Commit d3985e67 authored by Thiago Figueiró's avatar Thiago Figueiró Committed by charlie ablett

Replace klar with container-scanning

parent b09454a2
......@@ -10,21 +10,18 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 10.4.
GitLab 14.0 will replace its container scanning engine with Trivy. Currently, GitLab uses the open
source Clair engine for container scanning. GitLab 13.9 deprecates Clair. Until GitLab 14.0, this is
not a hard breaking change. Beginning in GitLab 14.0, GitLab will no longer update or maintain
Clair. To ensure that you get regular updates and the latest features, you must use the Trivy
container scanning engine beginning in GitLab 14.0. See the following sections for instructions on
moving from Clair to Trivy.
Versions of GitLab prior to 14.0 used Clair as the default container scanning engine. GitLab 14.0
replaces Clair with Trivy and removes Clair from the product. If you run container scanning with the
default settings, GitLab switches you seamlessly and automatically to Trivy in GitLab 14.0. However,
if you customized the variables in your container scanning job, you should review the
[migration guide](#migrating-from-clair-to-trivy) and make any necessary updates.
Your application's Docker image may itself be based on Docker images that contain known
vulnerabilities. By including an extra job in your pipeline that scans for those vulnerabilities and
displays them in a merge request, you can use GitLab to audit your Docker-based apps.
GitLab provides integration with two different open-source tools for vulnerability static analysis
in containers:
GitLab provides integration with open-source tools for vulnerability static analysis in containers:
- [Clair](
- [Trivy](
To integrate GitLab with security scanners other than those listed here, see
......@@ -41,10 +38,6 @@ information directly in the merge request.
![Container Scanning Widget](img/container_scanning_v13_2.png)
<!-- NOTE: The container scanning tool references the following heading in the code, so if you
make a change to this heading, make sure to update the documentation URLs used in the
container scanning tool ( -->
## Requirements
To enable container scanning in your pipeline, you need the following:
......@@ -53,11 +46,10 @@ To enable container scanning in your pipeline, you need the following:
or [`kubernetes`]( executor.
- Docker `18.09.03` or higher installed on the same computer as the runner. If you're using the
shared runners on, then this is already the case.
- An image matching the following supported distributions (depending on the analyzer being used):
- An image matching the following supported distributions (depending on the scanner being used):
| Scanning Engine | Supported distributions |
| --- | --- |
| [Clair]( | [Supported operating systems and languages]( |
| [Trivy]( | Supported [operating systems]( and [languages]( |
- [Build and push](../../packages/container_registry/
......@@ -106,6 +98,7 @@ How you enable container scanning depends on your GitLab version:
- GitLab 13.9 [introduced]( integration with
[Trivy]( by upgrading `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` from `3` to `4`.
- GitLab 14.0 makes Trivy the default scanner.
