 0. We only care about the non-zero numbers.
The only non-zero number should have `enforced="true",status="ok"`. If
you have other non-zero numbers, something is wrong in your
The only non-zero number should have `enforced="true",status="ok"`. If you have other non-zero
numbers, something is wrong in your configuration.
The `status="ok"` number reflects your current request rate. In the example
above, Gitaly is handling about 4000 requests per second.
The `status="ok"` number reflects your current request rate. In the example above, Gitaly is
handling about 4000 requests per second.
Now you have established that you can monitor the Gitaly authentication
behavior of your GitLab installation.
Now that you have established that you can monitor the Gitaly authentication behavior of your GitLab
installation, you can begin the rest of the procedure.
### 2. Reconfigure all Gitaly servers to be in "auth transitioning" mode
### Enable "auth transitioning" mode
The second step is to temporarily disable authentication on the Gitaly servers.
Temporarily disable Gitaly authentication on the Gitaly servers by putting them into "auth
transitioning" mode as follows:
# in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitaly['auth_transitioning'] = true
After you have applied this, your Prometheus query should return
something like this:
After you have made this change, your [Prometheus query](#verify-authentication-monitoring)
should return something like:
{enforced="false",status="would be ok"} 4424.985419441742
Because `enforced="false"`, it will be safe to start rolling out the new
Because `enforced="false"`, it is safe to start rolling out the new token.
### 3. Update Gitaly token on all clients and servers
### Update Gitaly authentication token
# in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
To update to a new Gitaly authentication token, on each Gitaly client **and** Gitaly server:
gitaly['auth_token'] = 'my new secret token'
1. Update the configuration:
Remember to apply this on both your Gitaly clients *and* servers. If you
check your Prometheus query while this change is being rolled out, you
will see non-zero values for the `enforced="false",status="denied"` counter.
# in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitaly['auth_token'] = '<new secret token>'
### 4. Use Prometheus to ensure there are no authentication failures
1. Restart Gitaly:
After you applied the Gitaly token change everywhere, and all services
involved have been restarted, you should will temporarily see a mix of
`status="would be ok"` and `status="denied"`.
gitlab-ctl restart gitaly
After the new token has been picked up by all Gitaly clients and
servers, the **only non-zero rate** should be
`enforced="false",status="would be ok"`.
If you run your [Prometheus query](#verify-authentication-monitoring) while this change is
being rolled out, you will see non-zero values for the `enforced="false",status="denied"` counter.
### 5. Disable "auth transitioning" Mode
### Ensure there are no authentication failures
Now we turn off the 'auth transitioning' mode. These final steps are
important: without them, you have **no authentication**.
After the new token is set, and all services involved have been restarted, you will
[temporarily see](#verify-authentication-monitoring) a mix of:
Update the configuration on your Gitaly servers:
- `status="would be ok"`.
- `status="denied"`.
After the new token has been picked up by all Gitaly clients and Gitaly servers, the
**only non-zero rate** should be `enforced="false",status="would be ok"`.
### Disable "auth transitioning" mode
To re-enable Gitaly authentication, disable "auth transitioning" mode. Update the configuration on
your Gitaly servers as follows:
# in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
gitaly['auth_transitioning'] = false
### 6. Verify that authentication is enforced again
CAUTION: **Caution:**
Without completing this step, you have **no Gitaly authentication**.
### Verify authentication is enforced
Refresh your Prometheus query. You should now see the same kind of
result as you did in the beginning:
Refresh your [Prometheus query](#verify-authentication-monitoring). You should now see a similar
result as you did at the start. For example:
{enforced="true",status="ok"} 4424.985419441742
Note that `enforced="true"`, meaning that authentication is being enforced.
Note that `enforced="true"` means that authentication is being enforced.
## Direct Git access in GitLab Rails
## Direct access to Git in GitLab
Also known as "the Rugged patches".
Direct access to Git uses code in GitLab known as the "Rugged patches".
### History
Before Gitaly existed, the things that are now Gitaly clients used to
access Git repositories directly. Either on a local disk in the case of
e.g. a single-machine Omnibus GitLab installation, or via NFS in the
case of a horizontally scaled GitLab installation.
