=_("The Issue Tracker is the place to add things that need to be improved or solved in a project. You can register or sign in to create issues for this project.")
=_("The Issue Tracker is the place to add things that need to be improved or solved in a project. You can register or sign in to create issues for this project.")
-create_link=link_tos_('WikiEmpty|Create your first page'),create_path,class: 'btn gl-button btn-success qa-create-first-page-link',title: s_('WikiEmpty|Create your first page')
-create_link=link_tos_('WikiEmpty|Create your first page'),create_path,class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm qa-create-first-page-link',title: s_('WikiEmpty|Create your first page')
-new_issue_link=link_tos_('WikiEmpty|Suggest wiki improvement'),new_project_issue_path(@project),class: 'btn gl-button btn-success',title: s_('WikiEmptyIssueMessage|Suggest wiki improvement')
-new_issue_link=link_tos_('WikiEmpty|Suggest wiki improvement'),new_project_issue_path(@project),class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm',title: s_('WikiEmptyIssueMessage|Suggest wiki improvement')