To include the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template (GitLab 11.9 and later), add the
following to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
......@@ -164,71 +157,33 @@ The variables you set in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` overwrite those in
This example [includes](../../../ci/yaml/ the container scanning template and
enables verbose output for both analyzers:
enables verbose output for the analyzer:
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
This example [includes](../../../ci/yaml/ the container scanning template and
enables version `2` of the analyzer:
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
<!-- NOTE: The container scanning tool references the following heading in the code, so if you"
make a change to this heading, make sure to update the documentation URLs used in the"
container scanning tool (" -->
#### Available CI/CD variables
You can [configure](#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings) both analyzers by using the following CI/CD variables:
| CI/CD Variable | Default | Description | Supported by|
| CI/CD Variable | Default | Description | Scanner |
| ------------------------------ | ------------- | ----------- | ------------ |
| `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` | `""` | Bundle of CA certs that you want to trust. See [Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority](#using-a-custom-ssl-ca-certificate-authority) for more details. | Both |
| `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` | `postgresql://postgres:password@clair-vulnerabilities-db:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable&statement_timeout=60000` | This variable represents the [connection string]( to the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions]( database. **Do not change this** unless you're running the image locally as described in [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool). The host value for the connection string must match the [alias]( value of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template file, which defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. | Clair |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` | `arminc/clair-db:latest` | The Docker image name and tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions]( It can be useful to override this value with a specific version (for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes, or to refer to a locally hosted vulnerability database for an on-premise offline installation). | Clair |
| `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE_TAG` | `latest` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_IMAGE` instead**) The Docker image tag for the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions]( It can be useful to override this value with a specific version (for example, to provide a consistent set of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes). | Clair |
| `CLAIR_OUTPUT` | `Unknown` | Severity level threshold. Vulnerabilities with severity level higher than or equal to this threshold are output. Supported levels are `Unknown`, `Negligible`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical`, and `Defcon1`. | Clair |
| `CLAIR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from the Clair server process. | Clair |
| `CLAIR_VULNERABILITIES_DB_URL` | `clair-vulnerabilities-db` | (**DEPRECATED - use `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` instead**) This variable is explicitly set in the [services section]( of the `Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` file and defaults to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. This value represents the address that the [PostgreSQL server hosting the vulnerability definitions]( is running on. **Do not change this** unless you're running the image locally as described in [Running the standalone container scanning tool](#running-the-standalone-container-scanning-tool). | Clair |
| `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` | `$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` | Docker repository URL for the image to be scanned. | Both |
| `CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | `$CI_COMMIT_SHA` | Docker repository tag for the image to be scanned. | Both |
| `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` | `3` | The major version of the Docker image tag. | Both |
| `CS_PROJECT` | Depends on `$CS_MAJOR_VERSION`. `klar` if `$CS_MAJOR_VERSION` is set to `1`, `2` or `3`, and `container-scanning` otherwise. | Analyzer project to be used. | Both |
| `DOCKER_IMAGE` | `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | The Docker image to be scanned. If set, this variable overrides the `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` and `$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` variables. | Both |
| `DOCKER_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar]( to access secure Docker registries using HTTPS with bad (or self-signed) SSL certificates. | Clair |
| `DOCKER_PASSWORD` | `$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` | Password for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | Clair |
| `DOCKER_USER` | `$CI_REGISTRY_USER` | Username for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | Clair |
| `DOCKERFILE_PATH` | `Dockerfile` | The path to the `Dockerfile` to use for generating remediations. By default, the scanner looks for a file named `Dockerfile` in the root directory of the project. You should configure this variable only if your `Dockerfile` is in a non-standard location, such as a subdirectory. See [Solutions for vulnerabilities](#solutions-for-vulnerabilities-auto-remediation) for more details. | Both |
| `KLAR_TRACE` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from Klar. | Clair |
| `REGISTRY_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow [Klar]( to access insecure registries (HTTP only). Should only be set to `true` when testing the image locally. | Clair |
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX` | `""` | Set the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. | Both |
| `SECURE_LOG_LEVEL` | `info` | Set the minimum logging level. Messages of this logging level or higher are output. From highest to lowest severity, the logging levels are: `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. | Both |
| `TRIVY_DEBUG` | `"false"` | Set to true to enable more verbose output from the Trivy process. | Trivy |
| `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` | `""` | Bundle of CA certs that you want to trust. See [Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority](#using-a-custom-ssl-ca-certificate-authority) for more details. | All |
| `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` | `$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE/$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` | Docker repository URL for the image to be scanned. | All |
| `CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | `$CI_COMMIT_SHA` | Docker repository tag for the image to be scanned. | All |
| `DOCKER_IMAGE` | `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY:$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` | The Docker image to be scanned. If set, this variable overrides the `$CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` and `$CI_APPLICATION_TAG` variables. | All |
| `DOCKER_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow access to secure Docker registries using HTTPS without validating the certificates. | All |
| `DOCKER_PASSWORD` | `$CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD` | Password for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | All |
| `DOCKER_USER` | `$CI_REGISTRY_USER` | Username for accessing a Docker registry requiring authentication. | All |
| `DOCKERFILE_PATH` | `Dockerfile` | The path to the `Dockerfile` to use for generating remediations. By default, the scanner looks for a file named `Dockerfile` in the root directory of the project. You should configure this variable only if your `Dockerfile` is in a non-standard location, such as a subdirectory. See [Solutions for vulnerabilities](#solutions-for-vulnerabilities-auto-remediation) for more details. | All |
| `REGISTRY_INSECURE` | `"false"` | Allow access to insecure registries (HTTP only). Should only be set to `true` when testing the image locally. | All |
| `SECURE_LOG_LEVEL` | `info` | Set the minimum logging level. Messages of this logging level or higher are output. From highest to lowest severity, the logging levels are: `fatal`, `error`, `warn`, `info`, `debug`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. | All |
### Overriding the container scanning template
......@@ -236,18 +191,7 @@ If you want to override the job definition (for example, to change properties li
must declare and override a job after the template inclusion, and then
specify any additional keys.
