Commit f2190750 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Merge remote-tracking branch 'ee-com/master' into js-reduce-ce-ee-conflicts

Signed-off-by: default avatarDmitriy Zaporozhets <>
parents 87c18617 300898f0
......@@ -7,5 +7,8 @@ export default () => {
Cookies.set(, el.value, {
expires: 365 * 10,
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-rest-params, wrap-iife, quotes, prefer-arrow-callback, consistent-return, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-else-return, comma-dangle, max-len */
/* global Mousetrap */
/* global findFileURL */
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import findAndFollowLink from './shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
......@@ -20,6 +19,7 @@ import findAndFollowLink from './shortcuts_dashboard_navigation';
const $globalDropdownMenu = $('.global-dropdown-menu');
const $globalDropdownToggle = $('.global-dropdown-toggle');
const findFileURL = document.body.dataset.findFile;
$('.global-dropdown').on('', () => {
......@@ -187,11 +187,12 @@
@include set-invisible;
display: block;
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
width: auto;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
z-index: 9;
min-width: 240px;
max-width: 500px;
margin-top: 2px;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 14px;
......@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@
.block-last {
padding: 16px 0;
.trigger-build-variable {
color: $code-color;
......@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ class Admin::ApplicationSettingsController < Admin::ApplicationController
......@@ -136,7 +137,6 @@ class Admin::ApplicationSettingsController < Admin::ApplicationController
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def check_password_expiration
if current_user && current_user.password_expires_at && current_user.password_expires_at < && !current_user.ldap_user?
if current_user && current_user.password_expires_at && current_user.password_expires_at < && current_user.allow_password_authentication?
return redirect_to new_profile_password_path
class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
include Gitlab::CurrentSettings
before_action :resource_from_email, only: [:create]
before_action :prevent_ldap_reset, only: [:create]
before_action :check_password_authentication_available, only: [:create]
before_action :throttle_reset, only: [:create]
def edit
......@@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
def update
super do |resource|
if resource.valid? && resource.require_password?
if resource.valid? && resource.require_password_creation?
resource.update_attribute(:password_automatically_set, false)
......@@ -38,11 +40,11 @@ class PasswordsController < Devise::PasswordsController
self.resource = resource_class.find_by_email(email)
def prevent_ldap_reset
return unless resource && resource.ldap_user?
def check_password_authentication_available
return if current_application_settings.password_authentication_enabled? && (resource.nil? || resource.allow_password_authentication?)
redirect_to after_sending_reset_password_instructions_path_for(resource_name),
alert: "Cannot reset password for LDAP user."
alert: "Password authentication is unavailable."
def throttle_reset
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class Profiles::PasswordsController < Profiles::ApplicationController
def authorize_change_password!
return render_404 if @user.ldap_user?
render_404 unless @user.allow_password_authentication?
def user_params
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController
def issue
return @issue if defined?(@issue)
# The Sortable default scope causes performance issues when used with find_by
@noteable = @issue ||= @project.issues.find_by!(iid: params[:id])
@noteable = @issue ||= @project.issues.where(iid: params[:id]).reorder(nil).take!
return render_404 unless can?(current_user, :read_issue, @issue)
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class Projects::MergeRequests::CreationsController < Projects::MergeRequests::Ap
@target_project = @merge_request.target_project
@source_project = @merge_request.source_project
@commits = @merge_request.compare_commits.reverse
@commits = @merge_request.commits
@commit = @merge_request.diff_head_commit
@note_counts = Note.where(commit_id:
......@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ class Projects::TriggersController < Projects::ApplicationController
def trigger_params
trigger_schedule_attributes: [:id, :active, :cron, :cron_timezone, :ref]
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController
user = User.admins.last
return unless user && user.require_password?
return unless user && user.require_password_creation? do |user|
@token = user.generate_reset_token
module ApplicationSettingsHelper
delegate :gravatar_enabled?,
to: :current_application_settings
......@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ module ButtonHelper
def http_clone_button(project, placement = 'right', append_link: true)
klass = 'http-selector'
klass << ' has-tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_password?) || current_user.try(:require_personal_access_token?)
klass << ' has-tooltip' if current_user.try(:require_password_creation?) || current_user.try(:require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth?)
protocol = gitlab_config.protocol.upcase
tooltip_title =
if current_user.try(:require_password?)
if current_user.try(:require_password_creation?)
_("Set a password on your account to pull or push via %{protocol}.") % { protocol: protocol }
_("Create a personal access token on your account to pull or push via %{protocol}.") % { protocol: protocol }
......@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ module ProjectsHelper
def show_no_password_message?
cookies[:hide_no_password_message].blank? && !current_user.hide_no_password &&
( current_user.require_password? || current_user.require_personal_access_token? )
( current_user.require_password_creation? || current_user.require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth? )
def link_to_set_password
if current_user.require_password?
if current_user.require_password_creation?
link_to s_('SetPasswordToCloneLink|set a password'), edit_profile_password_path
link_to s_('CreateTokenToCloneLink|create a personal access token'), profile_personal_access_tokens_path
......@@ -551,4 +551,12 @@ module ProjectsHelper
current_application_settings.restricted_visibility_levels || []
def find_file_path
return unless @project && !@project.empty_repo?
ref = @ref || @project.repository.root_ref
project_find_file_path(@project, ref)
......@@ -250,6 +250,7 @@ class ApplicationSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
koding_url: nil,
max_artifacts_size: Settings.artifacts['max_size'],
max_attachment_size: Settings.gitlab['max_attachment_size'],
password_authentication_enabled: Settings.gitlab['password_authentication_enabled'],
performance_bar_allowed_group_id: nil,
plantuml_enabled: false,
plantuml_url: nil,
......@@ -264,7 +265,6 @@ class ApplicationSetting < ActiveRecord::Base
shared_runners_text: nil,
sidekiq_throttling_enabled: false,
sign_in_text: nil,
signin_enabled: Settings.gitlab['signin_enabled'],
signup_enabled: Settings.gitlab['signup_enabled'],
terminal_max_session_time: 0,
two_factor_grace_period: 48,
......@@ -5,25 +5,6 @@
module Sortable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module DropDefaultScopeOnFinders
# Override these methods to drop the `ORDER BY id DESC` default scope.
# See for why we do this.
%i[find find_by find_by!].each do |meth|
define_method meth do |*args, &block|
return super(*args, &block) if block
unordered_relation = unscope(:order)
# We cannot simply call `meth` on `unscope(:order)`, since that is also
# an instance of the same relation class this module is included into,
# which means we'd get infinite recursion.
# We explicitly use the original implementation to prevent this.
original_impl = method(__method__).super_method.unbind
included do
# By default all models should be ordered
# by created_at field starting from newest
......@@ -37,10 +18,6 @@ module Sortable
scope :order_updated_asc, -> { reorder(updated_at: :asc) }
scope :order_name_asc, -> { reorder(name: :asc) }
scope :order_name_desc, -> { reorder(name: :desc) }
# All queries (relations) on this model are instances of this `relation_klass`.
relation_klass = relation_delegate_class(ActiveRecord::Relation)
relation_klass.prepend DropDefaultScopeOnFinders
module ClassMethods
......@@ -35,9 +35,6 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :ensure_merge_request_diff, unless: :importing?
after_update :reload_diff_if_branch_changed
delegate :commits, :real_size, :commit_shas, :commits_count,
to: :merge_request_diff, prefix: nil
# When this attribute is true some MR validation is ignored
# It allows us to close or modify broken merge requests
attr_accessor :allow_broken
......@@ -228,6 +225,36 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
"#{project.to_reference(from, full: full)}#{reference}"
def commits
if persisted?
elsif compare_commits
def commits_count
if persisted?
elsif compare_commits
def commit_shas
if persisted?
elsif compare_commits
def first_commit
merge_request_diff ? merge_request_diff.first_commit : compare_commits.first
......@@ -250,9 +277,7 @@ class MergeRequest < ActiveRecord::Base
def diff_size
# Calling `merge_request_diff.diffs.real_size` will also perform
# highlighting, which we don't need here.
return real_size if merge_request_diff
merge_request_diff&.real_size || diffs.real_size
def diff_base_commit
......@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def ci_service
@ci_service ||= ci_services.find_by(active: true)
@ci_service ||= ci_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true)
def deployment_services
......@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def deployment_service
@deployment_service ||= deployment_services.find_by(active: true)
@deployment_service ||= deployment_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true)
def monitoring_services
......@@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def monitoring_service
@monitoring_service ||= monitoring_services.find_by(active: true)
@monitoring_service ||= monitoring_services.reorder(nil).find_by(active: true)
def jira_tracker?
