Backup.hpp 18 KB
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#ifndef BACKUP_H
#define BACKUP_H

#include <ndb_limits.h>
#include <SimulatedBlock.hpp>

#include "FsBuffer.hpp"
#include "BackupFormat.hpp"

#include <NodeBitmask.hpp>
#include <SimpleProperties.hpp>

#include <SLList.hpp>
#include <ArrayList.hpp>
#include <SignalCounter.hpp>
#include <blocks/mutexes.hpp>

#include <NdbTCP.h>

 * Backup - This block manages database backup and restore
class Backup : public SimulatedBlock
  Backup(const Configuration & conf);
  virtual ~Backup();

  void execSTTOR(Signal* signal);
  void execDUMP_STATE_ORD(Signal* signal);
  void execREAD_NODESCONF(Signal* signal);
  void execNODE_FAILREP(Signal* signal);
  void execINCL_NODEREQ(Signal* signal);
  void execCONTINUEB(Signal* signal);
   * Testing
  void execBACKUP_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_ABORT_REP(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_COMPLETE_REP(Signal* signal);
   * Signals sent from master
  void execDEFINE_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_DATA(Signal* signal);
  void execSTART_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execSTOP_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_STATUS_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execABORT_BACKUP_ORD(Signal* signal);
   * The actual scan
  void execSCAN_HBREP(Signal* signal);
  void execTRANSID_AI(Signal* signal);
  void execSCAN_FRAGREF(Signal* signal);
  void execSCAN_FRAGCONF(Signal* signal);

   * Trigger logging
  void execBACKUP_TRIG_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execTRIG_ATTRINFO(Signal* signal);
  void execFIRE_TRIG_ORD(Signal* signal);
   * DICT signals
  void execLIST_TABLES_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execGET_TABINFOREF(Signal* signal);
  void execGET_TABINFO_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execCREATE_TRIG_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execCREATE_TRIG_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execALTER_TRIG_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execALTER_TRIG_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execDROP_TRIG_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execDROP_TRIG_CONF(Signal* signal);

   * DIH signals
  void execDI_FCOUNTCONF(Signal* signal);
  void execDIGETPRIMCONF(Signal* signal);

   * FS signals
  void execFSOPENREF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSOPENCONF(Signal* signal);

  void execFSCLOSEREF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSCLOSECONF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSAPPENDREF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSAPPENDCONF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSREMOVEREF(Signal* signal);
  void execFSREMOVECONF(Signal* signal);

   * Master functinallity
  void execBACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execABORT_BACKUP_REQ(Signal* signal);
  void execDEFINE_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execDEFINE_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal);

  void execSTART_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execSTART_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal);

  void execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_FRAGMENT_CONF(Signal* signal);

  void execSTOP_BACKUP_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execSTOP_BACKUP_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void execBACKUP_STATUS_CONF(Signal* signal);

  void execUTIL_SEQUENCE_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execUTIL_SEQUENCE_CONF(Signal* signal);

  void execWAIT_GCP_REF(Signal* signal);
  void execWAIT_GCP_CONF(Signal* signal);
  void defineBackupMutex_locked(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI,Uint32 retVal);
  void dictCommitTableMutex_locked(Signal* signal, Uint32 ptrI,Uint32 retVal);

  struct Node {
    Uint32 nodeId;
    Uint32 alive;
    Uint32 nextList;
    union { Uint32 prevList; Uint32 nextPool; };
  typedef Ptr<Node> NodePtr;

  struct Page32 {
    Uint32 data[BACKUP_WORDS_PER_PAGE];
    Uint32 nextPool;
  typedef Ptr<Page32> Page32Ptr;

  struct Attribute {
    struct Data {
      Uint8 nullable;
      Uint8 fixed;
unknown's avatar
unknown committed
174 175
      Uint8 unused; 
      Uint8 unused2;
176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
      Uint32 sz32;       // No of 32 bit words
      Uint32 offset;     // Relative DataFixedAttributes/DataFixedKeys
      Uint32 offsetNull; // In NullBitmask
    } data;
    Uint32 nextPool;
  typedef Ptr<Attribute> AttributePtr;
  struct Fragment {
    Uint32 tableId;
    Uint32 node;
    Uint16 scanned;  // 0 = not scanned x = scanned by node x
    Uint16 scanning; // 0 = not scanning x = scanning on node x
    Uint32 nextPool;
  typedef Ptr<Fragment> FragmentPtr;

  struct Table {
    Table(ArrayPool<Attribute> &, ArrayPool<Fragment> &);
    Uint32 tableId;
    Uint32 schemaVersion;
    Uint32 frag_mask;
    Uint32 tableType;
    Uint32 noOfNull;
    Uint32 noOfAttributes;
    Uint32 noOfVariable;
    Uint32 sz_FixedAttributes;
    Uint32 triggerIds[3];
    bool   triggerAllocated[3];
    Array<Attribute> attributes;
    Array<Fragment> fragments;