This example sets `GIT_STRATEGY` to `fetch` to be considered by both Clair and Trivy:
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
This example sets `KLAR_TRACE` to `true`, which is specific to Clair:
This example sets `GIT_STRATEGY` to `fetch`:
......@@ -255,18 +199,7 @@ include:
This example sets `TRIVY_DEBUG` to `true`, which is specific to Trivy:
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
......@@ -276,36 +209,47 @@ instead.
### Migrating from Clair to Trivy
If you are currently using Clair and want to migrate to Trivy before GitLab 14.0, you can do so by
taking the following steps:
If you're migrating from a GitLab 13.x release to a GitLab 14.x release and have customized the
`container_scanning` job or its CI variables, you might need to perform these migration steps in
your CI file:
1. Remove these variables:
1. Review the `CS_ANALYZER_IMAGE` variable. It no longer depends on the variables above and its new
default value is ``. If you have an
offline environment, see
[Running container scanning in an offline environment](#running-container-scanning-in-an-offline-environment).
1. If present, remove the `.cs_common` configuration section.
1. Take the following actions in your CI file:
1. If the `container_scanning` section is present, it's safer to create one from scratch based on
the new version of the [`Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml` template](
Once finished, it should not have any variables that are only applicable to Klar or Clair. For a
complete list of supported variables, see [available variables](#available-cicd-variables).
- Set the variable `CS_MAJOR_VERSION` to `4`. The job scope is global variables, or under `.cs_common`.
- Remove the variable `CS_PROJECT` from your CI file. The job scope is `container_scanning_new`.
Setting this variable to `container-scanning` under the correct scope has the same effect as
removing it from your CI file.
- Remove the `CS_ANALYZER_IMAGE` variable from your CI file. The job scope is `.cs_common`. Note
that instead of overriding this variable, you can use `CS_MAJOR_VERSION`.
1. Make any [necessary customizations](#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings)
to the `Trivy` scanner. We recommend that you minimize such customizations, as they might require
changes in future GitLab major releases.
1. Remove any variables that are only applicable to Clair. For a complete list of these variables,
see the [available variables](#available-cicd-variables).
1. Make any [necessary customizations](#customizing-the-container-scanning-settings) to the
`Trivy` scanner. We strongly recommended that you minimize customizations, as they
might require changes in future GitLab major releases.
1. Trigger a new run of a pipeline that includes the `container_scanning` job. Inspect the job
output and ensure that the log messages do not mention Clair.
Prior to the GitLab 14.0 release, any variable defined under the scope `container_scanning` is not
considered for the Trivy scanner. Verify that all variables for Trivy are
either defined as a global variable, or under `.cs_common` and `container_scanning_new`.
either defined as a global variable, or under `container_scanning`.
