Commit 0149f9c2 authored by Olivier Bertrand's avatar Olivier Bertrand

Add MONGO table type

  new file:   storage/connect/tabmgo.cpp
  new file:   storage/connect/tabmgo.h
  modified:   storage/connect/
  modified:   storage/connect/
  modified:   storage/connect/plgdbsem.h

Fix crash when dbname is null forJSON MGO tables
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.cpp
  modified:   storage/connect/tabjson.h
parent 95af77b1
......@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
#define JSONMAX 10 // JSON Default max grp size
extern "C" {
char version[]= "Version 1.06.0001 April 7, 2017";
char version[]= "Version 1.06.0001 April 17, 2017";
#if defined(__WIN__)
char compver[]= "Version 1.06.0001 " __DATE__ " " __TIME__;
char slash= '\\';
......@@ -4236,6 +4236,7 @@ bool ha_connect::check_privileges(THD *thd, PTOS options, char *dbn, bool quick)
case TAB_ODBC:
case TAB_JDBC:
case TAB_DIR:
case TAB_MAC:
case TAB_WMI:
......@@ -96,6 +96,9 @@
#if defined(XML_SUPPORT)
#include "tabxml.h"
#endif // XML_SUPPORT
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
#include "tabmgo.h"
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
#include "tabzip.h"
#endif // ZIP_SUPPORT
......@@ -160,6 +163,9 @@ TABTYPE GetTypeID(const char *type)
: (!stricmp(type, "JSON")) ? TAB_JSON
: (!stricmp(type, "ZIP")) ? TAB_ZIP
: (!stricmp(type, "MONGO")) ? TAB_MONGO
: (!stricmp(type, "OEM")) ? TAB_OEM : TAB_NIY;
} // end of GetTypeID
......@@ -307,6 +313,7 @@ int GetIndexType(TABTYPE type)
case TAB_ODBC:
case TAB_JDBC:
xtyp= 2;
case TAB_VIR:
......@@ -583,6 +590,9 @@ PRELDEF MYCAT::MakeTableDesc(PGLOBAL g, PTABLE tablep, LPCSTR am)
case TAB_VIR: tdp= new(g) VIRDEF; break;
case TAB_JSON: tdp= new(g) JSONDEF; break;
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
case TAB_MONGO: tdp = new(g) MGODEF; break;
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
case TAB_ZIP: tdp= new(g) ZIPDEF; break;
#endif // ZIP_SUPPORT
......@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ enum TABTYPE {TAB_UNDEF = 0, /* Table of undefined type */
TAB_DMY = 25, /* DMY Dummy tables NIY */
TAB_JDBC = 26, /* Table accessed via JDBC */
TAB_ZIP = 27, /* ZIP file info table */
TAB_NIY = 28}; /* Table not implemented yet */
TAB_MONGO = 28, /* Table retrieved from MongoDB */
TAB_NIY = 30}; /* Table not implemented yet */
enum AMT {TYPE_AM_ERROR = 0, /* Type not defined */
TYPE_AM_ROWID = 1, /* ROWID type (special column) */
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *db, char *dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
htrc("File %s objname=%s pretty=%d lvl=%d\n",
tdp->Fn, tdp->Objname, tdp->Pretty, lvl);
if (tdp->Uri = dsn) {
if ((tdp->Uri = dsn) && *tdp->Uri) {
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Name", NULL);
tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Tabname", tdp->Collname);
......@@ -576,7 +576,6 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(PJDEF tdp, PTXF txfp) : TDBDOS(tdp, txfp)
if (tdp) {
Jmode = tdp->Jmode;
Objname = tdp->Objname;
Amtype = (tdp->Uri ? TYPE_AM_MGO : TYPE_AM_JSN);
Xcol = tdp->Xcol;
Limit = tdp->Limit;
Pretty = tdp->Pretty;
......@@ -585,7 +584,6 @@ TDBJSN::TDBJSN(PJDEF tdp, PTXF txfp) : TDBDOS(tdp, txfp)
} else {
Objname = NULL;
Amtype = TYPE_AM_JSN;
Xcol = NULL;
Limit = 1;
Pretty = 0;
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class DllExport JSONDEF : public DOSDEF { /* Table description */
int Limit; /* Limit of multiple values */
int Pretty; /* Depends on file structure */
int Level; /* Used for catalog table */
int Base; /* Tne array index base */
int Base; /* The array index base */
bool Strict; /* Strict syntax checking */
