• Eliad Peller's avatar
    wl12xx: rearrange some ELP wake_up/sleep calls · c1b193eb
    Eliad Peller authored
    ELP (Extremely/Enhanced Low Power, or something like that ;)) refers to
    the powerstate of the 12xx chip, in which very low power is consumed,
    and no commands (from the host) can be issued until the chip is woken up.
    Wakeup/sleep commands must be protected by a wl->mutex, so it's generally
    a good idea to call wakeup/sleep along with the mutex lock/unlock (where
    needed). However, in some places the wl12xx driver calls wakeup/sleep in
    some "inner" functions. This result in some "nested" wakeup/sleep calls
    which might end up letting the chip go to sleep prematurely (e.g. during
    event handling).
    Fix it by rearranging the elp calls to come along with mutex_lock/unlock.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarEliad Peller <eliad@wizery.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarIdo Yariv <ido@wizery.com>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarLuciano Coelho <coelho@ti.com>
main.c 92.5 KB