| [Container Scanning](container_scanning/index.md) | Uses `clair` underneath and the latest `clair-db` version is used for each job run by running the [`latest` docker image tag](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/blob/438a0a56dc0882f22bdd82e700554525f552d91b/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Security/Container-Scanning.gitlab-ci.yml#L37). The `clair-db` database [is updated daily according to the author](https://github.com/arminc/clair-local-scan#clair-server-or-local). |
| [Dependency Scanning](dependency_scanning/index.md) | Relies on `bundler-audit` (for Rubygems), `retire.js` (for NPM packages) and `gemnasium` (GitLab's own tool for all libraries). `bundler-audit` and `retire.js` both fetch their vulnerabilities data from GitHub repositories, so vulnerabilities added to `ruby-advisory-db` and `retire.js` are immediately available. The tools themselves are updated once per month if there's a new version. The [Gemnasium DB](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/gemnasium-db) is updated at least once a week. |
| [Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)](dast/index.md) | Updated weekly on Sundays. The underlying tool, `zaproxy`, downloads fresh rules at startup. |
| [Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](sast/index.md) | Relies exclusively on [the tools GitLab is wrapping](sast/index.md#supported-languages-and-frameworks). The underlying analyzers are updated at least once per month if a relevant update is available. The vulnerabilities database is updated by the upstream tools. |
You don't have to update GitLab to benefit from the latest vulnerabilities definitions,
but you may have to in the future.
The security tools are released as Docker images, and the vendored job definitions
to enable them are using the `x-y-stable` image tags that get overridden each time a new
release of the tools is pushed. The Docker images are updated to match the
previous GitLab releases, so they automatically get the latest versions of the
scanning tools without the user having to do anything.
This workflow comes with some drawbacks and there's a
[plan to change this](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/9725).
## Interacting with the vulnerabilities
## Interacting with the vulnerabilities
> Introduced in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing) 10.8.
> Introduced in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing) 10.8.