const char *Uri; /* MongoDB connection URI */
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ class DllExport TDBJSN : public TDBDOS {
// Implementation
virtual AMT GetAmType(void) {return Amtype;}
virtual AMT GetAmType(void) {return TYPE_AM_JSN;}
virtual bool SkipHeader(PGLOBAL g);
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) {return (PTDB)new(g) TDBJSN(this);}
PJSON GetRow(void) {return Row;}
......@@ -116,7 +116,6 @@ class DllExport TDBJSN : public TDBDOS {
PJSON Val; // The value of the current row
PJCOL Colp; // The multiple column
JMODE Jmode; // MODE_OBJECT by default
AMT Amtype; // Access method type
char *Objname; // The table object name
char *Xcol; // Name of expandable column
int Fpos; // The current row index
/************** tabmgo C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) *************/
/* PROGRAM NAME: tabmgo Version 1.0 */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */
/* This program are the MongoDB class DB execution routines. */
/* Include relevant sections of the MariaDB header file. */
#include <my_global.h>
/* Include application header files: */
/* global.h is header containing all global declarations. */
/* plgdbsem.h is header containing the DB application declarations. */
/* tdbdos.h is header containing the TDBDOS declarations. */
/* json.h is header containing the JSON classes declarations. */
#include "global.h"
#include "plgdbsem.h"
#include "xtable.h"
#include "maputil.h"
#include "filamtxt.h"
#include "tabext.h"
#include "tabmgo.h"
#include "tabmul.h"
#include "checklvl.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "mycat.h" // for FNC_COL
/* This should be an option. */
#define MAXCOL 200 /* Default max column nb in result */
#define TYPE_UNKNOWN 12 /* Must be greater than other types */
typedef struct _jncol {
struct _jncol *Next;
char *Name;
char *Fmt;
int Type;
int Len;
int Scale;
bool Cbn;
bool Found;
#if 0
/* JSONColumns: construct the result blocks containing the description */
/* of all the columns of a table contained inside a JSON file. */
PQRYRES JSONColumns(PGLOBAL g, char *db, char *dsn, PTOS topt, bool info)
static unsigned int length[] = {0, 6, 8, 10, 10, 6, 6, 0};
char colname[65], fmt[129];
int i, j, lvl, n = 0;
int ncol = sizeof(buftyp) / sizeof(int);
PVAL valp;
JCOL jcol;
PJCL jcp, fjcp = NULL, pjcp = NULL;
PJPR *jrp, jpp;
PJSON jsp;
PJVAL jvp;
PJOB row;
TDBMGO *tjnp = NULL;
PJTDB tjsp = NULL;
jcol.Name = jcol.Fmt = NULL;
if (info) {
length[0] = 128;
length[7] = 256;
goto skipit;
} // endif info
if (GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Multiple", 0)) {
strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot find column definition for multiple table");
return NULL;
} // endif Multiple
/* Open the input file. */
lvl = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Level", 0);
lvl = (lvl < 0) ? 0 : (lvl > 16) ? 16 : lvl;
tdp = new(g) MGODEF;
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
tdp->Entry = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Entry", NULL);
tdp->Zipped = GetBooleanTableOption(g, topt, "Zipped", false);
#endif // ZIP_SUPPORT
tdp->Fn = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Filename", NULL);
if (!tdp->Fn && !dsn) {
strcpy(g->Message, MSG(MISSING_FNAME));
return NULL;
} // endif Fn
tdp->Database = SetPath(g, db);
tdp->Objname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Object", NULL);
tdp->Base = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Base", 0) ? 1 : 0;
tdp->Pretty = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Pretty", 2);
if (trace)
htrc("File %s objname=%s pretty=%d lvl=%d\n",
tdp->Fn, tdp->Objname, tdp->Pretty, lvl);
