Commit 9acc01d8 authored by Mark Florian's avatar Mark Florian

Merge branch 'leipert-make-package-json-scripts-consistent' into 'master'

Make package json scripts more consistent

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!54340
parents b3930ff7 5474e123
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ The current Lefthook configuration can be found in [`lefthook.yml`](https://gitl
Before you push your changes, Lefthook automatically runs the following checks:
- Danger: Runs a subset of checks that `danger-review` runs on your merge requests.
- ES lint: Run `yarn eslint` checks (with the [`.eslintrc.yml`]( configuration) on the modified `*.{js,vue}` files. Tags: `frontend`, `style`.
- ES lint: Run `yarn run internal:eslint` checks (with the [`.eslintrc.yml`]( configuration) on the modified `*.{js,vue}` files. Tags: `frontend`, `style`.
- HAML lint: Run `bundle exec haml-lint` checks (with the [`.haml-lint.yml`]( configuration) on the modified `*.html.haml` files. Tags: `view`, `haml`, `style`.
- Markdown lint: Run `yarn markdownlint` checks on the modified `*.md` files. Tags: `documentation`, `style`.
- SCSS lint: Run `bundle exec scss-lint` checks (with the [`.scss-lint.yml`]( configuration) on the modified `*.scss{,.css}` files. Tags: `stylesheet`, `css`, `style`.
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ In addition to the style guidelines set by Airbnb, we also have a few specific r
listed below.
You can run ESLint locally by running `yarn eslint`
You can run ESLint locally by running `yarn run lint:eslint`
## Avoid forEach
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ This section describes yarn scripts that are available to validate and apply aut
To check all staged files (based on `git diff`) with ESLint, run the following script:
yarn eslint-staged
yarn run lint:eslint:staged
A list of problems found are logged to the console.
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ A list of problems found are logged to the console.
To apply automatic ESLint fixes to all staged files (based on `git diff`), run the following script:
yarn eslint-staged-fix
yarn run lint:eslint:staged:fix
If manual changes are required, a list of changes are sent to the console.
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ If manual changes are required, a list of changes are sent to the console.
To check **all** files in the repository with ESLint, run the following script:
yarn eslint
yarn run lint:eslint
A list of problems found are logged to the console.
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ A list of problems found are logged to the console.
To apply automatic ESLint fixes to **all** files in the repository, run the following script:
yarn eslint-fix
yarn run lint:eslint:fix
If manual changes are required, a list of changes are sent to the console.
......@@ -125,44 +125,28 @@ Please take care that you only let Prettier format the same file types as the gl
The following yarn scripts are available to do global formatting:
yarn prettier-staged-save
yarn run lint:prettier:staged:fix
Updates all staged files (based on `git diff`) with Prettier and saves the needed changes.
yarn prettier-staged
yarn run lint:prettier:staged
Checks all staged files (based on `git diff`) with Prettier and log which files would need manual updating to the console.
yarn prettier-all
yarn run lint:prettier
Checks all files with Prettier and logs which files need manual updating to the console.
yarn prettier-all-save
yarn run lint:prettier:fix
Formats all files in the repository with Prettier. (This should only be used to test global rule updates otherwise you would end up with huge MR's).
The source of these Yarn scripts can be found in `/scripts/frontend/prettier.js`.
#### Scripts during Conversion period
node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js check-all ./vendor/
This iterates over all files in a specific folder, and checks them.
node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js save-all ./vendor/
This iterates over all files in a specific folder and saves them.
Formats all files in the repository with Prettier.
### VSCode Settings
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ pre-push:
tags: frontend style
files: git diff --name-only $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)..HEAD
glob: "*.{js,vue}"
run: yarn eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives {files}
run: yarn run internal:eslint {files}
tags: view haml style
files: git diff --name-only $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)..HEAD
......@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ pre-push:
glob: "*.scss{,.css}"
exclude: "app/assets/stylesheets/pages/emojis.scss"
run: bundle exec scss-lint --config .scss-lint.yml {files}
tags: frontend style
files: git diff --name-only $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)..HEAD
glob: "*.{js,vue,graphql}"
run: yarn run prettier --check {files}
tags: backend style
files: git diff --name-only $(git merge-base origin/master HEAD)..HEAD
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
unless Rails.env.production?
