Commit 10651b11 authored by Yuanxiang PAN's avatar Yuanxiang PAN Committed by Thomas Gambier

Add libraries of OrsPa10W

Add basic naming convention to README
parent 9cab3a83
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
#VRML V2.0 utf8
#kicad StepUp wrl exported
# Copyright (C) 2017, kicad StepUp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see
# As a special exception, if you create a design which uses this symbol,
# and embed this symbol or unaltered portions of this symbol into the design,
# this symbol does not by itself cause the resulting design to be covered by
# the GNU General Public License.
# This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the design
# itself might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
# If you modify this symbol, you may extend this exception to your version of the symbol,
# but you are not obligated to do so.
# If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version
# Risk disclaimer
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appearance Appearance{material USE PIN-01 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
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coord Coordinate { point [-0.280 0.180 0.358,-0.280 0.180 0.362,-0.271 0.163 0.362,-0.283 0.200 0.358,-0.271 0.163 0.358,-0.259 0.147 0.362,-0.205 0.126 0.358,-0.205 0.126 0.362,-0.185 0.128 0.362,-0.259 0.147 0.358,-0.243 0.136 0.362,-0.185 0.128 0.358,-0.167 0.136 0.362,-0.243 0.136 0.358,-0.224 0.128 0.362,-0.167 0.136 0.358,-0.151 0.147 0.362,-0.224 0.128 0.358,-0.151 0.147 0.358,-0.138 0.163 0.362,-0.138 0.163 0.358,-0.130 0.180 0.362,-0.130 0.180 0.358,-0.126 0.200 0.362,-0.126 0.200 0.358,-0.127 0.219 0.362,-0.127 0.219 0.358,-0.133 0.238 0.358,-0.133 0.238 0.362,-0.144 0.255 0.358,-0.144 0.255 0.362,-0.158 0.268 0.358,-0.158 0.268 0.362,-0.176 0.278 0.358,-0.176 0.278 0.362,-0.195 0.283 0.358,-0.195 0.283 0.362,-0.215 0.283 0.358,-0.215 0.283 0.362,-0.234 0.278 0.358,-0.234 0.278 0.362,-0.251 0.268 0.358,-0.251 0.268 0.362,-0.265 0.255 0.358,-0.265 0.255 0.362,-0.276 0.238 0.358,-0.276 0.238 0.362,-0.282 0.219 0.358,-0.282 0.219 0.362,-0.283 0.200 0.362]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-LABEL-01 }
Shape { geometry IndexedFaceSet
{ creaseAngle 0.50 coordIndex [0,1,2,-1,0,2,3,-1,4,0,3,-1,5,0,4,-1,6,7,0,-1,8,5,9,-1,10,11,6,-1,12,13,14,-1,15,8,13,-1,15,0,5,-1,15,5,8,-1,15,13,12,-1,16,17,18,-1,16,18,19,-1,16,19,20,-1,16,20,10,-1,21,16,10,-1,22,15,23,-1,22,23,24,-1,22,6,0,-1,22,10,6,-1,22,0,15,-1,22,21,10,-1]
coord Coordinate { point [-0.234 0.278 0.358,-0.251 0.268 0.358,-0.265 0.255 0.358,-0.276 0.238 0.358,-0.282 0.219 0.358,-0.283 0.200 0.358,-0.195 0.283 0.358,-0.215 0.283 0.358,-0.271 0.163 0.358,-0.280 0.180 0.358,-0.158 0.268 0.358,-0.176 0.278 0.358,-0.224 0.128 0.358,-0.259 0.147 0.358,-0.243 0.136 0.358,-0.205 0.126 0.358,-0.130 0.180 0.358,-0.126 0.200 0.358,-0.127 0.219 0.358,-0.133 0.238 0.358,-0.144 0.255 0.358,-0.138 0.163 0.358,-0.151 0.147 0.358,-0.185 0.128 0.358,-0.167 0.136 0.358]
appearance Appearance{material USE IC-LABEL-01 }
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
'1' );
( '' ),
( '' ),
'SwSTEP 2.0',
'SolidWorks 2015',
'' );
#1 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #388 ) ;
#2 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #366, .T. ) ;
#3 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 1.084202172485504400E-015 ) ) ;
#4 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #538, .F. ) ;
#5 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #466 ) ) ;
#6 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #381 ), #203, .F. ) ;
#7 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #269 ) ) ;
#8 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #261 ) ;
#9 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #248, .T. ) ;
#10 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #265 ) ) ;
#11 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #228, #309 ), #26, .F. ) ;
#12 = LINE ( 'NONE', #258, #63 ) ;
#13 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #253, #543, #216 ) ;
#14 = LINE ( 'NONE', #29, #69 ) ;
#16 = LINE ( 'NONE', #372, #111 ) ;
#17 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #348, .F. ) ;
#18 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #529 ) ) ;
#19 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #229, #129, #245, #485 ) ) ;
#20 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.084202172485504400E-015, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#21 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #386 ) ;
#22 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #107, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#23 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#24 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #343, .T. ) ;
#25 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #343, .F. ) ;
#26 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #41 ) ;
#27 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #294 ) ;
#28 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#29 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#30 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000600 ) ) ;
#31 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #411, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#32 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #489, #443, #507 ) ;
#33 = LINE ( 'NONE', #43, #49 ) ;
#34 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -3.523657060577888200E-017, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#35 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #147, .F. ) ;
#36 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#37 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#38 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#39 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #86, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#40 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#41 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #277, #119, #286 ) ;
#42 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #374, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#43 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#44 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#45 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #82, .F. ) ;
#46 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #85, #307, #345, #57 ) ) ;
#47 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #21 ) ) ;
#48 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#49 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #137, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#50 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #287, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#51 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #424 ) ) ;
#52 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #312 ) ) ;
#53 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #222, .F. ) ;
#54 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #99 ) ;
#55 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #373 ), #290, .T. ) ;
#56 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #45, #367, #262, #306 ) ) ;
#57 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #454, .F. ) ;
#58 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#60 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #9 ), #332, .T. ) ;
#61 = LINE ( 'NONE', #28, #357 ) ;
#62 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #224, .T. ) ;
#63 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #256, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#64 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #230, .T. ) ;
#66 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #336 ) ;
#67 = MANIFOLD_SOLID_BREP ( 'Boss-Extrude5', #413 ) ;
#68 = LINE ( 'NONE', #211, #266 ) ;
#69 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #198, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#70 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #239, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#71 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #51 ) ;
#72 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #458, #394, #304, .T. ) ;
#73 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#74 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #475, .F. ) ;
#75 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#76 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#78 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#79 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#80 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#81 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #206 ) ) ;
#82 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #150, #375, #192, .T. ) ;
#83 = LINE ( 'NONE', #125, #164 ) ;
#84 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#85 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #267, .F. ) ;
#86 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#87 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #348, .T. ) ;
#88 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#89 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#90 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#91 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 1.084202172485504400E-015 ) ) ;
#92 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#93 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#94 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #197, #486, #478, .T. ) ;
#95 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #444, .T. ) ;
#96 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#97 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #201 ), #456, .F. ) ;
#99 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200 ) ;
#100 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #154, #463, #83, .T. ) ;
#101 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #405, #191, #310, #291 ) ) ;