    Uint32 nextList;
    union { Uint32 nextPool; Uint32 prevList; };
  typedef Ptr<Table> TablePtr;

  struct OperationRecord {
    OperationRecord(Backup & b) : backup(b) {}

     * Once per table
    void init(const TablePtr & ptr);
     * Once per fragment
    bool newFragment(Uint32 tableId, Uint32 fragNo);
    bool fragComplete(Uint32 tableId, Uint32 fragNo);
     * Once per scan frag (next) req/conf
    bool newScan();
unknown's avatar
unknown committed
    bool scanConf(Uint32 noOfOps, Uint32 opLen);
    bool closeScan();
236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262
     * Per record
    void newRecord(Uint32 * base);
    bool finished();
     * Per attribute
    void     nullAttribute(Uint32 nullOffset);
    Uint32 * newNullable(Uint32 attrId, Uint32 sz);
    Uint32 * newAttrib(Uint32 offset, Uint32 sz);
    Uint32 * newVariable(Uint32 id, Uint32 sz);
    Uint32* base; 
    Uint32* dst_Length;
    Uint32* dst_Bitmask;
    Uint32* dst_FixedAttribs;
    BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData* dst_VariableData;
    Uint32 noOfAttributes; // No of Attributes
    Uint32 attrLeft;       // No of attributes left

    Uint32 opNoDone;
    Uint32 opNoConf;
unknown's avatar
unknown committed
    Uint32 opLen;
264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333

    Uint32* dst;
    Uint32 attrSzLeft;  // No of words missing for current attribute
    Uint32 attrSzTotal; // No of AI words received
    Uint32 tablePtr;    // Ptr.i to current table

    FsBuffer dataBuffer;
    Uint32 noOfRecords;
    Uint32 noOfBytes;
    Uint32 maxRecordSize;
    Uint32* scanStart;
    Uint32* scanStop;

     * sizes of part
    Uint32 sz_Bitmask;
    Uint32 sz_FixedAttribs;

    union { Uint32 nextPool; Uint32 nextList; };
    Uint32 prevList;

    Backup & backup;
    BlockNumber number() const { return backup.number(); }
    void progError(int line, int cause, const char * extra) { 
      backup.progError(line, cause, extra); 
  friend struct OperationRecord;

  struct TriggerRecord {
    TriggerRecord() { event = ~0;}
    OperationRecord * operation;
    BackupFormat::LogFile::LogEntry * logEntry;
    Uint32 maxRecordSize;
    Uint32 tableId;
    Uint32 tab_ptr_i;
    Uint32 event;
    Uint32 backupPtr;
    Uint32 errorCode;
    union { Uint32 nextPool; Uint32 nextList; };
  typedef Ptr<TriggerRecord> TriggerPtr;
   * BackupFile - At least 3 per backup
  struct BackupFile {
    BackupFile(Backup & backup, ArrayPool<Page32> & pp) 
      : operation(backup),  pages(pp) {}
    Uint32 backupPtr; // Pointer to backup record
    Uint32 tableId;
    Uint32 fragmentNo;
    Uint32 filePointer;
    Uint32 errorCode;
    BackupFormat::FileType fileType;
    OperationRecord operation;
    Array<Page32> pages;
    Uint32 nextList;
    union { Uint32 prevList; Uint32 nextPool; };
    Uint8 fileOpened;
    Uint8 fileRunning;
    Uint8 fileClosing;
335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406
    Uint8 scanRunning;
  typedef Ptr<BackupFile> BackupFilePtr;

   * State for BackupRecord
  enum State {
    DEFINING, // Defining backup content and parameters
    DEFINED,  // DEFINE_BACKUP_CONF sent in slave, received all in master
    STARTED,  // Creating triggers
    SCANNING, // Scanning fragments
    STOPPING, // Closing files
    CLEANING, // Cleaning resources
    ABORTING  // Aborting backup

