Commit bc8bd571 authored by Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski's avatar Alan (Maciej) Paruszewski Committed by Sean McGivern

Rename report type Running Container Scanning to Cluster Image Scanning

parent 81857f90
# frozen_string_literal: true
class PlanLimits < ApplicationRecord
include IgnorableColumns
ignore_column :ci_max_artifact_size_running_container_scanning, remove_with: '14.3', remove_after: '2021-08-22'
LimitUndefinedError =
belongs_to :plan
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddPlanLimitsMaxSizeClusterImageScanningColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
add_column :plan_limits, :ci_max_artifact_size_cluster_image_scanning, :integer, null: false, default: 0
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -16277,7 +16277,8 @@ CREATE TABLE plan_limits (
ci_registered_project_runners integer DEFAULT 1000 NOT NULL,
web_hook_calls integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ci_daily_pipeline_schedule_triggers integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ci_max_artifact_size_running_container_scanning integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ci_max_artifact_size_running_container_scanning integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ci_max_artifact_size_cluster_image_scanning integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
CREATE SEQUENCE plan_limits_id_seq
......@@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ setting is used:
| `ci_max_artifact_size_archive` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_browser_performance` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_cluster_applications` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_cluster_image_scanning` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_cobertura` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_codequality` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_container_scanning` | 0 |
......@@ -444,7 +445,6 @@ setting is used:
| `ci_max_artifact_size_network_referee` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_performance` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_requirements` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_running_container_scanning` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_sast` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_secret_detection` | 0 |
| `ci_max_artifact_size_terraform` | 5 MB ([introduced]( in GitLab 13.3) |
......@@ -12617,11 +12617,11 @@ Represents summary of a security report.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <a id="securityreportsummaryapifuzzing"></a>`apiFuzzing` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `api_fuzzing` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummaryclusterimagescanning"></a>`clusterImageScanning` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `cluster_image_scanning` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarycontainerscanning"></a>`containerScanning` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `container_scanning` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarycoveragefuzzing"></a>`coverageFuzzing` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `coverage_fuzzing` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarydast"></a>`dast` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `dast` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarydependencyscanning"></a>`dependencyScanning` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `dependency_scanning` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummaryrunningcontainerscanning"></a>`runningContainerScanning` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `running_container_scanning` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarysast"></a>`sast` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `sast` scan. |
| <a id="securityreportsummarysecretdetection"></a>`secretDetection` | [`SecurityReportSummarySection`](#securityreportsummarysection) | Aggregated counts for the `secret_detection` scan. |
......@@ -13476,7 +13476,7 @@ Represents a vulnerability.
| <a id="vulnerabilitynotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <a id="vulnerabilityprimaryidentifier"></a>`primaryIdentifier` | [`VulnerabilityIdentifier`](#vulnerabilityidentifier) | Primary identifier of the vulnerability. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | The project on which the vulnerability was found. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttype"></a>`reportType` | [`VulnerabilityReportType`](#vulnerabilityreporttype) | Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING, RUNNING_CONTAINER_SCANNING). `Scan Type` in the UI. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttype"></a>`reportType` | [`VulnerabilityReportType`](#vulnerabilityreporttype) | Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING, CLUSTER_IMAGE_SCANNING). `Scan Type` in the UI. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityresolvedat"></a>`resolvedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to resolved. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityresolvedby"></a>`resolvedBy` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | The user that resolved the vulnerability. |
| <a id="vulnerabilityresolvedondefaultbranch"></a>`resolvedOnDefaultBranch` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates whether the vulnerability is fixed on the default branch or not. |
......@@ -15144,11 +15144,11 @@ The type of the security scan that found the vulnerability.