#102 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #422, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#103 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #361, #104, #264, .T. ) ;
#104 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #159 ) ;
#106 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #321, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#107 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 3.523657060577887600E-017, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#108 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #167 ) ;
#109 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #465, #278, #335, #268 ) ) ;
#110 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -2.981555974335135300E-017 ) ) ;
#111 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #461, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#112 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #492, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#113 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#115 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#116 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#117 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #526, .T. ) ;
#118 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#119 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#120 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #435 ) ;
#121 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #459, #338, #14, .T. ) ;
#122 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#123 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #354, .T. ) ;
#124 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#125 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000600 ) ) ;
#126 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #368 ) ;
#127 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#128 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#129 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #391, .F. ) ;
#130 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #513, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#131 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.496938226783963700E-015, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#132 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #495, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#133 = LINE ( 'NONE', #398, #511 ) ;
#134 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #183, #383, #145 ) ;
#135 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #419 ) ;
#136 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #170 ) ;
#137 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#140 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #91, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#141 = LINE ( 'NONE', #37, #50 ) ;
#142 = LINE ( 'NONE', #531, #274 ) ;
#144 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #522, #123 ), #166, .F. ) ;
#145 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#146 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #393, .T. ) ;
#147 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #486, #66, #133, .T. ) ;
#148 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #243, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#150 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #536 ) ;
#151 = LINE ( 'NONE', #246, #31 ) ;
#152 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #297, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#153 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #394, #260, #524, .T. ) ;
#154 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #283 ) ;
#155 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #72, .F. ) ;
#156 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#157 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#158 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #175 ) ;
#159 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#160 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #546, #313, #498, #355 ) ) ;
#161 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #232 ) ;
#162 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#163 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#164 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #38, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#165 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #178 ) ;
#166 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #259 ) ;
#167 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#168 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #532 ) ;
#169 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #80 ) ;
#170 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#171 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#172 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT ( 'detailed design', #187, 'design' ) ;
#173 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #540, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#174 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#175 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#176 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #402, .T. ) ;
#177 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #327, #35, #535, #87 ) ) ;
#178 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #161 ) ) ;
#179 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #545 ) ;
#180 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#181 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #254, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#182 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#183 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#184 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -4.336808689942017700E-016, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#185 = APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION ( 'draft international standard', 'automotive_design', 1998, #220 ) ;
#186 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #62 ), #250, .F. ) ;
#187 = APPLICATION_CONTEXT ( 'automotive_design' ) ;
#188 = LINE ( 'NONE', #363, #112 ) ;
#189 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #73, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#190 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #231, .T. ) ;
#191 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #402, .F. ) ;
#192 = LINE ( 'NONE', #89, #39 ) ;
#193 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #44, #20, #3 ) ;
#194 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #329, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#195 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #279, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#196 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #136, #396, #272, .T. ) ;
#197 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #252 ) ;
#198 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -3.942553354492744000E-016 ) ) ;
#199 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #454, .T. ) ;
#200 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#201 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #160, .T. ) ;
#202 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#203 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #350 ) ;
#204 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 3.523657060577887600E-017, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#205 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#206 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #342 ) ;
#207 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #455, #361, #151, .T. ) ;
#208 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 2.981555974335135300E-017, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#209 = LINE ( 'NONE', #124, #400 ) ;
#210 = LINE ( 'NONE', #118, #221 ) ;
#211 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#212 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#213 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #121, .T. ) ;
#214 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#215 = LINE ( 'NONE', #508, #181 ) ;
#216 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#217 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #13 ) ;
#218 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #364 ), #401, .F. ) ;
#219 = LINE ( 'NONE', #505, #467 ) ;
#220 = APPLICATION_CONTEXT ( 'automotive_design' ) ;
#221 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #512, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#222 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #396, #338, #68, .T. ) ;
#223 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #371 ), #504, .F. ) ;
#224 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #213, #53, #280, #445 ) ) ;
#225 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #476, .T. ) ;
#226 = LINE ( 'NONE', #182, #148 ) ;
#227 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #100, .T. ) ;
#228 = FACE_BOUND ( 'NONE', #46, .T. ) ;
#229 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #484, .T. ) ;
#230 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #527, #17, #275, #439 ) ) ;
#231 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #179, #150, #226, .T. ) ;
#232 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#234 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #92, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#235 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#236 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #338, #150, #519, .T. ) ;
#237 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #412, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#238 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 2.981555974335135300E-017, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#239 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 2.981555974335135300E-017, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#240 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#241 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#242 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#243 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#244 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#245 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #366, .F. ) ;
