Commit b0e84879 authored by Tristan Cavelier's avatar Tristan Cavelier

jio.js updated

parent fd0b1d71
......@@ -360,8 +360,8 @@ var command = function (spec, my) {
priv.docid = spec.docid || priv.doc._id;
priv.option = spec.options || {};
priv.callbacks = spec.callbacks || {};
priv.success = priv.callbacks.success || function () {};
priv.error = priv.callbacks.error || function () {};
priv.success = [priv.callbacks.success || function () {}];
priv.error = [priv.callbacks.error || function () {}];
priv.retry = function () {
status: 13,
......@@ -557,9 +557,14 @@ var command = function (spec, my) {
that.executeOn = function (storage) {};
that.success = function (return_value) {
var i;
priv.on_going = false;
for (i = 0; i < priv.success.length; i += 1) {
priv.success = [];
priv.error = [];
that.retry = function (return_error) {
priv.on_going = false;
......@@ -570,13 +575,31 @@ var command = function (spec, my) {
that.error = function (return_error) {
var i;
priv.on_going = false;
for (i = 0; i < priv.error.length; i += 1) {
priv.success = [];
priv.error = [];
that.end = function () {
that.addCallbacks = function (success, error) {
if (arguments.length > 1) {
priv.success.push(success || function () {});
priv.error.push(error || function () {});
} else {
priv.success.push(function (response) {
(success || function () {})(undefined, response);
priv.error.push(function (err) {
(success || function () {})(err, undefined);
that.onSuccessDo = function (fun) {
if (fun) {
priv.success = fun;
......@@ -1230,16 +1253,9 @@ var job = function (spec) {
* @param {object} job The other job.
that.update = function (job) {
status: 12,
statusText: 'Replaced',
error: 'replaced',
message: 'Job has been replaced by another one.',
reason: 'job has been replaced by another one'
job.getCommand().onErrorDo()[0]); = new Date(job.getDate().getTime());
priv.command = job.getCommand();
priv.status = job.getStatus();
......@@ -1783,7 +1799,7 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
return 'wait';
Object.defineProperty(that, "none", {
Object.defineProperty(that, "ok", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
......@@ -1791,19 +1807,66 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
return 'none';
that.default_action = that.none;
that.default_action = that.ok;
that.default_compare = function (job1, job2) {
return (job1.getCommand().getDocId() === job2.getCommand().getDocId() &&
job1.getCommand().getAttachmentId() ===
job2.getCommand().getAttachmentId() &&
job1.getCommand().getDocInfo('_rev') ===
job2.getCommand().getDocInfo('_rev') &&
job1.getCommand().getOption('rev') ===
job2.getCommand().getOption('rev') &&
return job1.getId() !== job2.getId() &&
job1.getStatus().getLabel() !== "done" &&
job1.getStatus().getLabel() !== "fail" &&
JSON.stringify(job1.getStorage().serialized()) ===
// Compare Functions //
Object.defineProperty(that, "sameDocumentId", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (job1, job2) {
return job1.getCommand().getDocId() === job2.getCommand().getDocId();
Object.defineProperty(that, "sameRevision", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (job1, job2) {
return job1.getCommand().getDocInfo("_rev") ===
Object.defineProperty(that, "sameAttachmentId", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (job1, job2) {
return job1.getCommand().getAttachmentId() ===
Object.defineProperty(that, "sameDocument", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (job1, job2) {
return JSON.stringify(job1.getCommand().cloneDoc()) ===
Object.defineProperty(that, "sameOption", {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (job1, job2) {
return JSON.stringify(job1.getCommand().cloneOption()) ===
// Methods //
* Returns an action according the jobs given in parameters.
......@@ -1813,16 +1876,28 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
* @return {string} An action string.
priv.getAction = function (job1, job2) {
var j1label, j2label, j1status;
j1label = job1.getCommand().getLabel();
j2label = job2.getCommand().getLabel();
j1status = (job1.getStatus().getLabel() === 'on going' ?
'on going' : 'not on going');
if (priv.action[j1label] && priv.action[j1label][j1status] &&
priv.action[j1label][j1status][j2label]) {
return priv.action[j1label][j1status][j2label](job1, job2);
var method1, method2, tmp = priv.action, i, j, condition_list = [], res;
method1 = job1.getCommand().getLabel();
method2 = job2.getCommand().getLabel();
tmp = tmp[method1] = tmp[method1] || {};
tmp = tmp[method2] = tmp[method2] || [];
for (i = 0; i < tmp.length; i += 1) {
// browsing all method1 method2 rules
condition_list = tmp[i].condition_list;
res = true;
for (j = 0; j < condition_list.length; j += 1) {
// test all the rule's conditions
if (!condition_list[j](job1, job2)) {
res = false;
return that.default_action(job1, job2);
if (res) {
// if all respects condition list, then action
return tmp[i].rule();
return that.default_action();
......@@ -1833,10 +1908,11 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
* @return {boolean} true if comparable, else false.