  static const Uint32 validSlaveTransitionsCount;
  static const Uint32 validMasterTransitionsCount;
  static const State validSlaveTransitions[];
  static const State validMasterTransitions[];
  class CompoundState {
    CompoundState(Backup & b, 
		  const State valid[],
		  Uint32 count, Uint32 _id) 
      : backup(b)
      , validTransitions(valid),
	noOfValidTransitions(count), id(_id)
      state = INITIAL;
      abortState = state;
    void setState(State s);
    State getState() const { return state;}
    State getAbortState() const { return abortState;}
    void forceState(State s);
    BlockNumber number() const { return backup.number(); }
    void progError(int line, int cause, const char * extra) { 
      backup.progError(line, cause, extra); 
    Backup & backup;
    State state;     
    State abortState;     /**
			     When state == ABORTING, this contains the state 
			     when the abort started
    const State * validTransitions;
    const Uint32 noOfValidTransitions;
    const Uint32 id;
  friend class CompoundState;
   * Backup record
   * One record per backup
  struct BackupRecord {
    BackupRecord(Backup& b, ArrayPool<Page32> & pp, 
		 ArrayPool<Table> & tp, 
		 ArrayPool<BackupFile> & bp,
		 ArrayPool<TriggerRecord> & trp) 
      : slaveState(b, validSlaveTransitions, validSlaveTransitionsCount,1)
      , tables(tp), triggers(trp), files(bp), pages(pp)
407 408 409
      , masterData(b), backup(b)
    Uint32 m_gsn;
412 413 414 415
    CompoundState slaveState; 
    Uint32 clientRef;
    Uint32 clientData;
    Uint32 flags;
417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430
    Uint32 backupId;
    Uint32 backupKey[2];
    Uint32 masterRef;
    Uint32 errorCode;
    NdbNodeBitmask nodes;
    Uint64 noOfBytes;
    Uint64 noOfRecords;
    Uint64 noOfLogBytes;
    Uint64 noOfLogRecords;
    Uint32 startGCP;
    Uint32 currGCP;
    Uint32 stopGCP;
    DLList<Table> tables;
432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443
    SLList<TriggerRecord> triggers;
    SLList<BackupFile> files; 
    Uint32 ctlFilePtr;  // Ptr.i to ctl-file
    Uint32 logFilePtr;  // Ptr.i to log-file
    Uint32 dataFilePtr; // Ptr.i to first data-file
    Uint32 backupDataLen;  // Used for (un)packing backup request
    Array<Page32> pages;   // Used for (un)packing backup request
    SimpleProperties props;// Used for (un)packing backup request
    struct MasterData {
444 445 446
      MasterData(Backup & b) 
447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513
      MutexHandle2<BACKUP_DEFINE_MUTEX> m_defineBackupMutex;
      MutexHandle2<DICT_COMMIT_TABLE_MUTEX> m_dictCommitTableMutex;

      Uint32 gsn;
      SignalCounter sendCounter;
      Uint32 errorCode;
      struct {
	Uint32 tableId;
      } createTrig;
      struct {
	Uint32 tableId;
      } dropTrig;
      struct {
	Uint32 tableId;
      } alterTrig;
      union {
	struct {
	  Uint32 startBackup;
	} waitGCP;
	struct {
	  Uint32 signalNo;
	  Uint32 noOfSignals;
	  Uint32 tablePtr;
	} startBackup;
	struct {
	  Uint32 dummy;
	} stopBackup;
    } masterData;
    Uint32 nextList;
    union { Uint32 prevList; Uint32 nextPool; };

    void setErrorCode(Uint32 errCode){
      if(errorCode == 0)
	errorCode = errCode;

    bool checkError() const {
      return errorCode != 0;

    Backup & backup;
    BlockNumber number() const { return backup.number(); }
    void progError(int line, int cause, const char * extra) { 
      backup.progError(line, cause, extra); 
  friend struct BackupRecord;
  typedef Ptr<BackupRecord> BackupRecordPtr;

  struct Config {
    Uint32 m_dataBufferSize;
    Uint32 m_logBufferSize;
    Uint32 m_minWriteSize;
    Uint32 m_maxWriteSize;
   * Variables
  Uint32 * c_startOfPages;
  NodeId c_masterNodeId;
  SLList<Node> c_nodes;
  NdbNodeBitmask c_aliveNodes;
  DLList<BackupRecord> c_backups;
  Config c_defaults;
  Uint32 m_diskless;
515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554


   * Pools
  ArrayPool<Table> c_tablePool;
  ArrayPool<Attribute> c_attributePool;  
  ArrayPool<BackupRecord> c_backupPool;
  ArrayPool<BackupFile> c_backupFilePool;
  ArrayPool<Page32> c_pagePool;
  ArrayPool<Fragment> c_fragmentPool;
  ArrayPool<Node> c_nodePool;
  ArrayPool<TriggerRecord> c_triggerPool;

  Uint32 calculate_frag_mask(Uint32);

  void checkFile(Signal*, BackupFilePtr);
  void checkScan(Signal*, BackupFilePtr);
  void fragmentCompleted(Signal*, BackupFilePtr);
  void backupAllData(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr);
  void getFragmentInfo(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr, TablePtr, Uint32 fragNo);
  void getFragmentInfoDone(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr);
  void openFiles(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void openFilesReply(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr, BackupFilePtr);
  void closeFiles(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void closeFilesDone(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);  
  void sendDefineBackupReq(Signal *signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr);

  void defineBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 nodeId);
  void createTrigReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void alterTrigReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void startBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32, Uint32);
  void stopBackupReply(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 nodeId);
  void defineBackupRef(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr, Uint32 errCode = 0);
555 556
  void backupFragmentRef(Signal * signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr);