if (tdp->Uri = dsn) {
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Name", NULL);
tdp->Collname = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Tabname", tdp->Collname);
tdp->Schema = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Dbname", "test");
tdp->Options = GetStringTableOption(g, topt, "Colist", NULL);
tdp->Pretty = 0;
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
return NULL;
#endif // !MONGO_SUPPORT
} // endif Uri
if (tdp->Pretty == 2) {
if (tdp->Zipped) {
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
#else // !ZIP_SUPPORT
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
return NULL;
#endif // !ZIP_SUPPORT
} else
tjsp = new(g) TDBJSON(tdp, new(g) MAPFAM(tdp));
if (tjsp->MakeDocument(g))
return NULL;
jsp = (tjsp->GetDoc()) ? tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(0) : NULL;
} else {
if (!(tdp->Lrecl = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Lrecl", 0))) {
sprintf(g->Message, "LRECL must be specified for pretty=%d", tdp->Pretty);
return NULL;
} // endif lrecl
tdp->Ending = GetIntegerTableOption(g, topt, "Ending", CRLF);
if (tdp->Zipped) {
#if defined(ZIP_SUPPORT)
tjnp = new(g)TDBMGO(tdp, new(g) UNZFAM(tdp));
#else // !ZIP_SUPPORT
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "ZIP");
return NULL;
#endif // !ZIP_SUPPORT
} else if (tdp->Uri) {
#if defined(MONGO_SUPPORT)
tjnp = new(g) TDBMGO(tdp, new(g) MGOFAM(tdp));
sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_FEAT_SUPPORT), "MONGO");
return NULL;
#endif // !MONGO_SUPPORT
} else
tjnp = new(g) TDBMGO(tdp, new(g) DOSFAM(tdp));
#if USE_G
// Allocate the parse work memory
PGLOBAL G = (PGLOBAL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(GLOBAL));
memset(G, 0, sizeof(GLOBAL));
G->Sarea_Size = tdp->Lrecl * 10;
G->Sarea = PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, G->Sarea_Size);
PlugSubSet(G, G->Sarea, G->Sarea_Size);
G->jump_level = 0;
if (tjnp->OpenDB(g))
return NULL;
switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
case RC_EF:
strcpy(g->Message, "Void json table");
case RC_FX:
goto err;
jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
} // endswitch ReadDB
} // endif pretty
if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL)) {
strcpy(g->Message, "Can only retrieve columns from object rows");
goto err;
} // endif row
jcol.Next = NULL;
jcol.Found = true;
colname[64] = 0;
fmt[128] = 0;
jrp = (PJPR*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(PJPR) * lvl);
/* Analyse the JSON tree and define columns. */
for (i = 1; ; i++) {
for (jpp = row->GetFirst(); jpp; jpp = jpp->GetNext()) {
for (j = 0; j < lvl; j++)
jrp[j] = NULL;
strncpy(colname, jpp->GetKey(), 64);
*fmt = 0;
j = 0;
jvp = jpp->GetVal();
if ((valp = jvp ? jvp->GetValue() : NULL)) {
jcol.Type = valp->GetType();
jcol.Len = valp->GetValLen();
jcol.Scale = valp->GetValPrec();
jcol.Cbn = valp->IsNull();
} else if (!jvp || jvp->IsNull()) {
jcol.Type = TYPE_UNKNOWN;
jcol.Len = jcol.Scale = 0;
jcol.Cbn = true;
} else if (j < lvl) {
if (!*fmt)
strcpy(fmt, colname);
jsp = jvp->GetJson();
switch (jsp->GetType()) {
case TYPE_JOB:
if (!jrp[j])
jrp[j] = jsp->GetFirst();
strncat(strncat(fmt, ":", 128), jrp[j]->GetKey(), 128);
strncat(strncat(colname, "_", 64), jrp[j]->GetKey(), 64);
jvp = jrp[j]->GetVal();
case TYPE_JAR:
strncat(fmt, ":", 128);
jvp = jsp->GetValue(0);
sprintf(g->Message, "Logical error after %s", fmt);
goto err;
} // endswitch jsp
goto retry;
} else {
jcol.Type = TYPE_STRING;
jcol.Len = 256;
jcol.Scale = 0;
jcol.Cbn = true;
} // endif's
// Check whether this column was already found
for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next)
