### Community members & roles

GitLab community members and their privileges/responsibilities.

| Roles | Responsibilities | Requirements |
| Maintainer | Accepts merge requests on several GitLab projects | Added to the [team page](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/). An expert on code reviews and knows the product/code base |
| Reviewer | Performs code reviews on MRs | Added to the [team page](https://about.gitlab.com/company/team/) |
| Developer |Has access to GitLab internal infrastructure & issues (e.g. HR-related) | GitLab employee or a Core Team member (with an NDA) |
| Contributor | Can make contributions to all GitLab public projects | Have a GitLab.com account |

[List of current reviewers/maintainers](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/projects/#gitlab-ce).


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