......@@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ class Repository
# Gitaly migration:
def find_commits_by_message(query, ref = nil, path = nil, limit = 1000, offset = 0)
unless exists? && has_visible_content? && query.present?
return []
......@@ -617,6 +618,7 @@ class Repository
# Gitaly migration:
def last_commit_id_for_path(sha, path)
key = path.blank? ? "last_commit_id_for_path:#{sha}" : "last_commit_id_for_path:#{sha}:#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(path)}"
......@@ -599,16 +599,20 @@ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
keys.count == 0 && Gitlab::ProtocolAccess.allowed?('ssh')
def require_password?
password_automatically_set? && !ldap_user? && current_application_settings.signin_enabled?
def require_password_creation?
password_automatically_set? && allow_password_authentication?
def require_personal_access_token?
return false if current_application_settings.signin_enabled? || ldap_user?
def require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth?
return false if allow_password_authentication? || ldap_user? self, impersonation: false, state: 'active').execute.none?
def allow_password_authentication?
!ldap_user? && current_application_settings.password_authentication_enabled?
def can_change_username?
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ class GitOperationService
# Gitaly note: JV: wait with migrating #update_ref until we know how to migrate its call sites.
def update_ref(ref, newrev, oldrev)
# We use 'git update-ref' because libgit2/rugged currently does not
# offer 'compare and swap' ref updates. Without compare-and-swap we can
......@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@
= f.label :signin_enabled do
= f.check_box :signin_enabled
= f.label :password_authentication_enabled do
= f.check_box :password_authentication_enabled
Password authentication enabled
- if omniauth_enabled? && button_based_providers.any?
= f.label :enabled_oauth_sign_in_sources, 'Enabled OAuth sign-in sources', class: 'control-label col-sm-2'
......@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
- else
= render 'devise/shared/tabs_normal'
- if signin_enabled? || ldap_enabled? || crowd_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled? || ldap_enabled? || crowd_enabled?
= render 'devise/shared/signin_box'
-# Signup only makes sense if you can also sign-in
- if signin_enabled? && signup_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled? && signup_enabled?
= render 'devise/shared/signup_box'
-# Show a message if none of the mechanisms above are enabled
- if !signin_enabled? && !ldap_enabled? && !(omniauth_enabled? && devise_mapping.omniauthable?)
- if !password_authentication_enabled? && !ldap_enabled? && !(omniauth_enabled? && devise_mapping.omniauthable?)
No authentication methods configured.
......@@ -13,12 +13,12 @@{ id: "#{server['provider_name']}", role: 'tabpanel', class: active_when( && !crowd_enabled?) }
= render 'devise/sessions/new_ldap', server: server
- if signin_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled?{ id: 'ldap-standard', role: 'tabpanel' }
= render 'devise/sessions/new_base'
- elsif signin_enabled?
- elsif password_authentication_enabled?{ id: 'login-pane', role: 'tabpanel' }
= render 'devise/sessions/new_base'
......@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
- @ldap_servers.each_with_index do |server, i|
%li{ class: active_when( && !crowd_enabled?) }
= link_to server['label'], "##{server['provider_name']}", 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
- if signin_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled?
= link_to 'Standard', '#ldap-standard', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'
- if signin_enabled? && signup_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled? && signup_enabled?
= link_to 'Register', '#register-pane', 'data-toggle' => 'tab'{ role: 'tablist' }{ role: 'presentation' }
%a{ href: '#login-pane', data: { toggle: 'tab' }, role: 'tab' } Sign in
- if signin_enabled? && signup_enabled?
- if password_authentication_enabled? && signup_enabled?
%li{ role: 'presentation' }
%a{ href: '#register-pane', data: { toggle: 'tab' }, role: 'tab' } Register
......@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
= icon('bullhorn')
= license_message
- BroadcastMessage.current.each do |message|
- BroadcastMessage.current&.each do |message|
= broadcast_message(message)
!!! 5
%html{ lang: I18n.locale, class: "#{page_class}" }
= render "layouts/head"
%body{ class: @body_class, data: { page: body_data_page, project: "#{@project.path if @project}", group: "#{@group.path if @group}" } }
%body{ class: @body_class, data: { page: body_data_page, project: "#{@project.path if @project}", group: "#{@group.path if @group}", find_file: find_file_path } }
= render "layouts/init_auto_complete" if @gfm_form
- if show_new_nav?
= render "layouts/header/new"
......@@ -103,8 +103,3 @@
= yield :header_content
= render 'shared/outdated_browser'
- if @project && !@project.empty_repo?
- if ref = @ref || @project.repository.root_ref
var findFileURL = "#{project_find_file_path(@project, ref)}";
......@@ -84,8 +84,3 @@
= icon('times', class: 'js-navbar-toggle-left', style: 'display: none;')
= render 'shared/outdated_browser'
- if @project && !@project.empty_repo?
- if ref = @ref || @project.repository.root_ref
var findFileURL = "#{project_find_file_path(@project, ref)}";
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
= link_to profile_emails_path, title: 'Emails' do
- unless current_user.ldap_user?
- if current_user.allow_password_authentication?
= nav_link(controller: :passwords) do
= link_to edit_profile_password_path, title: 'Password' do
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, @project) && (@build.artifacts? || @build.artifacts_expired?)
.block{ class: ("block-first" if !@build.coverage) }
Job artifacts
- if @build.artifacts_expired?
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
- if @build.trigger_request
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
.js-build-variable.trigger-build-variable= key
.js-build-value.trigger-build-value= value
%div{ class: (@build.pipeline.stages_count > 1 ? "block" : "block-last") }
= link_to @build.pipeline.short_sha, project_commit_path(@project, @build.pipeline.sha), class: 'commit-sha link-commit'
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
- if @build.pipeline.stages_count > 1
%span{ class: "ci-status-icon-#{@build.pipeline.status}" }
= ci_icon_for_status(@build.pipeline.status)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Metrics are automatically configured and monitored
based on a library of metrics from popular exporters.
= link_to 'More information', '#'
= link_to 'More information', help_page_path('user/project/integrations/prometheus')
.panel.panel-default.js-panel-monitored-metrics{ data: { "active-metrics" => "#{project_prometheus_active_metrics_path(@project, :json)}" } }
......@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@
to exporter&rsquo;s queries.
= link_to 'More information', '#'
= link_to 'More information', help_page_path('user/project/integrations/prometheus', anchor: 'metrics-and-labels')
......@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
= render 'projects/find_file_link'
= lock_file_link(html_options: { class: 'btn btn-grouped path-lock' })
= link_to s_('Commits|History'), project_commits_path(@project, @id), class: 'btn btn-grouped'
= lock_file_link(html_options: { class: 'btn path-lock' })
= link_to s_('Commits|History'), project_commits_path(@project, @id), class: 'btn'
= render 'projects/buttons/download', project: @project, ref: @ref
......@@ -39,22 +39,3 @@
- else
This user has no active #{type} Tokens.
%h5 Inactive #{type} Tokens (#{inactive_tokens.length})
- if inactive_tokens.present?
%th Name
%th Created
- inactive_tokens.each do |token|
%td= token.created_at.to_date.to_s(:medium)
- else
This user has no inactive #{type} Tokens.
title: Remove Inactive Personal Access Tokens list from Access Tokens page
merge_request: 12866
title: Supplement Portuguese Brazil translation of Project Page & Repository Page
merge_request: 12156
author: Huang Tao
title: Fix vertical space in job details sidebar
title: Increase width of dropdown menus automatically
merge_request: 12809
author: Thomas Wucher
title: Improve performance of lookups of issues, merge requests etc by dropping unnecessary ORDER BY clause
title: Fixes needed when GitLab sign-in is not enabled
merge_request: 12491
author: Robin Bobbitt
......@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ rescue ArgumentError # no user configured
Settings.gitlab['time_zone'] ||= nil
Settings.gitlab['signup_enabled'] ||= true if Settings.gitlab['signup_enabled'].nil?
Settings.gitlab['signin_enabled'] ||= true if Settings.gitlab['signin_enabled'].nil?
Settings.gitlab['password_authentication_enabled'] ||= true if Settings.gitlab['password_authentication_enabled'].nil?
Settings.gitlab['restricted_visibility_levels'] = Settings.__send__(:verify_constant_array, Gitlab::VisibilityLevel, Settings.gitlab['restricted_visibility_levels'], [])
Settings.gitlab['username_changing_enabled'] = true if Settings.gitlab['username_changing_enabled'].nil?