if (!strcmp(colname, jcp->Name))
if (jcp) {
if (jcp->Type != jcol.Type)
jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
if (*fmt && (!jcp->Fmt || strlen(jcp->Fmt) < strlen(fmt))) {
jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
} // endif *fmt
jcp->Len = MY_MAX(jcp->Len, jcol.Len);
jcp->Scale = MY_MAX(jcp->Scale, jcol.Scale);
jcp->Cbn |= jcol.Cbn;
jcp->Found = true;
} else {
// New column
jcp = (PJCL)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(JCOL));
*jcp = jcol;
jcp->Cbn |= (i > 1);
jcp->Name = PlugDup(g, colname);
length[0] = MY_MAX(length[0], strlen(colname));
if (*fmt) {
jcp->Fmt = PlugDup(g, fmt);
length[7] = MY_MAX(length[7], strlen(fmt));
} else
jcp->Fmt = NULL;
if (pjcp) {
jcp->Next = pjcp->Next;
pjcp->Next = jcp;
} else
fjcp = jcp;
} // endif jcp
pjcp = jcp;
for (j = lvl - 1; j >= 0; j--)
if (jrp[j] && (jrp[j] = jrp[j]->GetNext()))
goto more;
} // endfor jpp
// Missing column can be null
for (jcp = fjcp; jcp; jcp = jcp->Next) {
jcp->Cbn |= !jcp->Found;
jcp->Found = false;
} // endfor jcp
if (tdp->Pretty != 2) {
// Read next record
switch (tjnp->ReadDB(g)) {
case RC_EF:
jsp = NULL;
case RC_FX:
goto err;
jsp = tjnp->GetRow();
} // endswitch ReadDB
} else
jsp = tjsp->GetDoc()->GetValue(i);
if (!(row = (jsp) ? jsp->GetObject() : NULL))
} // endor i
if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
if (trace)
htrc("CSVColumns: n=%d len=%d\n", n, length[0]);
/* Allocate the structures used to refer to the result set. */
qrp = PlgAllocResult(g, ncol, n, IDS_COLUMNS + 3,
buftyp, fldtyp, length, false, false);
crp = qrp->Colresp->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next->Next;
crp->Name = "Nullable";
crp->Next->Name = "Jpath";
if (info || !qrp)
return qrp;
qrp->Nblin = n;
/* Now get the results into blocks. */
for (i = 0, jcp = fjcp; jcp; i++, jcp = jcp->Next) {
if (jcp->Type == TYPE_UNKNOWN) // Void column
jcp->Type = TYPE_STRING;
crp = qrp->Colresp; // Column Name
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Name, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Data Type
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Type, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Type Name
crp->Kdata->SetValue(GetTypeName(jcp->Type), i);
crp = crp->Next; // Precision
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Len, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Length
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Len, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Scale (precision)
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Scale, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Nullable
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Cbn ? 1 : 0, i);
crp = crp->Next; // Field format
if (crp->Kdata)
crp->Kdata->SetValue(jcp->Fmt, i);
} // endfor i
/* Return the result pointer. */
return qrp;
if (tdp->Pretty != 2)
return NULL;
} // end of JSONColumns
#endif // 0
/* -------------------------- Class MGODEF --------------------------- */
Uri = NULL;
Colist = NULL;
Filter = NULL;
Level = 0;
Base = 0;
} // end of MGODEF constructor
/* DefineAM: define specific AM block values. */
bool MGODEF::DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR, int poff)
if (EXTDEF::DefineAM(g, "MGO", poff))
return true;
else if (!Tabschema)
Tabschema = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Dbname", "*");
Uri = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Connect", NULL);
Colist = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Colist", NULL);
Filter = GetStringCatInfo(g, "Filter", NULL);
Base = GetIntCatInfo("Base", 0) ? 1 : 0;
return false;
} // end of DefineAM
/* GetTable: makes a new Table Description Block. */