Before Gitaly existed, what are now Gitaly clients used to access Git repositories directly, either:
Besides running plain `git` commands, in GitLab Rails we also used to
use a Ruby gem (library) called
- On a local disk in the case of a single-machine Omnibus GitLab installation
- Using NFS in the case of a horizontally-scaled GitLab installation.
Besides running plain `git` commands, GitLab used to use a Ruby library called
[Rugged]( Rugged is a wrapper around
[libgit2](, a stand-alone implementation of Git in
the form of a C library.
Over time it has become clear to use that Rugged, and particularly
Rugged in combination with the [Unicorn](
web server, is extremely efficient. Because libgit2 is a *library* and
not an external process, there was very little overhead between GitLab
application code that tried to look up data in Git repositories, and the
Git implementation itself.
Because Rugged+Unicorn was so efficient, GitLab's application code ended
up with lots of duplicate Git object lookups (like looking up the
`master` commit a dozen times in one request). We could write
inefficient code without being punished for it.
When we migrated these Git lookups to Gitaly calls, we were suddenly
getting a much higher fixed cost per Git lookup. Even when Gitaly is
able to re-use an already-running `git` process to look up e.g. a commit
you still have the cost of a network roundtrip to Gitaly, and within
Gitaly a write/read roundtrip on the Unix pipes that connect Gitaly to
the `git` process.
Using performance as our yardstick, we pushed down the number
of Gitaly calls per request until the loss of Rugged's efficiency was no
longer felt. It also helped that we run Gitaly itself directly on the
Git file severs, rather than via NFS mounts: this gave us a speed boost
that counteracted the negative effect of not using Rugged anymore.
Unfortunately, some *other* deployments of GitLab could not ditch NFS
like we did on and they got the worst of both worlds: the
slowness of NFS and the increased inherent overhead of Gitaly.
As a performance band-aid for these stuck-on-NFS deployments, we
re-introduced some of the old Rugged code that got deleted from
GitLab Rails during the Gitaly migration project. These pieces of
re-introduced code are informally referred to as "the Rugged patches".
### Activation of direct Git access in GitLab Rails
The Ruby methods that perform direct Git access are hidden behind [feature
flags](../../development/ These feature
flags are off by default. It is not good if you need to know about
feature flags to get the best performance so in a second iteration, we
added an automatic mechanism that will enable direct Git access.
When GitLab Rails calls a function that has a Rugged patch it performs
two checks. The result of both of these checks is cached.
1. Is the feature flag for this patch set in the database? If so, do
what the feature flag says.
1. If the feature flag is not set (i.e. neither true nor false), try to
see if we can access filesystem underneath the Gitaly server
directly. If so, use the Rugged patch.
To see if GitLab Rails can access the repository filesystem directly, we use
the following heuristic:
- Gitaly ensures that the filesystem has a metadata file in its root
with a UUID in it.
- Gitaly reports this UUID to GitLab Rails via the `ServerInfo` RPC.
- GitLab Rails tries to read the metadata file directly. If it exists,
and if the UUID's match, assume we have direct access.
Because of the way the UUID check works, and because Omnibus GitLab will
fill in the correct repository paths in the GitLab Rails config file
`config/gitlab.yml`, **direct Git access in GitLab Rails is on by default in
### Plans to remove direct Git access in GitLab Rails
For the sake of removing complexity it is desirable that we get rid of
direct Git access in GitLab Rails. For as long as some GitLab installations are stuck
with Git repositories on slow NFS, however, we cannot just remove them.
There are two prongs to our efforts to remove direct Git access in GitLab Rails:
1. Reduce the number of (inefficient) Gitaly queries made by
GitLab Rails.
1. Persuade everybody who runs a Highly Available / horizontally scaled
GitLab installation to move off of NFS.
The second prong is the only real solution. For this we need [Gitaly
which is still under development as of December 2019.
[libgit2](, a stand-alone implementation of Git in the form of a C library.
Over time it became clear that Rugged, particularly in combination with
[Unicorn](, is extremely efficient. Because `libgit2` is a library and
not an external process, there was very little overhead between:
- GitLab application code that tried to look up data in Git repositories.