Settings.gitlab['issue_closing_pattern'] = '((?:[Cc]los(?:e[sd]?|ing)|[Ff]ix(?:e[sd]|ing)?|[Rr]esolv(?:e[sd]?|ing))(:?) +(?:(?:issues? +)?%{issue_ref}(?:(?:, *| +and +)?)|([A-Z][A-Z0-9_]+-\d+))+)' if Settings.gitlab['issue_closing_pattern'].nil?
......@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ if Gitlab::Metrics.enabled?
loc && loc[0].start_with?(models) && method.source =~ regex
# Ability is in app/models, is not an ActiveRecord model, but should still
# be instrumented.
Gitlab::Metrics::Instrumentation.configure do |config|
class RenameApplicationSettingsSigninEnabledToPasswordAuthenticationEnabled < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
rename_column_concurrently :application_settings, :signin_enabled, :password_authentication_enabled
def down
cleanup_concurrent_column_rename :application_settings, :password_authentication_enabled, :signin_enabled
class CleanupApplicationSettingsSigninEnabledRename < ActiveRecord::Migration
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
DOWNTIME = false
def up
cleanup_concurrent_column_rename :application_settings, :signin_enabled, :password_authentication_enabled
def down
rename_column_concurrently :application_settings, :password_authentication_enabled, :signin_enabled
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170707184244) do
create_table "application_settings", force: :cascade do |t|
t.integer "default_projects_limit"
t.boolean "signup_enabled"
t.boolean "signin_enabled"
t.boolean "gravatar_enabled"
t.text "sign_in_text"
t.datetime "created_at"
......@@ -149,6 +148,7 @@ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20170707184244) do
t.string "slack_app_secret"
t.string "slack_app_verification_token"
t.integer "performance_bar_allowed_group_id"
t.boolean "password_authentication_enabled"
create_table "approvals", force: :cascade do |t|
......@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ Manage files and branches from the UI (user interface):
- [Discussions](user/discussions/ Threads, comments, and resolvable discussions in issues, commits, and merge requests.
- [Issues](user/project/issues/
- [Issue Board](user/project/
- **(EES/EEP)** [Related Issues](user/project/issues/ create a relationship between issues
- [Issues and merge requests templates](user/project/ Create templates for submitting new issues and merge requests.
- [Labels](user/project/ Categorize your issues or merge requests based on descriptive titles.
- [Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/
# IP whitelist
> Introduced in GitLab 9.4.
GitLab provides some [monitoring endpoints] that provide health check information
when probed.
To control access to those endpoints via IP whitelisting, you can add single
hosts or use IP ranges:
**For Omnibus installations**
1. Open `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add or uncomment the following:
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
1. Save the file and [reconfigure] GitLab for the changes to take effect.
**For installations from source**
1. Edit `config/gitlab.yml`:
# by default only local IPs are allowed to access monitoring resources
1. Save the file and [restart] GitLab for the changes to take effect.
[reconfigure]: ../
[restart]: ../
[monitoring endpoints]: ../../user/admin_area/monitoring/
# GitLab Prometheus metrics
Available since [Omnibus GitLab 9.3][29118]. Currently experimental. For installations from source
you'll have to configure it yourself.
GitLab monitors its own internal service metrics, and makes them available at the `/-/metrics` endpoint. Unlike other [Prometheus] exporters, this endpoint requires authentication as it is available on the same URL and port as user traffic.
Available since [Omnibus GitLab 9.3][29118]. Currently experimental. For
installations from source you'll have to configure it yourself.
To enable the GitLab Prometheus metrics:
......@@ -15,9 +13,14 @@ To enable the GitLab Prometheus metrics:
## Collecting the metrics
Since the metrics endpoint is available on the same host and port as other traffic, it requires authentication. The token and URL to access is displayed on the [Health Check][health-check] page.
GitLab monitors its own internal service metrics, and makes them available at the
`/-/metrics` endpoint. Unlike other [Prometheus] exporters, in order to access
it, the client IP needs to be [included in a whitelist][whitelist].
Currently the embedded Prometheus server is not automatically configured to collect metrics from this endpoint. We recommend setting up another Prometheus server, because the embedded server configuration is overwritten one every reconfigure of GitLab. In the future this will not be required.
Currently the embedded Prometheus server is not automatically configured to
collect metrics from this endpoint. We recommend setting up another Prometheus
server, because the embedded server configuration is overwritten once every
[reconfigure of GitLab][reconfigure]. In the future this will not be required.
## Metrics available
......@@ -44,4 +47,5 @@ In this experimental phase, only a few metrics are available:
[restart]: ../../
[health-check]: ../../../user/admin_area/monitoring/
[whitelist]: ../
[reconfigure]: ../../
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Example response:
"id" : 1,
"default_branch_protection" : 2,
"restricted_visibility_levels" : [],
"signin_enabled" : true,
"password_authentication_enabled" : true,
"after_sign_out_path" : null,
"max_attachment_size" : 10,
"user_oauth_applications" : true,
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ PUT /application/settings
| --------- | ---- | :------: | ----------- |
| `default_projects_limit` | integer | no | Project limit per user. Default is `100000` |
| `signup_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable registration. Default is `true`. |
| `signin_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable login via a GitLab account. Default is `true`. |
| `password_authentication_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable authentication via a GitLab account password. Default is `true`. |
| `gravatar_enabled` | boolean | no | Enable Gravatar |
| `sign_in_text` | string | no | Text on login page |
| `home_page_url` | string | no | Redirect to this URL when not logged in |
......@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Example response:
"id": 1,
"default_projects_limit": 100000,
"signup_enabled": true,
"signin_enabled": true,
"password_authentication_enabled": true,
"gravatar_enabled": true,
"sign_in_text": "",
"created_at": "2015-06-12T15:51:55.432Z",
# Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs
# Multi-project pipeline graphs
> [Introduced]( in
[GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium 9.3](
When you set up [GitLab CI/CD]( across multiple projects, you can visualize
the entire pipeline, including all multi-project stages.
## Overview
GitLab CI/CD is a powerful continuous integration tool built-in GitLab.
......@@ -10,12 +13,14 @@ GitLab CI works not only per project, but also across projects. When you
configure GitLab CI for your project, you can visualize the stages
of your [jobs]( on a chart called [pipeline graph](
When you set up [GitLab CI/CD]( across multiple projects, you can visualize
the entire pipeline, including all multi-project stages.
![Multi-project pipeline graph](img/multi_project_pipeline_graph.png)
Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs are useful for larger projects, especially those
For areas where the pipeline mini-graph is present, when hovering or clicking
(mobile) they will expand and be shown next to each other.
![Multi-project mini graph](img/multi_pipeline_mini_graph.gif)
Multi-project pipeline graphs are useful for larger projects, especially those
adopting a [microservices architecture](,
that often have a set of interdependent components which form the complete product.
......@@ -24,7 +29,7 @@ that often have a set of interdependent components which form the complete produ
Let's assume you deploy your web app from different projects in GitLab:
- One for the free version, which has its own pipeline that builds and tests your app
- One for the paid version adds-ons, which also pass through builds and tests
- One for the paid version add-ons, which also pass through builds and tests
- One for the documentation, which also builds, tests, and deploys with an SSG
With Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs, you can visualize the entire pipeline in a
......@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@ by name. The order of severity is:
![Pipeline mini graph sorting](img/pipelines_mini_graph_sorting.png)
### Multi-Project Pipelines Graphs
### Multi-project pipelines graphs
With [Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs](,
With [multi-project pipeline graphs](,
you can visualize cross-project pipelines.
It is available only in [GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium][eep].
# InputSetter
`InputSetter` is a plugin that allows for udating DOM out of the scope of droplab when a list item is clicked.
`InputSetter` is a plugin that allows for updating DOM out of the scope of droplab when a list item is clicked.
## Usage
......@@ -12,6 +12,56 @@ The `setup` task is a alias for `gitlab:setup`.
This tasks calls `db:reset` to create the database, calls `add_limits_mysql` that adds limits to the database schema in case of a MySQL database and finally it calls `db:seed_fu` to seed the database.
Note: `db:setup` calls `db:seed` but this does nothing.
### Automation
If you're very sure that you want to **wipe the current database** and refill
seeds, you could:
``` shell
echo 'yes' | bundle exec rake setup
To save you from answering `yes` manually.
