Commit 9a7159e5 authored by Sam Beckham's avatar Sam Beckham Committed by Fatih Acet

Makes the sec dashboard empty state a scoped slot

- Defaults to a generic empty state message.
- Set explicit messages for:
- - Group Dashboard
- - Project Dashboard
- - Pipeline Dashboard
parent 1c10562d
title: Use better context-specific empty state screens for the Security Dashboards
merge_request: 18382
type: changed
import Vue from 'vue';
import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { s__ } from '~/locale';
import Translate from '~/vue_shared/translate';
import createDashboardStore from 'ee/security_dashboard/store';
import SecurityDashboardApp from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/app.vue';
......@@ -24,8 +26,6 @@ const initSecurityDashboardApp = el => {
render(createElement) {
return createElement(SecurityDashboardApp, {
props: {
lockToProject: {
id: parseInt(projectId, 10),
......@@ -38,6 +38,22 @@ const initSecurityDashboardApp = el => {
updateBadgeCount('.js-security-counter', count);
scopedSlots: {
emptyState: () =>
createElement(GlEmptyState, {
props: {
title: s__(`No vulnerabilities found for this pipeline`),
svgPath: emptyStateSvgPath,
description: s__(
`While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your pipeline, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure all security scanning jobs have passed successfully.`,
primaryButtonLink: dashboardDocumentation,
primaryButtonText: s__(
'Security Reports|Learn more about setting up your dashboard',
......@@ -17,14 +17,6 @@ export default {
props: {
dashboardDocumentation: {
type: String,
required: true,
emptyStateSvgPath: {
type: String,
required: true,
vulnerabilitiesEndpoint: {
type: String,
required: true,
......@@ -146,10 +138,11 @@ export default {
<div class="row mt-4">
<article class="col" :class="{ 'col-xl-7': !isLockedToProject }">
<template #emptyState>
<slot name="emptyState"></slot>
<aside v-if="shouldShowChart" class="col-xl-5">
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui';
import SecurityDashboard from './app.vue';
export default {
name: 'GroupSecurityDashboard',
components: {
props: {
......@@ -49,11 +51,23 @@ export default {
<template #emptyState>
:title="s__(`No vulnerabilities found for this group`)"
`While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your group, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly.`,
:primary-button-text="s__('Security Reports|Learn more about setting up your dashboard')"
......@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ export default {
......@@ -11,16 +11,6 @@ export default {
props: {
dashboardDocumentation: {
type: String,
required: true,
emptyStateSvgPath: {
type: String,
required: true,
computed: {
...mapState('vulnerabilities', [
......@@ -92,18 +82,16 @@ export default {
@openModal="openModal({ vulnerability })"
<slot v-if="showEmptyState" name="emptyState">
:title="s__(`Security Reports|We've found no vulnerabilities for your group`)"
:title="s__(`We've found no vulnerabilities`)"
`Security Reports|While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your group, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you please double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly.`,
`While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you please double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly.`,
