Commit f954f22b authored by Alper Akgun's avatar Alper Akgun Committed by Olena Horal-Koretska

Continuous onboarding 1A

parent 409ada30
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export default { export default {
components: { GlLink }, components: { GlProgressBar, GlSprintf, LearnGitlabSectionCard },
i18n: { i18n: {
ACTION_LABELS, title: s__('LearnGitLab|Learn GitLab'),
description: s__(
'LearnGitLab|Ready to get started with GitLab? Follow these steps to set up your workspace, plan and commit changes, and deploy your project.',
percentageCompleted: s__(`LearnGitLab|%{percentage}%{percentSymbol} completed`),
}, },
props: { props: {
actions: { actions: {
...@@ -13,15 +19,49 @@ export default { ...@@ -13,15 +19,49 @@ export default {
type: Object, type: Object,
}, },
}, },
maxValue: Object.keys(ACTION_LABELS).length,
sections: Object.keys(ACTION_SECTIONS),
computed: {
progressValue() {
return Object.values(this.actions).filter((a) => a.completed).length;
progressPercentage() {
return Math.round((this.progressValue / this.$options.maxValue) * 100);
methods: {
actionsFor(section) {
const actions = Object.fromEntries(
([action]) => ACTION_LABELS[action].section === section,
return actions;
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<span v-if="value.completed">{{ $options.i18n.ACTION_LABELS[action].title }}</span> <div class="gl-mb-7 gl-ml-5">
<span v-else> <h1 class="gl-font-size-h1">{{ $options.i18n.title }}</h1>
<gl-link :href="value.url">{{ $options.i18n.ACTION_LABELS[action].title }}</gl-link> <p class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-0">{{ $options.i18n.description }}</p>
</span> </div>
</li> </div>
</ul> <div class="gl-mb-3">
<p class="gl-text-gray-500 gl-mb-2" data-testid="completion-percentage">
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<template #percentage>{{ progressPercentage }}</template>
<template #percentSymbol>%</template>
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<learn-gitlab-section-card :section="section" :actions="actionsFor(section)" />
</template> </template>
<script> <script>
import { GlProgressBar, GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui'; import { GlProgressBar, GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { pick } from 'lodash';
import { s__ } from '~/locale'; import { s__ } from '~/locale';
import { ACTION_LABELS } from '../constants'; import { ACTION_LABELS } from '../constants';
import LearnGitlabInfoCard from './learn_gitlab_info_card.vue'; import LearnGitlabInfoCard from './learn_gitlab_info_card.vue';
...@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ export default { ...@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ export default {
infoProps(action) { infoProps(action) {
return { return {
...this.actions[action], ...this.actions[action],
...ACTION_LABELS[action], ...pick(ACTION_LABELS[action], ['title', 'actionLabel', 'description', 'trialRequired']),
}; };
}, },
progressValue() { progressValue() {
import { GlCard } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { imagePath } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
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import LearnGitlabSectionLink from './learn_gitlab_section_link.vue';
export default {
name: 'LearnGitlabSectionCard',
components: { GlCard, LearnGitlabSectionLink },
i18n: {
props: {
section: {
required: true,
type: String,
actions: {
required: true,
type: Object,
computed: {
sortedActions() {
return Object.entries(this.actions).sort(
(a1, a2) => ACTION_LABELS[a1[0]].position - ACTION_LABELS[a2[0]].position,
methods: {
svg(section) {
return imagePath(`learn_gitlab/section_${section}.svg`);
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<div class="learn-gitlab-section-card-header">
<img :src="svg(section)" />
<h2 class="gl-font-lg gl-mb-3">{{ $options.i18n[section].title }}</h2>
<p class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-6">{{ $options.i18n[section].description }}</p>
v-for="[action, value] in sortedActions"
import { GlLink, GlIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { s__ } from '~/locale';
import { ACTION_LABELS } from '../constants';
export default {
name: 'LearnGitlabSectionLink',
components: { GlLink, GlIcon },
i18n: {
trialOnly: s__('LearnGitlab|Trial only'),
props: {
action: {
required: true,
type: String,
value: {
required: true,
type: Object,
computed: {
trialOnly() {
return ACTION_LABELS[this.action].trialRequired;
<div class="gl-mb-4">
<span v-if="value.completed" class="gl-text-green-500">
<gl-icon name="check-circle-filled" :size="16" data-testid="completed-icon" />
{{ $options.i18n.ACTION_LABELS[action].title }}
<span v-else>
<gl-link :href="value.url">{{ $options.i18n.ACTION_LABELS[action].title }}</gl-link>
<span v-if="trialOnly" class="gl-font-style-italic gl-text-gray-500" data-testid="trial-only">
- {{ $options.i18n.trialOnly }}
...@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = { ...@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import a repository'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import a repository'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import a repository'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import a repository'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import your first repository into your new project.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Create or import your first repository into your new project.'),
section: 'workspace',
position: 1,
}, },
userAdded: { userAdded: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Invite your colleagues'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Invite your colleagues'),
...@@ -12,16 +14,22 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = { ...@@ -12,16 +14,22 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = {
description: s__( description: s__(
'LearnGitLab|GitLab works best as a team. Invite your colleague to enjoy all features.', 'LearnGitLab|GitLab works best as a team. Invite your colleague to enjoy all features.',
), ),
section: 'workspace',
position: 0,
}, },
