namespace :gitlab do namespace :indexer do desc "GitLab | Indexer | Install or upgrade gitlab-elasticsearch-indexer" task :install, [:dir, :repo] => :gitlab_environment do |t, args| unless args.dir.present? abort %(Please specify the directory where you want to install the indexer Usage: rake "gitlab:indexer:install[/installation/dir,repo]") end args.with_defaults(repo: '') version = Gitlab::Elastic::Indexer.indexer_version make = Gitlab::Utils.which('gmake') || Gitlab::Utils.which('make') abort "Couldn't find a 'make' binary" unless make checkout_or_clone_version(version: version, repo: args.repo, target_dir: args.dir, clone_opts: %w[--depth 1]) Dir.chdir(args.dir) { run_command!([make, 'build']) } end end end