:primary-button-text="s__('Security Reports|Learn more about setting up your dashboard')"
......@@ -135,13 +135,27 @@ export default {
<h4 class="mt-4 mb-3">{{ __('Vulnerabilities') }}</h4>
<template #emptyState>
:title="s__(`No vulnerabilities found for this project`)"
`While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your project, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly.`,
s__('Security Reports|Learn more about setting up your dashboard')
:title="s__('SecurityDashboard|Monitor vulnerabilities in your code')"
......@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ describe('Security Dashboard app', () => {
propsData: {
dashboardDocumentation: '',
emptyStateSvgPath: '',
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import GroupSecurityDashboard from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/group_security_dashboard.vue';
import SecurityDashboard from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/app.vue';
......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ describe('Group Security Dashboard component', () => {
let store;
let wrapper;
const factory = () => {
const factory = options => {
store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
projects: {
......@@ -45,6 +46,7 @@ describe('Group Security Dashboard component', () => {
......@@ -69,8 +71,6 @@ describe('Group Security Dashboard component', () => {
......@@ -79,4 +79,20 @@ describe('Group Security Dashboard component', () => {
describe('with a stubbed dashboard for slot testing', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
stubs: {
'security-dashboard': { template: '<div><slot name="emptyState"></slot></div>' },
it('renders empty state component with correct props', () => {
const emptyState = wrapper.find(GlEmptyState);
expect(emptyState.attributes('title')).toBe('No vulnerabilities found for this group');
......@@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ describe('Instance Security Dashboard component', () => {
expectComponentWithProps(SecurityDashboard, {
emptyStateSvgPath: emptyDashboardStateSvgPath,
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import { shallowMount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { GlEmptyState } from '@gitlab/ui';
import component from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/security_dashboard_table.vue';
import SecurityDashboardTable from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/security_dashboard_table.vue';
import SecurityDashboardTableRow from 'ee/security_dashboard/components/security_dashboard_table_row.vue';
import createStore from 'ee/security_dashboard/store';
import { TEST_HOST } from 'spec/test_constants';
import { mountComponentWithStore } from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper';
import {
......@@ -11,37 +12,37 @@ import {
} from 'ee/security_dashboard/store/modules/vulnerabilities/mutation_types';
import { resetStore } from '../helpers';
import mockDataVulnerabilities from '../store/vulnerabilities/data/mock_data_vulnerabilities.json';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
describe('Security Dashboard Table', () => {
const Component = Vue.extend(component);
const vulnerabilitiesEndpoint = '/vulnerabilitiesEndpoint.json';
const props = {
dashboardDocumentation: TEST_HOST,
emptyStateSvgPath: TEST_HOST,
let store;
let vm;
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
store = createStore();