//if (Catfunc == FNC_COL)
// return new(g)TDBGOL(this);
return new(g) TDBMGO(this);
} // end of GetTable
/* --------------------------- Class TDBMGO -------------------------- */
/* Implementation of the TDBMGO class. */
Client = NULL;
Database = NULL;
Collection = NULL;
Cursor = NULL;
Query = NULL;
Opts = NULL;
if (tdp) {
Uristr = tdp->Uri;
Db_name = tdp->Tabschema;
Coll_name = tdp->Tabname;
Options = tdp->Colist;
Filter = tdp->Filter;
B = tdp->Base ? 1 : 0;
} else {
Uristr = NULL;
Db_name = NULL;
Coll_name = NULL;
Options = NULL;
Filter = NULL;
B = 0;
} // endif tdp
Fpos = -1;
N = 0;
Done = false;
} // end of TDBMGO standard constructor
Client = tdbp->Client;
Database = NULL;
Collection = tdbp->Collection;
Cursor = tdbp->Cursor;
Query = tdbp->Query;
Opts = tdbp->Opts;
Options = tdbp->Options;
Filter = tdbp->Filter;
Fpos = tdbp->Fpos;
N = tdbp->N;
B = tdbp->B;
Done = tdbp->Done;
} // end of TDBMGO copy constructor
// Used for update
PTDB tp;
PMGOCOL cp1, cp2;
PGLOBAL g = t->G;
tp = new(g) TDBMGO(this);
for (cp1 = (PMGOCOL)Columns; cp1; cp1 = (PMGOCOL)cp1->GetNext()) {
cp2 = new(g) MGOCOL(cp1, tp); // Make a copy
NewPointer(t, cp1, cp2);
} // endfor cp1
return tp;
} // end of Clone
/* Allocate JSN column description block. */
PCOL TDBMGO::MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n)
PMGOCOL colp = new(g) MGOCOL(g, cdp, this, cprec, n);
//return (colp->ParseJpath(g)) ? NULL : colp;
return colp;
} // end of MakeCol
/* InsertSpecialColumn: Put a special column ahead of the column list.*/
PCOL TDBMGO::InsertSpecialColumn(PCOL colp)
if (!colp->IsSpecial())
return NULL;
Columns = colp;
return colp;
} // end of InsertSpecialColumn
/* MONGO Cardinality: returns table size in number of rows. */
int TDBMGO::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g)
if (!g)
return 0;
else if (Cardinal < 0)
Cardinal = 10;
return Cardinal;
} // end of Cardinality
/* MONGO GetMaxSize: returns file size estimate in number of lines. */
int TDBMGO::GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g)
if (MaxSize < 0)
MaxSize = Cardinality(g);
return MaxSize;
} // end of GetMaxSize
/* Init: initialize MongoDB processing. */
bool TDBMGO::Init(PGLOBAL g)
if (Done)
return false;
if (Filter && *Filter) {
if (trace)
htrc("filter=%s\n", Filter);
Query = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)Filter, -1, &Error);
if (!Query) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong filter: %s", Error.message);
return true;
} // endif Query
} else
Query = bson_new();
if (Options && *Options) {
if (trace)
htrc("options=%s\n", Options);
Opts = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)Options, -1, &Error);
if (!Opts) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong options: %s", Error.message);
return true;
} // endif Opts
} // endif options
Uri = mongoc_uri_new(Uristr);
if (!Uri) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to parse URI: \"%s\"", Uristr);
return true;
} // endif Uri
// Create a new client pool instance
Pool = mongoc_client_pool_new(Uri);
mongoc_client_pool_set_error_api(Pool, 2);
// Register the application name so we can track it in the profile logs
// on the server. This can also be done from the URI.
mongoc_client_pool_set_appname(Pool, "Connect");
// Create a new client instance
Client = mongoc_client_pool_pop(Pool);
//Client = mongoc_client_new(uristr);
if (!Client) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to get Client");
return true;
} // endif Client
//mongoc_client_set_error_api(Client, 2);
// Register the application name so we can track it in the profile logs
// on the server. This can also be done from the URI.
