diff --git a/ndb/home/bin/cvschk b/ndb/home/bin/cvschk
deleted file mode 100755
index 4510cc30888b7e83677fbb3d1ae8471a5f1b7943..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/home/bin/cvschk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,569 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# cvschk -- fast offline check for new files and modifications of files
-# cvschk : A perl program which checks the status of the CVS controlled
-#          files and gives an ASCII table sorted after the status of files.
-#          If you have used CVS, then you know that it is hard to 
-#          get a good overview the CVS-status of the files in you 
-#          directories. Any new files? Any files changes? 
-#          cvschk will help the programmer get the overview in the
-#          situation, where we do not have access to the CVS repository.
-#          Note that the program does only local checks of the files
-#          If you have fast access to the CVS repositiory, then consider
-#          the cvsstat-program - which additionally can tell if other
-#          people have made newer versions of the files.
-# The program requires Perl 5.004 (maybe previous versions also work).
-# It is tuned to parse the output of cvs(1) version 1.9.
-# Earlier and later versions may require modifications to the script.
-# ** Note that the first line might be wrong depending **
-# ** on the location of your perl program.             **
-# Sample output:
-# The directory ./mytempdir is not under CVS control
-# Changed files
-# ---------------
-# ./cvs2html
-# ./cvschk
-# ./cvsstat
-# New files
-# ---------------
-# ./.#cvschk
-# ./XX
-# ./cvs2html.ok
-# Deleted files
-# ---------------
-# (none)                                      
-# Changelog:
-# Ver   Date        Author                Changelog
-# ---   ----------  --------------------  -------------------------------------
-# 1.12  2002-01-04  Michael Kohne         Fixed a $foo=<> warning for 
-#                                         5.004_01 with defined($foo=<>)
-#                                         Added a --tabular|-t switch
-# 1.11  2001-12-27  Michael Kohne         Added cvsignore functionality
-#                                         Handling of 'dummy timestamp' 
-#                                         Handling of 'Result of Merge'
-# 1.10  2001-11-06  Michael Kohne	  Added -r and -l options
-# 1.9   2001-08-03  Lars G. T. Jørgensen  Hack to allow special entry-line
-# 1.8   2001-06-07  Peter Toft            Back to the same as 1.6
-#                                         CVS is my friend
-# 1.7   2001-06-04  Peter Toft            Peter was very tired and 
-#                                         applied a wrong patch -
-#                                         version 1.7 is crap
-# 1.6   2000-12-17  Peter Toft            Better description added
-# 1.5   2000-11-04  Peter Toft            URL of cvsstat changed
-# 1.4   2000-09-20  Peter Toft            Must show deleted files also
-#                                         as the default
-# 1.3   2000-08-08  Ole Tange and         Initial version
-#                   Peter Toft 
-# ----  ----------  --------------------  -------------------------------------
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This program is protected by the GPL, and all modifications of
-# general interest should be emailed to the maintainer (pto@sslug.dk).
-# This program also uses code parts from cvsstat 
-# (same homepage as cvschk)
-# Copyright 2000,2001 by Peter Toft <pto@sslug.dk> and Ole Tange <ole@tange.dk>
-#   as well as
-#   Lars G. T. Jørgensen <larsj@diku.dk>
-# The URL of the home page of cvschk is shown below.
-use Time::Local;
-use strict;
-use Getopt::Long;
-my $startdir = ".";
-my $debug = 0;
-my (%files,%filesok,%seen,%skip);
-# Michael Kohne 12/16/01
-# Simulation of .cvsignore as CVS does it...
-# using .cvsignore handling makes cvschk take from 2 to 3 times
-# longer to run over the same set of files.
-# in my tests, disabling cvsignore altogether, cvschk takes .2 
-# seconds on my working directory. Adding cvsignore,takes 
-# .4 seconds. 
-# Note that I do not use individual .cvsignore files - if there
-# are a lot of them in your directory tree, it will add run time
-# variables used for .cvsignore handling
-my $initcvsignoreregex;# regex holding all startup cvsignore pattersn (no ())
-my $cvsignoreregex;# one regex holding all current cvsignore patterns
-my $disable_cvsignore=0;# set to 1 to disable cvsignore emulation
-			# (available in case it's REALLY screwed up)
-my $disable_ind_cvsignore=0;# set to 1 to disable finding .cvsignore files
-			    # in each directory.
-my $debug_cvsignore = 0; # For debugging .cvsignore problems
-my %mon;
-@mon{qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)}=
-    0..11; # Perl months are 0 .. 11
-my ($version)    = ('$Revision: 1.12 $ ' =~ /^\$\w+: (.*) \$ $/);
-my $URL          = "http://cvs.sslug.dk/cvs2html";
-my $version_line = "cvschk version $version (see $URL)\n";
-my $opt_all;
-my $restrict;
-my $local;
-my $tabular;
-my $opt_restrict;
-sub show_version {print $version_line}
-sub die_version  {die $version_line}
-sub die_usage {
-    my $bundled = ($] > 5.00399
-		   ? "can be bundled"
-		   : "can't be bundled, because your Perl is too old");
-    die <<END_OF_USAGE; # Help in the style of GNU `ls --help' or `make --help'
-Usage: $0 [OPTION]... 
-  Show the CVS status of FILEs (the current directory by default),
-  traversing directories recursively and telling if new files exist
-  in the repository.
-  -a, --all         Show all statistics, including the names of files that
-                    are up to date, used tags, ignored patterns and more
-  -r, --restrict    Don't show the names of the unknown files
-		     (useful if you have many temporary files)
-  -t, --tabular     Show one file per line, each preceeded with a status word,
-		     Sorted by filename.
-  -l, --local       Don't descend into sub-directories
-  -d, --debug       Debug info
-  -h, --help        Show this help end exit immediately
-  -V, --version     Show the version line and exit immediately
-The one-letter options $bundled.
-sub die_help {show_version; die_usage}
-# Let `-ar' mean `-a -r' and require `--all' (or -a) instead of `-all'.
-if ($] > 5.00399) { # This requires 5.004, so silently skip it for older Perls.
-    eval {Getopt::Long::config("bundling")}; # avoid 5.003 compilation error
-    warn $@ if $@; # For Perl 5.004+ we do want to see any compilation error
-GetOptions( "all|a"      => \$opt_all,
-            "tabular|t"  => \$tabular,
-            "restrict|r" => \$restrict,
-            "local|l"    => \$local,
-	    "help|h"     => \&die_help,
-	    "debug|d"    => \$debug,
-	    "version|V"  => \&die_version,
-	  ) or die_usage;
-sub cvs_changed_in_dir($); #define prototype (for recursion)
-# functions for .cvsignore handling
-# converts a given filename pattern
-# (of the sort that sh(1) takes) to
-# a perl regex of similar meaning.
-# It works by doing the following:
-# change:
-# . to \.
-# $ to \$
-# * to .*
-# ? to .
-sub fpat_to_regex($)
-  my $fexp;
-  $fexp = shift;
-  $fexp =~ s/\./\\\./g;#change . to \.
-  $fexp =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;#change dollar sign to \dollar sign
-  $fexp =~ s/\*/.*/g;# change * to .*
-  $fexp =~ s/\?/./g; # change ? to .
-  return $fexp;
-# copy the input list to one single regex, 
-# items seperated by | symbols. 
-# return the regex string
-sub do_regex_convert
-  my $rx = "";
-  my $first = 1;#true for first element only
-  # convert each element of cvsignore into a regex    
-  # this makes the patterns usable in perl
-  my $cp;
-  foreach $cp (@_) {
-    if (not $first) { $rx = $rx . "|"; }
-    if ($first) { $first = 0; }
-    $rx = $rx . fpat_to_regex($cp);
-  }
-  return $rx;
-# first parameter is a reference to the array
-# to be loaded
-# the rest of the parameters are just items
-# that need to be loaded into the array.
-# Note that if a ! is found, the list is 
-# emptied, then further items are added.
-# returns true if a ! was found
-sub load_list_from_list
-  my $arref = shift;# get reference to array from front
-  my $item;
-  my $ret=0;#false means no ! found
-  chomp @_;#kill newlines
-  foreach $item (@_) {
-    $item =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;#kill leading/trailing whitespace
-    if ($item) { # empty string is false
-      push @$arref,$item;
-    }
-    if ($item eq "!") {
-      @$arref = ();# '!' causes list to clear
-      $ret = 1;# ! found
-    }
-  }
-  return $ret;
-# loads the given list with lines from the
-# specified file. Note that if a '!' is found
-# all prior patterns are removed from the list
-# before the following patterns are loaded
-# first param is the filename, 
-# second param is a reference to an array
-# that the data is to go into
-# returns true if a ! was found
-sub load_list_from_file
-    my @inlist;
-    my $fname = shift;#filename to read from
-    #if (not -e $fname) { return; }
-    my $arref = shift;#array to store into
-    open CVSIGNORE,"$fname" or return;#file might not exist, that's OK
-    @inlist = <CVSIGNORE>;
-    close CVSIGNORE;
-    return load_list_from_list($arref,@inlist);
-# loads $cvsignoreregex from
-# $initcvsignoreregex and the .cvsignore file 
-# in the local directory
-sub load_cvsignore
-  if ($disable_ind_cvsignore) {return;}#don't look for local .cvsignore files
-  if ($disable_cvsignore) {return;}#don't do anything
-  my $dir = shift;
-  my @cvsignore;
-  # bang will be true if a ! was found. In such cases, I need
-  # to not use the pre-exisitng regex list.
-  my $bang = load_list_from_file("$dir/.cvsignore",\@cvsignore);
-  # if we get a local cvsignore list, then...
-  my $rx = do_regex_convert(@cvsignore);
-  if ($rx) {
-    $cvsignoreregex = "(";
-    if (not $bang) {$cvsignoreregex = $cvsignoreregex . $initcvsignoreregex . "|";}
-    $cvsignoreregex = $cvsignoreregex . $rx . ")";
-  } else {
-    if ($bang) {$cvsignoreregex = "";}
-    else {$cvsignoreregex = "(" . $initcvsignoreregex . ")";}
-  }
-  if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $dir,":",$cvsignoreregex, "\n";}
-# loads all of the cvsignore patterns that 
-# can be loaded at script startup
-sub load_initial_cvsignore()
-    #load the default patterns
-    # (taken from http://www.gnu.org/manual/cvs-1.9/html_node/cvs_141.html#IDX399)
-    #
-    # this gives you the patterns that cvs normally starts with
-    my @initcvsignore;
-    push @initcvsignore,("RCS");
-    push @initcvsignore,("SCCS");
-    push @initcvsignore,("CVS");
-    push @initcvsignore,("CVS.adm");
-    push @initcvsignore,("RCSLOG");
-    push @initcvsignore,("cvslog.*");
-    push @initcvsignore,("tags");
-    push @initcvsignore,("TAGS");
-    push @initcvsignore,(".make.state");
-    push @initcvsignore,(".nse_depinfo");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*~");
-    push @initcvsignore,("\#*");
-    push @initcvsignore,(".\#*");
-    push @initcvsignore,("\,*"); 
-    push @initcvsignore,("_\$\*");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*\$");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.old");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.bak");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.BAK");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.orig");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.rej");
-    push @initcvsignore,(".del-*");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.a");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.olb");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.o");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.obj");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.so");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.exe");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.Z");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.elc");
-    push @initcvsignore,("*.ln");
-    push @initcvsignore,("core");
-    # now, load (in proper order!)
-    # each of the possible cvsignore files
-    # there are 4 possible .cvsignore files:
-    # $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/cvsignore
-    # ~/.cvsignore
-    # $CVSIGNORE environment variable
-    # .cvsignore in current directory
-    # The first (CVSROOT/cvsignore) would require calling cvs, so
-    # we won't do that one.
-    # The last (.cvsignore in current directory) is done
-    # for each directory. It's handled in the load_cvsignore routine.
-    # ~/.cvsignore
-    my @inlist;
-    my $item;
-    my $HOME=$ENV{"HOME"};
-    if (not $HOME) {$HOME = ".";}
-    load_list_from_file("$HOME/.cvsignore",\@initcvsignore);
-    # $CVSIGNORE environment variable
-    my $igstr = $ENV{"CVSIGNORE"}; # get env var
-    if ($igstr) {
-      my @iglist = split(/\s+/, $igstr); #if it exists, convert to list
-      load_list_from_list(\@initcvsignore,@iglist);
-    }
-    # now that @initcvsignore is setup, 
-    # turn it into a regex string
-    $initcvsignoreregex = do_regex_convert(@initcvsignore);
-    # now preset the cvsignore regex string to match
-    # @initcvsignore. That way, if we aren't using local
-    # cvsignore files, we do nothing.
-    $cvsignoreregex = "(" . $initcvsignoreregex . ")";
-# routine to see if the given name is in the cvsignore regex
-# returns true if it is, false if it's not
-sub ignore_file($)
-  #allow user to disable the cvsignore stuff
-  if ($disable_cvsignore) {return 0;}
-  if (not $cvsignoreregex) {return 0;}# if regex is empty, nothing matches the regex
-  my $filename = shift;
-  if ($debug_cvsignore) {print "ignore_file:",$filename,"\n";}
-  if ($filename =~ $cvsignoreregex) {
-    if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $filename," matches\n";}
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if ($debug_cvsignore) {print $filename," doesn't match\n";}
-  return 0;
-sub cvs_changed_in_dir($) {
-  my $dir = shift;
-  my ($line,$filename,$version,$mtime,$date,
-      $dir_filename,$cvstime,@subdirs,
-      @new_in_dir,$i);
-  # Examine status of files in CVS/Entries
-  if(not open(ENTRIES,"$dir/CVS/Entries")) {
-      if ($tabular) {
-          push @{$files{Unknown}}, $dir;
-      }
-      else {
-          warn "The directory $dir is not under CVS control\n";
-      }
-  } else {
-      load_cvsignore($dir);#load up proper cvsignore for given directory
-      while(defined ($line=<ENTRIES>)) {
-	  # Parse CVS/Entries-line
-          $line=~m!^/(.*)/(.*)/(.*)/.*/! or do {
-	      $debug and warn("Skipping entry-line $line"); 
-	      next; 
-	  };
-	  ($filename,$version,$date) = ($1,$2,$3);
-	  $dir_filename=$dir."/".$filename;
-	  # Mark this file as seen
-	  $seen{$dir_filename}=1;
-	  # if not exists: Deleted
-	  if(not -e $dir_filename) {
-	      push @{$files{Deleted}}, $dir_filename; next;
-	  }
-	  # if dir: save name for recursion
-	  -d $dir_filename and do { 
-	      push @subdirs, $dir_filename; next; 
-	  };
-	  # modification time of $dir_filename
-	  $mtime= (stat $dir_filename)[9];
-          if($date eq "dummy timestamp") {
-            # dummy timestamp means it's new to the repository.
-            push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
-            if ($debug) {
-		print "$dir_filename is changed\n";              
-	    }
-          }
-          elsif($date eq "Result of merge") {
-            # result of merge means it's changed, then updated.
-            push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
-            if ($debug) {
-		print "$dir_filename is changed\n";              
-	    }
-          }
-	  elsif(not 
-	      $date=~/... (...)\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+) (\d{4})/) 
-	  {
-	      #bogus entry in Entires
-	      warn "Warning: $dir_filename -> '$date' ".
-		  "not in ctime(3) format\n";
-	  } else {
-	      $cvstime=timegm($5,$4,$3,$2,$mon{$1},$6);
-	      if($cvstime != $mtime) {
-		  push @{$files{Changed}}, $dir_filename;
-		  if ($debug) {
-		      print "$dir_filename is changed\n";
-		  }
-	      } else {
-		  push @{$files{Unchanged}}, $dir_filename;
-		  if ($debug) {
-		      print "$dir_filename is Unchanged\n";
-		  }
-	      }
-	  }
-      }
-      close ENTRIES;
-      # Locate any new files/dirs
-      if(not opendir(D,$dir)) {
-	  warn("Cannot open $dir");
-	  @new_in_dir= ();
-      } else { 
-	  @skip{qw(. .. CVS)}=1..3; # Filenames that that we want to ignore
-	  				#(note: these are exact filenames)
-	  @new_in_dir= 
-	      (grep { not $seen{$_} } # files we have not already processed
-	       map { $dir."/".$_ }    # map from file to dir/file
-	       grep { not ignore_file($_) } # ignore files in the cvsignore list
-	       grep { not $skip{$_} } # skip files to be ignored
-	       readdir(D));
-	  closedir(D);
-      }
-      # Remember new files (actually non-directories)
-      push @{$files{New}}, grep { not -d $_ } @new_in_dir;
-      if ($debug) { print "@{$files{New}} are new in $dir\n"; }
-      # Remember new subdirs
-      push @subdirs, grep { -d $_ } @new_in_dir;
-      # Recurse all subdirs
-      if (not $local) {
-	      for $i (@subdirs) {  cvs_changed_in_dir($i); } 
-      }
-  }
-sub print_status()
-    my $k;
-    my %show_these_states = ("Changed" => 1);
-    if(not $restrict) {
-    	$show_these_states{"New"} = 1;
-    	$show_these_states{"Deleted"} = 1;
-    }
-    if($opt_all) { $show_these_states{"Unchanged"} = 1; }
-    if ($tabular) {
-        my %allfiles;		# key: filesname, value: state
-	my ($file, $state, $statefiles);
-    	$show_these_states{"Unknown"} = 1;
-	while (($state, $statefiles) = each %files) {
-	    for my $f (@{$statefiles}) {
-		$allfiles{$f} = $state;
-	    }
-        }
-	for $file (sort keys %allfiles) {
-	    $state = $allfiles{$file};
-	    printf("%-10s %s\n", $state, $file) if $show_these_states{$state};
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        print "\n";
-    	for $k (keys %show_these_states) {
-    	    if(not $files{$k} or not @{$files{$k}}) {
-    		# no files
-    		$files{$k}=["(none)"];
-    	    }
-    	    print("$k files\n",
-    		  "---------------\n",
-    		  map { "$_\n" } sort @{$files{$k}});
-    	    print "\n";
-    	}
-    }
-if ($debug_cvsignore) {print "initial regex:",$cvsignoreregex,"\n";}
diff --git a/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3 b/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3
deleted file mode 100644
index 43aae5d7b319f1cae737fa1e0fd7d88053a8801d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-.\" Copyright (c) 1999 Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan
-.\" $KTH: getarg.3,v 2001/07/26 19:54:45 lha Exp $
-.Dd September 24, 1999
-.Nm getarg , 
-.Nm arg_printusage
-.Nd collect command line options
-.Fd #include <getarg.h>
-.Ft int
-.Fn getarg "struct getargs *args" "size_t num_args" "int argc" "char **argv" "int *optind"
-.Ft void
-.Fn arg_printusage "struct getargs *args" "size_t num_args" "const char *progname" "const char *extra_string"
-.Fn getarg
-collects any command line options given to a program in an easily used way. 
-.Fn arg_printusage 
-pretty-prints the available options, with a short help text.
-.Fa args
-is the option specification to use, and it's an array of 
-.Fa struct getargs
-.Fa num_args
-is the size of
-.Fa args
-(in elements).
-.Fa argc
-.Fa argv
-are the argument count and argument vector to extract option from.
-.Fa optind
-is a pointer to an integer where the index to the last processed
-argument is stored, it must be initialised to the first index (minus
-one) to process (normally 0) before the first call.
-.Fa arg_printusage
-take the same
-.Fa args
-.Fa num_args
-as getarg;
-.Fa progname is the name of the program (to be used in the help text), and 
-.Fa extra_string
-is a string to print after the actual options to indicate more
-arguments. The usefulness of this function is realised only be people
-who has used programs that has help strings that doesn't match what
-the code does.
-.Fa getargs
-struct has the following elements.
-.Bd -literal
-struct getargs{
-    const char *long_name;
-    char short_name;
-    enum { arg_integer, 
-	   arg_string, 
-	   arg_flag, 
-	   arg_negative_flag, 
-	   arg_strings,
-	   arg_double,
-           arg_collect
-    } type;
-    void *value;
-    const char *help;
-    const char *arg_help;
-.Fa long_name
-is the long name of the option, it can be 
-.Dv NULL ,
-if you don't want a long name.
-.Fa short_name 
-is the characted to use as short option, it can be zero. If the option
-has a value the
-.Fa value
-field gets filled in with that value interpreted as specified by the 
-.Fa type
-.Fa help
-is a longer help string for the option as a whole, if it's
-the help text for the option is omitted (but it's still displayed in
-the synopsis).
-.Fa arg_help
-is a description of the argument, if
-a default value will be used, depending on the type of the option:
-.Bl -hang -width arg_negative_flag
-.It arg_integer
-the argument is a signed integer, and
-.Fa value
-should point to an
-.Fa int .
-.It Fa arg_string
-the argument is a string, and
-.Fa value
-should point to a
-.Fa char* .
-.It Fa arg_flag
-the argument is a flag, and
-.Fa value
-should point to a
-.Fa int . 
-It gets filled in with either zero or one, depending on how the option
-is given, the normal case beeing one. Note that if the option isn't
-given, the value isn't altered, so it should be initialised to some
-useful default.
-.It Fa arg_negative_flag
-this is the same as 
-.Fa arg_flag
-but it reverses the meaning of the flag (a given short option clears
-the flag), and the synopsis of a long option is negated.