#246 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#247 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#248 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #347, #451, #25, #387 ) ) ;
#249 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #403, #375, #33, .T. ) ;
#250 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #32 ) ;
#251 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#252 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#253 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#254 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -4.336808689942017700E-016 ) ) ;
#255 = LINE ( 'NONE', #240, #132 ) ;
#256 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -4.336808689942017700E-016 ) ) ;
#257 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #251, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#258 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#259 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #162, #235, #214 ) ;
#260 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #90 ) ;
#261 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #520 ) ) ;
#262 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #121, .F. ) ;
#263 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #537 ), #333, .T. ) ;
#264 = LINE ( 'NONE', #36, #385 ) ;
#265 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #233 ), #518 ) ;
#266 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #407, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#267 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #169, #455, #530, .T. ) ;
#268 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #414, .T. ) ;
#269 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #15 ), #60 ) ;
#270 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #491, .T. ) ;
#271 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #409, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#272 = LINE ( 'NONE', #447, #152 ) ;
#273 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#274 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #337, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#275 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #493, .F. ) ;
#276 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #326, .T. ) ;
#277 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#278 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #94, .T. ) ;
#279 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#280 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #196, .F. ) ;
#281 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #296 ) ) ;
#282 = PRODUCT_RELATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY ( 'part', '', ( #462 ) ) ;
#283 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000600 ) ) ;
#284 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 3.523657060577888200E-017 ) ) ;
#285 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 1.084202172485504400E-015 ) ) ;
#286 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#287 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#288 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #340 ) ) ;
#289 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #481 ) ;
#290 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #384 ) ;
#291 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #147, .T. ) ;
#292 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #538, .T. ) ;
#293 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #101, .T. ) ;
#294 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#295 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#296 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #501 ), #380 ) ;
#297 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -3.942553354492744000E-016 ) ) ;
#298 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#299 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#300 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #477 ), #217, .T. ) ;
#301 = LINE ( 'NONE', #79, #106 ) ;
#303 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #154, #169, #446, .T. ) ;
#304 = LINE ( 'NONE', #23, #234 ) ;
#305 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #288 ) ;
#306 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #484, .F. ) ;
#307 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #303, .F. ) ;
#308 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #359, .T. ) ;
#309 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #56, .T. ) ;
#310 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #479, .F. ) ;
#311 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #298, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#313 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #231, .F. ) ;
#314 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #436 ), #431 ) ;
#315 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#316 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #450, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#317 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#318 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #320 ) ;
#319 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#320 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #305 ) ) ;
#321 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#322 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #497, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#323 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #260, #66, #219, .T. ) ;
#325 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#326 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #521, #154, #215, .T. ) ;
#327 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #323, .T. ) ;
#328 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#329 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#330 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#332 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #193 ) ;
#333 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #516 ) ;
#334 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #242, #284, #34 ) ;
#335 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #479, .T. ) ;
#336 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, -0.02499999999999995600, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#337 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 1.496938226783963700E-015 ) ) ;
#338 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #452 ) ;
#339 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #496, .F. ) ;
#340 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #127 ) ;
#341 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #52 ) ;
#342 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#343 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #169, #158, #389, .T. ) ;
#344 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #488 ), #528, .F. ) ;
#345 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #326, .F. ) ;
#347 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #207, .T. ) ;
#348 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #197, #260, #301, .T. ) ;
#349 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #196, .T. ) ;
#350 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #84, #110, #238 ) ;
#351 = LINE ( 'NONE', #502, #195 ) ;
#352 = LINE ( 'NONE', #370, #237 ) ;
#353 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #153, .F. ) ;
#354 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #353, #480, #339, #449 ) ) ;
#355 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #222, .T. ) ;
#356 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #533, #415, #423 ) ;
#357 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #76, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#358 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02499999999999995600, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#359 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #227, #4, #433, #276 ) ) ;
#361 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #406 ) ;
#362 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #390, #470, #292, #95 ) ) ;
#363 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#364 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #397, .T. ) ;
#365 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#366 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #403, #136, #209, .T. ) ;
#367 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #236, .F. ) ;
#368 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #392 ) ) ;
#369 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #414, .F. ) ;
#370 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#371 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #542, .T. ) ;
#372 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#373 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #109, .T. ) ;
#374 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#375 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #244 ) ;
#376 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#377 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #158, #361, #482, .T. ) ;
#379 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#380 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #270 ), #168, .T. ) ;
#381 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #19, .T. ) ;
#382 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION ( 'UNKNOWN', '', #105, #172 ) ;
#383 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#384 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #273, #317, #315 ) ;
#385 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #122, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#386 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200 ) ;
#387 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #267, .T. ) ;
#388 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #427, #184, #469 ) ;
#389 = LINE ( 'NONE', #241, #322 ) ;
