import $ from 'jquery'; import Vue from 'vue'; import IssueCardWeight from 'ee/boards/components/issue_card_weight.vue'; import UserAvatarLink from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_link.vue'; import eventHub from '../eventhub'; const Store = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore; = || {}; = || {}; gl.issueBoards.IssueCardInner = Vue.extend({ components: { UserAvatarLink, IssueCardWeight, }, props: { issue: { type: Object, required: true, }, issueLinkBase: { type: String, required: true, }, list: { type: Object, required: false, default: () => ({}), }, rootPath: { type: String, required: true, }, updateFilters: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false, }, groupId: { type: Number, required: false, default: null, }, }, data() { return { limitBeforeCounter: 3, maxRender: 4, maxCounter: 99, }; }, computed: { numberOverLimit() { return this.issue.assignees.length - this.limitBeforeCounter; }, assigneeCounterTooltip() { return `${this.assigneeCounterLabel} more`; }, assigneeCounterLabel() { if (this.numberOverLimit > this.maxCounter) { return `${this.maxCounter}+`; } return `+${this.numberOverLimit}`; }, shouldRenderCounter() { if (this.issue.assignees.length <= this.maxRender) { return false; } return this.issue.assignees.length > this.numberOverLimit; }, issueId() { if (this.issue.iid) { return `#${this.issue.iid}`; } return false; }, showLabelFooter() { return this.issue.labels.find(l => this.showLabel(l)) !== undefined; }, }, methods: { isIndexLessThanlimit(index) { return index < this.limitBeforeCounter; }, shouldRenderAssignee(index) { // Eg. maxRender is 4, // Render up to all 4 assignees if there are only 4 assigness // Otherwise render up to the limitBeforeCounter if (this.issue.assignees.length <= this.maxRender) { return index < this.maxRender; } return index < this.limitBeforeCounter; }, assigneeUrl(assignee) { return `${this.rootPath}${assignee.username}`; }, assigneeUrlTitle(assignee) { return `Assigned to ${}`; }, avatarUrlTitle(assignee) { return `Avatar for ${}`; }, showLabel(label) { if (! return false; return true; }, filterByLabel(label, e) { if (!this.updateFilters) return; const filterPath = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.filter.path.split('&'); const labelTitle = encodeURIComponent(label.title); const param = `label_name[]=${labelTitle}`; const labelIndex = filterPath.indexOf(param); $(e.currentTarget).tooltip('hide'); if (labelIndex === -1) { filterPath.push(param); } else { filterPath.splice(labelIndex, 1); } gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.filter.path = filterPath.join('&'); Store.updateFiltersUrl(); eventHub.$emit('updateTokens'); }, labelStyle(label) { return { backgroundColor: label.color, color: label.textColor, }; }, }, template: ` <div> <div class="board-card-header"> <h4 class="board-card-title"> <i class="fa fa-eye-slash confidential-icon" v-if="issue.confidential" aria-hidden="true" /> <a class="js-no-trigger" :href="issue.path" :title="issue.title">{{ issue.title }}</a> <span class="board-card-number" v-if="issueId" > {{ issue.referencePath }} </span> <issue-card-weight v-if="issue.weight" :weight="issue.weight" /> </h4> <div class="board-card-assignee"> <user-avatar-link v-for="(assignee, index) in issue.assignees" :key="" v-if="shouldRenderAssignee(index)" class="js-no-trigger" :link-href="assigneeUrl(assignee)" :img-alt="avatarUrlTitle(assignee)" :img-src="assignee.avatar" :tooltip-text="assigneeUrlTitle(assignee)" tooltip-placement="bottom" /> <span class="avatar-counter has-tooltip" :title="assigneeCounterTooltip" v-if="shouldRenderCounter" > {{ assigneeCounterLabel }} </span> </div> </div> <div class="board-card-footer" v-if="showLabelFooter" > <button class="badge color-label has-tooltip" v-for="label in issue.labels" type="button" v-if="showLabel(label)" @click="filterByLabel(label, $event)" :style="labelStyle(label)" :title="label.description" data-container="body"> {{ label.title }} </button> </div> </div> `, });