- The Git implementation itself.
Because the combination of Rugged and Unicorn was so efficient, GitLab's application code ended up with lots of
duplicate Git object lookups. For example, looking up the `master` commit a dozen times in one
request. We could write inefficient code without poor performance.
When we migrated these Git lookups to Gitaly calls, we suddenly had a much higher fixed cost per Git
lookup. Even when Gitaly is able to re-use an already-running `git` process (for example, to look up
a commit), you still have:
- The cost of a network roundtrip to Gitaly.
- Within Gitaly, a write/read roundtrip on the Unix pipes that connect Gitaly to the `git` process.
Using to measure, we reduced the number of Gitaly calls per request until the loss of
Rugged's efficiency was no longer felt. It also helped that we run Gitaly itself directly on the Git
file severs, rather than via NFS mounts. This gave us a speed boost that counteracted the negative
effect of not using Rugged anymore.
Unfortunately, other deployments of GitLab could not remove NFS like we did on, and they
got the worst of both worlds:
- The slowness of NFS.
- The increased inherent overhead of Gitaly.
The code removed from GitLab during the Gitaly migration project affected these deployments. As a
performance workaround for these NFS-based deployments, we re-introduced some of the old Rugged
code. This re-introduced code is informally referred to as the "Rugged patches".
### How it works
The Ruby methods that perform direct Git access are behind
[feature flags](../../development/, disabled by default. It wasn't
convenient to set feature flags to get the best performance, so we added an automatic mechanism that
enables direct Git access.
When GitLab calls a function that has a "Rugged patch", it performs two checks:
- Is the feature flag for this patch set in the database? If so, the feature flag setting controls
GitLab's use of "Rugged patch" code.
- If the feature flag is not set, GitLab tries accessing the filesystem underneath the
Gitaly server directly. If it can, it will use the "Rugged patch".
The result of both of these checks is cached.
To see if GitLab can access the repository filesystem directly, we use the following heuristic:
- Gitaly ensures that the filesystem has a metadata file in its root with a UUID in it.
- Gitaly reports this UUID to GitLab via the `ServerInfo` RPC.
- GitLab Rails tries to read the metadata file directly. If it exists, and if the UUID's match,
assume we have direct access.
Direct Git access is enable by default in Omnibus GitLab because it fills in the correct repository
paths in the GitLab configuration file `config/gitlab.yml`. This satisfies the UUID check.
### Transition to Gitaly Cluster
For the sake of removing complexity, we must remove direct Git access in GitLab. However, we can't
remove it as long some GitLab installations require Git repositories on NFS.
There are two facets to our efforts to remove direct Git access in GitLab:
- Reduce the number of inefficient Gitaly queries made by GitLab.
- Persuade administrators of fault-tolerant or horizontally-scaled GitLab instances to migrate off
The second facet presents the only real solution. For this, we developed
[Gitaly Cluster](
## Troubleshooting Gitaly
# Switching to Puma
## Puma
As of GitLab 12.9, [Puma]( has replaced [Unicorn](
as the default web server. Starting with 13.0, both all-in-one package based
installations as well as Helm chart based installations will run Puma instead of
Unicorn unless explicitly specified not to.
as the default web server. From GitLab 13.0, the following run Puma instead of Unicorn unless
explicitly configured not to:
- All-in-one package-based installations.
- Helm chart-based installations.
## Why switch to Puma?
......@@ -32,10 +32,12 @@ Additionally we strongly recommend that multi-node deployments [configure their
## Performance caveat when using Puma with Rugged
For deployments where NFS is used to store Git repository, we allow GitLab to use
[Direct Git Access](../gitaly/#direct-git-access-in-gitlab-rails) to improve performance via usage of [Rugged](
[direct Git access](../gitaly/ to improve performance using
Rugged usage is automatically enabled if Direct Git Access is present, unless it
is disabled by [feature flags](../../development/
Rugged usage is automatically enabled if direct Git access
[is available](../gitaly/, unless it is disabled by
[feature flags](../../development/
MRI Ruby uses a GVL. This allows MRI Ruby to be multi-threaded, but running at
most on a single core. Since Rugged can use a thread for long periods of
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