import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Api from 'ee/api'; import * as cycleAnalyticsConstants from 'ee/analytics/cycle_analytics/constants'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; describe('Api', () => { const dummyApiVersion = 'v3000'; const dummyUrlRoot = '/gitlab'; const dummyGon = { api_version: dummyApiVersion, relative_url_root: dummyUrlRoot, }; const mockEpics = [ { id: 1, iid: 10, group_id: 2, title: 'foo', }, { id: 2, iid: 11, group_id: 2, title: 'bar', }, ]; let originalGon; let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new MockAdapter(axios); originalGon = window.gon; window.gon = Object.assign({}, dummyGon); }); afterEach(() => { mock.restore(); window.gon = originalGon; }); describe('ldapGroups', () => { it('calls callback on completion', done => { const query = 'query'; const provider = 'provider'; const callback = jasmine.createSpy(); const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/ldap/${provider}/groups.json`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, [ { name: 'test', }, ]); Api.ldapGroups(query, provider, callback) .then(response => { expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(response); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('createChildEpic', () => { it('calls `` using params `groupId`, `parentEpicIid` and title', done => { const groupId = 'gitlab-org'; const parentEpicIid = 1; const title = 'Sample epic'; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/epics/${parentEpicIid}/epics`; const expectedRes = { title, id: 20, iid: 5, }; mock.onPost(expectedUrl).reply(200, expectedRes); Api.createChildEpic({ groupId, parentEpicIid, title }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(data.title).toBe(expectedRes.title); expect(; expect(data.iid).toBe(expectedRes.iid); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('groupEpics', () => { it('calls `axios.get` using param `groupId`', done => { const groupId = 2; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/epics?include_ancestor_groups=false&include_descendant_groups=true`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, mockEpics); Api.groupEpics({ groupId }) .then(({ data }) => { data.forEach((epic, index) => { expect([index].id); expect(epic.iid).toBe(mockEpics[index].iid); expect(epic.group_id).toBe(mockEpics[index].group_id); expect(epic.title).toBe(mockEpics[index].title); }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('addEpicIssue', () => { it('calls `` using params `groupId`, `epicIid` and `issueId`', done => { const groupId = 2; const mockIssue = { id: 20, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/epics/${mockEpics[0].iid}/issues/${}`; const expectedRes = { id: 30, epic: mockEpics[0], issue: mockIssue, }; mock.onPost(expectedUrl).reply(200, expectedRes); Api.addEpicIssue({ groupId, epicIid: mockEpics[0].iid, issueId: }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(; expect(data.epic).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ ...expectedRes.epic })); expect(data.issue).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ ...expectedRes.issue })); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('removeEpicIssue', () => { it('calls `axios.delete` using params `groupId`, `epicIid` and `epicIssueId`', done => { const groupId = 2; const mockIssue = { id: 20, epic_issue_id: 40, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/epics/${mockEpics[0].iid}/issues/${mockIssue.epic_issue_id}`; const expectedRes = { id: 30, epic: mockEpics[0], issue: mockIssue, }; mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).reply(200, expectedRes); Api.removeEpicIssue({ groupId, epicIid: mockEpics[0].iid, epicIssueId: mockIssue.epic_issue_id, }) .then(({ data }) => { expect(; expect(data.epic).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ ...expectedRes.epic })); expect(data.issue).toEqual(expect.objectContaining({ ...expectedRes.issue })); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('getPodLogs', () => { const projectPath = 'root/test-project'; const environmentName = 'production'; const podName = 'pod'; const containerName = 'container'; const search = 'foo +bar'; const getRequest = () => mock.history.get[0]; beforeEach(() => { mock.onAny().reply(200); }); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); it('calls `axios.get` with pod_name and container_name', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${projectPath}/-/logs/k8s.json`; Api.getPodLogs({ projectPath, environmentName, podName, containerName }) .then(() => { expect(getRequest().url).toBe(expectedUrl); expect(getRequest().params).toEqual({ environment_name: environmentName, pod_name: podName, container_name: containerName, }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('calls `axios.get` without pod_name and container_name', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${projectPath}/-/logs/k8s.json`; Api.getPodLogs({ projectPath, environmentName }) .then(() => { expect(getRequest().url).toBe(expectedUrl); expect(getRequest().params).toEqual({ environment_name: environmentName, }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('calls `axios.get` with pod_name', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${projectPath}/-/logs/k8s.json`; Api.getPodLogs({ projectPath, environmentName, podName }) .then(() => { expect(getRequest().url).toBe(expectedUrl); expect(getRequest().params).toEqual({ environment_name: environmentName, pod_name: podName, }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('calls `axios.get` with pod_name and search', done => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/${projectPath}/-/logs/k8s.json`; Api.getPodLogs({ projectPath, environmentName, podName, search }) .then(() => { expect(getRequest().url).toBe(expectedUrl); expect(getRequest().params).toEqual({ environment_name: environmentName, pod_name: podName, search, }); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('packages', () => { const projectId = 'project_a'; const packageId = 'package_b'; const apiResponse = [{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }]; describe('groupPackages', () => { const groupId = 'group_a'; it('fetch all group packages', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/groups/${groupId}/packages`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, apiResponse); return Api.groupPackages(groupId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, {}); }); }); }); describe('projectPackages', () => { it('fetch all project packages', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/packages`; jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, apiResponse); return Api.projectPackages(projectId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, {}); }); }); }); describe('buildProjectPackageUrl', () => { it('returns the right url', () => { const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/projects/${projectId}/packages/${packageId}`; const url = Api.buildProjectPackageUrl(projectId, packageId); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }); }); describe('projectPackage', () => { it('fetch package details', () => { const expectedUrl = `foo`; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildProjectPackageUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, apiResponse); return Api.projectPackage(projectId, packageId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl); }); }); }); describe('deleteProjectPackage', () => { it('delete a package', () => { const expectedUrl = `foo`; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildProjectPackageUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'delete'); mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, true); return Api.deleteProjectPackage(projectId, packageId).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(true); expect(axios.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl); }); }); }); }); describe('Cycle analytics', () => { const groupId = 'counting-54321'; const createdBefore = '2019-11-18'; const createdAfter = '2019-08-18'; const stageId = 'thursday'; const defaultParams = { group_id: groupId, created_after: createdAfter, created_before: createdBefore, }; const expectRequestWithCorrectParameters = (responseObj, { params, expectedUrl, response }) => { const { data, config: { params: reqParams, url }, } = responseObj; expect(data).toEqual(response); expect(reqParams).toEqual(params); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }; describe('cycleAnalyticsTasksByType', () => { it('fetches tasks by type data', done => { const tasksByTypeResponse = [ { label: { id: 9, title: 'Thursday', color: '#7F8C8D', description: 'What are you waiting for?', group_id: 2, project_id: null, template: false, text_color: '#FFFFFF', created_at: '2019-08-20T05:22:49.046Z', updated_at: '2019-08-20T05:22:49.046Z', }, series: [['2019-11-03', 5]], }, ]; const labelIds = [10, 9, 8, 7]; const params = { ...defaultParams, project_ids: null, subject: cycleAnalyticsConstants.TASKS_BY_TYPE_SUBJECT_ISSUE, label_ids: labelIds, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/type_of_work/tasks_by_type`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, tasksByTypeResponse); Api.cycleAnalyticsTasksByType({ params }) .then(({ data, config: { params: reqParams } }) => { expect(data).toEqual(tasksByTypeResponse); expect(reqParams.params).toEqual(params); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsSummaryData', () => { it('fetches cycle analytics summary data', done => { const response = [{ value: 0, title: 'New Issues' }, { value: 0, title: 'Deploys' }]; const params = { ...defaultParams, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/summary`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsSummaryData(params) .then(responseObj => expectRequestWithCorrectParameters(responseObj, { response, params, expectedUrl, }), ) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsGroupStagesAndEvents', () => { it('fetches custom stage events and all stages', done => { const response = { events: [], stages: [] }; const params = { group_id: groupId, 'cycle_analytics[created_after]': createdAfter, 'cycle_analytics[created_before]': createdBefore, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsGroupStagesAndEvents(groupId, params) .then(responseObj => expectRequestWithCorrectParameters(responseObj, { response, params, expectedUrl, }), ) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsStageEvents', () => { it('fetches stage events', done => { const response = { events: [] }; const params = { ...defaultParams, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages/${stageId}/records`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsStageEvents(groupId, stageId, params) .then(responseObj => expectRequestWithCorrectParameters(responseObj, { response, params, expectedUrl, }), ) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsStageMedian', () => { it('fetches stage events', done => { const response = { value: '5 days ago' }; const params = { ...defaultParams, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages/${stageId}/median`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsStageMedian(groupId, stageId, params) .then(responseObj => expectRequestWithCorrectParameters(responseObj, { response, params, expectedUrl, }), ) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsCreateStage', () => { it('submit the custom stage data', done => { const response = {}; const customStage = { name: 'cool-stage', start_event_identifier: 'issue_created', start_event_label_id: null, end_event_identifier: 'issue_closed', end_event_label_id: null, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages`; mock.onPost(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsCreateStage(groupId, customStage) .then(({ data, config: { params: reqParams, data: reqData, url } }) => { expect(data).toEqual(response); expect(reqParams).toEqual({ group_id: groupId }); expect(JSON.parse(reqData)).toMatchObject(customStage); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsUpdateStage', () => { it('updates the stage data', done => { const response = { id: stageId, custom: false, hidden: true, name: 'nice-stage' }; const stageData = { name: 'nice-stage', hidden: true, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages/${stageId}`; mock.onPut(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsUpdateStage(stageId, groupId, stageData) .then(({ data, config: { params: reqParams, data: reqData, url } }) => { expect(data).toEqual(response); expect(reqParams).toEqual({ group_id: groupId }); expect(JSON.parse(reqData)).toMatchObject(stageData); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsRemoveStage', () => { it('deletes the specified data', done => { const response = { id: stageId, hidden: true, custom: true }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages/${stageId}`; mock.onDelete(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsRemoveStage(stageId, groupId) .then(({ data, config: { params: reqParams, url } }) => { expect(data).toEqual(response); expect(reqParams).toEqual({ group_id: groupId }); expect(url).toEqual(expectedUrl); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); describe('cycleAnalyticsDurationChart', () => { it('fetches stage duration data', done => { const response = []; const params = { ...defaultParams, }; const expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/-/analytics/cycle_analytics/stages/thursday/duration_chart`; mock.onGet(expectedUrl).reply(200, response); Api.cycleAnalyticsDurationChart(stageId, params) .then(responseObj => expectRequestWithCorrectParameters(responseObj, { response, params, expectedUrl, }), ) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); }); describe('GeoDesigns', () => { let expectedUrl; let apiResponse; let mockParams; beforeEach(() => { expectedUrl = `${dummyUrlRoot}/api/${dummyApiVersion}/geo_replication/designs`; }); describe('getGeoDesigns', () => { it('fetches designs', () => { apiResponse = [{ id: 1, name: 'foo' }, { id: 2, name: 'bar' }]; mockParams = { page: 1 }; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'get'); mock.onGet(expectedUrl).replyOnce(200, apiResponse); return Api.getGeoDesigns(mockParams).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith(expectedUrl, { params: mockParams }); }); }); }); describe('initiateAllGeoDesignSyncs', () => { it('POSTs with correct action', () => { apiResponse = [{ status: 'ok' }]; mockParams = {}; const mockAction = 'reverify'; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mock.onPost(`${expectedUrl}/${mockAction}`).replyOnce(201, apiResponse); return Api.initiateAllGeoDesignSyncs(mockAction).then(({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(`${expectedUrl}/${mockAction}`, mockParams); }); }); }); describe('initiateGeoDesignSync', () => { it('PUTs with correct action and projectId', () => { apiResponse = [{ status: 'ok' }]; mockParams = {}; const mockAction = 'reverify'; const mockProjectId = 1; jest.spyOn(Api, 'buildUrl').mockReturnValue(expectedUrl); jest.spyOn(axios, 'put'); mock.onPut(`${expectedUrl}/${mockProjectId}/${mockAction}`).replyOnce(201, apiResponse); return Api.initiateGeoDesignSync({ projectId: mockProjectId, action: mockAction }).then( ({ data }) => { expect(data).toEqual(apiResponse); expect(axios.put).toHaveBeenCalledWith( `${expectedUrl}/${mockProjectId}/${mockAction}`, mockParams, ); }, ); }); }); }); });