Commit aec3f937 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into ce-to-ee-2018-03-09

# Conflicts:
#	app/assets/images/icons.json
#	app/assets/images/icons.svg
#	app/assets/images/illustrations/epics.svg

[ci skip]
parents 623da080 47b9854d
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>>>>>>> upstream/master
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>>>>>>> upstream/master
......@@ -72,5 +72,5 @@ $(document).on('keyup.quick_submit', '.js-quick-submit input[type=submit], .js-q
trigger: 'manual',
$this.tooltip('show').one('blur', () => $this.tooltip('hide'));
$this.tooltip('show').one('blur click', () => $this.tooltip('hide'));
......@@ -339,6 +339,17 @@ navigation level. A group-level issue board allows you to view all issues from a
boards. When updating milestones and labels for an issue through the sidebar update mechanism, again only
group-level objects are available.
## Features per tier
Different issue board features are available in different [GitLab tiers](, as shown in the following table:
| Tier | Number of project issue boards | Board with configuration in project issue boards | Number of group issue boards | Board with configuration in group issue boards |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Libre | 1 | No | 1 | No |
| Starter | Multiple | Yes | 1 | No |
| Premium | Multiple | Yes | Multiple | Yes |
| Ultimate | Multiple | Yes | Multiple | Yes |
## Tips
A few things to remember:
......@@ -1193,15 +1193,9 @@ module Gitlab
def fsck
gitaly_migrate(:git_fsck) do |is_enabled|
msg, status = if is_enabled
msg, status = gitaly_repository_client.fsck
raise"Could not fsck repository: #{msg}") unless
raise"Could not fsck repository: #{msg}") unless
def create_from_bundle(bundle_path)
......@@ -1600,14 +1594,6 @@ module Gitlab
File.write(File.join(worktree_info_path, 'sparse-checkout'), files)
def gitaly_fsck
def shell_fsck
run_git(%W[--git-dir=#{path} fsck], nice: true)
def rugged_fetch_source_branch(source_repository, source_branch, local_ref)
with_repo_branch_commit(source_repository, source_branch) do |commit|
if commit
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