pipelineCreated: { pipelineCreated: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Set up CI/CD'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Set up CI/CD'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Set-up CI/CD'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Set-up CI/CD'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Save time by automating your integration and deployment tasks.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Save time by automating your integration and deployment tasks.'),
section: 'workspace',
position: 2,
}, },
trialStarted: { trialStarted: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Start a free Ultimate trial'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Start a free Ultimate trial'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Try GitLab Ultimate for free'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Try GitLab Ultimate for free'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Try all GitLab features for 30 days, no credit card required.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Try all GitLab features for 30 days, no credit card required.'),
section: 'workspace',
position: 3,
}, },
codeOwnersEnabled: { codeOwnersEnabled: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Add code owners'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Add code owners'),
...@@ -30,21 +38,50 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = { ...@@ -30,21 +38,50 @@ export const ACTION_LABELS = {
'LearnGitLab|Prevent unexpected changes to important assets by assigning ownership of files and paths.', 'LearnGitLab|Prevent unexpected changes to important assets by assigning ownership of files and paths.',
), ),
trialRequired: true, trialRequired: true,
section: 'workspace',
position: 4,
}, },
requiredMrApprovalsEnabled: { requiredMrApprovalsEnabled: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Add merge request approval'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Add merge request approval'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Enable require merge approvals'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Enable require merge approvals'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Route code reviews to the right reviewers, every time.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Route code reviews to the right reviewers, every time.'),
trialRequired: true, trialRequired: true,
section: 'workspace',
position: 5,
}, },
mergeRequestCreated: { mergeRequestCreated: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Submit a merge request'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Submit a merge request'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Submit a merge request (MR)'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Submit a merge request (MR)'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Review and edit proposed changes to source code.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Review and edit proposed changes to source code.'),
section: 'plan',
position: 1,
}, },
securityScanEnabled: { securityScanEnabled: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Run a security scan'), title: s__('LearnGitLab|Run a Security scan using CI/CD'),
actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Run a Security scan'), actionLabel: s__('LearnGitLab|Run a Security scan using CI/CD'),
description: s__('LearnGitLab|Scan your code to uncover vulnerabilities before deploying.'), description: s__('LearnGitLab|Scan your code to uncover vulnerabilities before deploying.'),
section: 'deploy',
position: 1,
export const ACTION_SECTIONS = {
workspace: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Set up your workspace'),
description: s__(
"LearnGitLab|Complete these tasks first so you can enjoy GitLab's features to their fullest:",
plan: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Plan and execute'),
description: s__(
'LearnGitLab|Create a workflow for your new workspace, and learn how GitLab features work together:',
deploy: {
title: s__('LearnGitLab|Deploy'),
description: s__(
'LearnGitLab|Use your new GitLab workflow to deploy your application, monitor its health, and keep it secure:',
}, },
}; };
.learn-gitlab-info-card-content { .learn-gitlab-info-card-content {
height: 200px; height: 200px;
} }
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height: 400px;
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height: 165px;
...@@ -18424,10 +18424,7 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18424,10 +18424,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitLab|Route code reviews to the right reviewers, every time." msgid "LearnGitLab|Route code reviews to the right reviewers, every time."
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitLab|Run a Security scan" msgid "LearnGitLab|Run a Security scan using CI/CD"
msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitLab|Run a security scan"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitLab|Save time by automating your integration and deployment tasks." msgid "LearnGitLab|Save time by automating your integration and deployment tasks."
...@@ -18463,6 +18460,9 @@ msgstr "" ...@@ -18463,6 +18460,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitLab|Use your new GitLab workflow to deploy your application, monitor its health, and keep it secure:" msgid "LearnGitLab|Use your new GitLab workflow to deploy your application, monitor its health, and keep it secure:"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
msgid "LearnGitlab|Trial only"
msgstr ""
msgid "Leave" msgid "Leave"
msgstr "" msgstr ""
// Jest Snapshot v1, // Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`Learn GitLab Design A should render the loading state 1`] = ` exports[`Learn GitLab Design A renders correctly 1`] = `
<ul> <div>
<li> <div
<span> class="row"
Create or import a repository >
</span> <div
</li> class="gl-mb-7 gl-ml-5"
<li> >
<span> <h1
Learn GitLab
class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-0"
Ready to get started with GitLab? Follow these steps to set up your workspace, plan and commit changes, and deploy your project.