desc "GitLab | Run ESLint"
task eslint: ['yarn:check'] do
unless system('yarn run eslint')
unless system('yarn run lint:eslint')
abort('rake eslint failed')
......@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
"block-dependencies": "node scripts/frontend/block_dependencies.js",
"clean": "rm -rf public/assets tmp/cache/*-loader",
"dev-server": "NODE_OPTIONS=\"--max-old-space-size=3584\" node scripts/frontend/webpack_dev_server.js",
"eslint": "eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives --ext .js,.vue .",
"eslint-fix": "eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives --ext .js,.vue --fix .",
"eslint-staged": "git diff --diff-filter=d --cached --name-only | grep -E \"(.*)\\.(js|vue)$\" | xargs eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives",
"eslint-staged-fix": "git diff --diff-filter=d --cached --name-only | grep -E \"(.*)\\.(js|vue)$\" | xargs eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives --fix",
"eslint-report": "eslint --max-warnings 0 --ext .js,.vue --format html --output-file ./eslint-report.html --no-inline-config .",
"eslint-fix": "echo 'Please use lint:eslint:fix instead' && exit 1",
"eslint-staged": "echo 'Please use lint:eslint:staged instead' && exit 1",
"eslint-staged-fix": "echo 'Please use lint:eslint:staged:fix instead' && exit 1",
"eslint-report": "echo 'Please use lint:eslint:report instead' && exit 1",
"file-coverage": "scripts/frontend/file_test_coverage.js",
"lint-docs": "scripts/",
"internal:eslint": "eslint --cache --max-warnings 0 --report-unused-disable-directives --ext .js,.vue",
"prejest": "yarn check-dependencies",
"jest": "jest --config jest.config.js",
"jest-debug": "node --inspect-brk node_modules/.bin/jest --runInBand",
......@@ -21,12 +21,21 @@
"karma": "BABEL_ENV=${BABEL_ENV:=karma} karma start --single-run true config/karma.config.js",
"karma-coverage": "BABEL_ENV=coverage karma start --single-run true config/karma.config.js",
"karma-start": "BABEL_ENV=karma karma start config/karma.config.js",
"lint:eslint": "yarn run internal:eslint .",
"lint:eslint:fix": "yarn run lint:eslint --fix",
"lint:eslint:report": "yarn run internal:eslint --format html --output-file ./eslint-report.html --no-inline-config .",
"lint:eslint:staged": "scripts/frontend/ internal:eslint '(js|vue)'",
"lint:eslint:staged:fix": "yarn run lint:eslint:staged --fix",
"lint:prettier": "yarn run prettier --check '**/*.{graphql,js,vue}'",
"lint:prettier:fix": "yarn run prettier --write '**/*.{graphql,js,vue}'",
"lint:prettier:staged": "scripts/frontend/ prettier '(graphql|js|vue)' --check",
"lint:prettier:staged:fix": "scripts/frontend/ prettier '(graphql|js|vue)' --write",
"markdownlint": "markdownlint --config .markdownlint.json",
"postinstall": "node ./scripts/frontend/postinstall.js",
"prettier-staged": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js check",
"prettier-staged-save": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js save",
"prettier-all": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js check-all",
"prettier-all-save": "node ./scripts/frontend/prettier.js save-all",
"prettier-all": "echo 'Please use lint:prettier instead' && exit 1",
"prettier-all-save": "echo 'Please use lint:prettier:fix instead' && exit 1",
"prettier-staged": "echo 'Please use lint:prettier:staged instead' && exit 1",
"prettier-staged-save": "echo 'Please use lint:prettier:staged:fixed instead' && exit 1",
"stylelint": "yarn stylelint-file 'app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.*' 'ee/app/assets/stylesheets/**/*.*' '!app/assets/stylesheets/startup/startup-*.scss' '!**/vendors/**'",
"stylelint-file": "BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA=true node node_modules/stylelint/bin/stylelint.js",
"stylelint-create-utility-map": "node scripts/frontend/stylelint/stylelint-utility-map.js",
set -euo pipefail
# The yarn run command we'd like to run
# The file types we'd like to target, use something like '(js|vue)'
# Removing first two arguments
# Read all staged non-deleted files into an array
while IFS= read -r line; do
staged_files+=( "$line" )
done < <( git diff --diff-filter=d --cached --name-only | { grep -E ".$file_types$" || true; })
if [ "${#staged_files[@]}" == "0" ]; then
echo "No staged '$file_types' files"
echo "Running $command on ${#staged_files[@]} staged '$file_types' files"
yarn run "$command" "$@" "${staged_files[@]}"
const execFileSync = require('child_process').execFileSync;
const exec = (command, args) => {
const options = {
cwd: process.cwd(),
env: process.env,
encoding: 'utf-8',
return execFileSync(command, args, options);
const execGitCmd = (args) => exec('git', args).trim().toString().split('\n').filter(Boolean);
module.exports = {
getStagedFiles: (fileExtensionFilter) => {
const gitOptions = ['diff', '--name-only', '--cached', '--diff-filter=ACMRTUB'];
if (fileExtensionFilter) gitOptions.push(...fileExtensionFilter);
return execGitCmd(gitOptions);
const glob = require('glob');
const prettier = require('prettier');
const fs = require('fs');
const { getStagedFiles } = require('./frontend_script_utils');
const matchExtensions = ['js', 'vue', 'graphql'];
// This will improve glob performance by excluding certain directories.