#390 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #377, .T. ) ;
#391 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #136, #459, #141, .T. ) ;
#392 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #81 ) ;
#393 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #108, #394, #352, .T. ) ;
#394 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #128 ) ;
#395 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #475, .T. ) ;
#396 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #174 ) ;
#397 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #437, #474, #74, #190 ) ) ;
#398 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.02499999999999995600, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#399 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #314 ) ) ;
#400 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #208, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#401 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #356 ) ;
#402 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #27, #108, #421, .T. ) ;
#403 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #212 ) ;
#404 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#405 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #496, .T. ) ;
#406 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#407 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#408 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #299, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#409 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#411 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#412 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#413 = CLOSED_SHELL ( 'NONE', ( #60, #380, #518, #300, #430, #344, #471, #223, #55, #144, #218, #6, #186, #97, #263, #11 ) ) ;
#414 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #27, #458, #460, .T. ) ;
#415 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#416 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -1.496938226783963700E-015 ) ) ;
#417 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #444, .F. ) ;
#418 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #103, .F. ) ;
#419 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #165 ) ) ;
#420 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #510, #494, #525 ) ;
#421 = LINE ( 'NONE', #325, #257 ) ;
#422 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#423 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#424 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #47 ) ;
#426 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #303, .T. ) ;
#427 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#428 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #285, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#429 = PRODUCT_CONTEXT ( 'NONE', #220, 'mechanical' ) ;
#430 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #64 ), #289, .F. ) ;
#431 = ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION ( 'C0805', ( #67, #134 ), #440 ) ;
#432 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #395, #2, #349, #117 ) ) ;
#433 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #476, .F. ) ;
#435 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #404, #448, #202 ) ;
#437 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #82, .T. ) ;
#438 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #98 ), #67 ) ;
#439 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #72, .T. ) ;
#441 = LINE ( 'NONE', #534, #70 ) ;
#442 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #225, #418, #506, #199 ) ) ;
#443 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -3.942553354492744000E-016, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#444 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #463, #158, #16, .T. ) ;
#445 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #391, .T. ) ;
#446 = LINE ( 'NONE', #163, #316 ) ;
#447 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#448 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#449 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #323, .F. ) ;
#450 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#451 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #377, .F. ) ;
#452 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#453 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#454 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #455, #521, #351, .T. ) ;
#455 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #319 ) ;
#456 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #523 ) ;
#458 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #365 ) ;
#459 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #78 ) ;
#460 = LINE ( 'NONE', #541, #194 ) ;
#461 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#462 = PRODUCT ( 'C0805', 'C0805', '', ( #429 ) ) ;
#463 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #30 ) ;
#464 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#465 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #493, .T. ) ;
#466 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #503 ) ;
#467 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #204, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#469 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -4.336808689942017700E-016 ) ) ;
#470 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #103, .T. ) ;
#471 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #293 ), #120, .F. ) ;
#472 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #100, .F. ) ;
#473 = APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION ( 'draft international standard', 'automotive_design', 1998, #187 ) ;
#474 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #249, .F. ) ;
#475 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #179, #403, #255, .T. ) ;
#476 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #521, #104, #61, .T. ) ;
#477 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #442, .T. ) ;
#478 = LINE ( 'NONE', #113, #22 ) ;
#479 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #486, #27, #188, .T. ) ;
#480 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #393, .F. ) ;
#481 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #40, #131, #416 ) ;
#482 = LINE ( 'NONE', #453, #428 ) ;
#484 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #375, #459, #441, .T. ) ;
#485 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #249, .T. ) ;
#486 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #358 ) ;
#487 = LINE ( 'NONE', #48, #130 ) ;
#488 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #177, .T. ) ;
#489 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02500000000000000800 ) ) ;
#490 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #96, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#491 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #24, #417, #472, #426 ) ) ;
#492 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#493 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #458, #197, #142, .T. ) ;
#494 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#495 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#496 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #66, #108, #210, .T. ) ;
#497 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#498 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #526, .F. ) ;
#499 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5000000000000000000, -5.421010862427522200E-016 ) ) ;
#502 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#503 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#504 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #420 ) ;
#505 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.8000000000000000400, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#506 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #207, .F. ) ;
#507 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -3.942553354492744000E-016 ) ) ;
#508 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.200000000000000400 ) ) ;
#509 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #438 ) ) ;
#510 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#511 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #157, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#512 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#513 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#515 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #54 ) ) ;
#516 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #180, #544, #115 ) ;
#517 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #330, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#518 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #308 ), #1, .T. ) ;
#519 = LINE ( 'NONE', #464, #102 ) ;
#520 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #515 ) ;
#521 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #295 ) ;
#522 = FACE_BOUND ( 'NONE', #362, .T. ) ;
#523 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #116, #200, #156 ) ;
#524 = LINE ( 'NONE', #205, #173 ) ;
#525 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#526 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #396, #179, #487, .T. ) ;
#527 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #153, .T. ) ;
#528 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #334 ) ;
#529 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #468 ), #300 ) ;
#530 = LINE ( 'NONE', #376, #140 ) ;
#531 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#532 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #499, #247, #539 ) ;
#533 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#534 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, -0.02500000000000004000, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#535 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #94, .F. ) ;
#536 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -0.8000000000000000400, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#537 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #432, .T. ) ;