### Discard stdout
Since the script would print a lot of information, it could be slowing down
your terminal, and it would generate more than 20G logs if you just redirect
it to a file. If we don't care about the output, we could just redirect it to
``` shell
echo 'yes' | bundle exec rake setup > /dev/null
Note that since you can't see the questions from stdout, you might just want
to `echo 'yes'` to keep it running. It would still print the errors on stderr
so no worries about missing errors.
### Notes for MySQL
Since the seeds would contain various UTF-8 characters, such as emojis or so,
we'll need to make sure that we're using `utf8mb4` for all the encoding
settings and `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` for collation. Please check
[MySQL utf8mb4 support](../install/
Make sure that `config/database.yml` has `encoding: utf8mb4`, too.
Next, we'll need to update the schema to make the indices fit:
``` shell
sed -i 's/limit: 255/limit: 191/g' db/schema.rb
Then run the setup script:
``` shell
bundle exec rake setup
To make sure that indices still fit. You could find great details in:
[How to support full Unicode in MySQL databases](
## Run tests
In order to run the test you can use the following commands:
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
be deprecated in GitLab 9.1. Read more in the [old behavior](#old-behavior)
- [Access token](#access-token) has been deprecated in GitLab 9.4
in favor of [IP Whitelist](#ip-whitelist)
in favor of [IP whitelist](#ip-whitelist)
GitLab provides liveness and readiness probes to indicate service health and
reachability to required services. These probes report on the status of the
......@@ -14,109 +14,101 @@ database connection, Redis connection, and access to the filesystem. These
endpoints [can be provided to schedulers like Kubernetes][kubernetes] to hold
traffic until the system is ready or restart the container as needed.
## IP Whitelist
## IP whitelist
To access monitoring resources the client IP needs to be included in the whitelist.
To add or remove hosts or IP ranges from the list you can edit `gitlab.rb` or `gitlab.yml`.
To access monitoring resources, the client IP needs to be included in a whitelist.
Example whitelist configuration:
- # by default only local IPs are allowed to access monitoring resources
[Read how to add IPs to a whitelist for the monitoring endpoints.][admin].
## Access Token (Deprecated)
## Using the endpoint
An access token needs to be provided while accessing the probe endpoints. The current
accepted token can be found under the **Admin area ➔ Monitoring ➔ Health check**
(`admin/health_check`) page of your GitLab instance.
With default whitelist settings, the probes can be accessed from localhost:
![access token](img/health_check_token.png)
- `http://localhost/-/readiness`
- `http://localhost/-/liveness`
The access token can be passed as a URL parameter:
which will then provide a report of system health in JSON format.
Readiness example output:
"queues_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"redis_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"shared_state_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"fs_shards_check" : {
"labels" : {
"shard" : "default"
"status" : "ok"
"db_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"cache_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
which will then provide a report of system health in JSON format:
Liveness example output:
"db_check": {
"status": "ok"
"fs_shards_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"redis_check": {
"status": "ok"
"cache_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"fs_shards_check": {
"status": "ok",
"labels": {
"shard": "default"
"db_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"redis_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"queues_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
"shared_state_check" : {
"status" : "ok"
## Using the Endpoint
With default whitelist settings, the probes can be accessed from localhost:
- `http://localhost/-/readiness`
- `http://localhost/-/liveness`
## Status
On failure, the endpoint will return a `500` HTTP status code. On success, the endpoint
will return a valid successful HTTP status code, and a `success` message.
## Old behavior
- Liveness and readiness probes were [introduced][ce-10416] in GitLab 9.1.
- The `health_check` endpoint was [introduced][ce-3888] in GitLab 8.8 and will
be deprecated in GitLab 9.1. Read more in the [old behavior](#old-behavior)
GitLab provides a health check endpoint for uptime monitoring on the `health_check` web
endpoint. The health check reports on the overall system status based on the status of
the database connection, the state of the database migrations, and the ability to write
and access the cache. This endpoint can be provided to uptime monitoring services like
[Pingdom][pingdom], [Nagios][nagios-health], and [NewRelic][newrelic-health].
## Access token (Deprecated)
Once you have the [access token](#access-token) or your client IP is [whitelisted](#ip-whitelist),
health information can be retrieved as plain text, JSON, or XML using the `health_check` endpoint:
Access token has been deprecated in GitLab 9.4
in favor of [IP whitelist](#ip-whitelist)
- ``
- ``
- ``
You can also ask for the status of specific services:
- ``
- ``
- ``
For example, the JSON output of the following health check:
An access token needs to be provided while accessing the probe endpoints. The current
accepted token can be found under the **Admin area ➔ Monitoring ➔ Health check**
(`admin/health_check`) page of your GitLab instance.
curl --header "TOKEN: ACCESS_TOKEN"
![access token](img/health_check_token.png)
would be like:
The access token can be passed as a URL parameter:
On failure, the endpoint will return a `500` HTTP status code. On success, the endpoint
will return a valid successful HTTP status code, and a `success` message. Ideally your
uptime monitoring should look for the success message.
[admin]: ../../../administration/monitoring/
......@@ -23,21 +23,33 @@ deployments right inside the [Deploy Board], without the need to leave GitLab.
## Use cases
Canary deployments can be used you want to ship features to only a portion of
Canary deployments can be used when you want to ship features to only a portion of
your pods fleet and watch their behavior as a percentage of your user base
visits the temporarily deployed feature. If all works well, you can deploy the
feature to production knowing that it won't cause any problems.
Canary deployments are also especially useful for backend refactors, performance
improvements, or other changes where the user interface doesn't change, but you
want to make sure the performance stays the same, or improves. Developers need
to be careful when using canaries with user-facing changes, because by default,
requests from the same user will be randomly distributed between canary and
non-canary pods, which could result in confusion or even errors. If needed, you
may want to consider [setting `service.spec.sessionAffinity` to `ClientIP` in
your Kubernetes service definitions][kube-net], but that is beyond the scope of
this document.
## Enabling Canary Deployments
Canary deployments require that you properly configure Deploy Boards:
1. Follow the steps to [enable Deploy Boards](
1. To track canary deployments you need to label your Kubernetes deployments and
pods with `track: canary`. To get started quickly, you can use the [Autodeploy]
pods with `track: canary`. To get started quickly, you can use the [Auto Deploy]
template for canary deployments that GitLab provides.
Depending on the deploy, the label should be either `stable` or `canary`.
Usually, `stable` and blank or missing label means the same thing, and `canary`
or any other track means canary/temporary.
This allows GitLab to discover whether deployment is stable or canary (temporary).
Once all of the above are set up and the pipeline has run at least once,
......@@ -56,3 +68,4 @@ can easily notice them.
[deploy board]:
# Slack application (only available on
# GitLab Slack application
Since GitLab 9.4 you can install Slack application to get [slash commands]( working.
The only difference is that all the commands should be prefixed with `/gitlab` keyword:
- Introduced in [GitLab Enterprise Edition] 9.4.
- Currently only configurable for, it will not work for on-premises
installations. You can configure the [Slack slash commands](
service instead. We're working with Slack on making this configurable for all
GitLab installations.
Slack provides a native application which you can enable via your project's
integrations on
## Configuration
Keep in mind that you need to have the appropriate permissions for your Slack
team in order to be able to install a new application, read more in Slack's
docs on [Adding an app to your team][slack-docs].
To enable GitLab's service for your Slack team:
1. Go to your project's **Settings > Integration > Slack application** (only
visible on
1. Click the "Add to Slack" button
That's all! You can now start using the Slack slash commands.
## Usage
After confirming the installation, you, and everyone else in your Slack team,
can use all the [slash commands].
When you perform your first slash command you will be asked to authorize your
Slack user on
The only difference with the [manually configurable Slack slash commands][slack-manual]
is that all the commands should be prefixed with the `/gitlab` keyword.
We are working on making this configurable in the future.
For example, to show the issue number `1001` under the `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce`
project, you would do:
# Show the issue #1001
/gitlab gitlab-org/gitlab-ce issue show 1001
To install GitLab application to your Slack team you need to go to
`Project Settings > Integration > Slack application` page and press "Add to Slack" button.
Keep in mind that you have to have appropriate permissions for that team to be able to
install a new application, see details in [Add an app to your team](
After confirming installation you, and everyone else in your Slack team, can use all the commands.
