'This job is an out-of-date deployment to %{environmentLink} using cluster %{clusterNameOrLink} and namespace %{kubernetesNamespace}. View the %{deploymentLink}.',
'This job is an out-of-date deployment to %{environmentLink} using cluster %{clusterNameOrLink} and namespace %{kubernetesNamespace}. View the %{deploymentLink}.',
'This job is creating a deployment to %{environmentLink} using cluster %{clusterNameOrLink} and namespace %{kubernetesNamespace}. This will overwrite the %{deploymentLink}.',
'This job is creating a deployment to %{environmentLink} using cluster %{clusterNameOrLink} and namespace %{kubernetesNamespace}. This will overwrite the %{deploymentLink}.',
`This job is an out-of-date deployment to environment using cluster ${TEST_CLUSTER_NAME} and namespace ${TEST_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}. View the most recent deployment.`,
`This job is an out-of-date deployment to environment using cluster ${TEST_CLUSTER_NAME} and namespace ${TEST_KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE}. View the most recent deployment.`,