// The .prettierignore file will also be respected, but after the glob has executed.
const globIgnore = ['**/node_modules/**', 'vendor/**', 'public/**', 'fixtures/**'];
const readFileAsync = (file, options) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readFile(file, options, function (err, data) {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve(data);
const writeFileAsync = (file, data, options) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writeFile(file, data, options, function (err) {
if (err) reject(err);
else resolve();
const mode = process.argv[2] || 'check';
const shouldSave = mode === 'save' || mode === 'save-all';
const allFiles = mode === 'check-all' || mode === 'save-all';
let globDir = process.argv[3] || '';
if (globDir && globDir.charAt(globDir.length - 1) !== '/') globDir += '/';
`Loading all ${allFiles ? '' : 'staged '}files ${globDir ? `within ${globDir} ` : ''}...`,
const globPatterns = => `${globDir}**/*.${ext}`);
const matchedFiles = allFiles
? glob.sync(`{${globPatterns.join(',')}}`, { ignore: globIgnore })
: getStagedFiles(globPatterns);
const matchedCount = matchedFiles.length;
if (!matchedCount) {
console.log('No files found to process with prettier');
let didWarn = false;
let passedCount = 0;
let failedCount = 0;
let ignoredCount = 0;
console.log(`${shouldSave ? 'Updating' : 'Checking'} ${matchedCount} file(s)`);
const fixCommand = `yarn prettier-${allFiles ? 'all' : 'staged'}-save`;
const warningMessage = `
GitLab uses Prettier to format all JavaScript code.
Please format each file listed below or run "${fixCommand}"
const checkFileWithOptions = (filePath, options) =>
readFileAsync(filePath, 'utf8').then((input) => {
if (shouldSave) {
const output = prettier.format(input, options);
if (input === output) {
passedCount += 1;
} else {
return writeFileAsync(filePath, output, 'utf8').then(() => {
console.log(`Prettified : ${filePath}`);
failedCount += 1;
} else {
if (prettier.check(input, options)) {
passedCount += 1;
} else {
if (!didWarn) {
// \x1b[31m make text red
// \x1b[1m make text bold
// %s warningMessage
// \x1b[0m reset text color (so logs after aren't red)
const redBoldText = '\x1b[1m\x1b[31;1m%s\x1b[0m';
console.log(redBoldText, warningMessage);
didWarn = true;
console.log(`yarn prettier --write ${filePath}`);
failedCount += 1;
const checkFileWithPrettierConfig = (filePath) =>
.getFileInfo(filePath, { ignorePath: '.prettierignore' })
.then(({ ignored, inferredParser }) => {
if (ignored || !inferredParser) {
ignoredCount += 1;
return prettier.resolveConfig(filePath).then((fileOptions) => {
const options = { ...fileOptions, parser: inferredParser };
return checkFileWithOptions(filePath, options);
.then(() => {
const failAction = shouldSave ? 'fixed' : 'failed';
`\nSummary:\n ${matchedCount} files processed (${passedCount} passed, ${failedCount} ${failAction}, ${ignoredCount} ignored)\n`,
if (didWarn) process.exit(1);
.catch((e) => {
console.log(`\nAn error occurred while processing files with prettier: ${e.message}\n`);
......@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class StaticAnalysis
# Most of the time, RuboCop finishes in 30 seconds, but sometimes it can take around 1200 seconds so we set a
# duration of 300 to lower the likelihood that it will run in the same job as another long task...
%w[bundle exec rubocop --parallel] => 300,
%w[yarn run eslint] => 197,
%w[yarn run prettier-all] => 124,
%w[yarn run lint:eslint] => 197,
%w[yarn run lint:prettier] => 124,
%w[bin/rake gettext:lint] => 96,
%w[bundle exec license_finder] => 49,
%w[bin/rake scss_lint] => 38,
Markdown is supported
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