=_("Existing projects will be able to use expiration policies. Avoid enabling this if an external Container Registry is being used, as there is a performance risk if many images exist on one project.")
=_("Existing projects will be able to use expiration policies. Avoid enabling this if an external Container Registry is being used, as there is a performance risk if many images exist on one project.")
=s_('PrometheusService|Custom metrics require Prometheus installed on a cluster with environment scope "*" OR a manually configured Prometheus to be available.')
=s_('PrometheusService|Custom metrics require Prometheus installed on a cluster with environment scope "*" OR a manually configured Prometheus to be available.')
=s_("PrometheusService|To set up automatic monitoring, add the environment variable %{variable} to exporter's queries."%{variable: "<code>$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG</code>"}).html_safe
=s_("PrometheusService|To set up automatic monitoring, add the environment variable %{variable} to exporter's queries."%{variable: "<code>$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG</code>"}).html_safe