i2c-velleman driver
This is a driver for i2c-hw access for Velleman K8000 and other adapters.

Useful links

Velleman K8000 Howto:

K8000 and K8005 libraries
The project has lead to new libs for the Velleman K8000 and K8005:
LIBK8000 v1.99.1 and LIBK8005 v0.21

With these libs, you can control the K8000 interface card and the K8005
stepper motor card with the simple commands which are in the original
Velleman software, like SetIOchannel, ReadADchannel, SendStepCCWFull and
many more, using /dev/velleman.

The libs can be found on http://groups.yahoo.com/group/k8000/files/linux/