-.It Fa arg_strings
-the argument can be given multiple times, and the values are collected
-in an array;
-.Fa value
-should be a pointer to a 
-.Fa struct getarg_strings
-structure, which holds a length and a string pointer.
-.It Fa arg_double
-argument is a double precision floating point value, and
-.Fa value
-should point to a
-.Fa double .
-.It Fa arg_collect
-allows more fine-grained control of the option parsing process.
-.Fa value
-should be a pointer to a 
-.Fa getarg_collect_info
-.Bd -literal
-typedef int (*getarg_collect_func)(int short_opt,
-				   int argc,
-				   char **argv,
-				   int *optind,
-				   int *optarg,
-				   void *data);
-typedef struct getarg_collect_info {
-    getarg_collect_func func;
-    void *data;
-} getarg_collect_info;
-With the
-.Fa func
-member set to a function to call, and 
-.Fa data
-to some application specific data. The parameters to the collect function are:
-.Bl -inset
-.It Fa short_flag
-non-zero if this call is via a short option flag, zero otherwise
-.It Fa argc , argv
-the whole argument list
-.It Fa optind
-pointer to the index in argv where the flag is
-.It Fa optarg
-pointer to the index in argv[*optind] where the flag name starts
-.It Fa data
-application specific data
-You can modify
-.Fa *optind ,
-.Fa *optarg ,
-but to do this correct you (more or less) have to know about the inner
-workings of getarg.
-You can skip parts of arguments by increasing
-.Fa *optarg
-(you could
-implement the 
-.Fl z Ns Ar 3
-set of flags from
-.Nm gzip
-with this), or whole argument strings by increasing
-.Fa *optind
-(let's say you want a flag 
-.Fl c Ar x y z
-to specify a coordinate); if you also have to set
-.Fa *optarg
-to a sane value.
-The collect function should return one of 
-on error, zero otherwise.
-For your convenience there is a function,
-.Fn getarg_optarg ,
-that returns the traditional argument string, and you pass it all
-arguments, sans data, that where given to the collection function.
-Don't use this more this unless you absolutely have to.
-Option parsing is similar to what 
-.Xr getopt
-uses. Short options without arguments can be compressed
-.Pf ( Fl xyz
-is the same as
-.Fl x y z ) ,
-and short
-options with arguments take these as either the rest of the
-argv-string or as the next option
-.Pf ( Fl o Ns Ar foo ,
-.Fl o Ar foo ) .
-Long option names are prefixed with -- (double dash), and the value
-with a = (equal),
-.Fl -foo= Ns Ar bar .
-Long option flags can either be specified as they are 
-.Pf ( Fl -help ) ,
-or with an (boolean parsable) option
-.Pf ( Fl -help= Ns Ar yes ,
-.Fl -help= Ns Ar true ,
-or similar), or they can also be negated 
-.Pf ( Fl -no-help
-is the same as 
-.Fl -help= Ns no ) ,
-and if you're really confused you can do it multiple times
-.Pf ( Fl -no-no-help= Ns Ar false ,
-or even 
-.Fl -no-no-help= Ns Ar maybe ) .
-.Bd -literal
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <getarg.h>
-char *source = "Ouagadougou";
-char *destination;
-int weight;
-int include_catalog = 1;
-int help_flag;
-struct getargs args[] = {
-    { "source",      's', arg_string,  &source, 
-      "source of shippment", "city" },
-    { "destination", 'd', arg_string,  &destination, 
-      "destination of shippment", "city" },
-    { "weight",      'w', arg_integer, &weight, 
-      "weight of shippment", "tons" },
-    { "catalog",     'c', arg_negative_flag, &include_catalog, 
-      "include product catalog" },
-    { "help",        'h', arg_flag, &help_flag }
-int num_args = sizeof(args) / sizeof(args[0]); /* number of elements in args */
-const char *progname = "ship++";
-main(int argc, char **argv)
-    int optind = 0;
-    if (getarg(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind)) {
-	arg_printusage(args, num_args, progname, "stuff...");
-	exit (1);
-    }
-    if (help_flag) {
-	arg_printusage(args, num_args, progname, "stuff...");
-	exit (0);
-    }
-    if (destination == NULL) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: must specify destination\n", progname);
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    if (strcmp(source, destination) == 0) {
-	fprintf(stderr, "%s: destination must be different from source\n");
-	exit(1);
-    }
-    /* include more stuff here ... */
-    exit(2);
-The output help output from this program looks like this:
-.Bd -literal
-$ ship++ --help                                            
-Usage: ship++ [--source=city] [-s city] [--destination=city] [-d city]
-   [--weight=tons] [-w tons] [--no-catalog] [-c] [--help] [-h] stuff...
--s city, --source=city      source of shippment
--d city, --destination=city destination of shippment
--w tons, --weight=tons      weight of shippment
--c, --no-catalog            include product catalog
-It should be more flexible, so it would be possible to use other more
-complicated option syntaxes, such as what
-.Xr ps 1 ,
-.Xr tar 1 ,
-uses, or the AFS model where you can skip the flag names as long as
-the options come in the correct order.
-Options with multiple arguments should be handled better.
-Should be integreated with SL.
-It's very confusing that the struct you pass in is called getargS.
-.Xr getopt 3
diff --git a/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3.ps b/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3.ps
deleted file mode 100644
index 146fb8e4961cf54b8b8b0b1ba7508741645f3e3c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/common/util/getarg.3.ps
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
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-/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(GET)72 48 Q -.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F
-(OpenBSD Programmer')111.062 E 2.5(sM)-.55 G 108.562(anual GET)-2.5 F
--.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F/F1 10/Times-Bold@0 SF -.2(NA)72 108 S(ME).2 E
-/F2 10/Courier-Bold@0 SF(getarg)102 120 Q F0(,)A F2(arg_printusage)2.5 E
-F0 2.5<ad63>2.5 G(ollect command line options)-2.5 E F1(SYNOPSIS)72 144
-Q F2(#include <getarg.h>)102 156 Q/F3 10/Courier-Oblique@0 SF(int)102
-186 Q F2(getarg)102 198 Q F0(\()A F3(struct getargs)A/F4 10/Symbol SF(*)
-6 E F3(args)A F0(,)1.666 E F3(size_t num_args)4.166 E F0(,)1.666 E F3
-(int argc)4.166 E F0(,)1.666 E F3(char)4.166 E F4(**)6 E F3(argv)A F0(,)
-1.666 E F3(int)151.666 210 Q F4(*)6 E F3(optind)A F0(\);)A F3(void)102
-240 Q F2(arg_printusage)102 252 Q F0(\()A F3(struct getargs)A F4(*)6 E
-F3(args)A F0(,)1.666 E F3(size_t num_args)4.166 E F0(,)1.666 E F3
-(const char)4.166 E F4(*)6 E F3(progname)A F0(,)1.666 E F3(const char)
-151.666 264 Q F4(*)6 E F3(extra_string)A F0(\);)A F1(DESCRIPTION)72 300
-Q F2(getarg)102 312 Q F0 2.721 1.666(\(\) c)D 6.053(ollects an)-1.666 F
-8.553(yc)-.15 G 6.053(ommand line options gi)-8.553 F -.15(ve)-.25 G
-8.552(nt).15 G 8.552(oap)-8.552 G 6.052(rogram in an easily used w)
--8.552 F(ay)-.1 E(.)-.65 E F2(arg_printusage)102 324 Q F0 -3.332 1.666
-(\(\) p)D(retty-prints the a)-1.666 E -.25(va)-.2 G
-(ilable options, with a short help te).25 E(xt.)-.15 E F3(args)102 342 Q
-F0 .855(is the option speci\214cation to use, and it')3.355 F 3.356(sa)
--.55 G 3.356(na)-3.356 G .856(rray of)-3.356 F F3 .856(struct getargs)
-3.356 F F0(elements.)3.356 E F3(num_args)5.856 E F0(is)3.356 E .344
-(the size of)102 354 R F3(args)2.844 E F0 .344(\(in elements\).)2.844 F
-F3(argc)5.344 E F0(and)2.844 E F3(argv)2.844 E F0 .344(are the ar)2.844
-F .344(gument count and ar)-.18 F .344(gument v)-.18 F .344(ector to e)
--.15 F .343(xtract op-)-.15 F 1.127(tion from.)102 366 R F3(optind)6.127
-E F0 1.127(is a pointer to an inte)3.627 F 1.127(ger where the inde)-.15
-F 3.627(xt)-.15 G 3.628(ot)-3.627 G 1.128(he last processed ar)-3.628 F
-1.128(gument is stored, it)-.18 F
-(must be initialised to the \214rst inde)102 378 Q 2.5(x\()-.15 G
-(minus one\) to process \(normally 0\) before the \214rst call.)-2.5 E
-F3(arg_printusage)102 396 Q F0(tak)4.178 E 4.178(et)-.1 G 1.678(he same)
--4.178 F F3(args)4.178 E F0(and)4.178 E F3(num_args)4.178 E F0 1.678
-(as getar)4.178 F(g;)-.18 E F3 1.677(progname is the name of)4.178 F
-6.381(the program \(to be)102 408 R F0(progname0)12.381 E F3(0)12.381 E
-F0(progname1)A F3(1)12.381 E F0(progname2)A F3(2)12.382 E F0(progname3)A
-F3(3)12.382 E F0(progname4)A F3(4)102 420 Q F0(progname5)A F3
-(extra_string)3.404 E F0 .904
-(is a string to print after the actual options to indicate more ar)3.404
-F .904(guments. The)-.18 F .025(usefulness of this function is realised\
- only be people who has used programs that has help strings that doesn')
-102 432 R(t)-.18 E(match what the code does.)102 444 Q(The)102 462 Q F3
-(getargs)2.5 E F0(struct has the follo)2.5 E(wing elements.)-.25 E/F5 10
-/Courier@0 SF(struct getargs{)102 504 Q(const char)126 516 Q F4(*)6 E F5
-(long_name;)A(char short_name;)126 528 Q(enum { arg_integer,)126 540 Q
-(arg_string,)165 552 Q(arg_flag,)165 564 Q(arg_negative_flag,)165 576 Q
-(arg_strings,)165 588 Q(arg_double,)165 600 Q(arg_collect)168 612 Q 6
-(}t)126 624 S(ype;)-6 E(void)126 636 Q F4(*)6 E F5(value;)A(const char)
-126 648 Q F4(*)6 E F5(help;)A(const char)126 660 Q F4(*)6 E F5
-(arg_help;)A(};)102 672 Q F3(long_name)102 690 Q F0 .207
-(is the long name of the option, it can be)2.707 F F5(NULL)2.706 E F0
-2.706(,i)C 2.706(fy)-2.706 G .206(ou don')-2.706 F 2.706(tw)-.18 G .206
-(ant a long name.)-2.806 F F3(short_name)5.206 E F0 .397(is the charact\
-ed to use as short option, it can be zero. If the option has a v)102 702
-R .398(alue the)-.25 F F3(value)2.898 E F0 .398
-(\214eld gets \214lled in)2.898 F -.4(RO)77 750 S 152.325(KEN September)
-.4 F(24, 1999)2.5 E(1)188.865 E EP
-%%Page: 2 2
-/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(GET)72 48 Q -.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F
-(OpenBSD Programmer')111.062 E 2.5(sM)-.55 G 108.562(anual GET)-2.5 F
--.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F .737(with that v)102 96 R .737
-(alue interpreted as speci\214ed by the)-.25 F/F1 10/Courier-Oblique@0
-SF(type)3.237 E F0(\214eld.)3.237 E F1(help)5.737 E F0 .737
-(is a longer help string for the option as a)3.237 F 2.833
-(whole, if it')102 108 R(s)-.55 E/F2 10/Courier@0 SF(NULL)5.333 E F0
-2.833(the help te)5.333 F 2.833(xt for the option is omitted \(b)-.15 F
-2.834(ut it')-.2 F 5.334(ss)-.55 G 2.834
-(till displayed in the synopsis\).)-5.334 F F1(arg_help)102 120 Q F0
-.391(is a description of the ar)2.891 F .391(gument, if)-.18 F F2(NULL)
-2.891 E F0 2.891(ad)2.891 G(ef)-2.891 E .39(ault v)-.1 F .39
-(alue will be used, depending on the type of)-.25 F(the option:)102 132
-Q(ar)102 150 Q(g_inte)-.18 E 59.29(ger the)-.15 F(ar)2.5 E
-(gument is a signed inte)-.18 E(ger)-.15 E 2.5(,a)-.4 G(nd)-2.5 E F1
-(value)2.5 E F0(should point to an)2.5 E F1(int)2.5 E F0(.)A F1
-(arg_string)102 168 Q F0(the ar)47 E(gument is a string, and)-.18 E F1
-(value)2.5 E F0(should point to a)2.5 E F1(char)2.5 E/F3 10/Symbol SF(*)
-A F0(.)A F1(arg_flag)102 186 Q F0 .4(the ar)59 F .4
-(gument is a \215ag, and)-.18 F F1(value)2.9 E F0 .4(should point to a)
-2.9 F F1(int)2.9 E F0 2.9(.I)C 2.9(tg)-2.9 G .4
-(ets \214lled in with ei-)-2.9 F 1.154
-(ther zero or one, depending on ho)209 198 R 3.654(wt)-.25 G 1.153
-(he option is gi)-3.654 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 1.153
-(n, the normal case beeing).15 F .526(one. Note that if the option isn')
-209 210 R 3.026(tg)-.18 G -2.15 -.25(iv e)-3.026 H .526(n, the v).25 F
-.526(alue isn')-.25 F 3.026(ta)-.18 G .527(ltered, so it should be ini-)
--3.026 F(tialised to some useful def)209 222 Q(ault.)-.1 E F1
-(arg_negative_flag)102 240 Q F0 .058(this is the same as)2.558 F F1
-(arg_flag)2.558 E F0 -.2(bu)2.558 G 2.558(ti).2 G 2.558(tr)-2.558 G
--2.15 -.25(ev e)-2.558 H .057(rses the meaning of the \215ag \(a gi).25
-F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.557(ns).15 G(hort)-2.557 E
-(option clears the \215ag\), and the synopsis of a long option is ne)209
-252 Q -.05(ga)-.15 G(ted.).05 E F1(arg_strings)102 270 Q F0 .195(the ar)
-41 F .195(gument can be gi)-.18 F -.15(ve)-.25 G 2.695(nm).15 G .195
-(ultiple times, and the v)-2.695 F .195
-(alues are collected in an array;)-.25 F F1(value)209 282 Q F0 .947
-(should be a pointer to a)3.447 F F1 .947(struct getarg_strings)3.447 F
-F0 .947(structure, which)3.447 F(holds a length and a string pointer)209
-294 Q(.)-.55 E F1(arg_double)102 312 Q F0(ar)47 E .538
-(gument is a double precision \215oating point v)-.18 F .539(alue, and)
--.25 F F1(value)3.039 E F0 .539(should point to a)3.039 F F1(double)209
-324 Q F0(.)A F1(arg_collect)102 342 Q F0(allo)41 E .345
-(ws more \214ne-grained control of the option parsing process.)-.25 F F1
-(value)5.344 E F0 .344(should be)2.844 F 2.5(ap)209 354 S(ointer to a)
--2.5 E F1(getarg_collect_info)2.5 E F0(structure:)2.5 E F2
-(typedef int \()209 372 Q F3(*)A F2
-(getarg_collect_func\)\(int short_opt,)A(int argc,)407 384 Q(char)407
-396 Q F3(**)6 E F2(argv,)A(int)407 408 Q F3(*)6 E F2(optind,)A(int)407
-420 Q F3(*)6 E F2(optarg,)A(void)407 432 Q F3(*)6 E F2(data\);)A
-(typedef struct getarg_collect_info {)209 456 Q
-(getarg_collect_func func;)233 468 Q(void)233 480 Q F3(*)6 E F2(data;)A
-6(}g)209 492 S(etarg_collect_info;)-6 E F0 -.4(Wi)209 510 S 1.018
-(th the).4 F F1(func)3.518 E F0 1.019
-(member set to a function to call, and)3.518 F F1(data)3.519 E F0 1.019
-(to some application)3.519 F
-(speci\214c data. The parameters to the collect function are:)209 522 Q
-F1(short_flag)209 540 Q F0
-(non-zero if this call is via a short option \215ag, zero otherwise)2.5
-E F1(argc)209 558 Q F0(,)A F1(argv)6 E F0(the whole ar)2.5 E
-(gument list)-.18 E F1(optind)209 576 Q F0(pointer to the inde)2.5 E 2.5
-(xi)-.15 G 2.5(na)-2.5 G -.18(rg)-2.5 G 2.5(vw).18 G(here the \215ag is)
--2.5 E F1(optarg)209 594 Q F0(pointer to the inde)2.5 E 2.5(xi)-.15 G
-2.5(na)-2.5 G -.18(rg)-2.5 G(v[).18 E F3(*)A F0
-(optind] where the \215ag name starts)A F1(data)209 612 Q F0
-(application speci\214c data)2.5 E -1.1(Yo)209 630 S 3.915(uc)1.1 G
-1.415(an modify)-3.915 F F3(*)3.915 E F1(optind)A F0 3.915(,a)C(nd)
--3.915 E F3(*)3.915 E F1(optarg)A F0 3.915(,b)C 1.414
-(ut to do this correct you \(more or)-4.115 F(less\) ha)209 642 Q .3
--.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.5(ok).15 G(no)-2.5 E 2.5(wa)-.25 G(bout the inner w)
--2.5 E(orkings of getar)-.1 E(g.)-.18 E -1.1(Yo)209 666 S 3.604(uc)1.1 G
-1.104(an skip parts of ar)-3.604 F 1.105(guments by increasing)-.18 F F3
-(*)3.605 E F1(optarg)A F0 1.105(\(you could implement)3.605 F(the)209
-678 Q/F4 10/Courier-Bold@0 SF<ad7a>4.567 E F1(3)A F0 .401
-(set of \215ags from)2.901 F F4(gzip)2.9 E F0 .4
-(with this\), or whole ar)2.9 F .4(gument strings by increas-)-.18 F
-(ing)209 690 Q F3(*)3.275 E F1(optind)A F0(\(let')3.275 E 3.276(ss)-.55
-G .776(ay you w)-3.276 F .776(ant a \215ag)-.1 F F4<ad63>4.942 E F1
-6.776(xyz)6.776 G F0 .776(to specify a coordinate\); if)-3.5 F
-(you also ha)209 702 Q .3 -.15(ve t)-.2 H 2.5(os).15 G(et)-2.5 E F3(*)
-2.5 E F1(optarg)A F0(to a sane v)2.5 E(alue.)-.25 E -.4(RO)77 750 S
-152.325(KEN September).4 F(24, 1999)2.5 E(2)188.865 E EP
-%%Page: 3 3
-/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(GET)72 48 Q -.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F
-(OpenBSD Programmer')111.062 E 2.5(sM)-.55 G 108.562(anual GET)-2.5 F
--.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F 9.449
-(The collect function should return one of)209 96 R/F1 10/Courier@0 SF
-(ARG_ERR_NO_MATCH)11.948 E F0(,)A F1(ARG_ERR_BAD_ARG)209 108 Q F0(,)A F1
-(ARG_ERR_NO_ARG)6 E F0(on error)2.5 E 2.5(,z)-.4 G(ero otherwise.)-2.5 E
--.15(Fo)209 126 S 4.042(ry).15 G 1.542(our con)-4.042 F -.15(ve)-.4 G
-1.542(nience there is a function,).15 F/F2 10/Courier-Bold@0 SF
-(getarg_optarg)4.042 E F0 1.542(\(\), that returns the)B 1.251
-(traditional ar)209 138 R 1.251(gument string, and you pass it all ar)
--.18 F 1.251(guments, sans data, that where)-.18 F(gi)209 150 Q -.15(ve)
--.25 G 2.5(nt).15 G 2.5(ot)-2.5 G(he collection function.)-2.5 E(Don')
-209 168 Q 2.5(tu)-.18 G(se this more this unless you absolutely ha)-2.5
-E .3 -.15(ve t)-.2 H(o.).15 E .213(Option parsing is similar to what)102
-186 R F1(getopt)2.713 E F0 .214(uses. Short options without ar)2.714 F
-.214(guments can be compressed \()-.18 F F2(\255xyz)1.666 E F0 .207
-(is the same as)102 198 R F2 1.873<ad7820ad7920ad7a>4.373 F F0 .207
-(\), and short options with ar)B .207(guments tak)-.18 F 2.706(et)-.1 G
-.206(hese as either the rest of the ar)-2.706 F(gv-string)-.18 E
-(or as the ne)102 210 Q(xt option \()-.15 E F2<ad6f>1.666 E/F3 10
-/Courier-Oblique@0 SF(foo)A F0 2.5(,o)C(r)-2.5 E F2<ad6f>4.166 E F3(foo)
-6 E F0(\).)A .78(Long option names are pre\214x)102 228 R .781
-(ed with -- \(double dash\), and the v)-.15 F .781
-(alue with a = \(equal\),)-.25 F F2(\255-foo=)4.947 E F3(bar)A F0 3.281
-(.L)C(ong)-3.281 E 3.815
-(option \215ags can either be speci\214ed as the)102 240 R 6.315(ya)-.15
-G 3.815(re \()-6.315 F F2(\255-help)1.666 E F0 3.815
-(\), or with an \(boolean parsable\) option)B(\()102 252 Q F2
-(\255-help=)1.666 E F3(yes)A F0(,)A F2(\255-help=)5.659 E F3(true)A F0
-3.993(,o)C 3.993(rs)-3.993 G 1.493(imilar\), or the)-3.993 F 3.993(yc)
--.15 G 1.493(an also be ne)-3.993 F -.05(ga)-.15 G 1.493(ted \().05 F F2
-(\255-no-help)1.666 E F0 1.493(is the same as)3.993 F F2(\255-help=)
-103.666 264 Q F0 1.363(no\), and if you')B 1.362
-(re really confused you can do it multiple times \()-.5 F F2
-(\255-no-no-help=)1.666 E F3(false)A F0 3.862(,o)C(r)-3.862 E -2.15 -.25
-(ev e)102 276 T(n).25 E F2(\255-no-no-help=)4.166 E F3(maybe)A F0(\).)A
-/F4 10/Times-Bold@0 SF(EXAMPLE)72 300 Q F1(#include <stdio.h>)102 330 Q
-(#include <string.h>)102 342 Q(#include <getarg.h>)102 354 Q(char)102
-378 Q/F5 10/Symbol SF(*)6 E F1(source = "Ouagadougou";)A(char)102 390 Q
-F5(*)6 E F1(destination;)A(int weight;)102 402 Q
-(int include_catalog = 1;)102 414 Q(int help_flag;)102 426 Q
-(struct getargs args[] = {)102 450 Q 6({")126 462 S 30(source", 's',)-6
-F 6(arg_string, &source,)6 F("source of shippment", "city" },)138 474 Q
-6({")126 486 S(destination", 'd', arg_string,)-6 E(&destination,)12 E
-("destination of shippment", "city" },)138 498 Q 6({")126 510 S 30
-(weight", 'w',)-6 F(arg_integer, &weight,)6 E
-("weight of shippment", "tons" },)138 522 Q 6({")126 534 S 24
-(catalog", 'c',)-6 F(arg_negative_flag, &include_catalog,)6 E
-("include product catalog" },)138 546 Q 6({")126 558 S 42(help", 'h',)-6
-F(arg_flag, &help_flag })6 E(};)102 570 Q
-(int num_args = sizeof\(args\) / sizeof\(args[0]\); /)102 594 Q F5(*)A
-F1(number of elements in args)6 E F5(*)6 E F1(/)A(const char)102 618 Q
-F5(*)6 E F1(progname = "ship++";)A(int)102 642 Q(main\(int argc, char)
-102 654 Q F5(**)6 E F1(argv\))A({)102 666 Q(int optind = 0;)126 678 Q
-(if \(getarg\(args, num_args, argc, argv, &optind\)\) {)126 690 Q
-(arg_printusage\(args, num_args, progname, "stuff..."\);)147 702 Q F0
--.4(RO)77 750 S 152.325(KEN September).4 F(24, 1999)2.5 E(3)188.865 E EP
-%%Page: 4 4
-/F0 10/Times-Roman@0 SF(GET)72 48 Q -.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F
-(OpenBSD Programmer')111.062 E 2.5(sM)-.55 G 108.562(anual GET)-2.5 F
--.834(ARG \( 3 \))-.93 F/F1 10/Courier@0 SF(exit \(1\);)147 96 Q(})126
-108 Q(if \(help_flag\) {)126 120 Q
-(arg_printusage\(args, num_args, progname, "stuff..."\);)147 132 Q
-(exit \(0\);)147 144 Q(})126 156 Q(if \(destination == NULL\) {)126 168
-Q(fprintf\(stderr, "%s: must specify destination0, progname\);)147 180 Q
-(exit\(1\);)147 192 Q(})126 204 Q
-(if \(strcmp\(source, destination\) == 0\) {)126 216 Q
-(fprintf\(stderr, "%s: destination must be different from source0\);)147
-228 Q(exit\(1\);)147 240 Q(})126 252 Q(/)126 264 Q/F2 10/Symbol SF(*)A
-F1(include more stuff here ...)6 E F2(*)6 E F1(/)A(exit\(2\);)126 276 Q
-(})102 288 Q F0(The output help output from this program looks lik)102
-306 Q 2.5(et)-.1 G(his:)-2.5 E F1 6($s)102 324 S(hip++ --help)-6 E
-(Usage: ship++ [--source=city] [-s city] [--destination=city] [-d city])
-102 336 Q
-([--weight=tons] [-w tons] [--no-catalog] [-c] [--help] [-h] stuff...)