When you perform your first slash command you will be asked to authorize your Slack user
[slash commands]: ../../../integration/
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ Click on the service links to see further configuration instructions and details
| Pipelines emails | Email the pipeline status to a list of recipients |
| [Slack Notifications]( | Send GitLab events (e.g. issue created) to Slack as notifications |
| [Slack slash commands]( | Use slash commands in Slack to control GitLab |
| [GitLab Slack application]( | Use Slack's official application
| PivotalTracker | Project Management Software (Source Commits Endpoint) |
| [Prometheus]( | Monitor the performance of your deployed apps |
| Pushover | Pushover makes it easy to get real-time notifications on your Android device, iPhone, iPad, and Desktop |
......@@ -132,6 +132,14 @@ Issues can be [exported as CSV]( from GitLab and are sent to your
_Exporting issues to CSV is available only in [GitLab Enterprise Edition](
## Related Issues (EES/SSP)
Related Issues are a bi-directional relationship between any two issues
and appear in a block below the issue description. Issues can be across groups
and projects.
Read more about [Related Issues](
### Issue's API
Read through the [API documentation](../../../api/
......@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ Is it simple as the name implies: a _request_ to _merge_ one branch into another
With GitLab merge requests, you can:
- Compare the changes between two [branches](
- Discuss and review the proposed modifications inline
- [Review and discuss](../../discussions/ the proposed modifications inline
- Live preview the changes when [Review Apps](../../../ci/review_apps/ is configured for your project
- Build, test, and deploy your code is a per-branch basis with built-in [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/
- Build, test, and deploy your code in a per-branch basis with built-in [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/
- Prevent the merge request from being merged before it's ready with [WIP MRs](#work-in-progress-merge-requests)
- View the deployment process through [Pipeline Graphs](../../../ci/
- [Automatically close the issue(s)](../../project/issues/ that originated the implementation proposed in the merge request
......@@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ With GitLab merge requests, you can:
- Add a time estimation and the time spent with that merge request with [Time Tracking](../../../workflow/time_tracking.html#time-tracking)
- [Resolve merge conflicts from the UI](#resolve-conflicts)
With [GitLab Enterprise Edition][ee], you can also:
With **[GitLab Enterprise Edition][ee]**, you can also:
- View the deployment process across projects with [Multi-Project Pipeline Graphs](../../../ci/ (available only in GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium)
- Request [approvals](#merge-request-approvals) from your managers (available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
- Enable [fast-forward merge requests](#fast-forward-merge-requests) (available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
- [Squash and merge](#squash-and-merge) for a cleaner commit history (available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
- Enable [semi-linear history merge requests](#semi-linear-history-merge-requests) as another security layer to guarantee the pipeline is passing in the target branch (available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
- Analise the impact of your changes with [Code Quality reports](#code-quality-reports) (available only in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
- Analyze the impact of your changes with [Code Quality reports](#code-quality-reports) (available in GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter)
## Use cases
......@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ A. Consider you are a software developer working in a team:
1. You gather feedback from your team
1. You work on the implementation optimizing code with [Code Quality reports](#code-quality-reports)
1. You build and test your changes with GitLab CI/CD
1. You request the approval from your manager
1. Your manager pushes a commit with his final review and set the merge request to [merge when pipeline succeeds](#merge-when-pipeline-succeeds)
1. You request the [approval](#merge-request-approvals) from your manager
1. Your manager pushes a commit with his final review, [approves the merge request](#merge-request-approvals), and set it to [merge when pipeline succeeds](#merge-when-pipeline-succeeds)
1. Your changes get deployed to production with [manual actions](../../../ci/yaml/ for GitLab CI/CD
1. Your implementations were successfully shipped to your customer
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ B. Consider you're a web developer writing a webpage for your company's website:
1. You gather feedback from your reviewers
1. Your changes are previewed with [Review Apps](../../../ci/review_apps/
1. You request your web designers for their implementation
1. You request the approval from your manager
1. You request the [approval](#merge-request-approvals) from your manager
1. Once approved, your merge request is [squashed and merged](#squash-and-merge), and [deployed to staging with GitLab Pages](
1. Your production team [cherry picks](#cherry-pick-changes) the merge commit into production
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ server up and running for your GitLab instance.
Before we begin, let's understand a few concepts first.
### Static sites
## Static sites
GitLab Pages only supports static websites, meaning,
your output files must be HTML, CSS, and JavaScript only.
......@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ CSS, and JS, or use a [Static Site Generator (SSG)](
to simplify your code and build the static site for you,
which is highly recommendable and much faster than hardcoding.
#### Further Reading
### Further reading
- Read through this technical overview on [Static versus Dynamic Websites](
- Understand [how modern Static Site Generators work]( and what you can add to your static site
- You can use [any SSG with GitLab Pages](
- Fork an [example project]( to build your website based upon
### GitLab Pages domain
## GitLab Pages domain
If you set up a GitLab Pages project on,
it will automatically be accessible under a
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ Pages wildcard domain. This guide is valid for any GitLab instance,
you just need to replace Pages wildcard domain on
(`*`) with your own.
#### Practical examples
### Practical examples
**Project Websites:**
#### Project Websites
- You created a project called `blog` under your username `john`,
therefore your project URL is ``.
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ URL is ``. Once you enable
GitLab Pages for this project, the site will live under
**User and Group Websites:**
#### User and Group Websites
- Under your username, `john`, you created a project called
``. Your project URL will be ``.
......@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ will be published under ``.
``. your project's URL will be ``. Once you enable GitLab Pages for your project,
your website will be published under ``.
GitLab Pages [does **not** support subgroups](../../group/subgroups/
You can only create the highest level group website.
**General example:**
- On, a project site will always be available under
......@@ -398,6 +398,9 @@ don't redirect HTTP to HTTPS.
[rfc]: "HTTP Over TLS RFC"
GitLab Pages [does **not** support subgroups](../../group/subgroups/
You can only create the highest level group website.
## Redirects in GitLab Pages
Since you cannot use any custom server configuration files, like `.htaccess` or
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- [Description templates](../user/project/
- [Feature branch workflow](
- [GitLab Flow](
- [Groups](
- [Groups](../user/group/
- Issues - The GitLab Issue Tracker is an advanced and complete tool for
tracking the evolution of a new idea or the process of solving a problem.
- (EE) [Exporting Issues](../user/project/issues/ Export issues as a CSV, emailed as an attachment.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ to a project with a single action.