wrapper = shallowMount(SecurityDashboardTable, {
sync: false,
store.state.vulnerabilities.vulnerabilitiesEndpoint = vulnerabilitiesEndpoint;
afterEach(() => {
describe('while loading', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
vm = mountComponentWithStore(Component, { store, props });
it('should render 10 skeleton rows in the table', () => {
......@@ -51,11 +52,10 @@ describe('Security Dashboard Table', () => {
vulnerabilities: mockDataVulnerabilities,
pageInfo: {},
vm = mountComponentWithStore(Component, { store, props });
it('should render a row for each vulnerability', () => {
......@@ -67,26 +67,46 @@ describe('Security Dashboard Table', () => {
vulnerabilities: [],
pageInfo: {},
vm = mountComponentWithStore(Component, { store, props });
it('should render the empty state', () => {
describe('on error', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
vm = mountComponentWithStore(Component, { store, props });
it('should not render the empty state', () => {
it('should render the error alert', () => {
describe('with a custom empty state', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
wrapper = shallowMount(SecurityDashboardTable, {
sync: false,
slots: {
emptyState: '<div class="customEmptyState">Hello World</div>',
store.commit(`vulnerabilities/${RECEIVE_VULNERABILITIES_SUCCESS}`, {
vulnerabilities: [],
pageInfo: {},
it('should render the custom empty state', () => {
"id": 1,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Insecure variable usage",
"severity": "critical",
"confidence": "high",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / binaries"
"dismissal_feedback": null,
"issue_feedback": null,
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"instances": [
"param": "X-Content-Type-Options",
"method": "GET",
"uri": ""
"param": "X-Content-Type-Options",
"method": "GET",
"uri": ""
"id": 2,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Insecure variable usage",
"severity": "critical",
"confidence": "high",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / quality / staging"
"dismissal_feedback": null,
"issue_feedback": null,
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"id": 3,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Insecure variable usage",
"severity": "medium",
"confidence": "",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / licence-management"
"dismissal_feedback": {
"id": 1,
"project_id": 1,
"author": {
"id": 6,
"name": "John Doe7",
"username": "user6",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "http://localhost/user6",
"status_tooltip_html": null,
"path": "/user6"
"issue_iid": null,
"pipeline": {
"id": 2,
"path": "/namespace5/project5/pipelines/2"
"category": "sast",
"feedback_type": "dismissal",
"branch": "master",
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"destroy_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": ""
"issue_feedback": null,
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"id": 4,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Insecure variable usage",
"severity": "high",
"confidence": "low",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / codequality"
"dismissal_feedback": null,
"issue_feedback": {
"id": 2,
"project_id": 1,
"author": {
"id": 8,
"name": "John Doe9",
"username": "user8",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "http://localhost/user8",
"status_tooltip_html": null,
"path": "/user8"
