=html_escape(_("Set the default expiration time for each job's artifacts. 0 for unlimited. The default unit is in seconds, but you can define an alternative. For example: %{code_open}4 mins 2 sec%{code_close}, %{code_open}2h42min%{code_close}."))%{code_open: '<code>'.html_safe,code_close: '</code>'.html_safe}
=_("Require users to prove ownership of custom domains")
=_("Domain verification is an essential security measure for public GitLab sites. Users are required to demonstrate they control a domain before it is enabled")
=_("Access to Pages websites are controlled based on the user's membership to a given project. By checking this box, users will be required to be logged in to have access to all Pages websites in your instance.")
=_("Existing projects will be able to use expiration policies. Avoid enabling this if an external Container Registry is being used, as there is a performance risk if many images exist on one project.")
=s_("Cohorts|User cohorts are shown for the last %{months_included} months. Only users with activity are counted in the 'New users' column; inactive users are counted separately.")%{months_included: @cohorts[:months_included]}
=link_toicon('question-circle'),help_page_path('user/admin_area/analytics/user_cohorts',anchor: 'cohorts'),title: 'About this feature',target: '_blank'
=link_tosprite_icon('question-o'),help_page_path('user/admin_area/analytics/user_cohorts',anchor: 'cohorts'),title: 'About this feature',target: '_blank'
=_("This repository was last checked %{last_check_timestamp}. The check passed.")%{last_check_timestamp: @project.last_repository_check_at.to_s(:medium)}
=html_escape(_("Choose between %{code_open}clone%{code_close} or %{code_open}fetch%{code_close} to get the recent application code"))%{code_open: '<code>'.html_safe,code_close: '</code>'.html_safe}
=_('If any job surpasses this timeout threshold, it will be marked as failed. Human readable time input language is accepted like "1 hour". Values without specification represent seconds.')
=html_escape(_("The path to the CI configuration file. Defaults to %{code_open}.gitlab-ci.yml%{code_close}"))%{code_open: '<code>'.html_safe,code_close: '</code>'.html_safe}
=_('The "Require approval from CODEOWNERS" setting was moved to %{banner_link_start}Protected Branches%{banner_link_end}').html_safe%{banner_link_start: banner_link_start,banner_link_end: '</strong></a>'.html_safe}