require 'spec_helper' # Remove skip_gitaly_mock flag when gitaly_update_page implements moving pages describe 'User updates wiki page', :skip_gitaly_mock do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do project.add_master(user) sign_in(user) end context 'when wiki is empty' do before do visit(project_wikis_path(project)) end context 'in a user namespace' do let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } it 'redirects back to the home edit page' do page.within(:css, '.wiki-form .form-actions') do click_on('Cancel') end expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(project, :home) end it 'updates a page that has a path', :js do click_on('New page') page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'one/two/three-test') click_on('Create page') end page.within '.wiki-form' do fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'wiki content') click_on('Create page') end expect(current_path).to include('one/two/three-test') expect(find('.wiki-pages')).to have_content('Three') first(:link, text: 'Three').click expect(find('.nav-text')).to have_content('Three') click_on('Edit') expect(current_path).to include('one/two/three-test') expect(page).to have_content('Edit Page') fill_in('Content', with: 'Updated Wiki Content') click_on('Save changes') expect(page).to have_content('Updated Wiki Content') end end end context 'when wiki is not empty' do let(:project_wiki) { create(:project_wiki, project: project, user: project.creator) } let!(:wiki_page) { create(:wiki_page, wiki: project_wiki, attrs: { title: 'home', content: 'Home page' }) } before do visit(project_wikis_path(project)) end context 'in a user namespace' do let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } it 'updates a page' do click_link('Edit') # Commit message field should have correct value. expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Update home') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!') click_button('Save changes') expect(page).to have_content('Home') expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') end it 'shows a validation error message' do click_link('Edit') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: '') click_button('Save changes') expect(page).to have_selector('.wiki-form') expect(page).to have_content('Edit Page') expect(page).to have_content('The form contains the following error:') expect(page).to have_content("Content can't be blank") expect(find('textarea#wiki_content').value).to eq('') end it 'shows the autocompletion dropdown', :js do click_link('Edit') find('#wiki_content').native.send_keys('') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: '@') expect(page).to have_selector('.atwho-view') end it 'shows the error message' do click_link('Edit') wiki_page.update(content: 'Update') click_button('Save changes') expect(page).to have_content('Someone edited the page the same time you did.') end it 'updates a page' do click_on('Edit') fill_in('Content', with: 'Updated Wiki Content') click_on('Save changes') expect(page).to have_content('Updated Wiki Content') end it 'cancels edititng of a page' do click_on('Edit') page.within(:css, '.wiki-form .form-actions') do click_on('Cancel') end expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, wiki_page)) end end context 'in a group namespace' do let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: create(:group, :public)) } it 'updates a page' do click_link('Edit') # Commit message field should have correct value. expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Update home') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!') click_button('Save changes') expect(page).to have_content('Home') expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') end end end context 'when the page is in a subdir' do let!(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } let(:project_wiki) { create(:project_wiki, project: project, user: project.creator) } let(:page_name) { 'page_name' } let(:page_dir) { "foo/bar/#{page_name}" } let!(:wiki_page) { create(:wiki_page, wiki: project_wiki, attrs: { title: page_dir, content: 'Home page' }) } before do visit(project_wiki_edit_path(project, wiki_page)) end it 'moves the page to the root folder' do fill_in(:wiki_title, with: "/#{page_name}") click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, page_name)) end it 'moves the page to other dir' do new_page_dir = "foo1/bar1/#{page_name}" fill_in(:wiki_title, with: new_page_dir) click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, new_page_dir)) end it 'remains in the same place if title has not changed' do original_path = project_wiki_path(project, wiki_page) fill_in(:wiki_title, with: page_name) click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(original_path) end it 'can be moved to a different dir with a different name' do new_page_dir = "foo1/bar1/new_page_name" fill_in(:wiki_title, with: new_page_dir) click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, new_page_dir)) end it 'can be renamed and moved to the root folder' do new_name = 'new_page_name' fill_in(:wiki_title, with: "/#{new_name}") click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, new_name)) end it 'squishes the title before creating the page' do new_page_dir = " foo1 / bar1 / #{page_name} " fill_in(:wiki_title, with: new_page_dir) click_button('Save changes') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "foo1/bar1/#{page_name}")) end end end