#538 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #104, #463, #12, .T. ) ;
#539 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#540 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 1.496938226783963700E-015 ) ) ;
#541 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, 0.02499999999999940100 ) ) ;
#542 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #146, #155, #369, #176 ) ) ;
#543 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#544 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#545 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.5250000000000000200, -1.225000000000000300 ) ) ;
#546 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #236, .T. ) ;
'1' );
( '' ),
( '' ),
'SwSTEP 2.0',
'SolidWorks 2015',
'' );
#1 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #273, #186, #5, #50 ) ) ;
#2 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#3 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#4 = LINE ( 'NONE', #404, #477 ) ;
#5 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #185, .F. ) ;
#6 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #255 ) ;
#7 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #173 ) ) ;
#8 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #543, .T. ) ;
#9 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#10 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #466, #509, #431, .T. ) ;
#11 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #245, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#12 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #311 ), #441, .F. ) ;
#13 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #28 ) ;
#14 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #527 ) ) ;
#15 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #343, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#16 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #298, .T. ) ;
#17 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#18 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #473 ) ) ;
#19 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #61 ) ;
#20 = LINE ( 'NONE', #3, #409 ) ;
#21 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #483, .T. ) ;
#22 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #41, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#24 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #423, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#25 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #115, #371, #94, #212 ) ) ;
#26 = LINE ( 'NONE', #329, #314 ) ;
#27 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #225 ) ;
#28 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#29 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#30 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#31 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #458, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#32 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#33 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#34 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #108, #530, #232, #516 ) ) ;
#35 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#36 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#37 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #279, #510, #224, .T. ) ;
#38 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#39 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#40 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #359, .F. ) ;
#41 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#42 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #57, .F. ) ;
#44 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#45 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#46 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #399, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#47 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#48 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #25, .T. ) ;
#49 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #265 ) ;
#50 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #496, .T. ) ;
#51 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #127, .F. ) ;
#52 = LINE ( 'NONE', #100, #181 ) ;
#53 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #301 ) ;
#54 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #342 ), #238, .F. ) ;
#56 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #17 ) ;
#57 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #269, #171, #52, .T. ) ;
#58 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #103, .T. ) ;
#59 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #210, .T. ) ;
#60 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#61 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #282, #239, #323 ) ;
#62 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #166, .T. ) ;
#64 = LINE ( 'NONE', #411, #11 ) ;
#66 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#67 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#68 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #545, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#69 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#70 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #118, .T. ) ;
#71 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #237, .T. ) ;
#72 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#75 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #434, .T. ) ;
#76 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#77 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #213, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#78 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #397, .T. ) ;
#79 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#80 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#81 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#82 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #352, #215, #467, .T. ) ;
#83 = APPLICATION_CONTEXT ( 'automotive_design' ) ;
#84 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #216, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#85 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#86 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #523 ) ;
#87 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #270 ) ;
#90 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #440 ) ;
#91 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#92 = LINE ( 'NONE', #494, #317 ) ;
#93 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #145 ), #19, .T. ) ;
#94 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #397, .F. ) ;
#95 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #355 ), #126, .F. ) ;
#96 = ADVANCED_BREP_SHAPE_REPRESENTATION ( 'C1210', ( #476, #197 ), #123 ) ;
#97 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #536, .T. ) ;
#98 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #118, .F. ) ;
#99 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #193, .T. ) ;
#100 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#101 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #276 ) ;
#102 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#103 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #62, #195, #375, #455 ) ) ;
#104 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #312, #242, #264, .T. ) ;
#105 = LINE ( 'NONE', #289, #341 ) ;
#106 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#107 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #174 ) ;
#108 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #147, .T. ) ;
#109 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#111 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#112 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #487, #169, #274 ) ;
#114 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#115 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #302, .T. ) ;
#116 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#117 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #69 ) ;
#118 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #448, #117, #4, .T. ) ;
#119 = LINE ( 'NONE', #321, #542 ) ;
#120 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#121 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #334 ) ;
#122 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #403, .T. ) ;
#124 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #485 ) ;
#125 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#126 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #112 ) ;
#127 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #377, #87, #192, .T. ) ;
#128 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#129 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #132, .F. ) ;
#130 = LINE ( 'NONE', #489, #189 ) ;
#131 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#132 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #124, #27, #119, .T. ) ;
#133 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #479, .F. ) ;
#134 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #359, .T. ) ;
#135 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #220 ), #107, .T. ) ;
#136 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #236, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#137 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#138 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #381, #128, #325 ) ;
#139 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #303 ), #157, .T. ) ;
#140 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #541 ) ;
#141 = LINE ( 'NONE', #9, #362 ) ;
#142 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #483, .F. ) ;
#143 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #194, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#144 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #319, .F. ) ;
#145 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #1, .T. ) ;
#146 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#147 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #242, #101, #299, .T. ) ;
#148 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #532, #539, #205 ) ;