-120 348 Q(-s city, --source=city)102 360 Q(source of shippment)36 E
-(-d city, --destination=city destination of shippment)102 372 Q
-(-w tons, --weight=tons)102 384 Q(weight of shippment)36 E
-(-c, --no-catalog)102 396 Q(include product catalog)72 E/F3 10
-/Times-Bold@0 SF -.1(BU)72 432 S(GS).1 E F0 .9(It should be more \215e)
-102 444 R .9(xible, so it w)-.15 F .901
-(ould be possible to use other more complicated option syntax)-.1 F .901
-(es, such as)-.15 F(what)102 456 Q F1(ps)3.167 E F0 .667(\(1\), and)B F1
-(tar)3.167 E F0 .666(\(1\), uses, or the AFS model where you can skip t\
-he \215ag names as long as the options)B(come in the correct order)102
-468 Q(.)-.55 E(Options with multiple ar)102 486 Q
-(guments should be handled better)-.18 E(.)-.55 E(Should be inte)102 504
-Q(greated with SL.)-.15 E(It')102 522 Q 2.5(sv)-.55 G
-(ery confusing that the struct you pass in is called getar)-2.65 E(gS.)
--.18 E F3 1.666(SEE ALSO)72 546 R F1(getopt)102 558 Q F0(\(3\))A -.4(RO)
-77 750 S 152.325(KEN September).4 F(24, 1999)2.5 E(4)188.865 E EP
diff --git a/ndb/src/common/util/md5-rfc1321.txt b/ndb/src/common/util/md5-rfc1321.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index c9e09e00ccef896dd38e5e7f14c18f833df06ebb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/common/util/md5-rfc1321.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1179 +0,0 @@
-Network Working Group                                          R. Rivest
-Request for Comments: 1321           MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
-                                             and RSA Data Security, Inc.
-                                                              April 1992
-                     The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
-Status of this Memo
-   This memo provides information for the Internet community.  It does
-   not specify an Internet standard.  Distribution of this memo is
-   unlimited.
-   We would like to thank Don Coppersmith, Burt Kaliski, Ralph Merkle,
-   David Chaum, and Noam Nisan for numerous helpful comments and
-   suggestions.
-Table of Contents
-   1. Executive Summary                                                1
-   2. Terminology and Notation                                         2
-   3. MD5 Algorithm Description                                        3
-   4. Summary                                                          6
-   5. Differences Between MD4 and MD5                                  6
-   References                                                          7
-   APPENDIX A - Reference Implementation                               7
-   Security Considerations                                            21
-   Author's Address                                                   21
-1. Executive Summary
-   This document describes the MD5 message-digest algorithm. The
-   algorithm takes as input a message of arbitrary length and produces
-   as output a 128-bit "fingerprint" or "message digest" of the input.
-   It is conjectured that it is computationally infeasible to produce
-   two messages having the same message digest, or to produce any
-   message having a given prespecified target message digest. The MD5
-   algorithm is intended for digital signature applications, where a
-   large file must be "compressed" in a secure manner before being
-   encrypted with a private (secret) key under a public-key cryptosystem
-   such as RSA.
-Rivest                                                          [Page 1]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-   The MD5 algorithm is designed to be quite fast on 32-bit machines. In
-   addition, the MD5 algorithm does not require any large substitution
-   tables; the algorithm can be coded quite compactly.
-   The MD5 algorithm is an extension of the MD4 message-digest algorithm
-   1,2]. MD5 is slightly slower than MD4, but is more "conservative" in
-   design. MD5 was designed because it was felt that MD4 was perhaps
-   being adopted for use more quickly than justified by the existing
-   critical review; because MD4 was designed to be exceptionally fast,
-   it is "at the edge" in terms of risking successful cryptanalytic
-   attack. MD5 backs off a bit, giving up a little in speed for a much
-   greater likelihood of ultimate security. It incorporates some
-   suggestions made by various reviewers, and contains additional
-   optimizations. The MD5 algorithm is being placed in the public domain
-   for review and possible adoption as a standard.
-   For OSI-based applications, MD5's object identifier is
-     iso(1) member-body(2) US(840) rsadsi(113549) digestAlgorithm(2) 5}
-   In the X.509 type AlgorithmIdentifier [3], the parameters for MD5
-   should have type NULL.
-2. Terminology and Notation
-   In this document a "word" is a 32-bit quantity and a "byte" is an
-   eight-bit quantity. A sequence of bits can be interpreted in a
-   natural manner as a sequence of bytes, where each consecutive group
-   of eight bits is interpreted as a byte with the high-order (most
-   significant) bit of each byte listed first. Similarly, a sequence of
-   bytes can be interpreted as a sequence of 32-bit words, where each
-   consecutive group of four bytes is interpreted as a word with the
-   low-order (least significant) byte given first.
-   Let x_i denote "x sub i". If the subscript is an expression, we
-   surround it in braces, as in x_{i+1}. Similarly, we use ^ for
-   superscripts (exponentiation), so that x^i denotes x to the i-th
-   power.
-   Let the symbol "+" denote addition of words (i.e., modulo-2^32
-   addition). Let X <<< s denote the 32-bit value obtained by circularly
-   shifting (rotating) X left by s bit positions. Let not(X) denote the
-   bit-wise complement of X, and let X v Y denote the bit-wise OR of X
-   and Y. Let X xor Y denote the bit-wise XOR of X and Y, and let XY
-   denote the bit-wise AND of X and Y.
-Rivest                                                          [Page 2]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-3. MD5 Algorithm Description
-   We begin by supposing that we have a b-bit message as input, and that
-   we wish to find its message digest. Here b is an arbitrary
-   nonnegative integer; b may be zero, it need not be a multiple of
-   eight, and it may be arbitrarily large. We imagine the bits of the
-   message written down as follows:
-          m_0 m_1 ... m_{b-1}
-   The following five steps are performed to compute the message digest
-   of the message.
-3.1 Step 1. Append Padding Bits
-   The message is "padded" (extended) so that its length (in bits) is
-   congruent to 448, modulo 512. That is, the message is extended so
-   that it is just 64 bits shy of being a multiple of 512 bits long.
-   Padding is always performed, even if the length of the message is
-   already congruent to 448, modulo 512.
-   Padding is performed as follows: a single "1" bit is appended to the
-   message, and then "0" bits are appended so that the length in bits of
-   the padded message becomes congruent to 448, modulo 512. In all, at
-   least one bit and at most 512 bits are appended.
-3.2 Step 2. Append Length
-   A 64-bit representation of b (the length of the message before the
-   padding bits were added) is appended to the result of the previous
-   step. In the unlikely event that b is greater than 2^64, then only
-   the low-order 64 bits of b are used. (These bits are appended as two
-   32-bit words and appended low-order word first in accordance with the
-   previous conventions.)
-   At this point the resulting message (after padding with bits and with
-   b) has a length that is an exact multiple of 512 bits. Equivalently,
-   this message has a length that is an exact multiple of 16 (32-bit)
-   words. Let M[0 ... N-1] denote the words of the resulting message,
-   where N is a multiple of 16.
-3.3 Step 3. Initialize MD Buffer
-   A four-word buffer (A,B,C,D) is used to compute the message digest.
-   Here each of A, B, C, D is a 32-bit register. These registers are
-   initialized to the following values in hexadecimal, low-order bytes
-   first):
-Rivest                                                          [Page 3]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-          word A: 01 23 45 67
-          word B: 89 ab cd ef
-          word C: fe dc ba 98
-          word D: 76 54 32 10
-3.4 Step 4. Process Message in 16-Word Blocks
-   We first define four auxiliary functions that each take as input
-   three 32-bit words and produce as output one 32-bit word.
-          F(X,Y,Z) = XY v not(X) Z
-          G(X,Y,Z) = XZ v Y not(Z)
-          H(X,Y,Z) = X xor Y xor Z
-          I(X,Y,Z) = Y xor (X v not(Z))
-   In each bit position F acts as a conditional: if X then Y else Z.
-   The function F could have been defined using + instead of v since XY
-   and not(X)Z will never have 1's in the same bit position.) It is
-   interesting to note that if the bits of X, Y, and Z are independent
-   and unbiased, the each bit of F(X,Y,Z) will be independent and
-   unbiased.
-   The functions G, H, and I are similar to the function F, in that they
-   act in "bitwise parallel" to produce their output from the bits of X,
-   Y, and Z, in such a manner that if the corresponding bits of X, Y,
-   and Z are independent and unbiased, then each bit of G(X,Y,Z),
-   H(X,Y,Z), and I(X,Y,Z) will be independent and unbiased. Note that
-   the function H is the bit-wise "xor" or "parity" function of its
-   inputs.
-   This step uses a 64-element table T[1 ... 64] constructed from the
-   sine function. Let T[i] denote the i-th element of the table, which
-   is equal to the integer part of 4294967296 times abs(sin(i)), where i
-   is in radians. The elements of the table are given in the appendix.
-   Do the following:
-   /* Process each 16-word block. */
-   For i = 0 to N/16-1 do
-     /* Copy block i into X. */
-     For j = 0 to 15 do
-       Set X[j] to M[i*16+j].
-     end /* of loop on j */
-     /* Save A as AA, B as BB, C as CC, and D as DD. */
-     AA = A
-     BB = B
-Rivest                                                          [Page 4]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-     CC = C
-     DD = D
-     /* Round 1. */
-     /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
-          a = b + ((a + F(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
-     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
-     [ABCD  0  7  1]  [DABC  1 12  2]  [CDAB  2 17  3]  [BCDA  3 22  4]
-     [ABCD  4  7  5]  [DABC  5 12  6]  [CDAB  6 17  7]  [BCDA  7 22  8]
-     [ABCD  8  7  9]  [DABC  9 12 10]  [CDAB 10 17 11]  [BCDA 11 22 12]
-     [ABCD 12  7 13]  [DABC 13 12 14]  [CDAB 14 17 15]  [BCDA 15 22 16]
-     /* Round 2. */
-     /* Let [abcd k s i] denote the operation
-          a = b + ((a + G(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
-     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
-     [ABCD  1  5 17]  [DABC  6  9 18]  [CDAB 11 14 19]  [BCDA  0 20 20]
-     [ABCD  5  5 21]  [DABC 10  9 22]  [CDAB 15 14 23]  [BCDA  4 20 24]
-     [ABCD  9  5 25]  [DABC 14  9 26]  [CDAB  3 14 27]  [BCDA  8 20 28]
-     [ABCD 13  5 29]  [DABC  2  9 30]  [CDAB  7 14 31]  [BCDA 12 20 32]
-     /* Round 3. */
-     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
-          a = b + ((a + H(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
-     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
-     [ABCD  5  4 33]  [DABC  8 11 34]  [CDAB 11 16 35]  [BCDA 14 23 36]
-     [ABCD  1  4 37]  [DABC  4 11 38]  [CDAB  7 16 39]  [BCDA 10 23 40]
-     [ABCD 13  4 41]  [DABC  0 11 42]  [CDAB  3 16 43]  [BCDA  6 23 44]
-     [ABCD  9  4 45]  [DABC 12 11 46]  [CDAB 15 16 47]  [BCDA  2 23 48]
-     /* Round 4. */
-     /* Let [abcd k s t] denote the operation
-          a = b + ((a + I(b,c,d) + X[k] + T[i]) <<< s). */
-     /* Do the following 16 operations. */
-     [ABCD  0  6 49]  [DABC  7 10 50]  [CDAB 14 15 51]  [BCDA  5 21 52]
-     [ABCD 12  6 53]  [DABC  3 10 54]  [CDAB 10 15 55]  [BCDA  1 21 56]
-     [ABCD  8  6 57]  [DABC 15 10 58]  [CDAB  6 15 59]  [BCDA 13 21 60]
-     [ABCD  4  6 61]  [DABC 11 10 62]  [CDAB  2 15 63]  [BCDA  9 21 64]
-     /* Then perform the following additions. (That is increment each
-        of the four registers by the value it had before this block
-        was started.) */
-     A = A + AA
-     B = B + BB
-     C = C + CC
-     D = D + DD
-   end /* of loop on i */
-Rivest                                                          [Page 5]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-3.5 Step 5. Output
-   The message digest produced as output is A, B, C, D. That is, we
-   begin with the low-order byte of A, and end with the high-order byte
-   of D.
-   This completes the description of MD5. A reference implementation in
-   C is given in the appendix.
-4. Summary
-   The MD5 message-digest algorithm is simple to implement, and provides
-   a "fingerprint" or message digest of a message of arbitrary length.
-   It is conjectured that the difficulty of coming up with two messages
-   having the same message digest is on the order of 2^64 operations,
-   and that the difficulty of coming up with any message having a given
-   message digest is on the order of 2^128 operations. The MD5 algorithm
-   has been carefully scrutinized for weaknesses. It is, however, a
-   relatively new algorithm and further security analysis is of course
-   justified, as is the case with any new proposal of this sort.
-5. Differences Between MD4 and MD5
-     The following are the differences between MD4 and MD5:
-       1.   A fourth round has been added.
-       2.   Each step now has a unique additive constant.
-       3.   The function g in round 2 was changed from (XY v XZ v YZ) to
-       (XZ v Y not(Z)) to make g less symmetric.
-       4.   Each step now adds in the result of the previous step.  This
-       promotes a faster "avalanche effect".
-       5.   The order in which input words are accessed in rounds 2 and
-       3 is changed, to make these patterns less like each other.
-       6.   The shift amounts in each round have been approximately
-       optimized, to yield a faster "avalanche effect." The shifts in
-       different rounds are distinct.
-Rivest                                                          [Page 6]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-   [1] Rivest, R., "The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm", RFC 1320, MIT and
-       RSA Data Security, Inc., April 1992.
-   [2] Rivest, R., "The MD4 message digest algorithm", in A.J.  Menezes
-       and S.A. Vanstone, editors, Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '90
-       Proceedings, pages 303-311, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
-   [3] CCITT Recommendation X.509 (1988), "The Directory -
-       Authentication Framework."
-APPENDIX A - Reference Implementation
-   This appendix contains the following files taken from RSAREF: A
-   Cryptographic Toolkit for Privacy-Enhanced Mail:
-     global.h -- global header file
-     md5.h -- header file for MD5
-     md5c.c -- source code for MD5
-   For more information on RSAREF, send email to <rsaref@rsa.com>.
-   The appendix also includes the following file:
-     mddriver.c -- test driver for MD2, MD4 and MD5
-   The driver compiles for MD5 by default but can compile for MD2 or MD4
-   if the symbol MD is defined on the C compiler command line as 2 or 4.
-   The implementation is portable and should work on many different
-   plaforms. However, it is not difficult to optimize the implementation
-   on particular platforms, an exercise left to the reader. For example,
-   on "little-endian" platforms where the lowest-addressed byte in a 32-
-   bit word is the least significant and there are no alignment
-   restrictions, the call to Decode in MD5Transform can be replaced with
-   a typecast.
-A.1 global.h
-/* GLOBAL.H - RSAREF types and constants
- */
-/* PROTOTYPES should be set to one if and only if the compiler supports
-  function argument prototyping.
-The following makes PROTOTYPES default to 0 if it has not already
-Rivest                                                          [Page 7]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  been defined with C compiler flags.
- */
-#define PROTOTYPES 0
-/* POINTER defines a generic pointer type */
-typedef unsigned char *POINTER;
-/* UINT2 defines a two byte word */
-typedef unsigned short int UINT2;
-/* UINT4 defines a four byte word */
-typedef unsigned long int UINT4;
-/* PROTO_LIST is defined depending on how PROTOTYPES is defined above.
-If using PROTOTYPES, then PROTO_LIST returns the list, otherwise it
-  returns an empty list.
- */
-#define PROTO_LIST(list) list
-#define PROTO_LIST(list) ()
-A.2 md5.h
-/* MD5.H - header file for MD5C.C
- */
-/* Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All
-rights reserved.
-License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it
-is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
-Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software
-or this function.
-License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided
-that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data
-Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material
-mentioning or referencing the derived work.
-RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
-the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
-software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty of any kind.
-Rivest                                                          [Page 8]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
-documentation and/or software.
- */
-/* MD5 context. */
-typedef struct {
-  UINT4 state[4];                                   /* state (ABCD) */
-  UINT4 count[2];        /* number of bits, modulo 2^64 (lsb first) */
-  unsigned char buffer[64];                         /* input buffer */
-} MD5_CTX;
-void MD5Init PROTO_LIST ((MD5_CTX *));
-void MD5Update PROTO_LIST
-  ((MD5_CTX *, unsigned char *, unsigned int));
-void MD5Final PROTO_LIST ((unsigned char [16], MD5_CTX *));
-A.3 md5c.c
-/* MD5C.C - RSA Data Security, Inc., MD5 message-digest algorithm
- */
-/* Copyright (C) 1991-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1991. All
-rights reserved.
-License to copy and use this software is granted provided that it
-is identified as the "RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest
-Algorithm" in all material mentioning or referencing this software
-or this function.
-License is also granted to make and use derivative works provided
-that such works are identified as "derived from the RSA Data
-Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm" in all material
-mentioning or referencing the derived work.
-RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
-the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
-software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty of any kind.
-These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
-documentation and/or software.
- */
-#include "global.h"
-#include "md5.h"
-/* Constants for MD5Transform routine.
