Commit c142bda4 authored by Linus Torvalds's avatar Linus Torvalds

Merge branch 'drm-reorg' of git://

* 'drm-reorg' of git://
  drm: reorganise drm tree to be more future proof.
parents b5cf43c4 c0e09200
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_PCI) += pci/
obj-$(CONFIG_PARISC) += parisc/
obj-$(CONFIG_RAPIDIO) += rapidio/
obj-y += video/
obj-y += gpu/
obj-$(CONFIG_ACPI) += acpi/
# PnP must come after ACPI since it will eventually need to check if acpi
# was used and do nothing if so
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_TELCLOCK) += tlclk.o
obj-$(CONFIG_MWAVE) += mwave/
obj-$(CONFIG_AGP) += agp/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM) += drm/
obj-$(CONFIG_PCMCIA) += pcmcia/
obj-$(CONFIG_IPMI_HANDLER) += ipmi/
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
drm-objs := drm_auth.o drm_bufs.o drm_context.o drm_dma.o drm_drawable.o \
drm_drv.o drm_fops.o drm_ioctl.o drm_irq.o \
drm_lock.o drm_memory.o drm_proc.o drm_stub.o drm_vm.o \
drm_agpsupport.o drm_scatter.o ati_pcigart.o drm_pci.o \
drm_sysfs.o drm_hashtab.o drm_sman.o drm_mm.o
tdfx-objs := tdfx_drv.o
r128-objs := r128_drv.o r128_cce.o r128_state.o r128_irq.o
mga-objs := mga_drv.o mga_dma.o mga_state.o mga_warp.o mga_irq.o
i810-objs := i810_drv.o i810_dma.o
i830-objs := i830_drv.o i830_dma.o i830_irq.o
i915-objs := i915_drv.o i915_dma.o i915_irq.o i915_mem.o
radeon-objs := radeon_drv.o radeon_cp.o radeon_state.o radeon_mem.o radeon_irq.o r300_cmdbuf.o
sis-objs := sis_drv.o sis_mm.o
savage-objs := savage_drv.o savage_bci.o savage_state.o
via-objs := via_irq.o via_drv.o via_map.o via_mm.o via_dma.o via_verifier.o via_video.o via_dmablit.o
ifeq ($(CONFIG_COMPAT),y)
drm-objs += drm_ioc32.o
radeon-objs += radeon_ioc32.o
mga-objs += mga_ioc32.o
r128-objs += r128_ioc32.o
i915-objs += i915_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM) += drm.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_TDFX) += tdfx.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_R128) += r128.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_RADEON)+= radeon.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_MGA) += mga.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I810) += i810.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I830) += i830.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I915) += i915.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SIS) += sis.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SAVAGE)+= savage.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_VIA) +=via.o
obj-y += drm/
File moved
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
drm-y := drm_auth.o drm_bufs.o drm_context.o drm_dma.o drm_drawable.o \
drm_drv.o drm_fops.o drm_ioctl.o drm_irq.o \
drm_lock.o drm_memory.o drm_proc.o drm_stub.o drm_vm.o \
drm_agpsupport.o drm_scatter.o ati_pcigart.o drm_pci.o \
drm_sysfs.o drm_hashtab.o drm_sman.o drm_mm.o
drm-$(CONFIG_COMPAT) += drm_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM) += drm.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_TDFX) += tdfx/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_R128) += r128/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_RADEON)+= radeon/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_MGA) += mga/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I810) += i810/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I830) += i830/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I915) += i915/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SIS) += sis/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SAVAGE)+= savage/
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_VIA) +=via/
File moved
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# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
i810-y := i810_drv.o i810_dma.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I810) += i810.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
i830-y := i830_drv.o i830_dma.o i830_irq.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I830) += i830.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
i915-y := i915_drv.o i915_dma.o i915_irq.o i915_mem.o
i915-$(CONFIG_COMPAT) += i915_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_I915) += i915.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
mga-y := mga_drv.o mga_dma.o mga_state.o mga_warp.o mga_irq.o
mga-$(CONFIG_COMPAT) += mga_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_MGA) += mga.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
r128-y := r128_drv.o r128_cce.o r128_state.o r128_irq.o
r128-$(CONFIG_COMPAT) += r128_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_R128) += r128.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
radeon-y := radeon_drv.o radeon_cp.o radeon_state.o radeon_mem.o radeon_irq.o r300_cmdbuf.o
radeon-$(CONFIG_COMPAT) += radeon_ioc32.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_RADEON)+= radeon.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y = -Iinclude/drm
savage-y := savage_drv.o savage_bci.o savage_state.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SAVAGE)+= savage.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y = -Iinclude/drm
sis-y := sis_drv.o sis_mm.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_SIS) += sis.o
File moved
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
tdfx-y := tdfx_drv.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_TDFX) += tdfx.o
# Makefile for the drm device driver. This driver provides support for the
# Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) in XFree86 4.1.0 and higher.
ccflags-y := -Iinclude/drm
via-y := via_irq.o via_drv.o via_map.o via_mm.o via_dma.o via_verifier.o via_video.o via_dmablit.o
obj-$(CONFIG_DRM_VIA) +=via.o
File moved
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ menu "Graphics support"
source "drivers/char/agp/Kconfig"
source "drivers/char/drm/Kconfig"
source "drivers/gpu/drm/Kconfig"
......@@ -4,5 +4,6 @@ header-y += sound/
header-y += mtd/
header-y += rdma/
header-y += video/
header-y += drm/
header-y += asm-$(ARCH)/
unifdef-y += drm.h drm_sarea.h
unifdef-y += i810_drm.h
unifdef-y += i830_drm.h
unifdef-y += i915_drm.h
unifdef-y += mga_drm.h
unifdef-y += r128_drm.h
unifdef-y += radeon_drm.h
unifdef-y += sis_drm.h
unifdef-y += savage_drm.h
unifdef-y += via_drm.h
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File moved
File moved
File moved
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File moved
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