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypeapi_fuzzing"></a>`API_FUZZING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypecluster_image_scanning"></a>`CLUSTER_IMAGE_SCANNING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypecontainer_scanning"></a>`CONTAINER_SCANNING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypecoverage_fuzzing"></a>`COVERAGE_FUZZING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypedast"></a>`DAST` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypedependency_scanning"></a>`DEPENDENCY_SCANNING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttyperunning_container_scanning"></a>`RUNNING_CONTAINER_SCANNING` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypesast"></a>`SAST` | |
| <a id="vulnerabilityreporttypesecret_detection"></a>`SECRET_DETECTION` | |
......@@ -11712,7 +11712,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_assigned_monthly`
Count of an alert's assignments per month
Count of unique users assigning an alert per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11724,7 +11724,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_assigned_weekly`
Count of an alert's assignments per week
Count of unique users assigning an alert per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11736,7 +11736,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_status_changed_monthly`
Count of an alert's status changes per month
Count of unique users changing alert's status changes per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11748,7 +11748,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_status_changed_weekly`
Count of an alert's status changes per week
Count of unique users changing alert's status per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11760,7 +11760,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_todo_monthly`
Count of alerts added to the TODO list per month
Count of unique users adding alerts to the TODO list per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11772,7 +11772,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_alert_todo_weekly`
Count of alerts added to the TODO list per week
Count of unique users adding alerts to the TODO list per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11784,7 +11784,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_assigned_monthly`
Count of an incidents's assignments per month
Count of users assigning incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11796,7 +11796,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_assigned_weekly`
Count of an incidents's assignments per week
Count of unique users assiging incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11808,7 +11808,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_change_confidential_monthly`
Count of incidents changed to confidential per month
Count of users changing incidents to confidential per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11820,7 +11820,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_change_confidential_weekly`
Count of incidents changed to confidential per week
Count of unique users changing incidents to confidential per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11832,7 +11832,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_closed_monthly`
Count of incidents closed per month
Count of users closing incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11844,7 +11844,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_closed_weekly`
Count of incidents closed per week
Count of users closing incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11856,7 +11856,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_comment_monthly`
Count of comments per month on incidents
Count of unique users adding comments per month on incidents
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11868,7 +11868,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_comment_weekly`
Count of comments per week on incidents
Count of unique users adding comments on incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11880,7 +11880,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_created_monthly`
Count of incidents created per month
Count of unique users creating incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11892,7 +11892,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_created_weekly`
Count of incidents created per week
Count of unique users creating incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11904,7 +11904,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_published_monthly`
Count of published incidents per month
Count of unique users that published incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11916,7 +11916,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_published_weekly`
Count of published incidents per week
Count of unique users that published incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11928,7 +11928,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_relate_monthly`
Count of issues added per month that are related to an incident
Count of unique users adding issues per month that are related to an incident
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11940,7 +11940,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_relate_weekly`
Count of issues added per week that are related to an incident
Count of unique users adding issues per that are related to an incident week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11952,7 +11952,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_reopened_monthly`
Count of incidents reopened per month
Count of unique users reopening incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11964,7 +11964,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_reopened_weekly`
Count of incidents reopened per week
Count of unique users reopening incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11976,7 +11976,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_todo_monthly`
Count of incidents added to the TODO list per month
Count of unique users adding incidents to the TODO list per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -11988,7 +11988,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_todo_weekly`
Count of incidents added to the TODO list per week
Count of unique users adding incidents to the TODO list per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12000,7 +12000,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_unrelate_monthly`
Count of issues removed per month that are related to an incident
Count of users removing issues that are related to an incident per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12012,7 +12012,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_unrelate_weekly`
Count of issues removed per week that are related to an incident
