@@ -940,6 +940,14 @@ A site profile contains the following:
-**Profile name**: A name you assign to the site to be scanned.
-**Target URL**: The URL that DAST runs against.
-**Excluded URLs**: A comma-separated list of URLs to exclude from the scan.
-**Request headers**: A comma-separated list of HTTP request headers, including names and values. These headers are added to every request made by DAST.
-**Authenticated URL**: The URL of the page containing the sign-in HTML form on the target website. The username and password are submitted with the login form to create an authenticated scan.
-**Username**: The username used to authenticate to the website.
-**Password**: The password used to authenticate to the website.
-**Username form field**: The name of username field at the sign-in HTML form.
-**Password form field**: The name of password field at the sign-in HTML form.