"issue_iid": 1,
"pipeline": {
"id": 3,
"path": "/namespace6/project6/pipelines/3"
"issue_url": "http://localhost/namespace1/project1/issues/1",
"category": "sast",
"feedback_type": "issue",
"branch": "master",
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4"
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"id": 5,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Remote command execution due to flaw in the include params attribute of URL and Anchor tags for org.apache.struts/struts2core",
"severity": "low",
"confidence": "",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / staging"
"dismissal_feedback": {
"id": 1,
"project_id": 1,
"author": {
"id": 6,
"name": "John Doe7",
"username": "user6",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "http://localhost/user6",
"status_tooltip_html": null,
"path": "/user6"
"issue_iid": null,
"pipeline": {
"id": 2,
"path": "/namespace5/project5/pipelines/2"
"category": "sast",
"feedback_type": "dismissal",
"branch": "master",
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"destroy_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": ""
"issue_feedback": {
"id": 2,
"project_id": 1,
"author": {
"id": 8,
"name": "John Doe9",
"username": "user8",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "http://localhost/user8",
"status_tooltip_html": null,
"path": "/user8"
"issue_iid": 1,
"pipeline": {
"id": 3,
"path": "/namespace6/project6/pipelines/3"
"issue_url": "http://localhost/namespace1/project1/issues/1",
"category": "sast",
"feedback_type": "issue",
"branch": "master",
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4"
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"id": 6,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Doorkeeper Gem does not revoke token for public clients",
"severity": "unknown",
"confidence": "",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / binaries"
"dismissal_feedback": null,
"issue_feedback": null,
"create_vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"create_vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"id": 7,
"report_type": "sast",
"name": "Insecure variable usage",
"severity": "high",
"confidence": "low",
"scanner": {
"external_id": "find_sec_bugs",
"name": "Find Security Bugs"
"identifiers": [
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"external_type": "CVE",
"external_id": "CVE-2018-1234",
"name": "CVE-2018-1234",
"url": ""
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4",
"project": {
"id": 1,
"name": "project1",
"full_path": "/namespace1/project1",
"full_name": " / security-products / codequality"
"dismissal_feedback": null,
"issue_feedback": {
"id": 7,
"project_id": 1,
"author": {
"id": 8,
"name": "John Doe9",
"username": "user8",
"state": "active",
"avatar_url": "",
"web_url": "http://localhost/user8",
"status_tooltip_html": null,
"path": "/user8"
"issue_iid": null,
"pipeline": {
"id": 3,
"path": "/namespace6/project6/pipelines/3"
"issue_url": null,
"category": "sast",
"feedback_type": "issue",
"branch": "master",
"project_fingerprint": "4e5b6966dd100170b4b1ad599c7058cce91b57b4"
"vulnerability_feedback_issue_path": "",
"vulnerability_feedback_dismissal_path": "",
"description": "The cipher does not provide data integrity update 1",
"solution": "GCM mode introduces an HMAC into the resulting encrypted data, providing integrity of the result.",
"location": {