Count of unique users removing issue that are related to an incident per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12024,7 +12024,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_zoom_meeting_monthly`
Count of Zoom meetings about incidents per month
Count of users creating Zoom meetings about incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12036,7 +12036,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_incident_zoom_meeting_weekly`
Count of Zoom meetings about incidents per week
Count of unique users creating Zoom meetings about incidents per week
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12048,7 +12048,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_total_unique_counts_monthly`
Count of total unique incidents per month
Count of unique users performing events related with incidents per month
[YAML definition](
......@@ -12060,7 +12060,7 @@ Tiers: `free`, `premium`, `ultimate`
### `redis_hll_counters.incident_management.incident_management_total_unique_counts_weekly`
Count of total unique incidents per week
Count of unique users performing events related to the incident management
[YAML definition](
......@@ -17282,6 +17282,18 @@ Status: `data_available`
### ``
Counts cluster image scanning jobs
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `implemented`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts container scanning jobs
......@@ -17330,18 +17342,6 @@ Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts running container scanning jobs
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts sast jobs
......@@ -19346,6 +19346,30 @@ Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `free`
### ``
Pipelines containing a Cluster Image Scanning job
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `implemented`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts cluster image scanning jobs
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `implemented`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Pipelines containing a Container Scanning job
......@@ -19442,30 +19466,6 @@ Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Pipelines containing a Running Container Scanning job
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts running container scanning jobs
[YAML definition](
Group: `group::container security`
Status: `data_available`
Tiers: `ultimate`
### ``
Counts of Pipelines that have at least 1 SAST job
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ module EE
dast: 3,
coverage_fuzzing: 5,
api_fuzzing: 6,
running_container_scanning: 7
cluster_image_scanning: 7
class_methods do
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Security
secret_detection: 5,
coverage_fuzzing: 6,
api_fuzzing: 7,
running_container_scanning: 8
cluster_image_scanning: 8
scope :by_scan_types, -> (scan_types) { where(scan_type: scan_types) }
description: 'Counts running container scanning jobs'
description: 'Counts cluster image scanning jobs'
product_section: sec
product_stage: protect
product_group: group::container security
product_category: container_scanning
value_type: number
status: data_available
status: implemented
time_frame: all
data_source: database
data_category: Optional
description: Pipelines containing a Running Container Scanning job
description: Pipelines containing a Cluster Image Scanning job
product_section: sec
product_stage: protect
product_group: group::container security
product_category: container_scanning
value_type: number
status: data_available
status: implemented
time_frame: 28d
data_source: database
data_category: Optional
description: 'Counts running container scanning jobs'
description: 'Counts cluster image scanning jobs'
product_section: sec
product_stage: protect
product_group: group::container security
product_category: container_scanning
value_type: number
status: data_available
status: implemented
time_frame: all
data_source: database
data_category: Optional
"$schema": "",
"title": "Report format for GitLab Running Container Scanning",
"description": "This schema provides the the report format for Running Container Scanning (",
"title": "Report format for GitLab Cluster Image Scanning",
"description": "This schema provides the the report format for Cluster Image Scanning.",
"definitions": {
"detail_type": {
"oneOf": [
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ RSpec.describe Resolvers::SecurityReportSummaryResolver do
dast: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count, :scans],
sast: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count],
container_scanning: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count],
running_container_scanning: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count],
cluster_image_scanning: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count],
dependency_scanning: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count],
coverage_fuzzing: [:scanned_resources_count, :vulnerabilities_count]
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['SecurityReportSummary'] do
specify { expect(described_class.graphql_name).to eq('SecurityReportSummary') }
it 'has specific fields' do
expected_fields = %w[dast sast containerScanning dependencyScanning runningContainerScanning]
expected_fields = %w[dast sast containerScanning dependencyScanning clusterImageScanning]
expect(described_class).to include_graphql_fields(*expected_fields)
......@@ -4,6 +4,6 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe GitlabSchema.types['VulnerabilityReportType'] do
it 'exposes all vulnerability report types' do
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Ci::Parsers::Security::Validators::SchemaValidator do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
where(:report_type, :expected_errors, :valid_data) do
:running_container_scanning | ['root is missing required keys: vulnerabilities'] | { 'version' => '10.0.0', 'vulnerabilities' => [] }
:cluster_image_scanning | ['root is missing required keys: vulnerabilities'] | { 'version' => '10.0.0', 'vulnerabilities' => [] }
:container_scanning | ['root is missing required keys: vulnerabilities'] | { 'version' => '10.0.0', 'vulnerabilities' => [] }
:coverage_fuzzing | ['root is missing required keys: vulnerabilities'] | { 'version' => '10.0.0', 'vulnerabilities' => [] }
:dast | ['root is missing required keys: vulnerabilities'] | { 'version' => '10.0.0', 'vulnerabilities' => [] }
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ RSpec.describe Vulnerability do
secret_detection: 4,
coverage_fuzzing: 5,
api_fuzzing: 6,
running_container_scanning: 7 }
cluster_image_scanning: 7 }
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) }
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ RSpec.describe PlanLimits do
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