#149 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#150 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #348, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#151 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#152 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #171, #86, #478, .T. ) ;
#153 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #420, .T. ) ;
#154 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #360 ) ;
#155 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #298, .F. ) ;
#156 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #499 ) ;
#157 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #231 ) ;
#158 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #82, .T. ) ;
#159 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#160 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#161 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#162 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #285 ) ;
#163 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #80 ) ;
#164 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#165 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#166 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #86, #448, #531, .T. ) ;
#167 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 5.489631253091162100E-016 ) ) ;
#168 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #132, .T. ) ;
#169 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#170 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #44, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#171 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #453 ) ;
#172 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#173 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #288 ) ;
#174 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #528, #67, #366 ) ;
#175 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#176 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION_CONTEXT ( 'detailed design', #83, 'design' ) ;
#177 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #286 ) ;
#179 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #459, #354 ), #162, .F. ) ;
#180 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #248, .T. ) ;
#181 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #60, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#182 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, -1.210047067506143400E-016 ) ) ;
#184 = LINE ( 'NONE', #505, #277 ) ;
#185 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #509, #27, #400, .T. ) ;
#186 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #210, .F. ) ;
#187 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#188 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#189 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #33, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#190 = LINE ( 'NONE', #172, #77 ) ;
#191 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #338, #125, #418 ) ;
#192 = LINE ( 'NONE', #401, #336 ) ;
#193 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #49, #124, #105, .T. ) ;
#194 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#195 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #436, .F. ) ;
#196 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #422, .F. ) ;
#197 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #146, #250, #45 ) ;
#198 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #349 ) ;
#199 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #38, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#200 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#201 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#202 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#203 = LINE ( 'NONE', #2, #305 ) ;
#204 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #368, .F. ) ;
#205 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 5.489631253091162100E-016 ) ) ;
#206 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #182, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#207 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#208 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #429 ), #96 ) ;
#209 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #367 ) ) ;
#210 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #27, #510, #64, .T. ) ;
#211 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#212 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #327, .T. ) ;
#213 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#214 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #13, #56, #26, .T. ) ;
#215 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #76 ) ;
#216 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#217 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #435, #129, #40, #484 ) ) ;
#218 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #97 ), #198, .F. ) ;
#219 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #275, .F. ) ;
#220 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #396, .T. ) ;
#221 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #87, #117, #92, .T. ) ;
#222 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #488, #309, #144, #16 ) ) ;
#223 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#224 = LINE ( 'NONE', #272, #492 ) ;
#225 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#226 = PRODUCT_DEFINITION ( 'UNKNOWN', '', #257, #176 ) ;
#227 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #18 ) ;
#229 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #214, .F. ) ;
#230 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #209 ) ;
#231 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #364, #407, #370 ) ;
#232 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #82, .F. ) ;
#233 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #508 ) ;
#234 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #306, #465, #42, #428 ) ) ;
#235 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #208 ) ) ;
#236 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#237 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #87, #269, #203, .T. ) ;
#238 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #433 ) ;
#239 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -4.117223439818371800E-016, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#240 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #222, .T. ) ;
#241 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #246 ) ;
#242 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #421 ) ;
#243 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #417, #98, #296, #219 ) ) ;
#244 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#245 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, -4.117223439818371800E-016 ) ) ;
#246 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #447, #379, #278 ) ;
#247 = LINE ( 'NONE', #131, #15 ) ;
#248 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #171, #377, #525, .T. ) ;
#249 = CLOSED_SHELL ( 'NONE', ( #93, #262, #515, #307, #12, #386, #54, #469, #139, #427, #95, #470, #350, #218, #135, #179 ) ) ;
#250 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#251 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #269, #156, #190, .T. ) ;
#252 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #297, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#253 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#254 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #230 ) ) ;
#255 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #233 ) ) ;
#256 = FACE_BOUND ( 'NONE', #358, .T. ) ;
#258 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#259 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #512 ) ;
#260 = PRODUCT ( 'C1210', 'C1210', '', ( #293 ) ) ;
#261 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#262 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #410 ), #259, .T. ) ;
#263 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.210047067506143400E-016, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#264 = LINE ( 'NONE', #29, #136 ) ;
#265 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#266 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #163, #312, #141, .T. ) ;
#267 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #253, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#268 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #127, .T. ) ;
#269 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #300 ) ;
#270 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#271 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#272 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#273 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #37, .T. ) ;
#274 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#275 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #156, #86, #456, .T. ) ;
#276 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#277 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #167, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#278 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#279 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #511 ) ;
#280 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #496, .F. ) ;
#281 = PRODUCT_RELATED_PRODUCT_CATEGORY ( 'part', '', ( #260 ) ) ;
#282 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#283 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, -4.117223439818371800E-016 ) ) ;
#284 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #535 ) ;
#285 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #207, #331, #79 ) ;
#286 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #330 ) ) ;
#287 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#288 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#289 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#290 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #304 ) ;
#291 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #416, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#292 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#293 = PRODUCT_CONTEXT ( 'NONE', #500, 'mechanical' ) ;
