Commit cd316bf4 authored by Phil Hughes's avatar Phil Hughes

Merge branch 'ee-36409-frontend-for-clarifying-the-usefulness-of-the-search-bar' into 'master'

Ee 36409 frontend for clarifying the usefulness of the search bar

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!6772
parents f896f1fc 83940d14
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
@mixin gitlab-theme(
......@@ -119,12 +118,6 @@
.location-badge {
color: $location-badge-color;
background-color: rgba($search-and-nav-links, 0.1);
border-right: 1px solid $sidebar-text;
.search-input::placeholder {
color: rgba($search-and-nav-links, 0.8);
......@@ -141,10 +134,6 @@
background-color: $white-light;
.location-badge {
color: $gl-text-color;
.search-input-wrap {
.search-icon {
fill: rgba($search-and-nav-links, 0.8);
......@@ -200,7 +189,6 @@
body {
&.ui-indigo {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -212,7 +200,6 @@ body {
&.ui-light-indigo {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -224,7 +211,6 @@ body {
&.ui-blue {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -236,7 +222,6 @@ body {
&.ui-light-blue {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -248,7 +233,6 @@ body {
&.ui-green {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -260,7 +244,6 @@ body {
&.ui-light-green {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -272,7 +255,6 @@ body {
&.ui-red {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -284,7 +266,6 @@ body {
&.ui-light-red {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -296,7 +277,6 @@ body {
&.ui-dark {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -308,7 +288,6 @@ body {
&.ui-light {
@include gitlab-theme(
......@@ -357,10 +336,6 @@ body {
&:hover {
background-color: $white-light;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $blue-200;
.location-badge {
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $blue-200;
......@@ -373,13 +348,6 @@ body {
color: $gl-text-color;
.location-badge {
color: $theme-gray-700;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 0 1px $border-color;
background-color: $nav-badge-bg;
border-right: 0;
.nav-sidebar {
......@@ -479,7 +479,8 @@ $award-emoji-positive-add-lines: #bb9c13;
$search-input-border-color: rgba($blue-400, 0.8);
$search-input-focus-shadow-color: $dropdown-input-focus-shadow;
$search-input-width: 220px;
$search-input-width: 240px;
$search-input-active-width: 320px;
$location-badge-active-bg: $blue-500;
$location-icon-color: #e7e9ed;
$search-dropdown-max-height: 400px;
$search-avatar-size: 16px;
.search-results {
.search-result-row {
border-bottom: 1px solid $border-color;
......@@ -24,8 +27,9 @@
box-shadow: 0 0 4px lighten($search-input-focus-shadow-color, 20%);
input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px lighten($search-input-focus-shadow-color, 20%), 0 0 0 1px lighten($search-input-focus-shadow-color, 20%);
input[type='checkbox']:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 2px 2px lighten($search-input-focus-shadow-color, 20%),
0 0 0 1px lighten($search-input-focus-shadow-color, 20%);
.search {
......@@ -40,24 +44,15 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
height: 32px;
border: 0;
border-radius: $border-radius-default;
transition: border-color ease-in-out $default-transition-duration, background-color ease-in-out $default-transition-duration;
transition: border-color ease-in-out $default-transition-duration,
background-color ease-in-out $default-transition-duration,
width ease-in-out $default-transition-duration;
&:hover {
box-shadow: none;
.location-badge {
white-space: nowrap;
height: 32px;
font-size: 12px;
margin: -4px 4px -4px -4px;
line-height: 25px;
padding: 4px 8px;
border-radius: $border-radius-default 0 0 $border-radius-default;
transition: border-color ease-in-out $default-transition-duration;
.search-input {
border: 0;
font-size: 14px;
......@@ -104,17 +99,28 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
.dropdown-header {
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 11px;
// Necessary because glDropdown doesn't support a second style of headers
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
// .dropdown-menu li has 1px side padding
padding: $gl-padding-8 17px;
color: $gl-text-color;
font-size: $gl-font-size;
line-height: 16px;
// Custom dropdown positioning
.dropdown-menu {
left: -5px;
max-height: $search-dropdown-max-height;
overflow: auto;
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
width: $search-input-active-width;
.dropdown-content {
max-height: none;
max-height: $search-dropdown-max-height - 18px;
......@@ -124,6 +130,10 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
border-color: $dropdown-input-focus-border;
box-shadow: none;
@include media-breakpoint-up(xl) {
width: $search-input-active-width;
.search-input-wrap {
.clear-icon {
......@@ -141,12 +151,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
color: $gl-text-color-tertiary;
.location-badge {