- */
-Rivest                                                          [Page 9]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-#define S11 7
-#define S12 12
-#define S13 17
-#define S14 22
-#define S21 5
-#define S22 9
-#define S23 14
-#define S24 20
-#define S31 4
-#define S32 11
-#define S33 16
-#define S34 23
-#define S41 6
-#define S42 10
-#define S43 15
-#define S44 21
-static void MD5Transform PROTO_LIST ((UINT4 [4], unsigned char [64]));
-static void Encode PROTO_LIST
-  ((unsigned char *, UINT4 *, unsigned int));
-static void Decode PROTO_LIST
-  ((UINT4 *, unsigned char *, unsigned int));
-static void MD5_memcpy PROTO_LIST ((POINTER, POINTER, unsigned int));
-static void MD5_memset PROTO_LIST ((POINTER, int, unsigned int));
-static unsigned char PADDING[64] = {
-  0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-/* F, G, H and I are basic MD5 functions.
- */
-#define F(x, y, z) (((x) & (y)) | ((~x) & (z)))
-#define G(x, y, z) (((x) & (z)) | ((y) & (~z)))
-#define H(x, y, z) ((x) ^ (y) ^ (z))
-#define I(x, y, z) ((y) ^ ((x) | (~z)))
-/* ROTATE_LEFT rotates x left n bits.
- */
-#define ROTATE_LEFT(x, n) (((x) << (n)) | ((x) >> (32-(n))))
-/* FF, GG, HH, and II transformations for rounds 1, 2, 3, and 4.
-Rotation is separate from addition to prevent recomputation.
- */
-#define FF(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
- (a) += F ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
- (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
-Rivest                                                         [Page 10]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
- (a) += (b); \
-  }
-#define GG(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
- (a) += G ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
- (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
- (a) += (b); \
-  }
-#define HH(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
- (a) += H ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
- (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
- (a) += (b); \
-  }
-#define II(a, b, c, d, x, s, ac) { \
- (a) += I ((b), (c), (d)) + (x) + (UINT4)(ac); \
- (a) = ROTATE_LEFT ((a), (s)); \
- (a) += (b); \
-  }
-/* MD5 initialization. Begins an MD5 operation, writing a new context.
- */
-void MD5Init (context)
-MD5_CTX *context;                                        /* context */
-  context->count[0] = context->count[1] = 0;
-  /* Load magic initialization constants.
-  context->state[0] = 0x67452301;
-  context->state[1] = 0xefcdab89;
-  context->state[2] = 0x98badcfe;
-  context->state[3] = 0x10325476;
-/* MD5 block update operation. Continues an MD5 message-digest
-  operation, processing another message block, and updating the
-  context.
- */
-void MD5Update (context, input, inputLen)
-MD5_CTX *context;                                        /* context */
-unsigned char *input;                                /* input block */
-unsigned int inputLen;                     /* length of input block */
-  unsigned int i, index, partLen;
-  /* Compute number of bytes mod 64 */
-  index = (unsigned int)((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F);
-  /* Update number of bits */
-  if ((context->count[0] += ((UINT4)inputLen << 3))
-Rivest                                                         [Page 11]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-   < ((UINT4)inputLen << 3))
- context->count[1]++;
-  context->count[1] += ((UINT4)inputLen >> 29);
-  partLen = 64 - index;
-  /* Transform as many times as possible.
-  if (inputLen >= partLen) {
- MD5_memcpy
-   ((POINTER)&context->buffer[index], (POINTER)input, partLen);
- MD5Transform (context->state, context->buffer);
- for (i = partLen; i + 63 < inputLen; i += 64)
-   MD5Transform (context->state, &input[i]);
- index = 0;
-  }
-  else
- i = 0;
-  /* Buffer remaining input */
-  MD5_memcpy
- ((POINTER)&context->buffer[index], (POINTER)&input[i],
-  inputLen-i);
-/* MD5 finalization. Ends an MD5 message-digest operation, writing the
-  the message digest and zeroizing the context.
- */
-void MD5Final (digest, context)
-unsigned char digest[16];                         /* message digest */
-MD5_CTX *context;                                       /* context */
-  unsigned char bits[8];
-  unsigned int index, padLen;
-  /* Save number of bits */
-  Encode (bits, context->count, 8);
-  /* Pad out to 56 mod 64.
-  index = (unsigned int)((context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3f);
-  padLen = (index < 56) ? (56 - index) : (120 - index);
-  MD5Update (context, PADDING, padLen);
-  /* Append length (before padding) */
-  MD5Update (context, bits, 8);
-Rivest                                                         [Page 12]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  /* Store state in digest */
-  Encode (digest, context->state, 16);
-  /* Zeroize sensitive information.
-  MD5_memset ((POINTER)context, 0, sizeof (*context));
-/* MD5 basic transformation. Transforms state based on block.
- */
-static void MD5Transform (state, block)
-UINT4 state[4];
-unsigned char block[64];
-  UINT4 a = state[0], b = state[1], c = state[2], d = state[3], x[16];
-  Decode (x, block, 64);
-  /* Round 1 */
-  FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 0], S11, 0xd76aa478); /* 1 */
-  FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 1], S12, 0xe8c7b756); /* 2 */
-  FF (c, d, a, b, x[ 2], S13, 0x242070db); /* 3 */
-  FF (b, c, d, a, x[ 3], S14, 0xc1bdceee); /* 4 */
-  FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 4], S11, 0xf57c0faf); /* 5 */
-  FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 5], S12, 0x4787c62a); /* 6 */
-  FF (c, d, a, b, x[ 6], S13, 0xa8304613); /* 7 */
-  FF (b, c, d, a, x[ 7], S14, 0xfd469501); /* 8 */
-  FF (a, b, c, d, x[ 8], S11, 0x698098d8); /* 9 */
-  FF (d, a, b, c, x[ 9], S12, 0x8b44f7af); /* 10 */
-  FF (c, d, a, b, x[10], S13, 0xffff5bb1); /* 11 */
-  FF (b, c, d, a, x[11], S14, 0x895cd7be); /* 12 */
-  FF (a, b, c, d, x[12], S11, 0x6b901122); /* 13 */
-  FF (d, a, b, c, x[13], S12, 0xfd987193); /* 14 */
-  FF (c, d, a, b, x[14], S13, 0xa679438e); /* 15 */
-  FF (b, c, d, a, x[15], S14, 0x49b40821); /* 16 */
- /* Round 2 */
-  GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 1], S21, 0xf61e2562); /* 17 */
-  GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 6], S22, 0xc040b340); /* 18 */
-  GG (c, d, a, b, x[11], S23, 0x265e5a51); /* 19 */
-  GG (b, c, d, a, x[ 0], S24, 0xe9b6c7aa); /* 20 */
-  GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 5], S21, 0xd62f105d); /* 21 */
-  GG (d, a, b, c, x[10], S22,  0x2441453); /* 22 */
-  GG (c, d, a, b, x[15], S23, 0xd8a1e681); /* 23 */
-  GG (b, c, d, a, x[ 4], S24, 0xe7d3fbc8); /* 24 */
-  GG (a, b, c, d, x[ 9], S21, 0x21e1cde6); /* 25 */
-  GG (d, a, b, c, x[14], S22, 0xc33707d6); /* 26 */
-  GG (c, d, a, b, x[ 3], S23, 0xf4d50d87); /* 27 */
-Rivest                                                         [Page 13]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  GG (b, c, d, a, x[ 8], S24, 0x455a14ed); /* 28 */
-  GG (a, b, c, d, x[13], S21, 0xa9e3e905); /* 29 */
-  GG (d, a, b, c, x[ 2], S22, 0xfcefa3f8); /* 30 */
-  GG (c, d, a, b, x[ 7], S23, 0x676f02d9); /* 31 */
-  GG (b, c, d, a, x[12], S24, 0x8d2a4c8a); /* 32 */
-  /* Round 3 */
-  HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 5], S31, 0xfffa3942); /* 33 */
-  HH (d, a, b, c, x[ 8], S32, 0x8771f681); /* 34 */
-  HH (c, d, a, b, x[11], S33, 0x6d9d6122); /* 35 */
-  HH (b, c, d, a, x[14], S34, 0xfde5380c); /* 36 */
-  HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 1], S31, 0xa4beea44); /* 37 */
-  HH (d, a, b, c, x[ 4], S32, 0x4bdecfa9); /* 38 */
-  HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 7], S33, 0xf6bb4b60); /* 39 */
-  HH (b, c, d, a, x[10], S34, 0xbebfbc70); /* 40 */
-  HH (a, b, c, d, x[13], S31, 0x289b7ec6); /* 41 */
-  HH (d, a, b, c, x[ 0], S32, 0xeaa127fa); /* 42 */
-  HH (c, d, a, b, x[ 3], S33, 0xd4ef3085); /* 43 */
-  HH (b, c, d, a, x[ 6], S34,  0x4881d05); /* 44 */
-  HH (a, b, c, d, x[ 9], S31, 0xd9d4d039); /* 45 */
-  HH (d, a, b, c, x[12], S32, 0xe6db99e5); /* 46 */
-  HH (c, d, a, b, x[15], S33, 0x1fa27cf8); /* 47 */
-  HH (b, c, d, a, x[ 2], S34, 0xc4ac5665); /* 48 */
-  /* Round 4 */
-  II (a, b, c, d, x[ 0], S41, 0xf4292244); /* 49 */
-  II (d, a, b, c, x[ 7], S42, 0x432aff97); /* 50 */
-  II (c, d, a, b, x[14], S43, 0xab9423a7); /* 51 */
-  II (b, c, d, a, x[ 5], S44, 0xfc93a039); /* 52 */
-  II (a, b, c, d, x[12], S41, 0x655b59c3); /* 53 */
-  II (d, a, b, c, x[ 3], S42, 0x8f0ccc92); /* 54 */
-  II (c, d, a, b, x[10], S43, 0xffeff47d); /* 55 */
-  II (b, c, d, a, x[ 1], S44, 0x85845dd1); /* 56 */
-  II (a, b, c, d, x[ 8], S41, 0x6fa87e4f); /* 57 */
-  II (d, a, b, c, x[15], S42, 0xfe2ce6e0); /* 58 */
-  II (c, d, a, b, x[ 6], S43, 0xa3014314); /* 59 */
-  II (b, c, d, a, x[13], S44, 0x4e0811a1); /* 60 */
-  II (a, b, c, d, x[ 4], S41, 0xf7537e82); /* 61 */
-  II (d, a, b, c, x[11], S42, 0xbd3af235); /* 62 */
-  II (c, d, a, b, x[ 2], S43, 0x2ad7d2bb); /* 63 */
-  II (b, c, d, a, x[ 9], S44, 0xeb86d391); /* 64 */
-  state[0] += a;
-  state[1] += b;
-  state[2] += c;
-  state[3] += d;
-  /* Zeroize sensitive information.
-Rivest                                                         [Page 14]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  MD5_memset ((POINTER)x, 0, sizeof (x));
-/* Encodes input (UINT4) into output (unsigned char). Assumes len is
-  a multiple of 4.
- */
-static void Encode (output, input, len)
-unsigned char *output;
-UINT4 *input;
-unsigned int len;
-  unsigned int i, j;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4) {
- output[j] = (unsigned char)(input[i] & 0xff);
- output[j+1] = (unsigned char)((input[i] >> 8) & 0xff);
- output[j+2] = (unsigned char)((input[i] >> 16) & 0xff);
- output[j+3] = (unsigned char)((input[i] >> 24) & 0xff);
-  }
-/* Decodes input (unsigned char) into output (UINT4). Assumes len is
-  a multiple of 4.
- */
-static void Decode (output, input, len)
-UINT4 *output;
-unsigned char *input;
-unsigned int len;
-  unsigned int i, j;
-  for (i = 0, j = 0; j < len; i++, j += 4)
- output[i] = ((UINT4)input[j]) | (((UINT4)input[j+1]) << 8) |
-   (((UINT4)input[j+2]) << 16) | (((UINT4)input[j+3]) << 24);
-/* Note: Replace "for loop" with standard memcpy if possible.
- */
-static void MD5_memcpy (output, input, len)
-POINTER output;
-POINTER input;
-unsigned int len;
-  unsigned int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
-Rivest                                                         [Page 15]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
- output[i] = input[i];
-/* Note: Replace "for loop" with standard memset if possible.
- */
-static void MD5_memset (output, value, len)
-POINTER output;
-int value;
-unsigned int len;
-  unsigned int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- ((char *)output)[i] = (char)value;
-A.4 mddriver.c
-/* MDDRIVER.C - test driver for MD2, MD4 and MD5
- */
-/* Copyright (C) 1990-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. Created 1990. All
-rights reserved.
-RSA Data Security, Inc. makes no representations concerning either
-the merchantability of this software or the suitability of this
-software for any particular purpose. It is provided "as is"
-without express or implied warranty of any kind.
-These notices must be retained in any copies of any part of this
-documentation and/or software.
- */
-/* The following makes MD default to MD5 if it has not already been
-  defined with C compiler flags.
- */
-#ifndef MD
-#define MD MD5
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "global.h"
-#if MD == 2
-#include "md2.h"
-#if MD == 4
-Rivest                                                         [Page 16]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-#include "md4.h"
-#if MD == 5
-#include "md5.h"
-/* Length of test block, number of test blocks.
- */
-#define TEST_BLOCK_LEN 1000
-#define TEST_BLOCK_COUNT 1000
-static void MDString PROTO_LIST ((char *));
-static void MDTimeTrial PROTO_LIST ((void));
-static void MDTestSuite PROTO_LIST ((void));
-static void MDFile PROTO_LIST ((char *));
-static void MDFilter PROTO_LIST ((void));
-static void MDPrint PROTO_LIST ((unsigned char [16]));
-#if MD == 2
-#define MD_CTX MD2_CTX
-#define MDInit MD2Init
-#define MDUpdate MD2Update
-#define MDFinal MD2Final
-#if MD == 4
-#define MD_CTX MD4_CTX
-#define MDInit MD4Init
-#define MDUpdate MD4Update
-#define MDFinal MD4Final
-#if MD == 5
-#define MD_CTX MD5_CTX
-#define MDInit MD5Init
-#define MDUpdate MD5Update
-#define MDFinal MD5Final
-/* Main driver.
-Arguments (may be any combination):
-  -sstring - digests string
-  -t       - runs time trial
-  -x       - runs test script
-  filename - digests file
-  (none)   - digests standard input
- */
-int main (argc, argv)
-int argc;
-Rivest                                                         [Page 17]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-char *argv[];
-  int i;
-  if (argc > 1)
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
-   if (argv[i][0] == '-' && argv[i][1] == 's')
-     MDString (argv[i] + 2);
-   else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-t") == 0)
-     MDTimeTrial ();
-   else if (strcmp (argv[i], "-x") == 0)
-     MDTestSuite ();
-   else
-     MDFile (argv[i]);
-  else
- MDFilter ();
-  return (0);
-/* Digests a string and prints the result.
- */
-static void MDString (string)
-char *string;
-  MD_CTX context;
-  unsigned char digest[16];
-  unsigned int len = strlen (string);
-  MDInit (&context);
-  MDUpdate (&context, string, len);
-  MDFinal (digest, &context);
-  printf ("MD%d (\"%s\") = ", MD, string);
-  MDPrint (digest);
-  printf ("\n");
-/* Measures the time to digest TEST_BLOCK_COUNT TEST_BLOCK_LEN-byte
-  blocks.
- */
-static void MDTimeTrial ()
-  MD_CTX context;
-  time_t endTime, startTime;
-  unsigned char block[TEST_BLOCK_LEN], digest[16];
-  unsigned int i;
-Rivest                                                         [Page 18]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  printf
- ("MD%d time trial. Digesting %d %d-byte blocks ...", MD,
-  /* Initialize block */
-  for (i = 0; i < TEST_BLOCK_LEN; i++)
- block[i] = (unsigned char)(i & 0xff);
-  /* Start timer */
-  time (&startTime);
-  /* Digest blocks */
-  MDInit (&context);
-  for (i = 0; i < TEST_BLOCK_COUNT; i++)
- MDUpdate (&context, block, TEST_BLOCK_LEN);
-  MDFinal (digest, &context);
-  /* Stop timer */
-  time (&endTime);
-  printf (" done\n");
-  printf ("Digest = ");
-  MDPrint (digest);
-  printf ("\nTime = %ld seconds\n", (long)(endTime-startTime));
-  printf
- ("Speed = %ld bytes/second\n",
-  (long)TEST_BLOCK_LEN * (long)TEST_BLOCK_COUNT/(endTime-startTime));
-/* Digests a reference suite of strings and prints the results.
- */
-static void MDTestSuite ()
-  printf ("MD%d test suite:\n", MD);
-  MDString ("");
-  MDString ("a");
-  MDString ("abc");
-  MDString ("message digest");
-  MDString ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
-  MDString
- ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789");
-  MDString
- ("1234567890123456789012345678901234567890\
-/* Digests a file and prints the result.
-Rivest                                                         [Page 19]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
- */
-static void MDFile (filename)
-char *filename;
-  FILE *file;
-  MD_CTX context;
-  int len;
-  unsigned char buffer[1024], digest[16];
-  if ((file = fopen (filename, "rb")) == NULL)
- printf ("%s can't be opened\n", filename);
-  else {
- MDInit (&context);
- while (len = fread (buffer, 1, 1024, file))
-   MDUpdate (&context, buffer, len);
- MDFinal (digest, &context);
- fclose (file);
- printf ("MD%d (%s) = ", MD, filename);
- MDPrint (digest);
- printf ("\n");
-  }
-/* Digests the standard input and prints the result.
- */
-static void MDFilter ()
-  MD_CTX context;
-  int len;
-  unsigned char buffer[16], digest[16];
-  MDInit (&context);
-  while (len = fread (buffer, 1, 16, stdin))
- MDUpdate (&context, buffer, len);
-  MDFinal (digest, &context);
-  MDPrint (digest);
-  printf ("\n");
-/* Prints a message digest in hexadecimal.
- */
-static void MDPrint (digest)
-unsigned char digest[16];
-Rivest                                                         [Page 20]
-RFC 1321              MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm            April 1992
-  unsigned int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
- printf ("%02x", digest[i]);
-A.5 Test suite
-   The MD5 test suite (driver option "-x") should print the following
-   results:
-MD5 test suite:
-MD5 ("") = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
-MD5 ("a") = 0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661
-MD5 ("abc") = 900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72
-MD5 ("message digest") = f96b697d7cb7938d525a2f31aaf161d0
-MD5 ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") = c3fcd3d76192e4007dfb496cca67e13b
-MD5 ("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789") =
-MD5 ("123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456
-78901234567890") = 57edf4a22be3c955ac49da2e2107b67a
-Security Considerations
-   The level of security discussed in this memo is considered to be
-   sufficient for implementing very high security hybrid digital-
-   signature schemes based on MD5 and a public-key cryptosystem.
-Author's Address
-   Ronald L. Rivest
-   Massachusetts Institute of Technology
-   Laboratory for Computer Science
-   NE43-324
-   545 Technology Square
-   Cambridge, MA  02139-1986
-   Phone: (617) 253-5880
-   EMail: rivest@theory.lcs.mit.edu
-Rivest                                                         [Page 21]
diff --git a/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/csharp/AssemblyInfo.cs b/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/csharp/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f89a3282c5620ccbe0a11da12c511d5629fa46c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/csharp/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following 
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-// associated with an assembly.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]		
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-//      Major Version
-//      Minor Version 
-//      Build Number
-//      Revision
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers 
-// by using the '*' as shown below:
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-// In order to sign your assembly you must specify a key to use. Refer to the 
-// Microsoft .NET Framework documentation for more information on assembly signing.
-// Use the attributes below to control which key is used for signing. 
-// Notes: 
-//   (*) If no key is specified, the assembly is not signed.
-//   (*) KeyName refers to a key that has been installed in the Crypto Service
-//       Provider (CSP) on your machine. KeyFile refers to a file which contains
-//       a key.
-//   (*) If the KeyFile and the KeyName values are both specified, the 
-//       following processing occurs:
-//       (1) If the KeyName can be found in the CSP, that key is used.
-//       (2) If the KeyName does not exist and the KeyFile does exist, the key 
-//           in the KeyFile is installed into the CSP and used.
-//   (*) In order to create a KeyFile, you can use the sn.exe (Strong Name) utility.
-//       When specifying the KeyFile, the location of the KeyFile should be
-//       relative to the project output directory which is
-//       %Project Directory%\obj\<configuration>. For example, if your KeyFile is
-//       located in the project directory, you would specify the AssemblyKeyFile 
-//       attribute as [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("..\\..\\mykey.snk")]
-//   (*) Delay Signing is an advanced option - see the Microsoft .NET Framework
-//       documentation for more information on this.