#294 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#295 = LINE ( 'NONE', #502, #68 ) ;
#296 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #166, .F. ) ;
#297 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#298 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #56, #312, #471, .T. ) ;
#299 = LINE ( 'NONE', #333, #432 ) ;
#300 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#301 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #395 ) ) ;
#302 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #101, #163, #247, .T. ) ;
#303 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #426, .T. ) ;
#304 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200 ) ;
#305 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #161, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#306 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #275, .T. ) ;
#307 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #122 ), #462, .T. ) ;
#308 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #102, #376, #165 ) ;
#309 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #320, .F. ) ;
#310 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #13, #163, #402, .T. ) ;
#311 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #34, .T. ) ;
#312 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #159 ) ;
#313 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #517 ) ;
#314 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #374, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#316 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #178 ), #262 ) ;
#317 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #244, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#318 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #147, .F. ) ;
#319 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #56, #352, #519, .T. ) ;
#320 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #352, #242, #295, .T. ) ;
#321 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#322 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, -2.489999999999999800 ) ) ;
#323 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, -4.117223439818371800E-016 ) ) ;
#324 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#325 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#326 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#327 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #215, #101, #391, .T. ) ;
#328 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #319, .T. ) ;
#329 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#330 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #287 ) ;
#331 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#332 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#333 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#334 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #140 ) ) ;
#335 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #8, #389, #412, #526 ) ) ;
#336 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #66, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#338 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#339 = APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION ( 'draft international standard', 'automotive_design', 1998, #83 ) ;
#340 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #221, .F. ) ;
#341 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #452, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#342 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #449, .T. ) ;
#343 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#345 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#346 = LINE ( 'NONE', #324, #513 ) ;
#347 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #310, .T. ) ;
#348 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#349 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #533, #450, #201 ) ;
#350 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #58 ), #415, .F. ) ;
#351 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #345, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#352 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #378 ) ;
#353 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #271, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#354 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #243, .T. ) ;
#355 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #335, .T. ) ;
#356 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #234, .T. ) ;
#357 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#358 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #59, #21, #99, #168 ) ) ;
#359 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #466, #124, #486, .T. ) ;
#360 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #116, #202, #160 ) ;
#361 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #200, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#362 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #294, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#363 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #214, .T. ) ;
#364 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#365 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #422, .T. ) ;
#366 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#367 = FILL_AREA_STYLE_COLOUR ( '', #446 ) ;
#368 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #387, #466, #184, .T. ) ;
#369 = LINE ( 'NONE', #460, #143 ) ;
#370 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#371 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #310, .F. ) ;
#372 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#373 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #316 ) ) ;
#374 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#375 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #248, .F. ) ;
#376 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#377 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #493 ) ;
#378 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#379 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#380 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #30, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#381 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#382 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #137, #263, #518 ) ;
#383 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#385 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #10, .F. ) ;
#386 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #48 ), #241, .F. ) ;
#387 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #85 ) ;
#388 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #113 ), #476 ) ;
#389 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #251, .F. ) ;
#390 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #368, .T. ) ;
#391 = LINE ( 'NONE', #292, #170 ) ;
#392 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #37, .F. ) ;
#394 = LINE ( 'NONE', #481, #361 ) ;
#396 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #71, #490, #180, #268 ) ) ;
#397 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #215, #13, #474, .T. ) ;
#398 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #413, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#399 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#400 = LINE ( 'NONE', #538, #398 ) ;
#401 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#402 = LINE ( 'NONE', #114, #84 ) ;
#403 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #444, #142, #392, #365 ) ) ;
#404 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#405 =( NAMED_UNIT ( * ) PLANE_ANGLE_UNIT ( ) SI_UNIT ( $, .RADIAN. ) );
#406 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #89 ), #93 ) ;
#407 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#408 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, -1.210047067506143400E-016 ) ) ;
#409 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #332, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#410 = FACE_OUTER_BOUND ( 'NONE', #217, .T. ) ;
#411 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#412 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #237, .F. ) ;
#413 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#414 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #495, #372, #39 ) ;
#415 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #191 ) ;
#416 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#417 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #543, .F. ) ;
#418 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#419 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #148 ) ;
#420 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #318, #482, #497, #437 ) ) ;
#421 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#422 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #279, #387, #369, .T. ) ;
#423 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#424 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#426 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #158, #78, #363, #328 ) ) ;
#427 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #256, #153 ), #529, .F. ) ;
#428 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #251, .T. ) ;
#430 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#431 = LINE ( 'NONE', #106, #46 ) ;
#432 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #408, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#433 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #187, #522, #430 ) ;
#434 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #134, #521, #133, #390 ) ) ;
#435 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #185, .T. ) ;
#436 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #377, #448, #464, .T. ) ;
#437 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #302, .F. ) ;
#438 =( LENGTH_UNIT ( ) NAMED_UNIT ( * ) SI_UNIT ( .MILLI., .METRE. ) );
#439 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #388 ) ) ;
#440 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#441 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #382 ) ;