"file": "maven/src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/",
"start_line": 29,
"end_line": 29,
"class": "com.gitlab.security_products.tests.App",
"method": "insecureCypher"
"links": [
"name": "Cipher does not check for integrity first?",
"url": ""
"critical": 2,
"high": 4,
"low": 7,
"medium": 8,
"unknown": 0
\ No newline at end of file
"low": {
"2018-10-1": 87,
"2018-10-2": 88,
"2018-10-3": 90,
"2018-10-4": 89,
"2018-10-5": 89,
"2018-10-6": 80,
"2018-10-7": 85,
"2018-10-8": 67,
"2018-10-9": 84,
"2018-10-10": 72,
"2018-10-11": 67,
"2018-10-12": 86,
"2018-10-13": 70,
"2018-10-14": 68,
"2018-10-15": 61,
"2018-10-16": 74,
"2018-10-17": 67,
"2018-10-18": 78,
"2018-10-19": 65,
"2018-10-20": 72,
"2018-10-21": 78,
"2018-10-22": 81,
"2018-10-23": 62,
"2018-10-24": 86,
"2018-10-25": 79,
"2018-10-26": 86,
"2018-10-27": 78,
"2018-10-28": 75,
"2018-10-29": 67,
"2018-10-30": 87,
"2018-10-31": 86,
"2018-11-1": 75,
"2018-11-2": 81,
"2018-11-3": 88,
"2018-11-4": 82,
"2018-11-5": 76,
"2018-11-6": 76,
"2018-11-7": 68,
"2018-11-8": 86,
"2018-11-9": 70,
"2018-11-10": 74,
"2018-11-11": 60,
"2018-11-12": 61,
"2018-11-13": 73,
"2018-11-14": 90,
"2018-11-15": 69,
"2018-11-16": 78,
"2018-11-17": 81,
"2018-11-18": 60,
"2018-11-19": 86,
"2018-11-20": 72,
"2018-11-21": 73,
"2018-11-22": 60,
"2018-11-23": 88,
"2018-11-24": 70,
"2018-11-25": 60,
"2018-11-26": 72,
"2018-11-27": 71,
"2018-11-28": 77,
"2018-11-29": 77,
"2018-11-30": 70,
"2018-12-1": 69,
"2018-12-2": 80,
"2018-12-3": 73,
"2018-12-4": 71,
"2018-12-5": 84,
"2018-12-6": 82,
"2018-12-7": 68,
"2018-12-8": 66,
"2018-12-9": 76,
"2018-12-10": 81,
"2018-12-11": 61,
"2018-12-12": 78,
"2018-12-13": 85,
"2018-12-14": 74,
"2018-12-15": 65,
"2018-12-16": 90,
"2018-12-17": 87,
"2018-12-18": 83,
"2018-12-19": 72,
"2018-12-20": 79,
"2018-12-21": 83,
"2018-12-22": 70,
"2018-12-23": 75,
"2018-12-24": 77,
"2018-12-25": 68,
"2018-12-26": 86,
"2018-12-27": 76,
"2018-12-28": 86,
"2018-12-29": 89,
"2018-12-30": 73,
"2018-12-31": 70
"medium": {
"2018-10-1": 73,
"2018-10-2": 76,
"2018-10-3": 101,
"2018-10-4": 84,
"2018-10-5": 90,
"2018-10-6": 97,
"2018-10-7": 77,
"2018-10-8": 81,
"2018-10-9": 98,
"2018-10-10": 83,
"2018-10-11": 82,
"2018-10-12": 70,
"2018-10-13": 99,
"2018-10-14": 83,
"2018-10-15": 81,
"2018-10-16": 80,
"2018-10-17": 82,
"2018-10-18": 89,
"2018-10-19": 89,
"2018-10-20": 71,
"2018-10-21": 73,
"2018-10-22": 74,
"2018-10-23": 83,
"2018-10-24": 91,
"2018-10-25": 85,
"2018-10-26": 90,
"2018-10-27": 77,
"2018-10-28": 102,
"2018-10-29": 75,
"2018-10-30": 78,
"2018-10-31": 70,
"2018-11-1": 90,
"2018-11-2": 96,
"2018-11-3": 98,
"2018-11-4": 88,
"2018-11-5": 79,
"2018-11-6": 91,
"2018-11-7": 101,
"2018-11-8": 75,
"2018-11-9": 75,
"2018-11-10": 84,
"2018-11-11": 70,
"2018-11-12": 89,
"2018-11-13": 104,
"2018-11-14": 90,
"2018-11-15": 81,
"2018-11-16": 102,
"2018-11-17": 86,
"2018-11-18": 80,
"2018-11-19": 71,
"2018-11-20": 72,
"2018-11-21": 103,
"2018-11-22": 89,
"2018-11-23": 83,
"2018-11-24": 79,
"2018-11-25": 87,
"2018-11-26": 79,
"2018-11-27": 104,
"2018-11-28": 70,
"2018-11-29": 103,
"2018-11-30": 86,
"2018-12-1": 86,
"2018-12-2": 77,
"2018-12-3": 96,
"2018-12-4": 95,
"2018-12-5": 74,
"2018-12-6": 99,
"2018-12-7": 101,
"2018-12-8": 78,
"2018-12-9": 83,
"2018-12-10": 76,
"2018-12-11": 77,
"2018-12-12": 105,
"2018-12-13": 81,
"2018-12-14": 82,
"2018-12-15": 90,
"2018-12-16": 88,
"2018-12-17": 78,
"2018-12-18": 82,
"2018-12-19": 83,