-[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
-[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]
diff --git a/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/vb6/frmSplash.frm b/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/vb6/frmSplash.frm
deleted file mode 100644
index 56ccbd79876535fd28767e747564775b11f48102..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Binary files a/ndb/src/cw/cpcc-win32/vb6/frmSplash.frm and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/list.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/list.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 81c467a461bc9051553588dd389881828dabccd4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/list.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: list.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:20 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _LIST_H
-#define _LIST_H
-#include "sci_types.h"
-typedef struct ListElement *ListElement_t;
-typedef struct List *List_t;
-struct ListElement {
-   void *element;
-   u_vkaddr_t key;
-   ListElement_t prev,next;
-void          *Get_Element(ListElement_t el);
-void          Set_Element(ListElement_t el,void *elptr,u_vkaddr_t key);
-void          Create_Element(ListElement_t *el);
-void          Destroy_Element(ListElement_t *el);
-void          Create_List(List_t *list);
-void          Destroy_List(List_t *list);
-void          Add_Element(List_t list,ListElement_t el);
-void          Remove_Element(List_t list,ListElement_t el);
-ListElement_t Find_Element(List_t list,u_vkaddr_t key);
-scibool       List_Empty(List_t);
-scibool       List_Elements(List_t);
-ListElement_t First_Element(List_t list);
-ListElement_t Last_Element(List_t list);
-ListElement_t Next_Element(ListElement_t el);
-#endif /* _LIST_H */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/os/inttypes.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/os/inttypes.h
deleted file mode 100644
index b9e5a6cb19f736b9571f4d34a8719b3a17ff770e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/os/inttypes.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: inttypes.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SCI_OS_INTTYPES_H_
-#define _SCI_OS_INTTYPES_H_
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Basic types of various sizes.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef unsigned char      unsigned8;
-typedef unsigned short     unsigned16;
-typedef unsigned int       unsigned32;
-typedef unsigned long long unsigned64;
-typedef signed char        signed8;
-typedef signed short       signed16;
-typedef signed int         signed32;
-typedef signed long long   signed64;
-#ifdef CPU_WORD_IS_64_BIT
-typedef unsigned64         uptr_t;
-typedef signed64           iptr_t;
-typedef unsigned32         uptr_t;
-typedef signed32           iptr_t;
-#endif /* _SCI_OS_INTTYPES_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d2722e9798b61acc2c2bd68befbd1cac842fd6f..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: rmlib.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:20 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                               *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                     * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify          * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by   *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License      *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                   *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/ 
-/*  This header file contains the declarations of the SCI Reflective Memory     */
-/*  library rmlib. The implementation of the library functions is in rmlib.c.   */
-/*  The library contains all the functions that operate on the reflective       */
-/*  memory.                                                                     */
-/*                                                                              */
-/*  NB!                                                                         */  
-/*                                                                              */
-/*  PLEASE CONTACT DOLPHIN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.                             */
-/*                                                                              */
-/*                                                                              */
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#include "sisci_api.h"
-#include "sisci_demolib.h"
-#include "sisci_types.h"
-unsigned int seqerr, syncseqerr;
-#ifndef _RMLIB_H
-#define _RMLIB_H
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#define _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(name)  _RMLIB_MT_ ## name
-#define _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(name)  _RMLIB_ST_ ## name
-#ifdef __sparc
-#define CACHE_SIZE 2097152
-#define CACHE_SIZE 8192
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-#define REFLECT_ERRCHECK          0x2
-struct ReflectiveMemorySpace {    
-    unsigned int        localAdapterNo;
-    unsigned int        localNodeId;
-    unsigned int        remoteNodeId;
-    sci_desc_t          sd;
-    sci_desc_t          syncsd;
-    sci_map_t           localMap;
-    sci_map_t           remoteMap;
-    unsigned int        localSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        remoteSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        syncSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        sync_rSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        segmentSize;
-    unsigned int        *localMapAddr;
-    volatile unsigned int *remoteMapAddr;
-    sci_local_segment_t  localSegment;
-    sci_remote_segment_t remoteSegment;
-    sci_local_segment_t  syncSegment;
-    sci_remote_segment_t sync_rSegment;
-    sci_map_t            syncMap;
-    sci_map_t            sync_rMap;
-    sci_sequence_t       syncsequence;
-    sci_sequence_t       sequence;    
-    unsigned int         protection;
-    unsigned int         retry_value;
-    sci_sequence_status_t   sequenceStatus, syncsequenceStatus;
-    volatile unsigned int *syncMapAddr;
-    volatile unsigned int *sync_rMapAddr;    
-/*          P R I N T  R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectPrintParameters             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectPrintParameters)
-void ReflectPrintParameters(FILE *stream, struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space);
-/*      			  R E F L E C T   D M A   S E T U P                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaSetup             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaSetup)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaSetup(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, sci_dma_queue_t *dmaQueue);
-/*      			  R E F L E C T   D M A   R E M O V E                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaRemove             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaRemove)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaRemove(sci_dma_queue_t dmaQueue);
-/*   	    			R E F L E C T   D M A   R U N                            */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaRun             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaRun)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaRun(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, 
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset, 
-                           sci_dma_queue_t dmaQueue);
-/*          C L O S E   R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E            */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectClose             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectClose)
-sci_error_t ReflectClose(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, unsigned int segment_no);
-/*           O P E N  R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E              */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectOpen             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectOpen)
-sci_error_t ReflectOpen(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space, 
-                       unsigned int size, 
-                       unsigned int segment_no,
-                       unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                       unsigned int remoteNodeId, 
-                       unsigned int protection, 
-                       unsigned int retry_value);
-/* 			  	    R E F L E C T   G E T   A C C E S S                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectGetAccess             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectGetAccess)
-sci_error_t ReflectGetAccess(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space);
-/* 			  	 R E F L E C T   R E L E A S E   A C C E S S                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectReleaseAccess             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectReleaseAccess)
-sci_error_t ReflectReleaseAccess(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space);
-/*   	    			  	R E F L E C T   D M A                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDma             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDma)
-sci_error_t ReflectDma(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset);
-/*   	    	         R E F L E C T   M E M C O P Y                           */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectMemCopy             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectMemCopy)
-sci_error_t ReflectMemCopy(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset,
-                           unsigned int flags);
-/*   	    			  	R E F L E C T   S E T                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectSet             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectSet)
-sci_error_t ReflectSet(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int value,
-                           unsigned int size,                            
-                           unsigned int offset,
-                           unsigned int flags
-                           );
-/*   	    			R E F L E C T   P R I N T                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectPrint             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectPrint)
-sci_error_t ReflectPrint(FILE *stream, 
-                          struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                          unsigned int size, 
-                          unsigned int offset
-                          );
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_errno.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_errno.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f3256a86fee2529be6f0ea3a05ab4d2499ae31..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_errno.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sci_errno.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:20 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SCI_ERRNO_H_
-#define _SCI_ERRNO_H_
- * SCI Error return values always have 30 bit set
- * Remote errors should have bit 0 set 
- */
-#define SCI_ERR_MASK        0x40000000
-#define ESCI_REMOTE_MASK    0x01000000    
-#define SCI_ERR(u) ((unsigned32)(u)&0x7FFFFFFF )
-#define _SCI_ERROR(x) ((x) | SCI_ERR_MASK) 
- * Error codes
- */
-typedef enum {
-    ESCI_OK                          = 0x000,
-    ESCI_STILL_EXPORTED              = _SCI_ERROR(0x800),
-    ESCI_BUS_ERR                     = _SCI_ERROR(0x900), 
-    ESCI_PEND_SCIERR                 = _SCI_ERROR(0x901),
-    ESCI_SCI_ERR                     = _SCI_ERROR(0x902),
-    /*
-     * Specific SCI error responses:
-     */
-    ESCI_SCI_ERR_DATA                = _SCI_ERROR(0x9021),
-    ESCI_SCI_ERR_TYPE                = _SCI_ERROR(0x9022),
-    ESCI_SCI_ERR_ADDR                = _SCI_ERROR(0x9023),
-    ESCI_LINK_TIMEOUT                = _SCI_ERROR(0x903),
-    ESCI_EXDEV_TIMEOUT               = _SCI_ERROR(0x904),
-    ESCI_REMOTE_ERR                  = _SCI_ERROR(0x905),
-    ESCI_MBX_BUSY                    = _SCI_ERROR(0x906),
-    ESCI_DMAERR                      = _SCI_ERROR(0x907),
-    ESCI_DMA_DISABLED                = _SCI_ERROR(0x908),
-    ESCI_SW_MBX_SEND_FAILED          = _SCI_ERROR(0x909),
-    ESCI_HW_MBX_SEND_FAILED          = _SCI_ERROR(0x90A),
-    ESCI_HAS_NO_SESSION              = _SCI_ERROR(0xA00), 
-    ESCI_SESSION_DISABLED            = _SCI_ERROR(0xA03),     
-    ESCI_NODE_CLOSED                 = _SCI_ERROR(0xA04),
-    ESCI_NODE_DISABLED               = _SCI_ERROR(0xA05),
-    ESCI_LOCAL_MASTER_ERR            = _SCI_ERROR(0xA06),
-    ESCI_ILLEGAL_CMD_SENT            = _SCI_ERROR(0xA09),
-    /* used above:  ESCI_SESSION_NOT_ESTABLISHED     = _SCI_ERROR(0xA11), */
-    /*
-     * Remote error codes
-     */            
-    ESCI_CONNREFUSED                 = _SCI_ERROR(0xB00),
-    ESCI_ISCONN                      = _SCI_ERROR(0xB02),
-    ESCI_HOSTUNREACH                 = _SCI_ERROR(0xB03),
-    ESCI_NO_SUCH_USER_ID             = _SCI_ERROR(0xB04),
-    ESCI_NO_SUCH_KEY                 = _SCI_ERROR(0xB04),         /* ESCI_NO_SUCH_USER_ID        */
-    ESCI_NODE_ERR                    = _SCI_ERROR(0xB06),
-    ESCI_REMOTE_NODE_ERR             = _SCI_REMOTE_ERROR(0xB06),  /* ESCI_NODE_ERR               */
-    ESCI_NOSPC                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xB08),
-    ESCI_REMOTE_NOSPC                = _SCI_REMOTE_ERROR(0xB08),  /* ESCI_NOSPC                  */
-    ESCI_NODMASPC                    = _SCI_ERROR(0xB0A), 
-    ESCI_REMOTE_NODMASPC             = _SCI_REMOTE_ERROR(0xB0A),  /* ESCI_NODMASPC               */
-    ESCI_NOTMAP                      = _SCI_ERROR(0xC00), 
-    ESCI_ISMAP                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xC01), 
-    ESCI_NOT_INITIALIZED             = _SCI_ERROR(0xD00),
-    /*
-     * ???
-     */
-    ESCI_PARAM_ERR                   = _SCI_ERROR(0xD01),
-    ESCI_NO_FREE_VC                  = _SCI_ERROR(0xD02),   
-    ESCI_REMOTE_NO_FREE_VC           = _SCI_REMOTE_ERROR(0xD02),  /* ESCI_NO_FREE_VC             */ 
-    /*
-     * Adapter state related error codes:
-     */
-    ESCI_SUSPENDED                   = _SCI_ERROR(0xD03),
-    ESCI_NOT_SUSPENDED               = _SCI_ERROR(0xD04),
-    ESCI_NOT_READY                   = _SCI_ERROR(0xD05),
-    ESCI_NOT_CONFIGURED              = _SCI_ERROR(0xD06),
-    ESCI_INVALID_ADAPTERID           = _SCI_ERROR(0xD07), /* if an adapter-id is out of range */
-    ESCI_NONEXIST_ADAPTERID          = _SCI_ERROR(0xD08), /* if adapter-id is valid but no adapter matches */
-    ESCI_ADAPTERID_INUSE             = _SCI_ERROR(0xD09),
-    ESCI_INVALID_INSTANCE            = _SCI_ERROR(0xD0A),
-    ESCI_PAUSED                      = _SCI_ERROR(0xD0D),
-    ESCI_NOT_PAUSED                  = _SCI_ERROR(0xD0E),
-    ESCI_NOT_AVAILABLE               = _SCI_ERROR(0xD11),
-    ESCI_EACCESS                     = _SCI_ERROR(0xD12),
-    /* 
-     * Local error codes
-     */
-    ESCI_NO_LOCAL_ACCESS             = _SCI_ERROR(0xE00),       
-    ESCI_LRESOURCE_BUSY              = _SCI_ERROR(0xE01),
-    ESCI_LRESOURCE_EXIST             = _SCI_ERROR(0xE02),  
-    ESCI_NO_LRESOURCE                = _SCI_ERROR(0xE03),
-    ESCI_NOTCONN                     = _SCI_ERROR(0xE04),  
-    ESCI_LOCAL_ERR                   = _SCI_ERROR(0xE05),  
-    ESCI_NOVAL_NODEID                = _SCI_ERROR(0xE06),
-    ESCI_NOT_SUPPORTED               = _SCI_ERROR(0xE07),
-    ESCI_TIMEOUT                     = _SCI_ERROR(0xE08),
-    ESCI_NO_LOCAL_LC_ACCESS          = _SCI_ERROR(0xE0A), 
-    ESCI_INVALID_ATT                 = _SCI_ERROR(0xE0B),
-    ESCI_BAD_CHECKSUM                = _SCI_ERROR(0xE0C),
-    ESCI_OVERFLOW                    = _SCI_ERROR(0xE0F),
-    ESCI_BLINK_PARITY_ERROR          = _SCI_ERROR(0xE10),
-    /*
-     * Link error codes
-     */
-    ESCI_NO_LINK_ACCESS              = _SCI_ERROR(0xF00),  
-    ESCI_NO_SUCH_NODE                = _SCI_ERROR(0xF02),
-    ESCI_HW_AVOID_DEADLOCK           = _SCI_ERROR(0xF04),
-    ESCI_POTENTIAL_ERROR             = _SCI_ERROR(0xF05),
-    ESCI_FENCED                      = _SCI_ERROR(0xF06),
-    ESCI_SWITCH_HW_FAILURE           = _SCI_ERROR(0xF07),
-    ESCI_SWITCH_WRONG_INIT_TYPE      = _SCI_ERROR(0xF0A),  /* It is determined that the swith initialization
-                                                            * do not match the local adapter initialization
-                                                            */
-    ESCI_SWITCH_WRONG_SWITCH_NUMB    = _SCI_ERROR(0xF0B),  /* It is determined that we are operationg on the
-                                                            * wrong switch port 
-                                                            */
-    ESCI_SWITCH_INIT_IN_PROGRESS     = _SCI_ERROR(0xF0E),  /* Switch TINI initialization in progress */
-    ESCI_BACKBONE_FENCED             = _SCI_ERROR(0xF21),  
-    ESCI_NO_BACKBONE_ACCESS          = _SCI_ERROR(0xF22),  
-    ESCI_BACKBONE_ID_PROBLEM         = _SCI_ERROR(0xF26),  
-    ESCI_BACKBONE_UNFENCING          = _SCI_ERROR(0xF29),   /* Unfencing in progress */
-    /*
-     * added for pci port
-     */
-    ESCI_AGAIN                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xF15),
-    ESCI_ORANGE                      = _SCI_ERROR(0xF16), /* Out of range */
-    ESCI_NOSYS                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xF17), /* Used instead of ENOSYS. Means function not implemented */
-    ESCI_INTR                        = _SCI_ERROR(0xF18), /* Used instead of EINTR from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_IO                          = _SCI_ERROR(0xF19), /* Used instead of EIO from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_FAULT                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xF1A), /* Used instead of EFAULT from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_BUSY                        = _SCI_ERROR(0xF1B), /* Used instead of EBUST from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_INVAL                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xF1C), /* Used instead of EINVAL from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_NXIO                        = _SCI_ERROR(0xF1D), /* Used instead of ENXIO from sys/errno.h */
-    ESCI_EXIST                       = _SCI_ERROR(0xF1E)  /* Used instead of EEXIST from sys/errno.h */
-} scierror_t;
-#endif /* _SCI_ERRNO_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_types.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 740b3a45cfd8c52bc4eca1da0fd974e567acb2d6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sci_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sci_types.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SCI_TYPES_H_
-#define _SCI_TYPES_H_
- *   Remains for the time being for backward compatibility ....
- */
-/* #define UNIQUE(type) struct { type x; } *  */
-#ifndef UNIQUE
-#define UNIQUE(type) type
-#include "os/inttypes.h"
-#if defined(WIN32) 
-#if defined(_KERNEL)
-#include <ntddk.h>
-#include <WTYPES.H>
-#endif /* _KERNEL */
-#if defined(Linux)
-#if defined(__KERNEL__)
-#include <linux/types.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#ifdef SUNOS5
-#include <sys/ddi.h>
-#include <sys/sunddi.h>
-#ifdef OS_IS_TRU64
-#include <io/common/devdriver.h>
-#ifdef OS_IS_HP_UX11
-#if defined(_KERNEL)
-#include <../wsio/wsio.h>
-#include <sys/wsio.h>
-/* See comments about "UNCONFIGURED_ADAPTERS" in config.h  */
-#ifndef FALSE               
-#define FALSE 0
-#ifndef TRUE           
-#define TRUE  1
-#ifndef NULL
-#define NULL 0
-#ifndef IN
-#define IN
-#ifndef NOT
-#define NOT !
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Basic types of various sizes.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef signed32            scibool;
-#ifndef OS_IS_VXWORKS
-typedef signed32            BOOL;
-/* VXWORKS has already defined BOOL */
-typedef unsigned32          node_t;       /* This is the logical nodeid */
-typedef unsigned32          sciNodeId_t;  /* This is the physical 16 bit SCI nodeid */
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Various register types.
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef volatile unsigned32 register32;
-Temporary for Windows NT, until we use only the above types.
-#ifdef WIN32
-typedef unsigned char u_char;
-typedef unsigned short u_short;
-typedef unsigned long u_long;
-typedef unsigned int u_int;
-typedef char * caddr_t;
-typedef long off_t;
-typedef unsigned int size_t;
-#include <vxWorks.h>
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Various address types.
- *
- * We are using a struct * instead of unsigned long (int) inorder to enforce strong
- * type checking
- *
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-typedef UNIQUE(void *) vkaddr_t;        /* Virtual kernel address          */
-typedef UNIQUE(uptr_t) vuaddr_t;        /* Virtual user address            */
-typedef UNIQUE(unsigned32) remaddr_t;   /* Remote IO address (physical address on PCs) */
-typedef UNIQUE(unsigned32) sciofs_lo_t; /* Lower 32 bits of an SCI offset. */
-typedef UNIQUE(unsigned32) sciofs_hi_t; /* The upper 16 bits of an SCI offset. */
-typedef UNIQUE(unsigned32) ioaddr_t;    /* Local  IO address (physical address on PCs) */
-typedef unsigned32 u_ioaddr_t;          
-typedef unsigned32 iooffset_t;          
-typedef unsigned32 iosize_t;          
-typedef uptr_t     vkoffset_t;          
-typedef uptr_t     u_vkaddr_t;
-typedef uptr_t     u_vuaddr_t;
-typedef unsigned32 u_sciofs_lo_t;       
-typedef unsigned32 u_sciofs_hi_t;       
-typedef unsigned32 u_remaddr_t;
-typedef unsigned32 attOffset_t;         /* Address displacement from start of ATT entry */
-typedef unsigned32 adapterNo_t;
-typedef enum {
-    NO_NODE      = 0,
-    AD_MEM_NODE  = 1,
-    AD_ALT_NODE  = 2,
-    AD_MBX_NODE  = 3,
-    AD_LC_NODE   = 4,
-    AD_LC_PORT_0 = 5,
-    AD_LC_PORT_1 = 6,
-    AD_LC_PORT_2 = 7,
-    PHYS_NODE    = 8
-} node_type_t;
- * Currently we don't support more than 32 bit sizes.
- */
-#define SIZEOF(x) ((unsigned32)sizeof(x))
-#if defined(_KERNEL)
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Some small macros intended to ease the transition to more strongly typed address
- * types. The intention is that they in the long run shall be removed ...
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-#define P2SIZE_T(x) ((size_t)((uptr_t)(x)))          /* Pointer to size_t */
-#define P2U32(x) ((unsigned32)((uptr_t)(x)))         /* Pointer to Unsigned 32-bit int */
-#ifdef WIN32
-#define PHADDR(x)  ((ioaddr_t)(x))
-#define HASV(x) (x)
-#if 0
-static vkaddr_t VKPTR (void * ptr) { return (vkaddr_t)ptr; }
-static vkaddr_t VKADDR(volatile void * ptr) { return (vkaddr_t)ptr; }
-#define VKPTR(ptr)  (vkaddr_t)ptr
-#define VKADDR(ptr) (vkaddr_t)ptr
-#ifdef KLOG
-#define KLOG_LOG(n,m,v) ts_log((n),(m),(v))
-#define KLOG_LOG(n,m,v)
-#endif /* KLOG */
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *
- * M E M   A R E A   T
- *
- * Memory area descriptor.