## Groups as collections of users
Groups are used primarily to [create collections of projects](, but you can also
Groups are used primarily to [create collections of projects](../user/group/, but you can also
take advantage of the fact that groups define collections of _users_, namely the group
......@@ -695,7 +695,8 @@ module API
expose :id
expose :default_projects_limit
expose :signup_enabled
expose :signin_enabled
expose :password_authentication_enabled
expose :password_authentication_enabled, as: :signin_enabled
expose :gravatar_enabled
expose :sign_in_text
expose :after_sign_up_text
......@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ module API
get "/broadcast_message" do
if message = BroadcastMessage.current.last
if message = BroadcastMessage.current&.last
present message, with: Entities::BroadcastMessage
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ module API
......@@ -95,7 +96,9 @@ module API
requires :domain_blacklist, type: String, desc: 'Users with e-mail addresses that match these domain(s) will NOT be able to sign-up. Wildcards allowed. Use separate lines for multiple entries. Ex:, *'
optional :after_sign_up_text, type: String, desc: 'Text shown after sign up'
optional :signin_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if sign in is enabled'
optional :password_authentication_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled'
optional :signin_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled'
mutually_exclusive :password_authentication_enabled, :signin_enabled
optional :require_two_factor_authentication, type: Boolean, desc: 'Require all users to setup Two-factor authentication'
given require_two_factor_authentication: ->(val) { val } do
requires :two_factor_grace_period, type: Integer, desc: 'Amount of time (in hours) that users are allowed to skip forced configuration of two-factor authentication'
......@@ -216,6 +219,10 @@ module API
put "application/settings" do
attrs = declared_params(include_missing: false)
if attrs.has_key?(:signin_enabled)
attrs[:password_authentication_enabled] = attrs.delete(:signin_enabled)
if current_settings.update_attributes(attrs)
present current_settings, with: Entities::ApplicationSetting
......@@ -46,39 +46,6 @@ module API
expose :awardable_id, :awardable_type
class ApplicationSetting < Grape::Entity
expose :id
expose :default_projects_limit
expose :signup_enabled
expose :signin_enabled
expose :gravatar_enabled
expose :sign_in_text
expose :after_sign_up_text
expose :created_at
expose :updated_at
expose :home_page_url
expose :default_branch_protection
expose :restricted_visibility_levels
expose :max_attachment_size
expose :session_expire_delay
expose :default_project_visibility
expose :default_snippet_visibility
expose :default_group_visibility
expose :domain_whitelist
expose :domain_blacklist_enabled
expose :domain_blacklist
expose :user_oauth_applications
expose :after_sign_out_path
expose :container_registry_token_expire_delay
expose :repository_storage
expose :repository_storages
expose :koding_enabled
expose :koding_url
expose :plantuml_enabled
expose :plantuml_url
expose :terminal_max_session_time
class Project < Grape::Entity
expose :id, :description, :default_branch, :tag_list
expose :public?, as: :public
......@@ -209,7 +176,8 @@ module API
expose :id
expose :default_projects_limit
expose :signup_enabled
expose :signin_enabled
expose :password_authentication_enabled
expose :password_authentication_enabled, as: :signin_enabled
expose :gravatar_enabled
expose :sign_in_text
expose :after_sign_up_text
......@@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ module API
requires :domain_blacklist, type: String, desc: 'Users with e-mail addresses that match these domain(s) will NOT be able to sign-up. Wildcards allowed. Use separate lines for multiple entries. Ex:, *'
optional :after_sign_up_text, type: String, desc: 'Text shown after sign up'
optional :signin_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if sign in is enabled'
optional :password_authentication_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled'
optional :signin_enabled, type: Boolean, desc: 'Flag indicating if password authentication is enabled'
mutually_exclusive :password_authentication_enabled, :signin_enabled
optional :require_two_factor_authentication, type: Boolean, desc: 'Require all users to setup Two-factor authentication'
given require_two_factor_authentication: ->(val) { val } do
requires :two_factor_grace_period, type: Integer, desc: 'Amount of time (in hours) that users are allowed to skip forced configuration of two-factor authentication'
......@@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ module API
:max_attachment_size, :session_expire_delay, :disabled_oauth_sign_in_sources,
:user_oauth_applications, :user_default_external, :signup_enabled,
:send_user_confirmation_email, :domain_whitelist, :domain_blacklist_enabled,
:after_sign_up_text, :signin_enabled, :require_two_factor_authentication,
:after_sign_up_text, :password_authentication_enabled, :signin_enabled, :require_two_factor_authentication,
:home_page_url, :after_sign_out_path, :sign_in_text, :help_page_text,
:shared_runners_enabled, :max_artifacts_size, :max_pages_size, :container_registry_token_expire_delay,
:metrics_enabled, :sidekiq_throttling_enabled, :recaptcha_enabled,
......@@ -139,7 +141,13 @@ module API
:repository_storage, :repository_storages, :repository_size_limit
put "application/settings" do
if current_settings.update_attributes(declared_params(include_missing: false))
attrs = declared_params(include_missing: false)
if attrs.has_key?(:signin_enabled)
attrs[:password_authentication_enabled] = attrs.delete(:signin_enabled)
if current_settings.update_attributes(attrs)
present current_settings, with: Entities::ApplicationSetting
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module Gitlab
rate_limit!(ip, success: result.success?, login: login)
return result if result.success? || current_application_settings.signin_enabled? || Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled?
return result if result.success? || current_application_settings.password_authentication_enabled? || Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled?
# If sign-in is disabled and LDAP is not configured, recommend a
# personal access token on failed auth attempts
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ module Gitlab
# Avoid resource intensive login checks if password is not provided
return unless password.present?
# Nothing to do here if internal auth is disabled and LDAP is
# not configured
return unless current_application_settings.password_authentication_enabled? || Gitlab::LDAP::Config.enabled?
Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter.limit_user! do
user = User.by_login(login)
......@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ module Gitlab
repo = options.delete(:repo)
raise 'Gitlab::Git::Repository is required' unless repo.respond_to?(:log)
repo.log(options).map { |c| decorate(c) }
# Get single commit
......@@ -331,85 +331,10 @@ module Gitlab
# )
def log(options)
default_options = {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
path: nil,
follow: false,
skip_merges: false,
disable_walk: false,
after: nil,
before: nil
options = default_options.merge(options)
options[:limit] ||= 0
options[:offset] ||= 0
actual_ref = options[:ref] || root_ref
sha = sha_from_ref(actual_ref)
rescue Rugged::OdbError, Rugged::InvalidError, Rugged::ReferenceError
# Return an empty array if the ref wasn't found
return []
if log_using_shell?(options)
log_by_shell(sha, options)
log_by_walk(sha, options)
def log_using_shell?(options)
options[:path].present? ||
options[:disable_walk] ||
options[:skip_merges] ||
options[:after] ||
def log_by_walk(sha, options)
walk_options = {
show: sha,
sort: Rugged::SORT_NONE,
limit: options[:limit],
offset: options[:offset]
Rugged::Walker.walk(rugged, walk_options).to_a
def log_by_shell(sha, options)
limit = options[:limit].to_i
offset = options[:offset].to_i
use_follow_flag = options[:follow] && options[:path].present?
# We will perform the offset in Ruby because --follow doesn't play well with --skip.
# See:
offset_in_ruby = use_follow_flag && options[:offset].present?
limit += offset if offset_in_ruby
cmd = %W[#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path} --git-dir=#{path} log]
cmd << "--max-count=#{limit}"
cmd << '--format=%H'
cmd << "--skip=#{offset}" unless offset_in_ruby
cmd << '--follow' if use_follow_flag
cmd << '--no-merges' if options[:skip_merges]
cmd << "--after=#{options[:after].iso8601}" if options[:after]
cmd << "--before=#{options[:before].iso8601}" if options[:before]
cmd << sha
# :path can be a string or an array of strings
if options[:path].present?
cmd << '--'
cmd += Array(options[:path])
raw_output = IO.popen(cmd) { |io| }
lines = offset_in_ruby ? raw_output.lines.drop(offset) : raw_output.lines! { |c|, c.strip) }
raw_log(options).map { |c| Commit.decorate(c) }
# Gitaly migration:
def count_commits(options)
cmd = %W[#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path} --git-dir=#{path} rev-list]
cmd << "--after=#{options[:after].iso8601}" if options[:after]
......@@ -454,7 +379,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Counts the amount of commits between `from` and `to`.
def count_commits_between(from, to)
commits_between(from, to).size
Commit.between(self, from, to).size
# Returns the SHA of the most recent common ancestor of +from+ and +to+
......@@ -912,6 +837,89 @@ module Gitlab
def raw_log(options)
default_options = {
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
path: nil,
follow: false,
skip_merges: false,
disable_walk: false,
after: nil,
before: nil
options = default_options.merge(options)
options[:limit] ||= 0
options[:offset] ||= 0
actual_ref = options[:ref] || root_ref
sha = sha_from_ref(actual_ref)
rescue Rugged::OdbError, Rugged::InvalidError, Rugged::ReferenceError
# Return an empty array if the ref wasn't found
return []
if log_using_shell?(options)
log_by_shell(sha, options)
log_by_walk(sha, options)
def log_using_shell?(options)
options[:path].present? ||
options[:disable_walk] ||
options[:skip_merges] ||
options[:after] ||
def log_by_walk(sha, options)
walk_options = {
show: sha,
sort: Rugged::SORT_NONE,
limit: options[:limit],
offset: options[:offset]
Rugged::Walker.walk(rugged, walk_options).to_a
# Gitaly note: JV: although #log_by_shell shells out to Git I think the
# complexity is such that we should migrate it as Ruby before trying to
# do it in Go.
def log_by_shell(sha, options)
limit = options[:limit].to_i
offset = options[:offset].to_i
use_follow_flag = options[:follow] && options[:path].present?