"2018-12-20": 105,
"2018-12-21": 70,
"2018-12-22": 85,
"2018-12-23": 91,
"2018-12-24": 89,
"2018-12-25": 83,
"2018-12-26": 73,
"2018-12-27": 91,
"2018-12-28": 77,
"2018-12-29": 101,
"2018-12-30": 83,
"2018-12-31": 94
"high": {
"2018-10-1": 43,
"2018-10-2": 42,
"2018-10-3": 42,
"2018-10-4": 49,
"2018-10-5": 44,
"2018-10-6": 59,
"2018-10-7": 49,
"2018-10-8": 53,
"2018-10-9": 44,
"2018-10-10": 51,
"2018-10-11": 43,
"2018-10-12": 53,
"2018-10-13": 52,
"2018-10-14": 43,
"2018-10-15": 60,
"2018-10-16": 53,
"2018-10-17": 57,
"2018-10-18": 42,
"2018-10-19": 46,
"2018-10-20": 43,
"2018-10-21": 43,
"2018-10-22": 41,
"2018-10-23": 47,
"2018-10-24": 44,
"2018-10-25": 43,
"2018-10-26": 60,
"2018-10-27": 43,
"2018-10-28": 59,
"2018-10-29": 55,
"2018-10-30": 45,
"2018-10-31": 51,
"2018-11-1": 55,
"2018-11-2": 50,
"2018-11-3": 43,
"2018-11-4": 41,
"2018-11-5": 51,
"2018-11-6": 49,
"2018-11-7": 49,
"2018-11-8": 60,
"2018-11-9": 60,
"2018-11-10": 43,
"2018-11-11": 57,
"2018-11-12": 42,
"2018-11-13": 59,
"2018-11-14": 41,
"2018-11-15": 53,
"2018-11-16": 53,
"2018-11-17": 43,
"2018-11-18": 53,
"2018-11-19": 48,
"2018-11-20": 56,
"2018-11-21": 51,
"2018-11-22": 42,
"2018-11-23": 60,
"2018-11-24": 50,
"2018-11-25": 49,
"2018-11-26": 47,
"2018-11-27": 46,
"2018-11-28": 40,
"2018-11-29": 41,
"2018-11-30": 57,
"2018-12-1": 57,
"2018-12-2": 45,
"2018-12-3": 52,
"2018-12-4": 46,
"2018-12-5": 56,
"2018-12-6": 48,
"2018-12-7": 58,
"2018-12-8": 59,
"2018-12-9": 47,
"2018-12-10": 58,
"2018-12-11": 50,
"2018-12-12": 45,
"2018-12-13": 59,
"2018-12-14": 40,
"2018-12-15": 40,
"2018-12-16": 48,
"2018-12-17": 44,
"2018-12-18": 54,
"2018-12-19": 44,
"2018-12-20": 57,
"2018-12-21": 54,
"2018-12-22": 44,
"2018-12-23": 59,
"2018-12-24": 41,
"2018-12-25": 52,
"2018-12-26": 52,
"2018-12-27": 50,
"2018-12-28": 49,
"2018-12-29": 45,
"2018-12-30": 44,
"2018-12-31": 60
"critical": {
"2018-10-1": 54,
"2018-10-2": 67,
"2018-10-3": 62,
"2018-10-4": 63,
"2018-10-5": 51,
"2018-10-6": 56,
"2018-10-7": 66,
"2018-10-8": 69,
"2018-10-9": 58,
"2018-10-10": 61,
"2018-10-11": 69,
"2018-10-12": 73,
"2018-10-13": 68,
"2018-10-14": 64,
"2018-10-15": 69,
"2018-10-16": 63,
"2018-10-17": 72,
"2018-10-18": 71,
"2018-10-19": 56,
"2018-10-20": 71,
"2018-10-21": 59,
"2018-10-22": 55,
"2018-10-23": 51,
"2018-10-24": 74,
"2018-10-25": 68,
"2018-10-26": 74,
"2018-10-27": 53,
"2018-10-28": 73,
"2018-10-29": 54,
"2018-10-30": 53,
"2018-10-31": 53,
"2018-11-1": 68,
"2018-11-2": 71,
"2018-11-3": 57,
"2018-11-4": 59,
"2018-11-5": 58,
"2018-11-6": 67,
"2018-11-7": 56,
"2018-11-8": 74,
"2018-11-9": 54,
"2018-11-10": 67,
"2018-11-11": 61,
"2018-11-12": 73,
"2018-11-13": 58,
"2018-11-14": 56,
"2018-11-15": 55,
"2018-11-16": 72,
"2018-11-17": 53,
"2018-11-18": 68,
"2018-11-19": 52,
"2018-11-20": 64,
"2018-11-21": 72,
"2018-11-22": 50,
"2018-11-23": 59,
"2018-11-24": 56,
"2018-11-25": 74,
"2018-11-26": 71,
"2018-11-27": 66,
"2018-11-28": 55,
"2018-11-29": 51,
"2018-11-30": 63,
"2018-12-1": 54,
"2018-12-2": 63,
"2018-12-3": 64,
"2018-12-4": 51,
"2018-12-5": 66,
"2018-12-6": 61,
"2018-12-7": 62,
"2018-12-8": 59,
"2018-12-9": 69,
"2018-12-10": 73,
"2018-12-11": 67,
"2018-12-12": 58,
"2018-12-13": 69,
"2018-12-14": 71,
"2018-12-15": 69,
"2018-12-16": 72,
"2018-12-17": 73,
"2018-12-18": 59,
"2018-12-19": 60,
"2018-12-20": 52,
"2018-12-21": 71,
"2018-12-22": 56,
"2018-12-23": 61,
"2018-12-24": 61,
"2018-12-25": 72,