- *
- * paddr     --  Physical address (aligned) of memory area 
- * ual_vaddr --  (Kernel )Virtual address of the unaligned memory area
- * vaddr     --  (Kernel) Virtual address of memory area
- * rsize     --  Real (Physical) Size of memory area
- * msize     --  Mapped (Virtual) Size of memory area (Size of area mapped 
- *               into virtual) memory
- *
- *      --------------------------------------
- *      |       | <----- msize ----->|       |
- *      |<------|------- rsize ------|------>|
- *      --------------------------------------
- *     /|\     /|\
- *      |       |
- *  ual_vaddr  vaddr/paddr
- *
- * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-struct _memarea_ {
-	ioaddr_t   ioaddr;            
-	vkaddr_t   vaddr;
-    vkaddr_t   ual_vaddr;
-	size_t     rsize;             
-	size_t     msize;
-	char      *id;
-	unsigned32 cookie;
-#ifdef SUNOS5
-        ddi_acc_handle_t mem_handle;
-	ddi_dma_handle_t dma_handle;
-	ddi_dma_handle_t handle;
-#ifdef OS_IS_TRU64
-	dma_handle_t dma_handle;
-    unsigned long ph_base_addr;
-#ifdef OS_IS_HP_UX11
-	struct isc_table_type * isc;
-	wsio_shmem_attr_t type;
-typedef struct _memarea_ memarea_t;
-struct _maddr_ {
-	char		 *id;
-	size_t		  size;
-	struct _maddr_	 *next;
-	struct _maddr_	**prev;
-	unsigned32	  cookie;
-typedef struct _maddr_ maddr_t;
-#define MALLOC_COOKIE 0xc3c3c3c3
-typedef struct { void *p; } *maddr_t;
-#endif /* SCI_MALLOC_DEBUG */
-typedef struct {
-    scibool disabled;
-    unsigned32 disable_cnt;
-} disable_info_t;
-#endif /* _KERNEL */
-#endif /* _SCI_TYPES_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 38fdf54125fe2ea7a5a4c000b2d32889e969a9c0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2170 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_api.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2001                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,            *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_API_H
-#define _SISCI_API_H
-#include "sisci_types.h"
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#ifdef API_DLL
-#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
-#define DLL __declspec(dllimport) 
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#ifndef DLL
-#define DLL 
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_EMPTY                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_EMPTY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_EMPTY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY;
-/* the FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY flag is for backwards compabillity only and should never be used */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS;
-#define SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP;
-#if defined(OS_IS_LYNXOS) || defined(OS_IS_VXWORKS)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA;
-/*                         GENERAL VALUES                                        */
-#define SCI_LOCAL_HOST                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_LOCAL_HOST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_LOCAL_HOST;        
-extern const unsigned int SCI_INFINITE_TIMEOUT;    
-/*                       GENERAL ERROR CODES                                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG          - Illegal flag value.                          */ 
-/*  SCI_ERR_FLAG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED  - Flag legal but flag feature not implemented. */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED       - Function not implemented.                    */
-/*  SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                - A system error. Check errno.                 */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOSPC                 - Unable to allocate OS resources.             */
-/*  SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC             - Unable to allocate API resources.            */
-/*  SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC              - Unable to allocate HW resources (Hardware)   */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                    GENERAL "ADAPTER" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO     - Adapter number is legal but does not exist.  */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO     - Illegal local adapter number  (i.e. outside  */
-/*                                  legal range).                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                     GENERAL "NODEID" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID        - The remote adapter identified by nodeId does */
-/*                                  not respond, but the intermediate link(s)    */
-/*                                  seem(s) to be operational.                   */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID        - Illegal NodeId.                              */
-/*                                                                               */
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   I N I T I A L I Z E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function initializes the SISCI library.                                  *
- * The function must be called before SCIOpen().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIInitialize                            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIInitialize)
-DLL void SCIInitialize(unsigned int flags,
-                       sci_error_t *error);
-#if 0
-unsigned int __Internal_SISCI_version_var;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T E R M I N A T E                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function terminates the SISCI library.                                   *
- * The function must be called after SCIClose().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITerminate                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITerminate)
-DLL void SCITerminate(void);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   O P E N                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Opens a SCI virtual device.                                                   *
- * Caller must supply a pointer to a variable of type sci_desc_t to be           *
- * initialized.                                                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE  - Operations on resources associated with this         *
- *                          descriptor will be performed in a multithread-safe   *
- *                          manner.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS    - Inconsistency between the SISCI library   *
- *                                     and the SISCI driver versions.            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIOpen                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIOpen)
-DLL void SCIOpen(sci_desc_t   *sd,
-                 unsigned int flags,
-                 sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C L O S E                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function closes an open SCI virtual device.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY 		             - All resources are not deallocated.        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIClose                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIClose)
-DLL void SCIClose(sci_desc_t sd,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S  E G M E N T                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- * Connects to a remote shared memory segment located at <nodeId> with the       *
- * identifier <segmentId>.                                                       *
- * The user may then call SCIMapRemoteSegment() to map shared memory             *
- * into user space.                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT       - Could not find the remote segment with the   *
- *                                  given segmentId.                             *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIConnectSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                           sci_remote_segment_t    *segment,
-                           unsigned int            nodeId,
-                           unsigned int            segmentId,
-                           unsigned int            localAdapterNo,
-                           sci_cb_remote_segment_t callback, 
-                           void                    *callbackArg,
-                           unsigned int            timeout,
-                           unsigned int            flags,
-                           sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * Disconnects from the give mapped shared memory segment                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The segment is currently mapped or in use.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectSegment                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectSegment(sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T  R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  S I Z E                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize(sci_remote_segment_t segment);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  E V E N T                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED             - The wait operation has been cancelled du     *
- *                                  to a SCIDisconnectSegment() on the same      *
- *                                  handle. The handle is invalid when this      *
- *                                  error is returned.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent(
-                                            sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                            sci_error_t          *status,
-                                            unsigned int         timeout,
-                                            unsigned int         flags,
-                                            sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   R E M O T E   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function is used to include a shared memory segment in the virtual       *
- * address space of the application.                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP           - The low level physical map may be shared by  * 
- *                                  other applications.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR       - Map at the suggested virtual address         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP         - The segment is mapped in read-only mode      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION       - Enable Lock operations (fetch and add)       *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Enable aggressive prefetch with speculative  *
- *                                  hold.                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP                                            * 
- *                                - The PSB66 will prefetch 64 bytes. As soon    *
- *                                  as the PCI read retry has been accepted,     *
- *                                  the stream will change state to FREE, even   *
- *                                  if less than 64 bytes were actually read.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE       - Enable No Prefetch, no speculative hold.     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP            - Enable DMOVE packet type. The stream will be *
- *                                  set into FREE state immediately.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Disable use of gather.                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS                                           * 
- *                                - Disable use of 128-Byte packets              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an atomic "fetch-and-add-one" operation on   *
- *                                  remote memory, but in addition an interrupt  *
- *                                  will be generated if the target memory       *
- *                                  location contained a "null value" before the *
- *                                  add operation was carried out.               *
- *                                  The conditional interrupt flag must also be  *
- *                                  specified in the SCIRegisterInterruptFlag()  *
- *                                  function.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an interrupt for the remote adapter          *
- *                                  "in addition to" updating the corresponding  *
- *                                  remote memory location with the data being   *
- *                                  written.                                     *
- *                                  The unconditional interrupt flag must also   *
- *                                  be specified in the                          *
- *                                  SCIRegisterInterruptFlag() function.         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP                                                *
- *                                - Enable cacheing of the mapped region.        *
- *                                  Writes through this map will be written to a *
- *                                  write back cache, hence no remote SCI updates*
- *                                  until the cache line is flushed. The         *
- *                                  application is responsible for the cache     *
- *                                  flush operation.                             *
- *                                  The SCImemCopy() function will handle this   *
- *                                  correctly by doing cache flushes internally. *
- *                                  This feature is architechture dependent and  *
- *                                  not be available on all plattforms.          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP                                              *
- *                                - Forces a map to a remote segment located     *
- *                                  in the local machine to be mapped using      *
- *                                  SCI loopback. This is useful i.e. if you     *
- *                                  want to use a regular map access to be       *
- *                                  serialized with lock operations.             *
- *                                  The default behaviour is to access a remte   *
- *                                  segment located in the local machine as a    *
- *                                  local MMU operation.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapRemoteSegment                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapRemoteSegment)
-DLL volatile void *SCIMapRemoteSegment(
-                              sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              sci_map_t            *map,
-                              unsigned int         offset,
-                              unsigned int         size,
-                              void                *addr,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   L O C A L   S E G M E N T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR                                                      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapLocalSegment                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapLocalSegment)
-DLL void *SCIMapLocalSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                             sci_map_t           *map,
-                             unsigned int        offset,
-                             unsigned int        size,
-                             void                *addr,
-                             unsigned int        flags,
-                             sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   U N M A P  S E G M E N T                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function unmaps pages of shared memory from the callers virtual          *
- * address space.                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *    None.                                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The map is currently in use.                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIUnmapSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIUnmapSegment)
-DLL void SCIUnmapSegment(sci_map_t    map,
-                         unsigned int flags,
-                         sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- * Make the specified segment available for connections via the specified        *
- * adapter. If successful, the segment can be accessed from remote nodes         *
- * via the specified adapter.                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events    *
- *                           on this segment.                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_EMPTY         - No memory will be allocated for the segment.        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE       - The segment will be private meaning it will never   *
- *                           be any connections to it.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED - The segment with this segmentId is already used     *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT - Size is not correctly aligned as required           *
- *                           by the implementation.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateSegment)
-DLL void SCICreateSegment(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                          sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                          unsigned int           segmentId,
-                          unsigned int           size,
-                          sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                          void                   *callbackArg, 
-                          unsigned int           flags,
-                          sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   L O C A L   S E G M E N T  E V E N T                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT      - The function timed out after specified timeout value. *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED    - The wait operation has been cancelled du to a         *
- *                         SCIRemoveSegment() on the same handle.                *
- *                         The handle is invalid when this error is returned.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent              _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent(
-                                                sci_local_segment_t segment,     
-                                                unsigned int *sourcenodeId,
-                                                unsigned int *localAdapterNo,
-                                                unsigned int timeout,
-                                                unsigned int flags,
-                                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R E P A R E   S E G M E N T                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY - The segment will be used as a source segment      *
- *                             for DMA operations. On some system types this     *
- *                             will enable the SISCI driver to use performance   *
- *                             improving features.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPrepareSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPrepareSegment)
-DLL void SCIPrepareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                           unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int        flags,
-                           sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY  - Unable to remove the segment. The segment is currently       *
- *                  in use.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSegment)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                          unsigned int        flags, 
-                          sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   A V A I L A B L E                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The segment has not been prepared for access *
- *                                  from this adapter.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - The segment is created with the              *
- *                                  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE flag specified and          *
- *                                  therefore has no segmentId.                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentAvailable                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentAvailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentAvailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int        flags,
-                                sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   U N A V A I L A B L E                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT                                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentUnavailable                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentUnavailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentUnavailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C R E A T E   M A P   S E Q U E N C E                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateMapSequence                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateMapSequence)
-DLL void SCICreateMapSequence(sci_map_t   map, 
-                           sci_sequence_t *sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E Q U E N C E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSequence                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSequence)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T A R T   S E Q U E N C E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStartSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStartSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCIStartSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C H E C K   S E Q U E N CE                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICheckSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICheckSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCICheckSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T O R E   B A R R I E R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStoreBarrier                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStoreBarrier)
-DLL void SCIStoreBarrier(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H   R E A D   B U F F E R S                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlushReadBuffers                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlushReadBuffers)
-DLL void SCIFlushReadBuffers(sci_sequence_t sequence);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R O B E   N O D E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIProbeNode                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIProbeNode)
-DLL int SCIProbeNode(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                     unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                     unsigned int nodeId,
-                     unsigned int flags,
-                     sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetCSRRegister)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                   unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                   unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                                   unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                   unsigned int flags,
-                                   sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetCSRRegister)
-DLL void SCISetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                           unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                           unsigned int CSROffset,
-                           unsigned int CSRValue,
-                           unsigned int flags,
-                           sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetLocalCSR)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                unsigned int flags,
-                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function
- *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetLocalCSR)
-DLL void SCISetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t        sd,
-                        unsigned int      localAdapterNo,
-                        unsigned int      CSROffset,
-                        unsigned int      CSRValue,
-                        unsigned int      flags,
-                        sci_error_t       *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A T T A C H   P H Y S I C A L   M E M O R Y                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Description:                                                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function enables usage of physical devices and memory regions where the *
- *  Physical PCI bus address ( and mapped CPU address ) are already known.       *
- *  The function will register the physical memory as a SISCI segment which can  *
- *  be connected and mapped as a regular SISCI segment.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Requirements:                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCICreateSegment() with flag SCI_FLAG_EMPTY must have been called in advance *                  
- *                                                                               *                 
- *  Parameter description:                                                       *  
- *  sci_ioaddr_t ioaddress : This is the address on the PCI bus that a PCI bus   *
- *                           master has to use to write to the specified memory  *
- *  void * address         : This is the (mapped) virtual address that the       *
- *                           application has to use to access the device.        *
- *                           This means that the device has to be mapped in      *
- *                           advance bye the devices own driver.                 *
- *                           If the device is not to be accessed by the local    *
- *                           CPU, the address pointer shold be set to NULL       *
- *   Flags                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAttachPhysicalMemory                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachPhysicalMemory)
-DLL void SCIAttachPhysicalMemory(sci_ioaddr_t         ioaddress,
-                                 void                *address,
-                                 unsigned int         busNo,
-                                 unsigned int         size,
-                                 sci_local_segment_t  segment,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   Q U E R Y                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY         - Unrecognized command.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIQuery                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIQuery)
-DLL void SCIQuery(unsigned int command,
-                  void         *data,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t  *error);
-/* MAJOR QUERY COMMANDS                                             */
-/* This command requires a pointer to a structure of type           */
-/* "sci_query_string". The string will be filled in by the query.   */
-#define SCI_Q_VENDORID                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_VENDORID)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_VENDORID; 
-/* Same as for SCI_VENDOR_ID                                        */
-#define SCI_Q_API                                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_API)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_API;       
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_adapter" struct.                                      */
-#define SCI_Q_ADAPTER                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_ADAPTER)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER;
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_system" struct.                                       */
-#define SCI_Q_SYSTEM                                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_SYSTEM)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT; 
-#define SCI_Q_MAP                                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP; 
-typedef struct {
-    char         *str;                     /* Pointer to a string of minimum "length" characters */
-    unsigned int length;
-} sci_query_string_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int localAdapterNo;           /* The adapter no. that the query concern.          */
-    unsigned int portNo;                   /* The SCI Link port number that the query concern. */
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_adapter_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_system_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_local_segment_t  segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_remote_segment_t segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_map_t            map;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    unsigned int         data;
-} sci_query_map_t;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_ADAPTER */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_SIZE_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_MTU;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_DMA_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SERIAL_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CARD_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER_OF_STREAMS;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONFIGURED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LINK_OPERATIONAL;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_HW_LINK_STATUS_IS_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_INSTANCE_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_FIRMWARE_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONNECTED_TO_SWITCH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_PORT_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_PAGE_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_AVAILABLE_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MEM_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MBX_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_LINK_PORT_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SCI_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_B_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_IO_BUS_FREQUENCY;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_SYSTEM */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_HOSTBRIDGE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_COMBINING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP_MAPPED_TO_LOCAL_TARGET;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; 
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_UNKNOWN; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440FX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440FX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440FX;  
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440LX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440LX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440LX;   
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440GX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440GX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440GX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450KX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450KX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450KX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_430NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_430NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_430NX;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_MICO;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810E                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810E)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810E;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I815                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I815)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I815;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I840                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I840)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I840;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I850                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I850)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I850;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I860                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I860)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I860;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_133A;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_266;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_HAMMER;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE_B;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_LE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_HE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_LE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_WS;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_SL;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_DISABLED;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA : Create physical DMA queue. Please note that this is an *
- *                        priveleged operation.                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCICreateDMAQueue(sci_desc_t      sd,
-                           sci_dma_queue_t *dq,
-                           unsigned int    localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int    maxEntries,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Not allowed in this queue state.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIRemoveDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   E N Q U E U E   D M A   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ             - The DMA will be remote --> local             *
- *                                  (default is local --> remote)                *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is larger     *
- *                                  than the segment size or larger than max     *
- *                                  DMA size.                                    *
- *  SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES	          - The DMA queue is full                        *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The local segment has not been prepared for  *
- *                                  access from the adapter associated with the  *
- *                                  queue.                                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_CONNECTED - The remote segment is not connected through  *
- *                                  the adapter associated with the queue.       *   
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnqueueDMATransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnqueueDMATransfer)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIEnqueueDMATransfer(sci_dma_queue_t      dq,
-                               sci_local_segment_t  localSegment,
-                               sci_remote_segment_t remoteSegment,
-                               unsigned int         localOffset,
-                               unsigned int         remoteOffset,
-                               unsigned int         size,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P O S T   D M A   Q U E U E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK      - The end of the transfer will cause the callback *
- *                               function to be invoked.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION  - Illegal operation                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPostDMAQueue                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPostDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIPostDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq, 
-                         sci_cb_dma_t    callback, 
-                         void            *callbackArg,
-                         unsigned int    flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A B O R T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIAbortDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E S E T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIResetDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIResetDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIResetDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D M A   Q U E U E   S T A T E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDMAQueueState                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDMAQueueState)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIDMAQueueState(sci_dma_queue_t dq);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   D M A   Q U E U E                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               * 
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForDMAQueue                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForDMAQueue)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIWaitForDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                                             unsigned int    timeout,
-                                             unsigned int    flags,
-                                             sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   E N Q U E U E                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIphDmaEnqueue _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIphDmaEnqueue)
-DLL void SCIphDmaEnqueue(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                         unsigned int     size,
-                         sci_ioaddr_t     localBusAddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_nodeid,
-                         unsigned int     remote_highaddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_lowaddr,
-                         unsigned int     flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   S T A R T                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIphDmaStart(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                                        sci_cb_dma_t     callback,
-                                        void            *callbackArg,
-                                        unsigned int     flags,
-                                        sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO                                                         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT                                                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INTNO_USED     - This interrupt number is already used.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateInterrupt)
-DLL void SCICreateInterrupt(sci_desc_t            sd,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          localAdapterNo,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptNo,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t    callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIRemoveInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   I N T E R R U P T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT     - The function timed out after specified timeout value.  *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED   - The wait was interrupted by a call to                  *
- *                        SCIRemoveInterrupt.                                    *
- *                        The handle is invalid when this error code is returned.*
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIWaitForInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt, 
-                             unsigned int          timeout,
-                             unsigned int          flags, 
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T  I N T E R R U P T                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_INTNO	    - No such interrupt number.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED  - Connection attempt refused by remote node.     *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT             - The function timed out after specified         *
- *                                timeout value.                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIConnectInterrupt(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                             sci_remote_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           nodeId,
-                             unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                             unsigned int           interruptNo,
-                             unsigned int           timeout,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   I N T E R R U P T                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectInterrupt                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                unsigned int           flags,
-                                sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R I G G E R   I N T E R R U P T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITriggerInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITriggerInterrupt)
-DLL void SCITriggerInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   R E G I S T E R   I N T E R R U P T  F L A G                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function register an "interrupt flag" that is identified as an unique   *
- *  location within a local segment. If successful, the resulting interrupt      *
- *  handle will have been associated with the specified local segment.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  It is up to the (remote) client(s) to set up an "interrupt mapping" for the  *
- *  corresponding segment offset using either the                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  - SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *     or the                                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  -  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_DATA_INTERRUPT_MAP                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  option to "SCIMapRemoteSegment()". - I.e. after having established a         *
- *  connection to the corresponding segment. A trigger operation can then        *
- *  be implemented using a store operation via the relevant "interrupt map".     *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT - Triggering is to take place using           *
- *                                   "conditional interrupts".                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *     None.                                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterInterruptFlag                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterInterruptFlag)
-DLL void SCIRegisterInterruptFlag(
-                            unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            sci_local_segment_t    segment,
-                            unsigned int           offset,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t     callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int           flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   E N A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function make sure that another HW interrupt will take place the next   *
- *  time the corresponding interrupt flag is triggered by a                      *
- *  "conditional interrupt" operation.                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  When successful, the client can rely on that the first subsequent trigger    *
- *  operation will cause a HW interrupt and subsequently cause the client        *
- *  handler function to be invoked.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If an interrupt was triggered in parallell with the enable operation, then   *
- *  the operation will fail (SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM), and the client can  *
- *  not rely on another trigger operation will lead to handler invocation.       *
- *  Hence, any state checking normally associated with handling the              *
- *  corresponding interrupt should take place before attempting to enable        *
- *  again.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *              
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM - The enable operation failed because an       *
- *                                  incomming trigger operation happened         *
- *                                  concurrently.                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   D I S A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *  
- *  Prevent subsequent "conditional interrupt"trigger operations for             *
- *  the specified interupt flag from causing HW interrupt and handler            *
- *  invocations.                                                                 * 
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, no subsequent HW interrupts will take place, but handler      *
- *  invocations that have already been scheduled may still take place.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt(
-                             sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int          flags,
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   G E T   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T   C O U N T E R    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Returns a value that indicates the number of times this flag has             *
- *  been trigged since the last time it was enabled or disabled.                 *
- *  Calling the SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt / SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt   *
- *  functions will reset the counter value.                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, the current trig count is returned in the                     *
- *  interruptTrigCounter parameter.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW  - The number of trig operations have exceeded the range    *
- *                   that can be counted.                                        *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter)
-DLL void SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptTrigCounter,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlock                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlock)
-DLL void SCITransferBlock(sci_map_t    sourceMap,
-                          unsigned int sourceOffset,
-                          sci_map_t    destinationMap,
-                          unsigned int destinationOffset,
-                          unsigned int size,
-                          unsigned int flags,
-                          sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K   A S Y N C                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                          *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE      - The sum of the size and offset is larger than    *
- *                              the corresponding map size.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT    - Size is not correctly aligned as required by     *
- *                              the implementation.                              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT  - Offset is not correctly aligned as required      *
- *                              by the implementation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED   - The data transfer failed.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlockAsync                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlockAsync)
-DLL void SCITransferBlockAsync(sci_map_t               sourceMap,
-                               unsigned int            sourceOffset,
-                               sci_map_t               destinationMap,
-                               unsigned int            destinationOffset,
-                               unsigned int            size,
-                               sci_block_transfer_t    *block,
-                               sci_cb_block_transfer_t callback,
-                               void                    *callbackArg,
-                               unsigned int            flags,
-                               sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForBlockTransfer                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIWaitForBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                 unsigned int         timeout,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   A B O R T   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortBlockTransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIAbortBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C P Y                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCpy                                _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCpy)
-DLL void SCIMemCpy(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                   void           *memAddr,
-                   sci_map_t      remoteMap,
-                   unsigned int   remoteOffset,
-                   unsigned int   size,
-                   unsigned int   flags,
-                   sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C O P Y                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCopy                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCopy)
-DLL void SCIMemCopy(void         *memAddr,
-                    sci_map_t    remoteMap,
-                    unsigned int remoteOffset,
-                    unsigned int size,
-                    unsigned int flags,
-                    sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   R E G I S T E R   S E G M E N T   M E M O R Y                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT   - Size is not correctly aligned as required by      *
- *                             the implementation.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS  - Illegal address.                                  *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE     - Size is larger than the maximum size for the      *
- *                             local segment.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterSegmentMemory                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterSegmentMemory)
-DLL void SCIRegisterSegmentMemory(void                *address,
-                                  unsigned int        size,
-                                  sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S C I   S P A C E                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSCISpace                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSCISpace)
-DLL void SCIConnectSCISpace(sci_desc_t           sd,
-                            unsigned int         localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_remote_segment_t *segment,
-                            sci_address_t        address,
-                            unsigned int         size,
-                            unsigned int         flags,
-                            sci_error_t          *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   A T T A C H   L O C A L   S E G M E N T
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIAttachLocalSegment() permits an application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *  
- *     SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events 
- *                              on this segment.     