557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576
  void nextFragment(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr);
  void sendCreateTrig(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr);
  void createAttributeMask(TablePtr tab, Bitmask<MAXNROFATTRIBUTESINWORDS>&);
  void sendStartBackup(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr, TablePtr);
  void sendAlterTrig(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);

  void sendDropTrig(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void sendDropTrig(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, TablePtr tabPtr);
  void dropTrigReply(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void sendSignalAllWait(BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 gsn, Signal *signal, 
			 Uint32 signalLength,
			 bool executeDirect = false);
  bool haveAllSignals(BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 gsn, Uint32 nodeId);

  void sendStopBackup(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void sendAbortBackupOrd(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 errCode);
  void sendAbortBackupOrdSlave(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, 
			       Uint32 errCode);
  void masterAbort(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
578 579 580 581 582 583
  void masterSendAbortBackup(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void slaveAbort(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void abortFile(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, BackupFilePtr filePtr);
  void abortFileHook(Signal* signal, BackupFilePtr filePtr, bool scanDone);
  bool verifyNodesAlive(BackupRecordPtr, const NdbNodeBitmask& aNodeBitMask);
585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598
  bool checkAbort(BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void checkNodeFail(Signal* signal,
		     BackupRecordPtr ptr,
		     NodeId newCoord,
		     Uint32 theFailedNodes[NodeBitmask::Size]);
  void masterTakeOver(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr);

  NodeId getMasterNodeId() const { return c_masterNodeId; }
  bool findTable(const BackupRecordPtr &, TablePtr &, Uint32 tableId) const;
  TablePtr parseTableDescription(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 len);
  bool insertFileHeader(BackupFormat::FileType, BackupRecord*, BackupFile*);
  void sendBackupRef(Signal* signal, BackupRecordPtr ptr, Uint32 errorCode);
  void sendBackupRef(BlockReference ref, Uint32 flags, Signal *signal,
600 601
		     Uint32 senderData, Uint32 errorCode);
  void dumpUsedResources();
602 603
  void cleanup(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
  void abort_scan(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);
604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677
  void removeBackup(Signal*, BackupRecordPtr ptr);

  void sendSTTORRY(Signal*);
  void createSequence(Signal* signal);
  void createSequenceReply(Signal*, class UtilSequenceConf *);

Backup::OperationRecord::newRecord(Uint32 * p){
  base = p;
  dst_Length       = p; p += 1;
  dst_Bitmask      = p; p += sz_Bitmask;
  dst_FixedAttribs = p; p += sz_FixedAttribs;
  dst_VariableData = (BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData*)p;
  BitmaskImpl::clear(sz_Bitmask, dst_Bitmask);
  attrLeft = noOfAttributes;
  attrSzLeft = attrSzTotal = 0;

Uint32 *
Backup::OperationRecord::newAttrib(Uint32 offset, Uint32 sz){
  attrSzLeft = sz;
  dst = dst_FixedAttribs + offset;
  return dst;

Backup::OperationRecord::nullAttribute(Uint32 offsetNull){
  attrLeft --;
  BitmaskImpl::set(sz_Bitmask, dst_Bitmask, offsetNull);

Uint32 *
Backup::OperationRecord::newNullable(Uint32 id, Uint32 sz){
  attrSzLeft = sz;
  dst = &dst_VariableData->Data[0];
  dst_VariableData->Sz = htonl(sz);
  dst_VariableData->Id = htonl(id);
  dst_VariableData = (BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData *)(dst + sz);
  // Clear all bits on newRecord -> dont need to clear this
  // BitmaskImpl::clear(sz_Bitmask, dst_Bitmask, offsetNull);
  return dst;

Uint32 *
Backup::OperationRecord::newVariable(Uint32 id, Uint32 sz){
  attrSzLeft = sz;
  dst = &dst_VariableData->Data[0];
  dst_VariableData->Sz = htonl(sz);
  dst_VariableData->Id = htonl(id);
  dst_VariableData = (BackupFormat::DataFile::VariableData *)(dst + sz);
  return dst;

  if(attrLeft != 0 || attrSzLeft != 0){
    return false;
unknown's avatar
unknown committed
  opLen += attrSzTotal;
679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691
  scanStop = dst = (Uint32 *)dst_VariableData;
  const Uint32 len = (dst - base - 1);
  * dst_Length = htonl(len);
  return true;