priv.canCompare = function (job1, job2) {
var job1label = job1.getCommand().getLabel(),
job2label = job2.getCommand().getLabel();
if ([job1label] &&[job2label]) {
return[job1label][job2label](job1, job2);
var method1, method2;
method1 = job1.getCommand().getLabel();
method2 = job2.getCommand().getLabel();
if ([method1] &&[method1][method2]) {
return[method1][method2](job1, job2);
return that.default_compare(job1, job2);
......@@ -1878,11 +1954,14 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
configurable: false,
enumerable: false,
writable: false,
value: function (method1, ongoing, method2, rule) {
var ongoing_s = (ongoing ? 'on going' : 'not on going');
priv.action[method1] = priv.action[method1] || {};
priv.action[method1][ongoing_s] = priv.action[method1][ongoing_s] || {};
priv.action[method1][ongoing_s][method2] = rule;
value: function (method1, method2, condition_list, rule) {
var tmp = priv.action;
tmp = tmp[method1] = tmp[method1] || {};
tmp = tmp[method2] = tmp[method2] || [];
"condition_list": condition_list,
"rule": rule
......@@ -1906,112 +1985,86 @@ var jobRules = (function () {
// Adding some rules
- s: storage
- m: method
- n: name
- c: content
- o: options
- =: are equal
- !: are not equal
select ALL s= n=
removefailordone fail|done
/ elim repl nacc wait
Remove !ongoing Save 1 x x x
Save !ongoing Remove 1 x x x
GetList !ongoing GetList 0 1 x x
Remove !ongoing Remove 0 1 x x
Load !ongoing Load 0 1 x x
Save c= !ongoing Save 0 1 x x
Save c! !ongoing Save 0 1 x x
GetList ongoing GetList 0 0 1 x
Remove ongoing Remove 0 0 1 x
Remove ongoing Load 0 0 1 x
Remove !ongoing Load 0 0 1 x
Load ongoing Load 0 0 1 x
Save c= ongoing Save 0 0 1 x
Remove ongoing Save 0 0 0 1
Load ongoing Remove 0 0 0 1
Load ongoing Save 0 0 0 1
Load !ongoing Remove 0 0 0 1
Load !ongoing Save 0 0 0 1
Save ongoing Remove 0 0 0 1
Save ongoing Load 0 0 0 1
Save c! ongoing Save 0 0 0 1
Save !ongoing Load 0 0 0 1
GetList ongoing Remove 0 0 0 0
GetList ongoing Load 0 0 0 0
GetList ongoing Save 0 0 0 0
GetList !ongoing Remove 0 0 0 0
GetList !ongoing Load 0 0 0 0
GetList !ongoing Save 0 0 0 0
Remove ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
Remove !ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
Load ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
Load !ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
Save ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
Save !ongoing GetList 0 0 0 0
For more information, see documentation
that.addActionRule('post', true, 'post', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('post', true, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', true, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', true, 'remove', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', true, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', false, 'post', that.update);
that.addActionRule('post', false, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', false, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('post', false, 'remove', that.eliminate);
that.addActionRule('post', false, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', true, 'post', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('put', true, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', true, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', true, 'remove', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', true, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', false, 'post', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('put', false, 'put', that.update);
that.addActionRule('put', false, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('put', false, 'remove', that.eliminate);
that.addActionRule('put', false, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', true, 'post', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', true, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', true, 'get', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('get', true, 'remove', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', true, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', false, 'post', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', false, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', false, 'get', that.update);
that.addActionRule('get', false, 'remove', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('get', false, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('remove', true, 'post', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('remove', true, 'get', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('remove', true, 'remove', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('remove', true, 'putAttachment', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('remove', false, 'post', that.eliminate);
that.addActionRule('remove', false, 'put', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('remove', false, 'get', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('remove', false, 'remove', that.update);
that.addActionRule('remove', false, 'putAttachment', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('allDocs', true, 'allDocs', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('allDocs', false, 'allDocs', that.update);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', true, 'post', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', true, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', true, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', true, 'remove', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', true, 'putAttachment', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', false, 'post', that.dontAccept);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', false, 'put', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', false, 'get', that.wait);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', false, 'remove', that.eliminate);
that.addActionRule('putAttachment', false, 'putAttachment', that.update);
original job |job to add |condition |action
post post same doc update
" " same docid, same rev wait
" put same doc update
" " same docid, same rev wait
" putA " wait
" remove " "
put post same doc update
" " same docid, same rev wait
" put same doc update
" " same docid, same rev wait
" putA " "
" remove " "
putA post same docid, same rev wait
" put " "
" putA same doc update
" " same docid, same rev, same attmt wait
" remove same docid, same rev "
remove post same docid, same rev wait
" put " "
" putA " "
" remove " update
get get same doc, same options update
allDocs allDocs same doc, same options update
that.addActionRule("post", "post", [that.sameDocument], that.update);
that.addActionRule("post", "post",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("post", "put", [that.sameDocument], that.update);
that.addActionRule("post", "put",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("post", "putAttachment",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("post", "remove",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("put", "post", [that.sameDocument], that.update);
that.addActionRule("put", "post",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("put", "put", [that.sameDocument], that.update);
that.addActionRule("put", "put",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("put", "putAttachment",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("put", "remove",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("putAttachment", "post",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("putAttachment", "put",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("putAttachment", "putAttachment", [that.sameDocument],
that.addActionRule("putAttachment", "putAttachment", [
], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("putAttachment", "remove",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("remove", "post",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("remove", "put",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("remove", "putAttachment",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.wait);
that.addActionRule("remove", "remove",
[that.sameDocumentId, that.sameRevision], that.update);
that.addActionRule("get", "get",
[that.sameDocument, that.sameOption], that.update);
that.addActionRule("allDocs", "allDocs",
[that.sameDocument, that.sameOption], that.update);
// end adding rules
return that;
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