- *
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- * 
- *     SCI_ERR_ACCESS          - No such shared segment 
- *     SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT - No such segment 
- *     Note: Current implenentation will return SCI_ERR_ACCESS for both cases. This will
- *           change from next release. Application should handle both cases.   
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIAttachLocalSegment                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachLocalSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIAttachLocalSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                      sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                      unsigned int            segmentId,
-                      unsigned int           *size,
-                      sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                      void                   *callbackArg,
-                      unsigned int           flags,
-                      sci_error_t            *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   S H A R E   S E G M E N T
- * 
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIShareSegment() permits other application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *     none
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- *
- *
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIShareSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIShareSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIShareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                unsigned int flags,
-                sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function will flush the CPU buffers and the PSB buffers.                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY :                                           *
- *                                    Only flush CPU buffers ( Write combining   *
- *                                    etc buffers).                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlush                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlush)
-DLL void SCIFlush(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 4284fc5585c6c1fc8e4b4acebbede0321bdac9a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_demolib.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-/*                     Q U E R Y   A D A P T E R                                 */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define QueryAdapter              _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(QueryAdapter)
-sci_error_t QueryAdapter(
-                    unsigned int subcommand,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int portNo,
-                    unsigned int *data);
-/*                     Q U E R Y   S Y S T E M                                   */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define QuerySystem               _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(QuerySystem)
-sci_error_t QuerySystem(
-                    unsigned int subcommand,
-                    unsigned int *data);
-/*             D E T E C T   F I R S T   A D A P T E R   C A R D                 */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define DetectFirstAdapterCard    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(DetectFirstAdapterCard)
-sci_error_t DetectFirstAdapterCard(
-                    unsigned int *localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int *localNodeId);
-/*                   G E T   A D A P T E R   T Y P E                             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAdapterType    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAdapterType)
-sci_error_t GetAdapterType(unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                           unsigned int *adapterType);
-/*                      G E T   L O C A L   N O D E I D                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetLocalNodeId            _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetLocalNodeId)
-sci_error_t GetLocalNodeId(
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int *localNodeId);
-/*            G E T   A D A P T E R   S E R I A L   N U M B E R                  */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAdapterSerialNumber    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAdapterSerialNumber)
-sci_error_t GetAdapterSerialNumber(
-                     unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                     unsigned int *serialNo);
-/*                  G E T   H O S T B R I D G E   T Y P E                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetHostbridgeType       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetHostbridgeType)
-sci_error_t GetHostbridgeType(unsigned int *hostbridgeType);
-/*                P R I N T   H O S T B R I D G E   T Y P E                      */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define PrintHostbridgeType       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(PrintHostbridgeType)
-void PrintHostbridgeType(unsigned int hostbridge);
-/*               G E T   A P I   V E R S I O N   S T R I N G                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAPIVersionString       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAPIVersionString)
-sci_error_t GetAPIVersionString(char str[], unsigned int strLength);
-/*         G E T   A D A P T E R   I O   B U S    F R E Q U E N C Y              */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterIoBusFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                     unsigned int *ioBusFrequency);
-/*      G E T   A D A P T E R   S C I   L I N K   F R E Q U E N C Y              */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterSciLinkFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                       unsigned int *sciLinkFrequency);
-/*          G E T   A D A P T E R   B L I N K   F R E Q U E N C Y                */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterBlinkFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                     unsigned int *bLinkFrequency);
-/*                       S E N D   I N T E R R U P T                             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define SendInterrupt             _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(SendInterrupt)
-sci_error_t SendInterrupt(
-                    sci_desc_t   sd,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                    unsigned int localNodeId, 
-                    unsigned int remoteNodeId,
-                    unsigned int interruptNo);
-/*                    R E C E I V E   I N T E R R U P T                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReceiveInterrupt          _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReceiveInterrupt)
-sci_error_t ReceiveInterrupt(
-                    sci_desc_t   sd,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int localNodeId,
-                    unsigned int interruptNo);
-/*                           E N D I A N   S W A P                               */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define EndianSwap                _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(EndianSwap)
-unsigned int EndianSwap (unsigned int  value);
-/*                    S L E E P   M I L L I S E C O N D S                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define SleepMilliseconds         _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(SleepMilliseconds)
-void SleepMilliseconds(int  milliseconds);
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c53fe8ad5d984994b854d25f637687b93b76ba9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_error.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-#define _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-/* SCI Error return values always have 30 bit  set */
-#define SCI_ERR_MASK                0x40000000
-#define SCI_ERR_REMOTE_MASK            0x01        /* Remote errors should have bit 0 set */
-#define SCI_ERR(u) ((unsigned32)(u)&0x7FFFFFFF )
-/* Error codes */
-typedef enum {
-   SCI_ERR_OK                         = 0x000,
-   SCI_ERR_BUSY              	      = (0x900  | SCI_ERR_MASK), 
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG               = (0x902  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOSPC                      = (0x904  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC                  = (0x905  | SCI_ERR_MASK),         
-   SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC                   = (0x906  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED            = (0x907  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO          = (0x908  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO          = (0x909  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT                    = (0x90A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE               = (0x90B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT            = (0x90C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID             = (0x90D  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT             = (0x910  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT           = (0x911  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER          = (0x912  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES                = (0x913  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS            = (0x915  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION          = (0x916  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY              = (0x917  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED             = (0x918  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                     = (0x919  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_CANCELLED                  = (0x91A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED              = (0x91B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE              = (0x91C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW                   = (0x91F  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED            = (0x920  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ACCESS                     = (0x921  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID             = (0xA00  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS             = (0xA05  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED            = (0xA06  | SCI_ERR_MASK)
-} sci_error_t;
-#endif /* _SCI_ERROR_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f4125fdec69dc9f98446269de739fec7d0714310..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_types.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#define _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifndef IN
-#define IN
-#ifndef OUT
-#define OUT
-#ifndef IN_OUT
-#define IN_OUT
-/* Opaque data types for descriptors/handles */
-typedef struct sci_desc *sci_desc_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_segment *sci_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_remote_segment *sci_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_map *sci_map_t;
-typedef struct sci_sequence *sci_sequence_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef struct sci_dma_queue *sci_dma_queue_t; 
-typedef struct sci_remote_interrupt *sci_remote_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_interrupt *sci_local_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_block_transfer *sci_block_transfer_t;
- * Constants defining reasons for segment callbacks:
- */
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_CB_CONNECT = 1,
-} sci_segment_cb_reason_t;
-/* dma_queue_states is identical to the dma_queue_state_t in genif.h, they must be consistent.*/
-typedef enum {
-} sci_dma_queue_state_t;
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_SEQ_OK,
-} sci_sequence_status_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned short nodeId;      /* SCI Address bit 63 - 48 */
-    unsigned short offsHi;      /* SCI Address bit 47 - 32 */
-    unsigned int   offsLo;      /* SCI Address bit 31 -  0 */
-} sci_address_t;
-typedef unsigned int sci_ioaddr_t;
-typedef enum {
-} sci_callback_action_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_local_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                        sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                                        sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                        unsigned int nodeId, 
-                                                        unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                                        sci_error_t error);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_remote_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                         sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                                         sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                         sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_dma_t)(void IN *arg,
-                                              sci_dma_queue_t queue,
-                                              sci_error_t status);
-typedef int (*sci_cb_block_transfer_t)(void *arg,
-                                       sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                       sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_interrupt_t)(void *arg,
-                                                    sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                                    sci_error_t status);
-#endif /* KERNEL */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_version.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_version.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f1807c33aa5a8439128d1058b96bbc8c7e63970a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/sisci_version.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_version.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:21 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,            *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MAJOR    0x01
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MAJORC    "1"
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MINOR   0x010
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MINORC   "10"
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MICRO   0x005
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MICROC    "5"
-#define SISCI_SIGN_VERSION_MASK 0xfffff000  /* used to mask off API_VER_MICRO */
-/* the rules are:
- *
- * Changes in API_VER_MICRO should be binary compatible, New flags, functions added. No changes to user code 
- * required if new features is not needed.
- * 
- * Changes in API_VER_MINOR requires recompilation of user code.
- *
- * Changes in the API_VER_MAJOR will most likely require changes to user code. This should not happen very 
- * often...
- *
- */
-#ifndef BUILD_DATE
-#define BUILD_DATE      __DATE__
-#ifndef BUILD_NAME   
-#define BUILD_NAME     ""
-/* Version info:                                                        */
-/*                                                                      */
-/* 1.5.2  First SISCI version                                           */
-/* 1.5.3  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.5.4  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.5.5  No release                                                    */
-/* 1.5.6  Lock flag implemented in function SCIConnectSegment           */
-/* 1.5.7  Expanded query functionality                                  */
-/* 1.5.8  Updated error checking (sequence) functionality for D320      */
-/* 1.6.0  Updated error checking (sequence) D320 and IRM 1.9 support    */
-/* 1.9.0  Ported to Solaris_sparc, Solaris_x86 and Linux. IRM 1.9.      */
-/* 1.9.1  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.9.2  Added more adapter queries                                    */
-/* 1.9.3  Bug fix in SCIMapLocalSegment and SCIMapRemoteSegment         */
-/* 1.9.4  NT Release Developers Kit 2.40                                */ 
-/* 1.9.5  Added flush after data transfer in SCIMemCopy()               */
-/* 1.9.5  NT Release Developers Kit 2.44                                */
-/* 1.10.0: 
- * New SCIInitialize(), SCITerminate() functions.
- * Support for D330
- *
- *
- */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/version.h b/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/version.h
deleted file mode 100644
index a0e1fa6c5cd8a7d8f7ae560446940da915592b52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/LINUX.x86/sci/include/version.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _VERSION_H
-#define _VERSION_H
-#define DEMO_VER_MAJOR   "1"
-#define DEMO_VER_MINOR   "5"
-#define DEMO_VER_MICRO   "0"
-#ifndef BUILD_DATE
-#define BUILD_DATE      __DATE__
-#ifndef BUILD_NAME   
-#define BUILD_NAME     ""
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_api.h b/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_api.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d02d3aafe7fbd2e644341f94bdc1dd17d0443cb4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_api.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2148 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_api.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:22 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2001                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,            *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_API_H
-#define _SISCI_API_H
-#include "sisci_types.h"
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#ifdef API_DLL
-#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
-#define DLL __declspec(dllimport) 
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#ifndef DLL
-#define DLL 
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_EMPTY                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_EMPTY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_EMPTY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY;
-/* the FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY flag is for backwards compabillity only and should never be used */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP;
-#if defined(OS_IS_LYNXOS) || defined(OS_IS_VXWORKS)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA;
-/*                         GENERAL VALUES                                        */
-#define SCI_LOCAL_HOST                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_LOCAL_HOST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_LOCAL_HOST;        
-extern const unsigned int SCI_INFINITE_TIMEOUT;    
-/*                       GENERAL ERROR CODES                                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG          - Illegal flag value.                          */ 
-/*  SCI_ERR_FLAG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED  - Flag legal but flag feature not implemented. */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED       - Function not implemented.                    */
-/*  SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                - A system error. Check errno.                 */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOSPC                 - Unable to allocate OS resources.             */
-/*  SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC             - Unable to allocate API resources.            */
-/*  SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC              - Unable to allocate HW resources (Hardware)   */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                    GENERAL "ADAPTER" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO     - Adapter number is legal but does not exist.  */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO     - Illegal local adapter number  (i.e. outside  */
-/*                                  legal range).                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                     GENERAL "NODEID" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID        - The remote adapter identified by nodeId does */
-/*                                  not respond, but the intermediate link(s)    */
-/*                                  seem(s) to be operational.                   */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID        - Illegal NodeId.                              */
-/*                                                                               */
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   I N I T I A L I Z E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function initializes the SISCI library.                                  *
- * The function must be called before SCIOpen().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIInitialize                            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIInitialize)
-DLL void SCIInitialize(unsigned int flags,
-                       sci_error_t *error);
-#if 0
-unsigned int __Internal_SISCI_version_var;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T E R M I N A T E                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function terminates the SISCI library.                                   *
- * The function must be called after SCIClose().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITerminate                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITerminate)
-DLL void SCITerminate(void);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   O P E N                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Opens a SCI virtual device.                                                   *
- * Caller must supply a pointer to a variable of type sci_desc_t to be           *
- * initialized.                                                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE  - Operations on resources associated with this         *
- *                          descriptor will be performed in a multithread-safe   *
- *                          manner.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS    - Inconsistency between the SISCI library   *
- *                                     and the SISCI driver versions.            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIOpen                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIOpen)
-DLL void SCIOpen(sci_desc_t   *sd,
-                 unsigned int flags,
-                 sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C L O S E                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function closes an open SCI virtual device.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY 		             - All resources are not deallocated.        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIClose                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIClose)
-DLL void SCIClose(sci_desc_t sd,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S  E G M E N T                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- * Connects to a remote shared memory segment located at <nodeId> with the       *
- * identifier <segmentId>.                                                       *
- * The user may then call SCIMapRemoteSegment() to map shared memory             *
- * into user space.                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT       - Could not find the remote segment with the   *
- *                                  given segmentId.                             *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIConnectSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                           sci_remote_segment_t    *segment,
-                           unsigned int            nodeId,
-                           unsigned int            segmentId,
-                           unsigned int            localAdapterNo,
-                           sci_cb_remote_segment_t callback, 
-                           void                    *callbackArg,
-                           unsigned int            timeout,
-                           unsigned int            flags,
-                           sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * Disconnects from the give mapped shared memory segment                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The segment is currently mapped or in use.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectSegment                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectSegment(sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T  R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  S I Z E                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize(sci_remote_segment_t segment);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  E V E N T                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED             - The wait operation has been cancelled du     *
- *                                  to a SCIDisconnectSegment() on the same      *
- *                                  handle. The handle is invalid when this      *
- *                                  error is returned.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent(
-                                            sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                            sci_error_t          *status,
-                                            unsigned int         timeout,
-                                            unsigned int         flags,
-                                            sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   R E M O T E   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function is used to include a shared memory segment in the virtual       *
- * address space of the application.                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR       - Map at the suggested virtual address         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP         - The segment is mapped in read-only mode      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION       - Enable Lock operations (fetch and add)       *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Enable aggressive prefetch with speculative  *
- *                                  hold.                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP                                            * 
- *                                - The PSB66 will prefetch 64 bytes. As soon    *
- *                                  as the PCI read retry has been accepted,     *
- *                                  the stream will change state to FREE, even   *
- *                                  if less than 64 bytes were actually read.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE       - Enable No Prefetch, no speculative hold.     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP            - Enable DMOVE packet type. The stream will be *
- *                                  set into FREE state immediately.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Disable use of gather.                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS                                           * 
- *                                - Disable use of 128-Byte packets              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an atomic "fetch-and-add-one" operation on   *
- *                                  remote memory, but in addition an interrupt  *
- *                                  will be generated if the target memory       *
- *                                  location contained a "null value" before the *
- *                                  add operation was carried out.               *
- *                                  The conditional interrupt flag must also be  *
- *                                  specified in the SCIRegisterInterruptFlag()  *
- *                                  function.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an interrupt for the remote adapter          *
- *                                  "in addition to" updating the corresponding  *
- *                                  remote memory location with the data being   *
- *                                  written.                                     *
- *                                  The unconditional interrupt flag must also   *
- *                                  be specified in the                          *
- *                                  SCIRegisterInterruptFlag() function.         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP                                                *
- *                                - Enable cacheing of the mapped region.        *
- *                                  Writes through this map will be written to a *
- *                                  write back cache, hence no remote SCI updates*
- *                                  until the cache line is flushed. The         *
- *                                  application is responsible for the cache     *
- *                                  flush operation.                             *
- *                                  The SCImemCopy() function will handle this   *
- *                                  correctly by doing cache flushes internally. *
- *                                  This feature is architechture dependent and  *
- *                                  not be available on all plattforms.          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP                                              *
- *                                - Forces a map to a remote segment located     *
- *                                  in the local machine to be mapped using      *
- *                                  SCI loopback. This is useful i.e. if you     *
- *                                  want to use a regular map access to be       *
- *                                  serialized with lock operations.             *
- *                                  The default behaviour is to access a remte   *
- *                                  segment located in the local machine as a    *
- *                                  local MMU operation.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapRemoteSegment                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapRemoteSegment)
-DLL volatile void *SCIMapRemoteSegment(
-                              sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              sci_map_t            *map,
-                              unsigned int         offset,
-                              unsigned int         size,
-                              void                *addr,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   L O C A L   S E G M E N T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR                                                      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapLocalSegment                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapLocalSegment)
-DLL void *SCIMapLocalSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                             sci_map_t           *map,
-                             unsigned int        offset,
-                             unsigned int        size,
-                             void                *addr,
-                             unsigned int        flags,
-                             sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   U N M A P  S E G M E N T                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function unmaps pages of shared memory from the callers virtual          *
- * address space.                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *    None.                                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The map is currently in use.                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIUnmapSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIUnmapSegment)
-DLL void SCIUnmapSegment(sci_map_t    map,
-                         unsigned int flags,
-                         sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- * Make the specified segment available for connections via the specified        *
- * adapter. If successful, the segment can be accessed from remote nodes         *
- * via the specified adapter.                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events    *
- *                           on this segment.                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_EMPTY         - No memory will be allocated for the segment.        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE       - The segment will be private meaning it will never   *
- *                           be any connections to it.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED - The segment with this segmentId is already used     *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT - Size is not correctly aligned as required           *
- *                           by the implementation.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateSegment)
-DLL void SCICreateSegment(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                          sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                          unsigned int           segmentId,
-                          unsigned int           size,
-                          sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                          void                   *callbackArg, 
-                          unsigned int           flags,
-                          sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   L O C A L   S E G M E N T  E V E N T                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT      - The function timed out after specified timeout value. *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED    - The wait operation has been cancelled du to a         *
- *                         SCIRemoveSegment() on the same handle.                *
- *                         The handle is invalid when this error is returned.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent              _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent(
-                                                sci_local_segment_t segment,     
-                                                unsigned int *sourcenodeId,
-                                                unsigned int *localAdapterNo,
-                                                unsigned int timeout,
-                                                unsigned int flags,
-                                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R E P A R E   S E G M E N T                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY - The segment will be used as a source segment      *
- *                             for DMA operations. On some system types this     *
- *                             will enable the SISCI driver to use performance   *
- *                             improving features.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPrepareSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPrepareSegment)
-DLL void SCIPrepareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                           unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int        flags,
-                           sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY  - Unable to remove the segment. The segment is currently       *
- *                  in use.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSegment)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                          unsigned int        flags, 
-                          sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   A V A I L A B L E                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The segment has not been prepared for access *
- *                                  from this adapter.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - The segment is created with the              *
- *                                  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE flag specified and          *
- *                                  therefore has no segmentId.                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentAvailable                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentAvailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentAvailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int        flags,
-                                sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   U N A V A I L A B L E                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT                                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentUnavailable                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentUnavailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentUnavailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C R E A T E   M A P   S E Q U E N C E                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateMapSequence                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateMapSequence)
-DLL void SCICreateMapSequence(sci_map_t   map, 
-                           sci_sequence_t *sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E Q U E N C E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSequence                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSequence)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T A R T   S E Q U E N C E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStartSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStartSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCIStartSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C H E C K   S E Q U E N CE                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICheckSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICheckSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCICheckSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T O R E   B A R R I E R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStoreBarrier                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStoreBarrier)
-DLL void SCIStoreBarrier(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H   R E A D   B U F F E R S                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlushReadBuffers                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlushReadBuffers)
-DLL void SCIFlushReadBuffers(sci_sequence_t sequence);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R O B E   N O D E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIProbeNode                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIProbeNode)
-DLL int SCIProbeNode(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                     unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                     unsigned int nodeId,
-                     unsigned int flags,
-                     sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetCSRRegister)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                   unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                   unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                                   unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                   unsigned int flags,
-                                   sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetCSRRegister)
-DLL void SCISetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                           unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                           unsigned int CSROffset,
-                           unsigned int CSRValue,
-                           unsigned int flags,
-                           sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetLocalCSR)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                unsigned int flags,
-                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function
- *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetLocalCSR)
-DLL void SCISetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t        sd,
-                        unsigned int      localAdapterNo,
-                        unsigned int      CSROffset,
-                        unsigned int      CSRValue,
-                        unsigned int      flags,
-                        sci_error_t       *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A T T A C H   P H Y S I C A L   M E M O R Y                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Description:                                                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function enables usage of physical devices and memory regions where the *
- *  Physical PCI bus address ( and mapped CPU address ) are already known.       *
- *  The function will register the physical memory as a SISCI segment which can  *