### Using a custom SSL CA certificate authority
You can use the `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` CI/CD variable to configure a custom SSL CA certificate authority, which is used to verify the peer when fetching Docker images from a registry which uses HTTPS. The `ADDITIONAL_CA_CERT_BUNDLE` value should contain the [text representation of the X.509 PEM public-key certificate]( For example, to configure this value in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, use the following:
......@@ -420,8 +364,7 @@ To use container scanning in an offline environment, you need:
| GitLab Analyzer | Container Registry |
| --- | --- |
| [Klar]( (used to run Clair) | [Klar container registry]( |
| [Container-Scanning]( (used to run Trivy) | [Container-Scanning container registry]( |
| [Container-Scanning]( | [Container-Scanning container registry]( |
Note that GitLab Runner has a [default `pull policy` of `always`](,
meaning the runner tries to pull Docker images from the GitLab container registry even if a local
......@@ -436,7 +379,6 @@ Support for custom certificate authorities was introduced in the following versi
| Scanner | Version |
| -------- | ------- |
| `Clair` | [v2.3.0]( |
| `Trivy` | [4.0.0]( |
#### Make GitLab container scanning analyzer images available inside your Docker registry
......@@ -444,17 +386,8 @@ Support for custom certificate authorities was introduced in the following versi
For container scanning, import the following default images from `` into your
[local Docker container registry](../../packages/container_registry/
The process for importing Docker images into a local offline Docker registry depends on
......@@ -473,49 +406,28 @@ For details on saving and transporting Docker images as a file, see Docker's doc
1. [Override the container scanning template](#overriding-the-container-scanning-template) in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to refer to the Docker images hosted on your local Docker container registry:
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
image: $CI_REGISTRY/namespace/gitlab-klar-analyzer
CLAIR_DB_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY/namespace/clair-vulnerabilities-db
- template: Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml
image: $CI_REGISTRY/namespace/gitlab-container-scanning
1. If your local Docker container registry is running securely over `HTTPS`, but you're using a
self-signed certificate, then you must set `DOCKER_INSECURE: "true"` in the above
`container_scanning` section of your `.gitlab-ci.yml`. This only applies to Clair.
`container_scanning` section of your `.gitlab-ci.yml`.
#### Automating container scanning vulnerability database updates with a pipeline
We recommend that you set up a [scheduled pipeline](../../../ci/pipelines/
to fetch the latest vulnerabilities database on a preset schedule. Because the Clair scanner is
deprecated, the latest vulnerabilities are currently only available for the Trivy scanner.
to fetch the latest vulnerabilities database on a preset schedule.
Automating this with a pipeline means you do not have to do it manually each time. You can use the
following `` example as a template.
# If using Clair, uncomment the following 2 lines and comment the Trivy lines below
# SOURCE_IMAGE: arminc/clair-db:latest
# TARGET_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/clair-vulnerabilities-db
# If using Trivy, uncomment the following 3 lines and comment the Clair lines above
CS_MAJOR_VERSION: 4 # ensure that this value matches the one you use in your scanning jobs
TARGET_IMAGE: $CI_REGISTRY/$CI_PROJECT_PATH/gitlab-container-scanning
image: docker:stable
......@@ -536,42 +448,6 @@ you're using a non-GitLab Docker registry, you must change the `$CI_REGISTRY` va
## Running the standalone container scanning tool
### Clair
It's possible to run [Klar](
against a Docker container without needing to run it within the context of a CI job. To scan an
image directly, follow these steps:
1. Run [Docker Desktop]( or [Docker Machine](
1. Run the latest [prefilled vulnerabilities database]( Docker image:
docker run -p 5432:5432 -d --name clair-db arminc/clair-db:latest
1. Configure a CI/CD variable to point to your local machine's IP address (or insert your IP address instead of the `LOCAL_MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS` variable in the `CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING` in the next step):
export LOCAL_MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS=your.local.ip.address
1. Run the analyzer's Docker image, passing the image and tag you want to analyze in the `CI_APPLICATION_REPOSITORY` and `CI_APPLICATION_TAG` variables:
docker run \
--interactive --rm \
--volume "$PWD":/tmp/app \
-e CI_PROJECT_DIR=/tmp/app \
-e CLAIR_DB_CONNECTION_STRING="postgresql://postgres:password@${LOCAL_MACHINE_IP_ADDRESS}:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable&statement_timeout=60000" \
-e \
-e CI_APPLICATION_TAG=bc09fe2e0721dfaeee79364115aeedf2174cce0947b9ae5fe7c33312ee019a4e \
The results are stored in `gl-container-scanning-report.json`.