//mongoc_client_set_appname(Client, "Connect");
// Get a handle on the database Db_name and collection Coll_name
// Database = mongoc_client_get_database(Client, Db_name);
// Collection = mongoc_database_get_collection(Database, Coll_name);
Collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(Client, Db_name, Coll_name);
if (!Collection) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to get Collection %s.%s", Db_name, Coll_name);
return true;
} // endif Collection
Done = true;
return false;
} // end of Init
/* OpenDB: Data Base open routine for MONGO access method. */
if (Use == USE_OPEN) {
/* Table already open replace it at its beginning. */
Fpos = -1;
} else {
/* First opening. */
if (Init(g))
return true;
else if (Mode != MODE_INSERT)
Cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts(Collection, Query, Opts, NULL);
} // endif Use
return false;
} // end of OpenDB
/* Data Base indexed read routine for ODBC access method. */
bool TDBMGO::ReadKey(PGLOBAL g, OPVAL op, const key_range *kr)
strcpy(g->Message, "MONGO tables are not indexable");
return true;
} // end of ReadKey
/* ReadDB: Get next document from a collection. */
int rc = RC_OK;
if (mongoc_cursor_next(Cursor, &Document)) {
if (trace > 1) {
bson_iter_t iter;
ShowDocument(&iter, Document, "");
} else if (trace == 1) {
char *str = bson_as_json(Document, NULL);
htrc("%s\n", str);
} // endif trace
} else if (mongoc_cursor_error(Cursor, &Error)) {
sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo Cursor Failure: %s", Error.message);
rc = RC_FX;
} else {
rc = RC_EF;
} // endif's Cursor
return rc;
} // end of ReadDB
/* Use to trace restaurants document contains. */
void TDBMGO::ShowDocument(bson_iter_t *iter, const bson_t *doc, const char *k)
if (!doc || bson_iter_init(iter, doc)) {
const char *key;
while (bson_iter_next(iter)) {
key = bson_iter_key(iter);
htrc("Found element key: \"%s\"\n", key);
htrc("%s.%s=\"%s\"\n", k, key, bson_iter_utf8(iter, NULL));
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(iter))
htrc("%s.%s=%d\n", k, key, bson_iter_int32(iter));
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(iter))
htrc("%s.%s=%lld\n", k, key, bson_iter_int64(iter));
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE(iter))
htrc("%s.%s=%g\n", k, key, bson_iter_double(iter));
htrc("%s.%s=date(%lld)\n", k, key, bson_iter_date_time(iter));
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(iter)) {
char str[25];
bson_oid_to_string(bson_iter_oid(iter), str);
htrc("%s.%s=%s\n", k, key, str);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DECIMAL128(iter)) {
char *str = NULL;
bson_decimal128_t dec;
bson_iter_decimal128(iter, &dec);
bson_decimal128_to_string(&dec, str);
htrc("%s.%s=%s\n", k, key, str);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(iter)) {
bson_iter_t child;
if (bson_iter_recurse(iter, &child))
ShowDocument(&child, NULL, key);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(iter)) {
bson_t *arr;
bson_iter_t itar;
const uint8_t *data = NULL;
uint32_t len = 0;
bson_iter_array(iter, &len, &data);
arr = bson_new_from_data(data, len);
ShowDocument(&itar, arr, key);
} // endif's
} // endwhile bson_iter_next
} // endif bson_iter_init
} // end of ShowDocument
/* WriteDB: Data Base write routine for DOS access method. */
strcpy(g->Message, "MONGO tables are read only");
return RC_FX;
} // end of WriteDB
/* Data Base delete line routine for ODBC access method. */
int TDBMGO::DeleteDB(PGLOBAL g, int irc)
strcpy(g->Message, "MONGO tables are read only");
return RC_FX;
} // end of DeleteDB
/* Table close routine for MONGO tables. */
