- return unless local_assigns.fetch(:license)

- if license.restricted?(:active_user_count)
  - restricted = license.restrictions[:active_user_count]
  - licensed_users = number_with_delimiter(restricted)
- else
  - licensed_users = 'Unlimited'

- historical = max_historical_user_count
- if historical && restricted && historical > restricted
  - users_over_license = historical - restricted
- else
  - users_over_license = 0

            Users in License:
            = licensed_users
          - if @license.will_expire?
            Your license is valid from
              #{@license.starts_at} to
          %a{ href: 'https://about.gitlab.com/license-faq/' } true-up model
          allows having more users, and additional users will incur a retroactive charge on renewal.
            Maximum Users:
            = number_with_delimiter historical
            This is the highest peak of users on your installation since the license started, and this is the minimum
            number you need to purchase when you renew your license.
            Users over License:
            = number_with_delimiter users_over_license
            %a{ href: 'https://about.gitlab.com/license-faq/' } true-up model
            has a retroactive charge for these users at the next renewal. If you want to update your
            license sooner to prevent this, please contact
            #{mail_to 'sales@gitlab.com'}.