<script> import _ from 'underscore'; import { __, sprintf, s__ } from '../../locale'; import createFlash from '../../flash'; import PipelinesService from '../services/pipelines_service'; import pipelinesMixin from '../mixins/pipelines'; import TablePagination from '../../vue_shared/components/table_pagination.vue'; import NavigationTabs from '../../vue_shared/components/navigation_tabs.vue'; import NavigationControls from './nav_controls.vue'; import { getParameterByName } from '../../lib/utils/common_utils'; import CIPaginationMixin from '../../vue_shared/mixins/ci_pagination_api_mixin'; export default { components: { TablePagination, NavigationTabs, NavigationControls, }, mixins: [pipelinesMixin, CIPaginationMixin], props: { store: { type: Object, required: true, }, // Can be rendered in 3 different places, with some visual differences // Accepts root | child // `root` -> main view // `child` -> rendered inside MR or Commit View viewType: { type: String, required: false, default: 'root', }, endpoint: { type: String, required: true, }, helpPagePath: { type: String, required: true, }, emptyStateSvgPath: { type: String, required: true, }, errorStateSvgPath: { type: String, required: true, }, noPipelinesSvgPath: { type: String, required: true, }, autoDevopsPath: { type: String, required: true, }, hasGitlabCi: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, canCreatePipeline: { type: Boolean, required: true, }, ciLintPath: { type: String, required: false, default: null, }, resetCachePath: { type: String, required: false, default: null, }, newPipelinePath: { type: String, required: false, default: null, }, }, data() { return { // Start with loading state to avoid a glitch when the empty state will be rendered isLoading: true, state: this.store.state, scope: getParameterByName('scope') || 'all', page: getParameterByName('page') || '1', requestData: {}, isResetCacheButtonLoading: false, }; }, stateMap: { // with tabs loading: 'loading', tableList: 'tableList', error: 'error', emptyTab: 'emptyTab', // without tabs emptyState: 'emptyState', }, scopes: { all: 'all', pending: 'pending', running: 'running', finished: 'finished', branches: 'branches', tags: 'tags', }, computed: { /** * `hasGitlabCi` handles both internal and external CI. * The order on which the checks are made in this method is * important to guarantee we handle all the corner cases. */ stateToRender() { const { stateMap } = this.$options; if (this.isLoading) { return stateMap.loading; } if (this.hasError) { return stateMap.error; } if (this.state.pipelines.length) { return stateMap.tableList; } if ((this.scope !== 'all' && this.scope !== null) || this.hasGitlabCi) { return stateMap.emptyTab; } return stateMap.emptyState; }, /** * Tabs are rendered in all states except empty state. * They are not rendered before the first request to avoid a flicker on first load. */ shouldRenderTabs() { const { stateMap } = this.$options; return ( this.hasMadeRequest && [stateMap.loading, stateMap.tableList, stateMap.error, stateMap.emptyTab].includes( this.stateToRender, ) ); }, shouldRenderButtons() { return ( (this.newPipelinePath || this.resetCachePath || this.ciLintPath) && this.shouldRenderTabs ); }, shouldRenderPagination() { return ( !this.isLoading && this.state.pipelines.length && this.state.pageInfo.total > this.state.pageInfo.perPage ); }, emptyTabMessage() { const { scopes } = this.$options; const possibleScopes = [scopes.pending, scopes.running, scopes.finished]; if (possibleScopes.includes(this.scope)) { return sprintf(s__('Pipelines|There are currently no %{scope} pipelines.'), { scope: this.scope, }); } return s__('Pipelines|There are currently no pipelines.'); }, tabs() { const { count } = this.state; const { scopes } = this.$options; return [ { name: __('All'), scope: scopes.all, count: count.all, isActive: this.scope === 'all', }, { name: __('Pending'), scope: scopes.pending, count: count.pending, isActive: this.scope === 'pending', }, { name: __('Running'), scope: scopes.running, count: count.running, isActive: this.scope === 'running', }, { name: __('Finished'), scope: scopes.finished, count: count.finished, isActive: this.scope === 'finished', }, { name: __('Branches'), scope: scopes.branches, isActive: this.scope === 'branches', }, { name: __('Tags'), scope: scopes.tags, isActive: this.scope === 'tags', }, ]; }, }, created() { this.service = new PipelinesService(this.endpoint); this.requestData = { page: this.page, scope: this.scope }; }, methods: { successCallback(resp) { // Because we are polling & the user is interacting verify if the response received // matches the last request made if (_.isEqual(resp.config.params, this.requestData)) { this.store.storeCount(resp.data.count); this.store.storePagination(resp.headers); this.setCommonData(resp.data.pipelines); } }, /** * Handles URL and query parameter changes. * When the user uses the pagination or the tabs, * - update URL * - Make API request to the server with new parameters * - Update the polling function * - Update the internal state */ updateContent(parameters) { this.updateInternalState(parameters); // fetch new data return this.service .getPipelines(this.requestData) .then(response => { this.isLoading = false; this.successCallback(response); // restart polling this.poll.restart({ data: this.requestData }); }) .catch(() => { this.isLoading = false; this.errorCallback(); // restart polling this.poll.restart({ data: this.requestData }); }); }, handleResetRunnersCache(endpoint) { this.isResetCacheButtonLoading = true; this.service .postAction(endpoint) .then(() => { this.isResetCacheButtonLoading = false; createFlash(s__('Pipelines|Project cache successfully reset.'), 'notice'); }) .catch(() => { this.isResetCacheButtonLoading = false; createFlash(s__('Pipelines|Something went wrong while cleaning runners cache.')); }); }, }, }; </script> <template> <div class="pipelines-container"> <div v-if="shouldRenderTabs || shouldRenderButtons" class="top-area scrolling-tabs-container inner-page-scroll-tabs" > <div class="fade-left"> <i class="fa fa-angle-left" aria-hidden="true" > </i> </div> <div class="fade-right"> <i class="fa fa-angle-right" aria-hidden="true" > </i> </div> <navigation-tabs v-if="shouldRenderTabs" :tabs="tabs" scope="pipelines" @onChangeTab="onChangeTab" /> <navigation-controls v-if="shouldRenderButtons" :new-pipeline-path="newPipelinePath" :reset-cache-path="resetCachePath" :ci-lint-path="ciLintPath" :is-reset-cache-button-loading="isResetCacheButtonLoading" @resetRunnersCache="handleResetRunnersCache" /> </div> <div class="content-list pipelines"> <loading-icon v-if="stateToRender === $options.stateMap.loading" :label="s__('Pipelines|Loading Pipelines')" size="3" class="prepend-top-20" /> <empty-state v-else-if="stateToRender === $options.stateMap.emptyState" :help-page-path="helpPagePath" :empty-state-svg-path="emptyStateSvgPath" :can-set-ci="canCreatePipeline" /> <svg-blank-state v-else-if="stateToRender === $options.stateMap.error" :svg-path="errorStateSvgPath" :message="s__(`Pipelines|There was an error fetching the pipelines. Try again in a few moments or contact your support team.`)" /> <svg-blank-state v-else-if="stateToRender === $options.stateMap.emptyTab" :svg-path="noPipelinesSvgPath" :message="emptyTabMessage" /> <div v-else-if="stateToRender === $options.stateMap.tableList" class="table-holder" > <pipelines-table-component :pipelines="state.pipelines" :update-graph-dropdown="updateGraphDropdown" :auto-devops-help-path="autoDevopsPath" :view-type="viewType" /> </div> <table-pagination v-if="shouldRenderPagination" :change="onChangePage" :page-info="state.pageInfo" /> </div> </div> </template>