"2018-12-26": 66,
"2018-12-27": 67,
"2018-12-28": 72,
"2018-12-29": 58,
"2018-12-30": 68,
"2018-12-31": 54,
"2019-1-1": 139,
"2019-1-2": 137,
"2019-1-3": 142,
"2019-1-4": 137,
"2019-1-5": 134,
"2019-1-6": 133,
"2019-1-7": 137,
"2019-1-8": 140,
"2019-1-9": 130,
"2019-1-10": 132,
"2019-1-11": 134,
"2019-1-12": 143,
"2019-1-13": 130,
"2019-1-14": 133,
"2019-1-15": 137,
"2019-1-16": 141,
"2019-1-17": 139,
"2019-1-18": 145,
"2019-1-19": 141,
"2019-1-20": 137,
"2019-1-21": 139,
"2019-1-22": 131,
"2019-1-23": 134,
"2019-1-24": 144,
"2019-1-25": 140,
"2019-1-26": 145,
"2019-1-27": 138,
"2019-1-28": 136,
"2019-1-29": 144,
"2019-1-30": 131,
"2019-1-31": 142
"unknown": {
"2018-10-1": 39,
"2018-10-2": 44,
"2018-10-3": 35,
"2018-10-4": 34,
"2018-10-5": 38,
"2018-10-6": 34,
"2018-10-7": 34,
"2018-10-8": 43,
"2018-10-9": 41,
"2018-10-10": 45,
"2018-10-11": 41,
"2018-10-12": 37,
"2018-10-13": 34,
"2018-10-14": 41,
"2018-10-15": 45,
"2018-10-16": 33,
"2018-10-17": 40,
"2018-10-18": 31,
"2018-10-19": 42,
"2018-10-20": 33,
"2018-10-21": 44,
"2018-10-22": 33,
"2018-10-23": 35,
"2018-10-24": 37,
"2018-10-25": 43,
"2018-10-26": 33,
"2018-10-27": 43,
"2018-10-28": 39,
"2018-10-29": 37,
"2018-10-30": 36,
"2018-10-31": 37,
"2018-11-1": 42,
"2018-11-2": 41,
"2018-11-3": 36,
"2018-11-4": 31,
"2018-11-5": 41,
"2018-11-6": 37,
"2018-11-7": 42,
"2018-11-8": 42,
"2018-11-9": 45,
"2018-11-10": 34,
"2018-11-11": 30,
"2018-11-12": 40,
"2018-11-13": 39,
"2018-11-14": 44,
"2018-11-15": 36,
"2018-11-16": 35,
"2018-11-17": 30,
"2018-11-18": 31,
"2018-11-19": 34,
"2018-11-20": 31,
"2018-11-21": 36,
"2018-11-22": 37,
"2018-11-23": 41,
"2018-11-24": 38,
"2018-11-25": 42,
"2018-11-26": 41,
"2018-11-27": 36,
"2018-11-28": 32,
"2018-11-29": 43,
"2018-11-30": 36,
"2018-12-1": 44,
"2018-12-2": 34,
"2018-12-3": 42,
"2018-12-4": 32,
"2018-12-5": 44,
"2018-12-6": 31,
"2018-12-7": 39,
"2018-12-8": 37,
"2018-12-9": 33,
"2018-12-10": 37,
"2018-12-11": 38,
"2018-12-12": 35,
"2018-12-13": 34,
"2018-12-14": 40,
"2018-12-15": 35,
"2018-12-16": 42,
"2018-12-17": 44,
"2018-12-18": 40,
"2018-12-19": 40,
"2018-12-20": 30,
"2018-12-21": 44,
"2018-12-22": 32,
"2018-12-23": 39,
"2018-12-24": 37,
"2018-12-25": 35,
"2018-12-26": 39,
"2018-12-27": 38,
"2018-12-28": 44,
"2018-12-29": 42,
"2018-12-30": 37,
"2018-12-31": 35
"all": {
"2018-10-1": 143,
"2018-10-2": 130,
"2018-10-3": 139,
"2018-10-4": 134,
"2018-10-5": 138,
"2018-10-6": 131,
"2018-10-7": 137,
"2018-10-8": 144,
"2018-10-9": 140,
"2018-10-10": 134,
"2018-10-11": 142,
"2018-10-12": 132,
"2018-10-13": 136,
"2018-10-14": 141,
"2018-10-15": 134,
"2018-10-16": 139,
"2018-10-17": 141,
"2018-10-18": 134,
"2018-10-19": 131,
"2018-10-20": 141,
"2018-10-21": 139,
"2018-10-22": 145,
"2018-10-23": 142,
"2018-10-24": 143,
"2018-10-25": 143,
"2018-10-26": 135,
"2018-10-27": 136,
"2018-10-28": 143,
"2018-10-29": 142,
"2018-10-30": 131,
"2018-10-31": 141,
"2018-11-1": 134,
"2018-11-2": 134,
"2018-11-3": 130,
"2018-11-4": 137,
"2018-11-5": 145,
"2018-11-6": 137,
"2018-11-7": 135,
"2018-11-8": 145,
"2018-11-9": 132,
"2018-11-10": 134,
"2018-11-11": 139,
"2018-11-12": 139,
"2018-11-13": 130,
"2018-11-14": 137,
"2018-11-15": 136,
"2018-11-16": 145,
"2018-11-17": 130,
"2018-11-18": 143,
"2018-11-19": 134,
"2018-11-20": 145,
"2018-11-21": 137,
"2018-11-22": 140,
"2018-11-23": 138,
"2018-11-24": 132,
"2018-11-25": 143,
"2018-11-26": 131,
"2018-11-27": 130,
"2018-11-28": 144,