#442 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #111, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#443 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#444 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #479, .T. ) ;
#446 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200, 0.7529411764705882200 ) ;
#447 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#448 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #451 ) ;
#449 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #498, #155, #229, #347 ) ) ;
#450 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -1.000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#451 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#452 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 5.489631253091162100E-016 ) ) ;
#453 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#454 = APPLICATION_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION ( 'draft international standard', 'automotive_design', 1998, #500 ) ;
#455 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #152, .T. ) ;
#456 = LINE ( 'NONE', #261, #351 ) ;
#457 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, -2.489999999999999800 ) ) ;
#458 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#459 = FACE_BOUND ( 'NONE', #534, .T. ) ;
#460 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#461 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #414 ) ;
#462 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #138 ) ;
#463 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #406 ) ) ;
#464 = LINE ( 'NONE', #546, #31 ) ;
#465 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #152, .F. ) ;
#466 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #322 ) ;
#467 = LINE ( 'NONE', #357, #206 ) ;
#468 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#469 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #240 ), #154, .F. ) ;
#470 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #356 ), #461, .F. ) ;
#471 = LINE ( 'NONE', #383, #24 ) ;
#473 = SURFACE_STYLE_FILL_AREA ( #475 ) ;
#474 = LINE ( 'NONE', #151, #380 ) ;
#475 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #313 ) ) ;
#476 = MANIFOLD_SOLID_BREP ( 'Boss-Extrude5', #249 ) ;
#477 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #149, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#478 = LINE ( 'NONE', #109, #22 ) ;
#479 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #387, #49, #20, .T. ) ;
#480 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #337 ), #307 ) ;
#481 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#482 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #104, .F. ) ;
#483 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #510, #49, #130, .T. ) ;
#484 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #10, .T. ) ;
#485 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, -2.489999999999999800 ) ) ;
#486 = LINE ( 'NONE', #457, #267 ) ;
#487 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#488 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #104, .T. ) ;
#489 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#490 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #57, .T. ) ;
#492 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #223, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#493 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#494 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#495 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#496 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #509, #279, #346, .T. ) ;
#497 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #266, .F. ) ;
#498 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #266, .T. ) ;
#499 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#500 = APPLICATION_CONTEXT ( 'automotive_design' ) ;
#502 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( 1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000032800 ) ) ;
#504 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #438, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#505 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#506 = SURFACE_STYLE_USAGE ( .BOTH. , #254 ) ;
#507 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #164, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#508 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #90 ) ) ;
#509 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #36 ) ;
#510 = VERTEX_POINT ( 'NONE', #72 ) ;
#511 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#512 = AXIS2_PLACEMENT_3D ( 'NONE', #424, #175, #468 ) ;
#513 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #283, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#514 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #258, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#515 = ADVANCED_FACE ( 'NONE', ( #75 ), #419, .T. ) ;
#516 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #320, .T. ) ;
#517 = COLOUR_RGB ( '',0.7372549019607843600, 0.2352941176470588200, 0.3294117647058823500 ) ;
#518 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000, 1.210047067506143400E-016 ) ) ;
#519 = LINE ( 'NONE', #120, #507 ) ;
#520 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #436, .T. ) ;
#521 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #193, .F. ) ;
#522 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000, 1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#523 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, -0.02500000000000000100, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#525 = LINE ( 'NONE', #211, #514 ) ;
#526 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #221, .T. ) ;
#527 = STYLED_ITEM ( 'NONE', ( #63 ), #515 ) ;
#528 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, 0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#529 = PLANE ( 'NONE', #308 ) ;
#530 = ORIENTED_EDGE ( 'NONE', *, *, #327, .F. ) ;
#531 = LINE ( 'NONE', #540, #199 ) ;
#532 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.0000000000000000000, -2.490000000000000200 ) ) ;
#533 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, -2.514999999999999700 ) ) ;
#534 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #280, #385, #204, #196 ) ) ;
#535 = SURFACE_SIDE_STYLE ('',( #177 ) ) ;
#536 = EDGE_LOOP ( 'NONE', ( #70, #340, #51, #520 ) ) ;
#537 = PRESENTATION_LAYER_ASSIGNMENT ( '', '', ( #480 ) ) ;
#538 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.7900000000000000400, 3.252606517456513300E-016 ) ) ;
#539 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( 0.0000000000000000000, 5.489631253091162100E-016, -1.000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#540 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.100000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
#541 = FILL_AREA_STYLE ('',( #290 ) ) ;
#542 = VECTOR ( 'NONE', #443, 1000.000000000000000 ) ;
#543 = EDGE_CURVE ( 'NONE', #117, #156, #394, .T. ) ;
#544 = UNCERTAINTY_MEASURE_WITH_UNIT (LENGTH_MEASURE( 1.000000000000000100E-005 ), #35, 'distance_accuracy_value', 'NONE');
#545 = DIRECTION ( 'NONE', ( -1.000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000, -0.0000000000000000000 ) ) ;
#546 = CARTESIAN_POINT ( 'NONE', ( -1.600000000000000100, 0.8149999999999999500, 0.02500000000000022300 ) ) ;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
# Kicad Lib
This project hold the kicad libraries used in RapidSpace PCB.
\ No newline at end of file
Footprint Name
3Dmodel Names
Specific Symbol Name
not completely decided
Generic Symbol Name
\ No newline at end of file
(footprint "Hirose_FH12-36S-0.5SH_1x36-1MP_P0.50mm_Horizontal"
(version 20240108)
(generator "pcbnew")
(generator_version "8.0")
(layer "F.Cu")
(descr "Hirose FH12, FFC/FPC connector, FH12-36S-0.5SH, 36 Pins per row (, generated with kicad-footprint-generator")
(tags "connector Hirose FH12 horizontal")
(property "Reference" "REF**"
(at 0 -3.7 0)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "efbe0c5f-5b45-446d-9262-fb5bbcb07db3")
(size 1 1)
(thickness 0.15)
(property "Value" "Hirose_FH12-36S-0.5SH_1x36-1MP_P0.50mm_Horizontal"
(at 0 5.6 0)
(layer "F.Fab")
(uuid "f635caed-a67f-443f-816d-8432286f6ce8")
(size 1 1)
(thickness 0.15)
(property "Footprint" ""
(at 0 0 0)
(unlocked yes)
(layer "F.Fab")
(hide yes)
(uuid "aaacfdf0-59f2-4988-a1b1-32f2a39f258f")
(size 1.27 1.27)
(property "Datasheet" ""
(at 0 0 0)
(unlocked yes)
(layer "F.Fab")
(hide yes)
(uuid "71ac2d4d-a667-4574-89ea-f114d5abf3af")
(size 1.27 1.27)
(property "Description" ""
(at 0 0 0)
(unlocked yes)
(layer "F.Fab")
(hide yes)
(uuid "459d7e32-b11d-42d8-a118-77d98f987076")
(size 1.27 1.27)
(attr smd)
(start -10.65 -1.3)
(end -10.65 0.04)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "ff42121a-1fa7-4d72-a148-e6fbe2956533")
(start -10.65 2.76)
(end -10.65 4.5)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "69668a5b-d81f-4f78-bec8-24d2afec53d0")
(start -10.65 4.5)
(end 10.65 4.5)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "fe84748d-c1a6-4aed-9f9f-5cf57d8f6402")
(start -9.16 -1.3)
(end -10.65 -1.3)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "bc038be9-d0d3-43a5-b632-3e205463a8de")
(start -9.16 -1.3)
(end -9.16 -2.5)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "12b69875-0ecb-4978-a339-25f472edade9")
(start 9.16 -1.3)
(end 10.65 -1.3)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "38f34c60-426c-4e0f-ac40-6357ec918983")
(start 10.65 -1.3)
(end 10.65 0.04)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "b654e31a-1454-483d-8c6d-c007f7e31660")
(start 10.65 4.5)
(end 10.65 2.76)
(width 0.12)
(type solid)
(layer "F.SilkS")
(uuid "ca8a617f-af42-4d70-9297-d8e0e1a874e1")
(start -12.05 -3)
(end -12.05 4.9)
(width 0.05)
(type solid)
(layer "F.CrtYd")
(uuid "ce653cad-c97f-4247-b422-3aeb7e87f301")
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
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(justify left bottom)
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(at 0 -10.16 90)
(length 2.54)
(name "PAD"
(size 1.27 1.27)
(number "PAD"
(size 0 0)
\ No newline at end of file
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