transition: all $default-transition-duration;
background-color: $nav-badge-bg;
border-color: $border-color;
&.has-value {
......@@ -160,10 +164,24 @@ input[type="checkbox"]:hover {
&.has-location-badge {
.search-input-wrap {
width: 68%;
.inline-search-icon {
position: relative;
margin-right: 4px;
color: $gl-text-color-secondary;
.search-item-avatar {
flex-basis: $search-avatar-size;
flex-shrink: 0;
margin-right: 4px;
.search-item-avatar {
width: $search-avatar-size;
height: $search-avatar-size;
border-radius: 50%;
border: 1px solid $avatar-border;
......@@ -84,16 +84,16 @@ module SearchHelper
ref = @ref || @project.repository.root_ref
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Files", url: project_tree_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Commits", url: project_commits_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Network", url: project_network_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Graph", url: project_graph_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Issues", url: project_issues_path(@project) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Merge Requests", url: project_merge_requests_path(@project) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Milestones", url: project_milestones_path(@project) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Snippets", url: project_snippets_path(@project) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Members", url: project_project_members_path(@project) },
{ category: "Current Project", label: "Wiki", url: project_wikis_path(@project) }
{ category: "In this project", label: "Files", url: project_tree_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Commits", url: project_commits_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Network", url: project_network_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Graph", url: project_graph_path(@project, ref) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Issues", url: project_issues_path(@project) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Merge Requests", url: project_merge_requests_path(@project) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Milestones", url: project_milestones_path(@project) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Snippets", url: project_snippets_path(@project) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Members", url: project_project_members_path(@project) },
{ category: "In this project", label: "Wiki", url: project_wikis_path(@project) }
......@@ -6,21 +6,19 @@
- group_data_attrs = { group_path: j(@group.path), name:, issues_path: issues_group_path(j(@group.path)), mr_path: merge_requests_group_path(j(@group.path)) }
- if @project && @project.persisted?
- project_data_attrs = { project_path: j(@project.path), name: j(, issues_path: project_issues_path(@project), mr_path: project_merge_requests_path(@project), issues_disabled: !@project.issues_enabled? }{ class: "#{'has-location-badge' if label.present?}" }
= form_tag search_path, method: :get, class: 'form-inline' do |f|
- if label.present?
.location-badge= label
.dropdown{ data: { url: search_autocomplete_path } }
= search_field_tag 'search', nil, placeholder: _('Search'),
= search_field_tag 'search', nil, placeholder: _('Search or jump to…'),
class: 'search-input dropdown-menu-toggle no-outline js-search-dashboard-options',
spellcheck: false,
tabindex: '1',
autocomplete: 'off',
data: { issues_path: issues_dashboard_path,
mr_path: merge_requests_dashboard_path },
aria: { label: _('Search') }
aria: { label: _('Search or jump to…') }
%button.hidden.js-dropdown-search-toggle{ type: 'button', data: { toggle: 'dropdown' } }
= dropdown_content do

40.9 KB | W: | H:


86.9 KB | W: | H:

  • 2-up
  • Swipe
  • Onion skin
......@@ -5666,12 +5666,39 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Search milestones"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search or jump to…"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search project"
msgstr ""
msgid "Search users"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|All GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|Issues I've created"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|Issues assigned to me"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|Merge requests I've created"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|Merge requests assigned to me"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|in all GitLab"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|in this group"
msgstr ""
msgid "SearchAutocomplete|in this project"
msgstr ""
msgid "Seconds before reseting failure information"
msgstr ""
......@@ -62,10 +62,6 @@ describe 'User uses header search field' do
it 'contains location badge' do
expect(page).to have_selector('.has-location-badge')
context 'when clicking the search field', :js do
before do
This project
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