# We will perform the offset in Ruby because --follow doesn't play well with --skip.
# See:
offset_in_ruby = use_follow_flag && options[:offset].present?
limit += offset if offset_in_ruby
cmd = %W[#{Gitlab.config.git.bin_path} --git-dir=#{path} log]
cmd << "--max-count=#{limit}"
cmd << '--format=%H'
cmd << "--skip=#{offset}" unless offset_in_ruby
cmd << '--follow' if use_follow_flag
cmd << '--no-merges' if options[:skip_merges]
cmd << "--after=#{options[:after].iso8601}" if options[:after]
cmd << "--before=#{options[:before].iso8601}" if options[:before]
cmd << sha
# :path can be a string or an array of strings
if options[:path].present?
cmd << '--'
cmd += Array(options[:path])
raw_output = IO.popen(cmd) { |io| }
lines = offset_in_ruby ? raw_output.lines.drop(offset) : raw_output.lines! { |c|, c.strip) }
# We are trying to deprecate this method because it does a lot of work
# but it seems to be used only to look up submodule URL's.
# Gitaly note: JV: does not need to be migrated, works without a repo.
module Gitlab
module GitRefValidator
extend self
# Gitaly note: JV: two sets of straightforward RPC's. 1 Hard RPC: fork_repository.
# SSH key operations are not part of Gitaly so will never be migrated.
require 'securerandom'
module Gitlab
......@@ -68,6 +71,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# add_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci")
# Gitaly migration:
def add_repository(storage, name)
'add-project', storage, "#{name}.git"])
......@@ -81,6 +85,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# import_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "")
# Gitaly migration:
def import_repository(storage, name, url)
# Timeout should be less than 900 ideally, to prevent the memory killer
# to silently kill the process without knowing we are timing out here.
......@@ -127,6 +132,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# fetch_remote("gitlab/gitlab-ci", "upstream")
# Gitaly migration:
def fetch_remote(storage, name, remote, forced: false, no_tags: false)
args = [gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'fetch-remote', storage, "#{name}.git", remote, "#{Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.git_timeout}"]
args << '--force' if forced
......@@ -143,6 +149,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# mv_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "randx/gitlab-ci-new")
# Gitaly migration:
def mv_repository(storage, path, new_path)
gitlab_shell_fast_execute([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'mv-project',
storage, "#{path}.git", "#{new_path}.git"])
......@@ -171,6 +178,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# fork_repository("/path/to/forked_from/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci", "/path/to/forked_to/storage", "randx")
# Gitaly note: JV: not easy to migrate because this involves two Gitaly servers, not one.
def fork_repository(forked_from_storage, path, forked_to_storage, fork_namespace)
gitlab_shell_fast_execute([gitlab_shell_projects_path, 'fork-project',
forked_from_storage, "#{path}.git", forked_to_storage,
......@@ -185,6 +193,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# remove_repository("/path/to/storage", "gitlab/gitlab-ci")
# Gitaly migration:
def remove_repository(storage, name)
'rm-project', storage, "#{name}.git"])
......@@ -294,6 +303,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# add_namespace("/path/to/storage", "gitlab")
# Gitaly migration:
def add_namespace(storage, name)
path = full_path(storage, name)
FileUtils.mkdir_p(path, mode: 0770) unless exists?(storage, name)
......@@ -307,6 +317,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# rm_namespace("/path/to/storage", "gitlab")
# Gitaly migration:
def rm_namespace(storage, name)
FileUtils.rm_r(full_path(storage, name), force: true)
......@@ -316,6 +327,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Ex.
# mv_namespace("/path/to/storage", "gitlab", "gitlabhq")
# Gitaly migration:
def mv_namespace(storage, old_name, new_name)
return false if exists?(storage, new_name) || !exists?(storage, old_name)
......@@ -341,6 +353,7 @@ module Gitlab
# exists?(storage, 'gitlab')
# exists?(storage, 'gitlab/cookies.git')
# Gitaly migration:
def exists?(storage, dir_name)
File.exist?(full_path(storage, dir_name))
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -30,6 +30,15 @@ describe ApplicationController do
expect(controller).not_to receive(:redirect_to)
it 'does not redirect if the user is over their password expiry but sign-in is disabled' do
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled: false)
user.password_expires_at =
allow(controller).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
expect(controller).not_to receive(:redirect_to)
describe "#authenticate_user_from_token!" do
require 'spec_helper'
describe PasswordsController do
describe '#check_password_authentication_available' do
before do
@request.env["devise.mapping"] = Devise.mappings[:user]
context 'when password authentication is disabled' do
it 'prevents a password reset' do
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled: false)
post :create
expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'Password authentication is unavailable.'
context 'when reset email belongs to an ldap user' do
let(:user) { create(:omniauth_user, provider: 'ldapmain', email: '') }
it 'prevents a password reset' do
post :create, user: { email: }
expect(flash[:alert]).to eq 'Password authentication is unavailable.'
......@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@ FactoryGirl.define do
factory :ci_trigger_without_token, class: Ci::Trigger do
factory :ci_trigger do
sequence(:token) { |n| "token#{n}" }
factory :ci_trigger_for_trigger_schedule do
token { SecureRandom.hex(15) }
owner factory: :user
project factory: :project
ref 'master'
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ describe 'Admin > Users > Impersonation Tokens', feature: true, js: true do
def inactive_impersonation_tokens
def no_personal_access_tokens_message
before do
......@@ -60,15 +60,17 @@ describe 'Admin > Users > Impersonation Tokens', feature: true, js: true do
click_on "Revoke"
expect(inactive_impersonation_tokens).to have_text(
expect(page).to have_selector(".settings-message")
expect(no_personal_access_tokens_message).to have_text("This user has no active Impersonation Tokens.")
it "moves expired tokens to the 'inactive' section" do
it "removes expired tokens from 'active' section" do
impersonation_token.update(expires_at: 5.days.ago)
visit admin_user_impersonation_tokens_path(user_id: user.username)
expect(inactive_impersonation_tokens).to have_text(
expect(page).to have_selector(".settings-message")
expect(no_personal_access_tokens_message).to have_text("This user has no active Impersonation Tokens.")
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ feature 'Merge request conflict resolution', js: true, feature: true do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:project) { create(:project) }
before do
# In order to have the diffs collapsed, we need to disable the increase feature
stub_feature_flags(gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase: false)
def create_merge_request(source_branch)
create(:merge_request, source_branch: source_branch, target_branch: 'conflict-start', source_project: project) do |mr|
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'Profile > Password', feature: true do
context 'Password authentication enabled' do
let(:user) { create(:user, password_automatically_set: true) }
before do
......@@ -42,4 +43,33 @@ describe 'Profile > Password', feature: true do
context 'Password authentication unavailable' do
before do
context 'Regular user' do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
it 'renders 404 when sign-in is disabled' do
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled: false)
visit edit_profile_password_path
expect(page).to have_http_status(404)
context 'LDAP user' do
let(:user) { create(:omniauth_user, provider: 'ldapmain') }
it 'renders 404' do
visit edit_profile_password_path
expect(page).to have_http_status(404)
......@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ describe 'Profile > Personal Access Tokens', feature: true, js: true do
def inactive_personal_access_tokens
def no_personal_access_tokens_message
def created_personal_access_token
......@@ -80,14 +80,16 @@ describe 'Profile > Personal Access Tokens', feature: true, js: true do
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
click_on "Revoke"
expect(inactive_personal_access_tokens).to have_text(
expect(page).to have_selector(".settings-message")
expect(no_personal_access_tokens_message).to have_text("This user has no active Personal Access Tokens.")
it "moves expired tokens to the 'inactive' section" do
it "removes expired tokens from 'active' section" do
personal_access_token.update(expires_at: 5.days.ago)
visit profile_personal_access_tokens_path
expect(inactive_personal_access_tokens).to have_text(
expect(page).to have_selector(".settings-message")
expect(no_personal_access_tokens_message).to have_text("This user has no active Personal Access Tokens.")