"2018-11-29": 139,
"2018-11-30": 143,
"2018-12-1": 139,
"2018-12-2": 137,
"2018-12-3": 142,
"2018-12-4": 137,
"2018-12-5": 134,
"2018-12-6": 133,
"2018-12-7": 137,
"2018-12-8": 140,
"2018-12-9": 130,
"2018-12-10": 132,
"2018-12-11": 134,
"2018-12-12": 143,
"2018-12-13": 130,
"2018-12-14": 133,
"2018-12-15": 137,
"2018-12-16": 141,
"2018-12-17": 139,
"2018-12-18": 145,
"2018-12-19": 141,
"2018-12-20": 137,
"2018-12-21": 139,
"2018-12-22": 131,
"2018-12-23": 134,
"2018-12-24": 144,
"2018-12-25": 140,
"2018-12-26": 145,
"2018-12-27": 138,
"2018-12-28": 136,
"2018-12-29": 144,
"2018-12-30": 131,
"2018-12-31": 142,
"2019-1-1": 139,
"2019-1-2": 137,
"2019-1-3": 142,
"2019-1-4": 137,
"2019-1-5": 134,
"2019-1-6": 133,
"2019-1-7": 137,
"2019-1-8": 140,
"2019-1-9": 130,
"2019-1-10": 132,
"2019-1-11": 134,
"2019-1-12": 143,
"2019-1-13": 130,
"2019-1-14": 133,
"2019-1-15": 137,
"2019-1-16": 141,
"2019-1-17": 139,
"2019-1-18": 145,
"2019-1-19": 141,
"2019-1-20": 137,
"2019-1-21": 139,
"2019-1-22": 131,
"2019-1-23": 134,
"2019-1-24": 144,
"2019-1-25": 140,
"2019-1-26": 145,
"2019-1-27": 138,
"2019-1-28": 136,
"2019-1-29": 144,
"2019-1-30": 131,
"2019-1-31": 142
......@@ -53,8 +53,6 @@ describe('Card security reports app', () => {
id: 123,
name: 'my-project',
dashboardDocumentation: `${TEST_HOST}/dashboard_documentation`,
emptyStateSvgPath: `/empty_state.svg`,
vulnerabilityFeedbackHelpPath: `${TEST_HOST}/vulnerability_feedback_help`,
......@@ -11619,6 +11619,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No value set by top-level parent group."
msgstr ""
msgid "No vulnerabilities found for this group"
msgstr ""
msgid "No vulnerabilities found for this pipeline"
msgstr ""
msgid "No vulnerabilities found for this project"
msgstr ""
msgid "No, directly import the existing email addresses and usernames."
msgstr ""
......@@ -15358,12 +15367,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Security Reports|Undo dismiss"
msgstr ""
msgid "Security Reports|We've found no vulnerabilities for your group"
msgstr ""
msgid "Security Reports|While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your group, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you please double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid "Security configuration help link"
msgstr ""
......@@ -19610,6 +19613,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "We want to be sure it is you, please confirm you are not a robot."
msgstr ""
msgid "We've found no vulnerabilities"
msgstr ""
msgid "Web IDE"
msgstr ""
......@@ -19678,6 +19684,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "When:"
msgstr ""
msgid "While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your group, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid "While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your pipeline, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure all security scanning jobs have passed successfully."
msgstr ""
msgid "While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities for your project, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid "While it's rare to have no vulnerabilities, it can happen. In any event, we ask that you please double check your settings to make sure you've set up your dashboard correctly."
msgstr ""
msgid "White helpers give contextual information."
msgstr ""
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