class="gl-text-gray-500 gl-mb-2"
25% completed
style="width: 25%;"
class="row row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 gl-mt-5"
class="col gl-mb-6"
class="gl-card gl-pt-0 learn-gitlab-section-card"
class="gl-font-lg gl-mb-3"
Set up your workspace
class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-6"
Complete these tasks first so you can enjoy GitLab's features to their fullest:
class="gl-icon s16"
Invite your colleagues Invite your colleagues
</span> </span>
<li> <!---->
class="gl-icon s16"
Create or import a repository
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Set up CI/CD Set up CI/CD
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
<li> <!---->
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Start a free Ultimate trial Start a free Ultimate trial
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
<li> <!---->
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Add code owners Add code owners
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
<li> <span
class="gl-font-style-italic gl-text-gray-500"
- Trial only
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Add merge request approval Add merge request approval
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
<li> <span
class="gl-font-style-italic gl-text-gray-500"
- Trial only
class="col gl-mb-6"
class="gl-card gl-pt-0 learn-gitlab-section-card"
class="gl-font-lg gl-mb-3"
Plan and execute
class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-6"
Create a workflow for your new workspace, and learn how GitLab features work together:
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Submit a merge request Submit a merge request
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
<li> <!---->
class="col gl-mb-6"
class="gl-card gl-pt-0 learn-gitlab-section-card"
class="gl-font-lg gl-mb-3"
class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-6"
Use your new GitLab workflow to deploy your application, monitor its health, and keep it secure:
<span> <span>
<gl-link-stub <a
href="" href=""
> >
Run a security scan Run a Security scan using CI/CD
</gl-link-stub> </a>
</span> </span>
</ul> <!---->
`; `;
...@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ exports[`Learn GitLab Design B renders correctly 1`] = ` ...@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ exports[`Learn GitLab Design B renders correctly 1`] = `
/> />
<h6> <h6>
Run a security scan Run a Security scan using CI/CD
</h6> </h6>
<p <p
...@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ exports[`Learn GitLab Design B renders correctly 1`] = ` ...@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ exports[`Learn GitLab Design B renders correctly 1`] = `
rel="noopener noreferrer" rel="noopener noreferrer"
target="_blank" target="_blank"
> >
Run a Security scan Run a Security scan using CI/CD
</a> </a>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`Learn GitLab Section Card renders correctly 1`] = `
class="gl-pt-0 learn-gitlab-section-card"
class="gl-font-lg gl-mb-3"
Set up your workspace
class="gl-text-gray-700 gl-mb-6"
Complete these tasks first so you can enjoy GitLab's features to their fullest:
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
value="[object Object]"
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import { GlProgressBar } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import LearnGitlabA from '~/pages/projects/learn_gitlab/components/learn_gitlab_a.vue'; import LearnGitlabA from '~/pages/projects/learn_gitlab/components/learn_gitlab_a.vue';
import { testActions } from './mock_data'; import { testActions } from './mock_data';
describe('Learn GitLab Design A', () => { describe('Learn GitLab Design A', () => {
let wrapper; let wrapper;
const createWrapper = () => {
wrapper = mount(LearnGitlabA, { propsData: { actions: testActions } });
beforeEach(() => {
afterEach(() => { afterEach(() => {
wrapper.destroy(); wrapper.destroy();
wrapper = null; wrapper = null;
}); });
const createWrapper = () => { it('renders correctly', () => {
wrapper = shallowMount(LearnGitlabA, { propsData: { actions: testActions } }); expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot();
}; });
it('should render the loading state', () => { it('renders the progress percentage', () => {
createWrapper(); const text = wrapper.find('[data-testid="completion-percentage"]').text();
expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot(); expect(text).toEqual('25% completed');
it('renders the progress bar with correct values', () => {
const progressBar = wrapper.find(GlProgressBar);
}); });
}); });
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import LearnGitlabSectionCard from '~/pages/projects/learn_gitlab/components/learn_gitlab_section_card.vue';
import { testActions } from './mock_data';
const defaultSection = 'workspace';
describe('Learn GitLab Section Card', () => {
let wrapper;
afterEach(() => {
wrapper = null;
const createWrapper = () => {
wrapper = shallowMount(LearnGitlabSectionCard, {
propsData: { section: defaultSection, actions: testActions },
it('renders correctly', () => {
createWrapper({ completed: false });
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import LearnGitlabSectionLink from '~/pages/projects/learn_gitlab/components/learn_gitlab_section_link.vue';
const defaultAction = 'gitWrite';
const defaultProps = {
title: 'Create Repository',
description: 'Some description',
url: '',
completed: false,
describe('Learn GitLab Section Link', () => {
let wrapper;
afterEach(() => {
wrapper = null;
const createWrapper = (action = defaultAction, props = {}) => {
wrapper = shallowMount(LearnGitlabSectionLink, {
propsData: { action, value: { ...defaultProps, ...props } },
it('renders no icon when not completed', () => {
createWrapper(undefined, { completed: false });
it('renders the completion icon when completed', () => {
createWrapper(undefined, { completed: true });
it('renders no trial only when it is not required', () => {
it('renders trial only when trial is required', () => {
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