### Trivy
It's possible to run the [GitLab container scanning tool](
against a Docker container without needing to run it within the context of a CI job. To scan an
image directly, follow these steps:
......@@ -589,7 +465,7 @@ image directly, follow these steps:
-e CI_PROJECT_DIR=/tmp/app \
-e \
-e CI_APPLICATION_TAG=bc09fe2e0721dfaeee79364115aeedf2174cce0947b9ae5fe7c33312ee019a4e \
The results are stored in `gl-container-scanning-report.json`.
......@@ -129,6 +129,10 @@ This method requires a runner with access to both `` (including
to be able to use the `docker` command inside the jobs. This runner can be installed in a DMZ or on
a bastion, and used only for this specific project.
This template does not include updates for the container scanning analyzer. Please see
[Container scanning offline directions](../container_scanning/
#### Scheduling the updates
By default, this project's pipeline runs only once, when the `.gitlab-ci.yml` is added to the
......@@ -136,12 +140,6 @@ repository. To update the GitLab security scanners and signatures, it's necessar
regularly. GitLab provides a way to [schedule pipelines](../../../ci/pipelines/ For
example, you can set this up to download and store the Docker images every week.
Some images can be updated more frequently than others. For example, the [vulnerability database](
for Container Scanning is updated daily. To update this single image, create a new Scheduled
Pipeline that runs daily and set `SECURE_BINARIES_ANALYZERS` to `clair-vulnerabilities-db`. Only
this job is triggered, and the image is updated daily and made available in the project
#### Using the secure bundle created
The project using the `Secure-Binaries.gitlab-ci.yml` template should now host all the required
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ The following vulnerability scanners and their databases are regularly updated:
| Secure scanning tool | Vulnerabilities database updates |
| [Container Scanning](../container_scanning/ | Uses either `trivy` or `clair`. For the `trivy` scanner, a job runs on a daily basis to build a new image with the latest vulnerability database updates from the [upstream `trivy-db`]( For the `clair` scanner, the latest `clair-db` version is used; `clair-db` database [is updated daily according to the author]( |
| [Container Scanning](../container_scanning/ | A job runs on a daily basis to build new images with the latest vulnerability database updates from the upstream scanner. |
| [Dependency Scanning](../dependency_scanning/ | Relies on `bundler-audit` (for Ruby gems), `retire.js` (for npm packages), and `gemnasium` (the GitLab tool for all libraries). Both `bundler-audit` and `retire.js` fetch their vulnerabilities data from GitHub repositories, so vulnerabilities added to `ruby-advisory-db` and `retire.js` are immediately available. The tools themselves are updated once per month if there's a new version. The [Gemnasium DB]( is updated at least once a week. See our [current measurement of time from CVE being issued to our product being updated]( |
| [Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)](../dast/ | The scanning engine is updated on a periodic basis. See the [version of the underlying tool `zaproxy`]( The scanning rules are downloaded at scan runtime. |
| [Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](../sast/ | Relies exclusively on [the tools GitLab wraps](../sast/ The underlying analyzers are updated at least once per month if a relevant update is available. The vulnerabilities database is updated by the upstream tools. |
......@@ -62,10 +62,9 @@ the following tables:
## Container Scanning
| GitLab scanner | Outputs severity levels? | Native severity level type | Native severity level example |
| GitLab analyzer | Outputs severity levels? | Native severity level type | Native severity level example |
| [`clair`]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | String | `Negligible`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical`, `Defcon1` |
| [`trivy`](| **{check-circle}** Yes | String | `Unknown`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical` |
| [`container-scanning`](| **{check-circle}** Yes | String | `Unknown`, `Low`, `Medium`, `High`, `Critical` |
## Fuzz Testing
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ RSpec.describe 'Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml' do
it 'includes job' do
expect(build_names).to match_array(%w[container_scanning_new])
expect(build_names).to match_array(%w[container_scanning])
