"Allocatable" in this table refers to the amount of resources available to workloads deployed in Kubernetes _after_ accounting for the overhead of running Kubernetes itself.
card "Gitaly Cluster" as gitaly_cluster {
collections "**Praefect** x3" as praefect #FF8C00
collections "**Gitaly** x3" as gitaly #FF8C00
card "**Praefect PostgreSQL***\n//Non fault-tolerant//" as praefect_postgres #FF8C00
praefect -[#FF8C00]-> gitaly
praefect -[#FF8C00]> praefect_postgres
card "Database" as database {
collections "**PGBouncer** x3" as pgbouncer #4EA7FF
card "**PostgreSQL** (Primary)" as postgres_primary #4EA7FF
collections "**PostgreSQL** (Secondary) x2" as postgres_secondary #4EA7FF
pgbouncer -[#4EA7FF]-> postgres_primary
postgres_primary .[#4EA7FF]> postgres_secondary
card "redis" as redis {
collections "**Redis Persistent** x3" as redis_persistent #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache** x3" as redis_cache #FF6347
collections "**Redis Persistent Sentinel** x3" as redis_persistent_sentinel #FF6347