if (Query) bson_destroy(Query);
if (Opts) bson_destroy(Opts);
if (Cursor) mongoc_cursor_destroy(Cursor);
if (Collection) mongoc_collection_destroy(Collection);
// mongoc_database_destroy(Database);
// mongoc_client_destroy(Client);
if (Client) mongoc_client_pool_push(Pool, Client);
if (Pool) mongoc_client_pool_destroy(Pool);
if (Uri) mongoc_uri_destroy(Uri);
Done = false;
} // end of CloseDB
/* ----------------------------- MGOCOL ------------------------------ */
/* MGOCOL public constructor. */
MGOCOL::MGOCOL(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i)
: EXTCOL(cdp, tdbp, cprec, i, "MGO")
Tmgp = (PTDBMGO)(tdbp->GetOrig() ? tdbp->GetOrig() : tdbp);
Jpath = cdp->GetFmt() ? cdp->GetFmt() : cdp->GetName();
} // end of MGOCOL constructor
/* MGOCOL constructor used for copying columns. */
/* tdbp is the pointer to the new table descriptor. */
MGOCOL::MGOCOL(MGOCOL *col1, PTDB tdbp) : EXTCOL(col1, tdbp)
Tmgp = col1->Tmgp;
Jpath = col1->Jpath;
} // end of MGOCOL copy constructor
/* SetBuffer: prepare a column block for write operation. */
bool MGOCOL::SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL value, bool ok, bool check)
return false;
} // end of SetBuffer
/* ReadColumn: */
void MGOCOL::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g)
if (bson_iter_init(&Iter, Tmgp->Document) &&
bson_iter_find_descendant(&Iter, Jpath, &Desc)) {
Value->SetValue_psz((PSZ)bson_iter_utf8(&Desc, NULL));
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(&Desc))
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(&Desc))
Value->SetValue(bson_iter_date_time(&Desc) / 1000);
else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(&Desc)) {
char str[25];
bson_oid_to_string(bson_iter_oid(&Desc), str);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DECIMAL128(&Desc)) {
char *str = NULL;
bson_decimal128_t dec;
bson_iter_decimal128(&Desc, &dec);
bson_decimal128_to_string(&dec, str);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(&Iter)) {
char *str = NULL;
bson_t *doc;
const uint8_t *data = NULL;
uint32_t len = 0;
bson_iter_document(&Desc, &len, &data);
doc = bson_new_from_data(data, len);
str = bson_as_json(doc, NULL);
} else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(&Iter)) {
char *str = NULL;
bson_t *arr;
const uint8_t *data = NULL;
uint32_t len = 0;
bson_iter_array(&Desc, &len, &data);
arr = bson_new_from_data(data, len);
str = bson_as_json(arr, NULL);
} else
} else
// Set null when applicable
if (Nullable)
} // end of ReadColumn
/* WriteColumn: */
void MGOCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g)
strcpy(g->Message, "Write MONGO columns not implemented yet");
throw 666;
} // end of WriteColumn
#if 0
/* ---------------------------TDBGOL class --------------------------- */
/* TDBGOL class constructor. */
Topt = tdp->GetTopt();
Db = (char*)tdp->GetDB();
Dsn = (char*)tdp->Uri;
} // end of TDBJCL constructor
/* GetResult: Get the list the JSON file columns. */
return JSONColumns(g, Db, Dsn, Topt, false);
} // end of GetResult
#endif // 0
/* -------------------------- End of mongo --------------------------- */
/**************** tabmgo H Declares Source Code File (.H) **************/
/* Name: tabmgo.h Version 1.0 */
/* */
/* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */
/* */
/* This file contains the MongoDB classes declares. */
#include "osutil.h"
#include "block.h"
#include "colblk.h"
/* Include MongoDB library header files. */
#include <bson.h>
#include <bcon.h>
#include <mongoc.h>
typedef class MGODEF *PMGODEF;
typedef class TDBMGO *PTDBMGO;
typedef class MGOCOL *PMGOCOL;
/* MongoDB table. */