# Use this template to enable container scanning in your project.
# You should add this template to an existing `.gitlab-ci.yml` file by using the `include:` keyword.
# You should add this template to an existing `.gitlab-ci.yml` file by using the `include:`
# keyword.
# The template should work without modifications but you can customize the template settings if
# needed:
# Requirements:
# - A `test` stage to be present in the pipeline.
# - You must define the image to be scanned in the DOCKER_IMAGE variable. If DOCKER_IMAGE is the
# - Container registry credentials defined by `DOCKER_USER` and `DOCKER_PASSWORD` variables if the image to be scanned is in a private registry.
# - Container registry credentials defined by `DOCKER_USER` and `DOCKER_PASSWORD` variables if the
# image to be scanned is in a private registry.
# - For auto-remediation, a readable Dockerfile in the root of the project or as defined by the
......@@ -14,59 +17,27 @@
# List of available variables:
# Setting this variable will affect all Security templates (e.g.: SAST, Dependency Scanning)
CS_MAJOR_VERSION: 3 # The major version of the analyzer image to be used for scanning
stage: test
stage: test
# Override the GIT_STRATEGY variable in your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file and set it to `fetch` if you want to provide a `clair-whitelist.yml`
# file. See
# for details
# To provide a `vulnerability-allowlist.yml` file, override the GIT_STRATEGY variable in your
# `.gitlab-ci.yml` file and set it to `fetch`.
# For details, see the following links:
# CS_ANALYZER_IMAGE is an undocumented variable used internally to allow QA to
# override the analyzer image with a custom value. This may be subject to change or
# breakage across GitLab releases.
allow_failure: true
container_scanning: gl-container-scanning-report.json
paths: [gl-container-scanning-report.json]
dependencies: []
extends: .cs_common
# By default, use the latest clair vulnerabilities database, however, allow it to be overridden here with a specific image
# to enable container scanning to run offline, or to provide a consistent list of vulnerabilities for integration testing purposes
CS_PROJECT: 'klar'
alias: clair-vulnerabilities-db
- /analyzer run
when: never
$GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\bcontainer_scanning\b/ &&
$CS_MAJOR_VERSION =~ /^[0-3]$/
extends: .cs_common
- gtcs scan
paths: [gl-container-scanning-report.json]
when: never
$GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\bcontainer_scanning\b/ &&
$CS_MAJOR_VERSION !~ /^[0-3]$/
- if: $GITLAB_FEATURES =~ /\bcontainer_scanning\b/
......@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ variables:
bandit, brakeman, gosec, spotbugs, flawfinder, phpcs-security-audit, security-code-scan, nodejs-scan, eslint, secrets, sobelow, pmd-apex, kubesec, semgrep,
bundler-audit, retire.js, gemnasium, gemnasium-maven, gemnasium-python,
klar, clair-vulnerabilities-db,
dast, api-fuzzing
......@@ -161,28 +160,6 @@ kubesec:
# Container Scanning jobs
extends: .download_images
extends: .download_images
$SECURE_BINARIES_ANALYZERS =~ /\bclair-vulnerabilities-db\b/
SECURE_BINARIES_IMAGE: arminc/clair-db
# Dependency Scanning jobs
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