context "when revocation fails" do
......@@ -110,6 +110,10 @@ feature 'Diff file viewer', :js, feature: true do
context 'binary file that appears to be text in the first 1024 bytes' do
before do
# The file we're visiting is smaller than 10 KB and we want it collapsed
# so we need to disable the size increase feature.
stub_feature_flags(gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase: false)
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ feature 'No Password Alert' do
let(:user) { create(:omniauth_user, extern_uid: 'my-uid', provider: 'saml') }
before do
stub_application_setting(signin_enabled?: false)
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled?: false)
stub_omniauth_saml_config(enabled: true, auto_link_saml_user: true, allow_single_sign_on: ['saml'], providers: [mock_saml_config])
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ describe ButtonHelper do
context 'with internal auth disabled' do
before do
stub_application_setting(signin_enabled?: false)
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled?: false)
context 'when user has no personal access tokens' do
......@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ describe ProjectsHelper do
context 'user requires a personal access token' do
it 'returns true' do
stub_application_setting(signin_enabled?: false)
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled?: false)
expect(helper.show_no_password_message?).to be_truthy
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ describe ProjectsHelper do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
it 'returns link to create a personal access token' do
stub_application_setting(signin_enabled?: false)
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled?: false)
expect(helper.link_to_set_password).to match %r{<a href="#{profile_personal_access_tokens_path}">create a personal access token</a>}
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Auth, lib: true do
it 'throws an error suggesting user create a PAT when internal auth is disabled' do
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:signin_enabled?) { false }
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:password_authentication_enabled?) { false }
expect { gl_auth.find_for_git_client('foo', 'bar', project: nil, ip: 'ip') }.to raise_error(Gitlab::Auth::MissingPersonalTokenError)
......@@ -279,6 +279,16 @@ describe Gitlab::Auth, lib: true do
gl_auth.find_with_user_password('ldap_user', 'password')
context "with sign-in disabled" do
before do
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled: false)
it "does not find user by valid login/password" do
expect(gl_auth.find_with_user_password(username, password)).to be_nil
require 'spec_helper'
describe Gitlab::FakeApplicationSettings do
let(:defaults) { { signin_enabled: false, foobar: 'asdf', signup_enabled: true, 'test?' => 123 } }
let(:defaults) { { password_authentication_enabled: false, foobar: 'asdf', signup_enabled: true, 'test?' => 123 } }
subject { }
it 'wraps OpenStruct variables properly' do
expect(subject.signin_enabled).to be_falsey
expect(subject.password_authentication_enabled).to be_falsey
expect(subject.signup_enabled).to be_truthy
expect(subject.foobar).to eq('asdf')
it 'defines predicate methods' do
expect(subject.signin_enabled?).to be_falsey
expect(subject.password_authentication_enabled?).to be_falsey
expect(subject.signup_enabled?).to be_truthy
it 'predicate method changes when value is updated' do
subject.signin_enabled = true
subject.password_authentication_enabled = true
expect(subject.signin_enabled?).to be_truthy
expect(subject.password_authentication_enabled?).to be_truthy
it 'does not define a predicate method' do
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ EOT
describe 'size limit feature toggles' do
context 'when the feature gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase is enabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase: true)
it 'returns 200 KB for size_limit' do
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ EOT
context 'when the feature gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase is disabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(gitlab_git_diff_size_limit_increase: false)
it 'returns 100 KB for size_limit' do
......@@ -705,9 +705,9 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
# Add new commits so that there's a renamed file in the commit history
repo ='default', TEST_REPO_PATH).rugged
commit_with_old_name = new_commit_edit_old_file(repo)
rename_commit = new_commit_move_file(repo)
commit_with_new_name = new_commit_edit_new_file(repo)
commit_with_old_name = Gitlab::Git::Commit.decorate(new_commit_edit_old_file(repo))
rename_commit = Gitlab::Git::Commit.decorate(new_commit_move_file(repo))
commit_with_new_name = Gitlab::Git::Commit.decorate(new_commit_edit_new_file(repo))
after(:context) do
......@@ -880,8 +880,8 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
context "compare results between log_by_walk and log_by_shell" do
let(:options) { { ref: "master" } }
let(:commits_by_walk) { repository.log(options).map(&:oid) }
let(:commits_by_shell) { repository.log(options.merge({ disable_walk: true })).map(&:oid) }
let(:commits_by_walk) { repository.log(options).map(&:id) }
let(:commits_by_shell) { repository.log(options.merge({ disable_walk: true })).map(&:id) }
it { expect(commits_by_walk).to eq(commits_by_shell) }
......@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
expect(commits.size).to be > 0
expect(commits).to satisfy do |commits|
commits.all? { |commit| commit.time >= options[:after] }
commits.all? { |commit| commit.committed_date >= options[:after] }
......@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
expect(commits.size).to be > 0
expect(commits).to satisfy do |commits|
commits.all? { |commit| commit.time <= options[:before] }
commits.all? { |commit| commit.committed_date <= options[:before] }
......@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ describe Gitlab::Git::Repository, seed_helper: true do
let(:options) { { ref: 'master', path: ['', ''] } }
def commit_files(commit)
commit.diff(commit.parent_ids.first).deltas.flat_map do |delta|
commit.diff_from_parent.deltas.flat_map do |delta|
[delta.old_file[:path], delta.new_file[:path]].uniq.compact
require 'spec_helper'
describe Sortable do
let(:relation) { Issue.all }
describe '#where' do
it 'orders by id, descending' do
order_node = relation.where(iid: 1).order_values.first
expect(order_node).to be_a(Arel::Nodes::Descending)
expect( eq(:id)
describe '#find_by' do
it 'does not order' do
expect(relation).to receive(:unscope).with(:order).and_call_original
relation.find_by(iid: 1)
......@@ -23,38 +23,29 @@ describe GitlabIssueTrackerService, models: true do
describe 'project and issue urls' do
let(:project) { create(:empty_project) }
let(:service) { project.create_gitlab_issue_tracker_service(active: true) }
context 'with absolute urls' do
before do
GitlabIssueTrackerService.default_url_options[:script_name] = "/gitlab/root"
@service = project.create_gitlab_issue_tracker_service(active: true)
after do
allow(GitlabIssueTrackerService).to receive(:default_url_options).and_return(script_name: "/gitlab/root")
it 'gives the correct path' do
expect(@service.project_url).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues")
expect(@service.new_issue_url).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/new")
expect(@service.issue_url(432)).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/432")
expect(service.project_url).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues")
expect(service.new_issue_url).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/new")
expect(service.issue_url(432)).to eq("http://#{}/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/432")
context 'with relative urls' do
before do
GitlabIssueTrackerService.default_url_options[:script_name] = "/gitlab/root"
@service = project.create_gitlab_issue_tracker_service(active: true)
after do
allow(GitlabIssueTrackerService).to receive(:default_url_options).and_return(script_name: "/gitlab/root")
it 'gives the correct path' do
expect(@service.project_path).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues")
expect(@service.new_issue_path).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/new")
expect(@service.issue_path(432)).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/432")
expect(service.project_path).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues")
expect(service.new_issue_path).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/new")
expect(service.issue_path(432)).to eq("/gitlab/root/#{project.path_with_namespace}/issues/432")
......@@ -2054,4 +2054,26 @@ describe User, models: true do
describe '#allow_password_authentication?' do
context 'regular user' do
let(:user) { build(:user) }
it 'returns true when sign-in is enabled' do
expect(user.allow_password_authentication?).to be_truthy
it 'returns false when sign-in is disabled' do
stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled: false)
expect(user.allow_password_authentication?).to be_falsey
it 'returns false for ldap user' do
user = create(:omniauth_user, provider: 'ldapmain')
expect(user.allow_password_authentication?).to be_falsey
......@@ -35,6 +35,17 @@ describe API::Internal do
expect(json_response).to be_empty
context 'nil broadcast message' do
it 'returns nothing' do
allow(BroadcastMessage).to receive(:current).and_return(nil)
get api('/internal/broadcast_message'), secret_token: secret_token
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to be_empty
describe 'GET /internal/broadcast_messages' do
......@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(42)
expect(json_response['signin_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['repository_storages']).to eq(['default'])
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['koding_url']).to be_nil
expect(json_response['plantuml_enabled']).to be_falsey
......@@ -33,8 +34,8 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
it "updates application settings" do
put api("/application/settings", admin),
default_projects_limit: 3,
signin_enabled: false,
repository_storages: ['custom'],
password_authentication_enabled: false,
koding_enabled: true,
koding_url: '',
plantuml_enabled: true,
......@@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ describe API::Settings, 'Settings' do
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(3)
expect(json_response['signin_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['repository_storages']).to eq(['custom'])
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['koding_url']).to eq('')
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ describe API::V3::Settings, 'Settings' do
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response).to be_an Hash
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(42)
expect(json_response['signin_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_truthy
expect(json_response['repository_storage']).to eq('default')
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['koding_url']).to be_nil
......@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ describe API::V3::Settings, 'Settings' do
it "updates application settings" do
put v3_api("/application/settings", admin),
default_projects_limit: 3, signin_enabled: false, repository_storage: 'custom', koding_enabled: true, koding_url: '',
default_projects_limit: 3, password_authentication_enabled: false, repository_storage: 'custom', koding_enabled: true, koding_url: '',
plantuml_enabled: true, plantuml_url: ''
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
expect(json_response['default_projects_limit']).to eq(3)
expect(json_response['signin_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['password_authentication_enabled']).to be_falsey
expect(json_response['repository_storage']).to eq('custom')
expect(json_response['repository_storages']).to eq(['custom'])
expect(json_response['koding_enabled']).to be_truthy
......@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ describe 'Git HTTP requests', lib: true do
context 'when internal auth is disabled' do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:signin_enabled?) { false }
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:password_authentication_enabled?) { false }
it 'rejects pulls with personal access token error message' do
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ describe JwtController do
context 'when internal auth is disabled' do
it 'rejects the authorization attempt with personal access token message' do
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:signin_enabled?) { false }
allow_any_instance_of(ApplicationSetting).to receive(:password_authentication_enabled?) { false }
get '/jwt/auth', parameters, headers
expect(response).to have_http_status(401)
This diff is collapsed.
This diff is collapsed.
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