class DllExport MGODEF : public EXTDEF { /* Table description */
friend class TDBMGO;
friend class MGOFAM;
// Constructor
// Implementation
virtual const char *GetType(void) { return "MONGO"; }
// Methods
virtual bool DefineAM(PGLOBAL g, LPCSTR am, int poff);
virtual PTDB GetTable(PGLOBAL g, MODE m);
// Members
const char *Uri; /* MongoDB connection URI */
char *Colist; /* Options list */
char *Filter; /* Filtering query */
int Level; /* Used for catalog table */
int Base; /* The array index base */
}; // end of MGODEF
/* -------------------------- TDBMGO class --------------------------- */
/* This is the MongoDB Access Method class declaration. */
/* The table is a collection, each record being a document. */
class DllExport TDBMGO : public TDBEXT {
friend class MGOCOL;
friend class MGODEF;
// Constructor
// Implementation
virtual AMT GetAmType(void) { return TYPE_AM_MGO; }
virtual PTDB Duplicate(PGLOBAL g) { return (PTDB)new(g) TDBMGO(this); }
// Methods
virtual PTDB Clone(PTABS t);
virtual PCOL MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n);
virtual PCOL InsertSpecialColumn(PCOL colp);
virtual int RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b = FALSE) {return N;}
// Database routines
virtual int Cardinality(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool OpenDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int ReadDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int WriteDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual int DeleteDB(PGLOBAL g, int irc);
virtual void CloseDB(PGLOBAL g);
virtual bool ReadKey(PGLOBAL g, OPVAL op, const key_range *kr);
bool Init(PGLOBAL g);
void ShowDocument(bson_iter_t *i, const bson_t *b, const char *k);
// Members
mongoc_uri_t *Uri;
mongoc_client_pool_t *Pool; // Thread safe client pool
mongoc_client_t *Client; // The MongoDB client
mongoc_database_t *Database; // The MongoDB database
mongoc_collection_t *Collection; // The MongoDB collection
mongoc_cursor_t *Cursor;
const bson_t *Document;
bson_t *Query; // MongoDB cursor filter
bson_t *Opts; // MongoDB cursor options
bson_error_t Error;
const char *Uristr;
const char *Db_name;
const char *Coll_name;
const char *Options; // The MongoDB options
const char *Filter; // The filtering query
int Fpos; // The current row index
int N; // The current Rownum
int B; // Array index base
bool Done; // Init done
}; // end of class TDBMGO
/* --------------------------- MGOCOL class -------------------------- */
/* Class MGOCOL: MongoDB access method column descriptor. */
class DllExport MGOCOL : public EXTCOL {
friend class TDBMGO;
// Constructors
MGOCOL(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tdbp, PCOL cprec, int i);
MGOCOL(MGOCOL *colp, PTDB tdbp); // Constructor used in copy process
// Implementation
virtual int GetAmType(void) { return Tmgp->GetAmType(); }
// Methods
virtual bool SetBuffer(PGLOBAL g, PVAL value, bool ok, bool check);
virtual void ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g);
virtual void WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g);
// Default constructor not to be used
MGOCOL(void) {}
// Members
TDBMGO *Tmgp; // To the MGO table block
bson_iter_t Iter; // Used to retrieve column value
bson_iter_t Desc; // Descendant iter
char *Jpath; // The json path
}; // end of class MGOCOL
#if 0
/* This is the class declaration for the MONGO catalog table. */
class DllExport TDBGOL : public TDBCAT {
// Constructor
// Specific routines
virtual PQRYRES GetResult(PGLOBAL g);
// Members
PTOS Topt;
char *Db;
char *Dsn;
}; // end of class TDBGOL
#endif // 0
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