- *  be connected and mapped as a regular SISCI segment.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Requirements:                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCICreateSegment() with flag SCI_FLAG_EMPTY must have been called in advance *                  
- *                                                                               *                 
- *  Parameter description:                                                       *  
- *  sci_ioaddr_t ioaddress : This is the address on the PCI bus that a PCI bus   *
- *                           master has to use to write to the specified memory  *
- *  void * address         : This is the (mapped) virtual address that the       *
- *                           application has to use to access the device.        *
- *                           This means that the device has to be mapped in      *
- *                           advance bye the devices own driver.                 *
- *                           If the device is not to be accessed by the local    *
- *                           CPU, the address pointer shold be set to NULL       *
- *   Flags                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAttachPhysicalMemory                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachPhysicalMemory)
-DLL void SCIAttachPhysicalMemory(sci_ioaddr_t         ioaddress,
-                                 void                *address,
-                                 unsigned int         busNo,
-                                 unsigned int         size,
-                                 sci_local_segment_t  segment,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   Q U E R Y                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY         - Unrecognized command.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIQuery                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIQuery)
-DLL void SCIQuery(unsigned int command,
-                  void         *data,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t  *error);
-/* MAJOR QUERY COMMANDS                                             */
-/* This command requires a pointer to a structure of type           */
-/* "sci_query_string". The string will be filled in by the query.   */
-#define SCI_Q_VENDORID                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_VENDORID)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_VENDORID; 
-/* Same as for SCI_VENDOR_ID                                        */
-#define SCI_Q_API                                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_API)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_API;       
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_adapter" struct.                                      */
-#define SCI_Q_ADAPTER                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_ADAPTER)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER;
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_system" struct.                                       */
-#define SCI_Q_SYSTEM                                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_SYSTEM)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT; 
-#define SCI_Q_MAP                                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP; 
-typedef struct {
-    char         *str;                     /* Pointer to a string of minimum "length" characters */
-    unsigned int length;
-} sci_query_string_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int localAdapterNo;           /* The adapter no. that the query concern.          */
-    unsigned int portNo;                   /* The SCI Link port number that the query concern. */
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_adapter_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_system_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_local_segment_t  segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_remote_segment_t segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_map_t            map;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    unsigned int         data;
-} sci_query_map_t;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_ADAPTER */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_SIZE_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_MTU;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_DMA_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SERIAL_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CARD_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER_OF_STREAMS;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONFIGURED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LINK_OPERATIONAL;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_HW_LINK_STATUS_IS_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_INSTANCE_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_FIRMWARE_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONNECTED_TO_SWITCH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_PORT_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_PAGE_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_AVAILABLE_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MEM_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MBX_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_LINK_PORT_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SCI_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_B_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_IO_BUS_FREQUENCY;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_SYSTEM */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_HOSTBRIDGE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_COMBINING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP_MAPPED_TO_LOCAL_TARGET;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; 
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_UNKNOWN; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440FX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440FX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440FX;  
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440LX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440LX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440LX;   
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440GX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440GX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440GX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450KX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450KX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450KX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_430NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_430NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_430NX;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_MICO;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810E                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810E)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810E;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I815                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I815)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I815;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I840                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I840)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I840;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I850                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I850)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I850;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I860                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I860)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I860;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_133A;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_266;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE_B;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_LE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_DISABLED;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA : Create physical DMA queue. Please note that this is an *
- *                        priveleged operation.                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCICreateDMAQueue(sci_desc_t      sd,
-                           sci_dma_queue_t *dq,
-                           unsigned int    localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int    maxEntries,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Not allowed in this queue state.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIRemoveDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   E N Q U E U E   D M A   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ             - The DMA will be remote --> local             *
- *                                  (default is local --> remote)                *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is larger     *
- *                                  than the segment size or larger than max     *
- *                                  DMA size.                                    *
- *  SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES	          - The DMA queue is full                        *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The local segment has not been prepared for  *
- *                                  access from the adapter associated with the  *
- *                                  queue.                                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_CONNECTED - The remote segment is not connected through  *
- *                                  the adapter associated with the queue.       *   
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnqueueDMATransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnqueueDMATransfer)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIEnqueueDMATransfer(sci_dma_queue_t      dq,
-                               sci_local_segment_t  localSegment,
-                               sci_remote_segment_t remoteSegment,
-                               unsigned int         localOffset,
-                               unsigned int         remoteOffset,
-                               unsigned int         size,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P O S T   D M A   Q U E U E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK      - The end of the transfer will cause the callback *
- *                               function to be invoked.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION  - Illegal operation                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPostDMAQueue                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPostDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIPostDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq, 
-                         sci_cb_dma_t    callback, 
-                         void            *callbackArg,
-                         unsigned int    flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A B O R T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIAbortDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E S E T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIResetDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIResetDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIResetDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D M A   Q U E U E   S T A T E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDMAQueueState                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDMAQueueState)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIDMAQueueState(sci_dma_queue_t dq);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   D M A   Q U E U E                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               * 
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForDMAQueue                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForDMAQueue)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIWaitForDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                                             unsigned int    timeout,
-                                             unsigned int    flags,
-                                             sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   E N Q U E U E                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIphDmaEnqueue _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIphDmaEnqueue)
-DLL void SCIphDmaEnqueue(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                         unsigned int     size,
-                         sci_ioaddr_t     localBusAddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_nodeid,
-                         unsigned int     remote_highaddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_lowaddr,
-                         unsigned int     flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   S T A R T                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIphDmaStart(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                                        sci_cb_dma_t     callback,
-                                        void            *callbackArg,
-                                        unsigned int     flags,
-                                        sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO                                                         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT                                                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INTNO_USED     - This interrupt number is already used.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateInterrupt)
-DLL void SCICreateInterrupt(sci_desc_t            sd,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          localAdapterNo,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptNo,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t    callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIRemoveInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   I N T E R R U P T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT     - The function timed out after specified timeout value.  *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED   - The wait was interrupted by a call to                  *
- *                        SCIRemoveInterrupt.                                    *
- *                        The handle is invalid when this error code is returned.*
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIWaitForInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt, 
-                             unsigned int          timeout,
-                             unsigned int          flags, 
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T  I N T E R R U P T                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_INTNO	    - No such interrupt number.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED  - Connection attempt refused by remote node.     *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT             - The function timed out after specified         *
- *                                timeout value.                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIConnectInterrupt(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                             sci_remote_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           nodeId,
-                             unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                             unsigned int           interruptNo,
-                             unsigned int           timeout,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   I N T E R R U P T                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectInterrupt                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                unsigned int           flags,
-                                sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R I G G E R   I N T E R R U P T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITriggerInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITriggerInterrupt)
-DLL void SCITriggerInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   R E G I S T E R   I N T E R R U P T  F L A G                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function register an "interrupt flag" that is identified as an unique   *
- *  location within a local segment. If successful, the resulting interrupt      *
- *  handle will have been associated with the specified local segment.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  It is up to the (remote) client(s) to set up an "interrupt mapping" for the  *
- *  corresponding segment offset using either the                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  - SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *     or the                                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  -  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_DATA_INTERRUPT_MAP                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  option to "SCIMapRemoteSegment()". - I.e. after having established a         *
- *  connection to the corresponding segment. A trigger operation can then        *
- *  be implemented using a store operation via the relevant "interrupt map".     *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT - Triggering is to take place using           *
- *                                   "conditional interrupts".                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *     None.                                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterInterruptFlag                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterInterruptFlag)
-DLL void SCIRegisterInterruptFlag(
-                            unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            sci_local_segment_t    segment,
-                            unsigned int           offset,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t     callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int           flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   E N A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function make sure that another HW interrupt will take place the next   *
- *  time the corresponding interrupt flag is triggered by a                      *
- *  "conditional interrupt" operation.                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  When successful, the client can rely on that the first subsequent trigger    *
- *  operation will cause a HW interrupt and subsequently cause the client        *
- *  handler function to be invoked.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If an interrupt was triggered in parallell with the enable operation, then   *
- *  the operation will fail (SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM), and the client can  *
- *  not rely on another trigger operation will lead to handler invocation.       *
- *  Hence, any state checking normally associated with handling the              *
- *  corresponding interrupt should take place before attempting to enable        *
- *  again.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *              
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM - The enable operation failed because an       *
- *                                  incomming trigger operation happened         *
- *                                  concurrently.                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   D I S A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *  
- *  Prevent subsequent "conditional interrupt"trigger operations for             *
- *  the specified interupt flag from causing HW interrupt and handler            *
- *  invocations.                                                                 * 
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, no subsequent HW interrupts will take place, but handler      *
- *  invocations that have already been scheduled may still take place.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt(
-                             sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int          flags,
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   G E T   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T   C O U N T E R    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Returns a value that indicates the number of times this flag has             *
- *  been trigged since the last time it was enabled or disabled.                 *
- *  Calling the SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt / SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt   *
- *  functions will reset the counter value.                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, the current trig count is returned in the                     *
- *  interruptTrigCounter parameter.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW  - The number of trig operations have exceeded the range    *
- *                   that can be counted.                                        *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter)
-DLL void SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptTrigCounter,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlock                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlock)
-DLL void SCITransferBlock(sci_map_t    sourceMap,
-                          unsigned int sourceOffset,
-                          sci_map_t    destinationMap,
-                          unsigned int destinationOffset,
-                          unsigned int size,
-                          unsigned int flags,
-                          sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K   A S Y N C                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                          *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE      - The sum of the size and offset is larger than    *
- *                              the corresponding map size.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT    - Size is not correctly aligned as required by     *
- *                              the implementation.                              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT  - Offset is not correctly aligned as required      *
- *                              by the implementation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED   - The data transfer failed.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlockAsync                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlockAsync)
-DLL void SCITransferBlockAsync(sci_map_t               sourceMap,
-                               unsigned int            sourceOffset,
-                               sci_map_t               destinationMap,
-                               unsigned int            destinationOffset,
-                               unsigned int            size,
-                               sci_block_transfer_t    *block,
-                               sci_cb_block_transfer_t callback,
-                               void                    *callbackArg,
-                               unsigned int            flags,
-                               sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForBlockTransfer                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIWaitForBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                 unsigned int         timeout,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   A B O R T   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortBlockTransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIAbortBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C P Y                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCpy                                _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCpy)
-DLL void SCIMemCpy(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                   void           *memAddr,
-                   sci_map_t      remoteMap,
-                   unsigned int   remoteOffset,
-                   unsigned int   size,
-                   unsigned int   flags,
-                   sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C O P Y                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCopy                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCopy)
-DLL void SCIMemCopy(void         *memAddr,
-                    sci_map_t    remoteMap,
-                    unsigned int remoteOffset,
-                    unsigned int size,
-                    unsigned int flags,
-                    sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   R E G I S T E R   S E G M E N T   M E M O R Y                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT   - Size is not correctly aligned as required by      *
- *                             the implementation.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS  - Illegal address.                                  *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE     - Size is larger than the maximum size for the      *
- *                             local segment.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterSegmentMemory                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterSegmentMemory)
-DLL void SCIRegisterSegmentMemory(void                *address,
-                                  unsigned int        size,
-                                  sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S C I   S P A C E                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSCISpace                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSCISpace)
-DLL void SCIConnectSCISpace(sci_desc_t           sd,
-                            unsigned int         localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_remote_segment_t *segment,
-                            sci_address_t        address,
-                            unsigned int         size,
-                            unsigned int         flags,
-                            sci_error_t          *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   A T T A C H   L O C A L   S E G M E N T
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIAttachLocalSegment() permits an application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *  
- *     SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events 
- *                              on this segment.     
- *
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- * 
- *     SCI_ERR_ACCESS          - No such shared segment 
- *     SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT - No such segment 
- *     Note: Current implenentation will return SCI_ERR_ACCESS for both cases. This will
- *           change from next release. Application should handle both cases.   
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIAttachLocalSegment                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachLocalSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIAttachLocalSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                      sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                      unsigned int            segmentId,
-                      unsigned int           *size,
-                      sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                      void                   *callbackArg,
-                      unsigned int           flags,
-                      sci_error_t            *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   S H A R E   S E G M E N T
- * 
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIShareSegment() permits other application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *     none
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- *
- *
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIShareSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIShareSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIShareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                unsigned int flags,
-                sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function will flush the CPU buffers and the PSB buffers.                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY :                                           *
- *                                    Only flush CPU buffers ( Write combining   *
- *                                    etc buffers).                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlush                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlush)
-DLL void SCIFlush(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_error.h b/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_error.h
deleted file mode 100644
index aab7c136d3adba2f8b54ee72a8dbcc8941861c26..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_error.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:22 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-#define _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-/* SCI Error return values always have 30 bit  set */
-#define SCI_ERR_MASK                0x40000000
-#define SCI_ERR_REMOTE_MASK            0x01        /* Remote errors should have bit 0 set */
-#define SCI_ERR(u) ((unsigned32)(u)&0x7FFFFFFF )
-/* Error codes */
-typedef enum {
-   SCI_ERR_OK                         = 0x000,
-   SCI_ERR_BUSY              	      = (0x900  | SCI_ERR_MASK), 
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG               = (0x902  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOSPC                      = (0x904  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC                  = (0x905  | SCI_ERR_MASK),         
-   SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC                   = (0x906  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED            = (0x907  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO          = (0x908  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO          = (0x909  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT                    = (0x90A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE               = (0x90B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT            = (0x90C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID             = (0x90D  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT             = (0x910  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT           = (0x911  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER          = (0x912  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES                = (0x913  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS            = (0x915  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION          = (0x916  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY              = (0x917  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED             = (0x918  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                     = (0x919  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_CANCELLED                  = (0x91A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED              = (0x91B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE              = (0x91C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW                   = (0x91F  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED            = (0x920  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ACCESS                     = (0x921  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID             = (0xA00  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS             = (0xA05  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED            = (0xA06  | SCI_ERR_MASK)
-} sci_error_t;
-#endif /* _SCI_ERROR_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_types.h b/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 77989ffca597f1e3bbf25c3ce8ec16515ff31ab5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_types.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:22 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#define _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifndef IN
-#define IN
-#ifndef OUT
-#define OUT
-#ifndef IN_OUT
-#define IN_OUT
-/* Opaque data types for descriptors/handles */
-typedef struct sci_desc *sci_desc_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_segment *sci_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_remote_segment *sci_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_map *sci_map_t;
-typedef struct sci_sequence *sci_sequence_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef struct sci_dma_queue *sci_dma_queue_t; 
-typedef struct sci_remote_interrupt *sci_remote_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_interrupt *sci_local_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_block_transfer *sci_block_transfer_t;
- * Constants defining reasons for segment callbacks:
- */
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_CB_CONNECT = 1,
-} sci_segment_cb_reason_t;
-/* dma_queue_states is identical to the dma_queue_state_t in genif.h, they must be consistent.*/
-typedef enum {
-} sci_dma_queue_state_t;
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_SEQ_OK,
-} sci_sequence_status_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned short nodeId;      /* SCI Address bit 63 - 48 */
-    unsigned short offsHi;      /* SCI Address bit 47 - 32 */
-    unsigned int   offsLo;      /* SCI Address bit 31 -  0 */
-} sci_address_t;
-typedef unsigned int sci_ioaddr_t;
-typedef enum {
-} sci_callback_action_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_local_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                        sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                                        sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                        unsigned int nodeId, 
-                                                        unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                                        sci_error_t error);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_remote_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                         sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                                         sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                         sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_dma_t)(void IN *arg,
-                                              sci_dma_queue_t queue,
-                                              sci_error_t status);
-typedef int (*sci_cb_block_transfer_t)(void *arg,
-                                       sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                       sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_interrupt_t)(void *arg,
-                                                    sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                                    sci_error_t status);
-#endif /* KERNEL */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_version.h b/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_version.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c2fccb9ec332cc325c6d1d4be9b8ca7a0930d146..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/SOLARIS.SPARC/sci/include/sisci_version.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_version.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:22 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,            *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MAJOR      1
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MAJORC    "1"
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MINOR     10
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MINORC   "10"
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MICRO      4
-#define SISCI_API_VER_MICROC    "4"
-#define SISCI_SIGN_VERSION_MASK 0xfffff000  /* used to mask off API_VER_MICRO */
-/* the rules are:
- *
- * Changes in API_VER_MICRO should be binary compatible, New flags, functions added. No changes to user code 
- * required if new features is not needed.
- * 
- * Changes in API_VER_MINOR requires recompilation of user code.
- *
- * Changes in the API_VER_MAJOR will most likely require changes to user code. This should not happen very 
- * often...
- *
- */
-#ifndef BUILD_DATE
-#define BUILD_DATE      __DATE__
-#ifndef BUILD_NAME   
-#define BUILD_NAME     ""
-/* Version info:                                                        */
-/*                                                                      */
-/* 1.5.2  First SISCI version                                           */
-/* 1.5.3  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.5.4  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.5.5  No release                                                    */
-/* 1.5.6  Lock flag implemented in function SCIConnectSegment           */
-/* 1.5.7  Expanded query functionality                                  */
-/* 1.5.8  Updated error checking (sequence) functionality for D320      */
-/* 1.6.0  Updated error checking (sequence) D320 and IRM 1.9 support    */
-/* 1.9.0  Ported to Solaris_sparc, Solaris_x86 and Linux. IRM 1.9.      */
-/* 1.9.1  Some bug fixes                                                */
-/* 1.9.2  Added more adapter queries                                    */
-/* 1.9.3  Bug fix in SCIMapLocalSegment and SCIMapRemoteSegment         */
-/* 1.9.4  NT Release Developers Kit 2.40                                */ 
-/* 1.9.5  Added flush after data transfer in SCIMemCopy()               */
-/* 1.9.5  NT Release Developers Kit 2.44                                */
-/* 1.10.0: 
- * New SCIInitialize(), SCITerminate() functions.
- * Support for D330
- *
- *
- */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87ba20db99f4514ce8e82a91c6649799ead8d6ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/rmlib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: rmlib.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                               *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                     * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify          * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by   *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License      *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                   *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/ 
-/*  This header file contains the declarations of the SCI Reflective Memory     */
-/*  library rmlib. The implementation of the library functions is in rmlib.c.   */
-/*  The library contains all the functions that operate on the reflective       */
-/*  memory.                                                                     */
-/*                                                                              */
-/*  NB!                                                                         */  
-/*                                                                              */
-/*  PLEASE CONTACT DOLPHIN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION.                             */
-/*                                                                              */
-/*                                                                              */
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#include "sisci_api.h"
-#include "sisci_demolib.h"
-#include "sisci_types.h"
-unsigned int seqerr, syncseqerr;
-#ifndef _RMLIB_H
-#define _RMLIB_H
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#define _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(name)  _RMLIB_MT_ ## name
-#define _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(name)  _RMLIB_ST_ ## name
-#ifdef __sparc
-#define CACHE_SIZE 2097152
-#define CACHE_SIZE 8192
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-#define REFLECT_ERRCHECK          0x2
-struct ReflectiveMemorySpace {    
-    unsigned int        localAdapterNo;
-    unsigned int        localNodeId;
-    unsigned int        remoteNodeId;
-    sci_desc_t          sd;
-    sci_desc_t          syncsd;
-    sci_map_t           localMap;
-    sci_map_t           remoteMap;
-    unsigned int        localSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        remoteSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        syncSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        sync_rSegmentId;
-    unsigned int        segmentSize;
-    unsigned int        *localMapAddr;
-    volatile unsigned int *remoteMapAddr;
-    sci_local_segment_t  localSegment;
-    sci_remote_segment_t remoteSegment;
-    sci_local_segment_t  syncSegment;
-    sci_remote_segment_t sync_rSegment;
-    sci_map_t            syncMap;
-    sci_map_t            sync_rMap;
-    sci_sequence_t       syncsequence;
-    sci_sequence_t       sequence;    
-    unsigned int         protection;
-    unsigned int         retry_value;
-    sci_sequence_status_t   sequenceStatus, syncsequenceStatus;
-    volatile unsigned int *syncMapAddr;
-    volatile unsigned int *sync_rMapAddr;    
-/*          P R I N T  R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectPrintParameters             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectPrintParameters)
-void ReflectPrintParameters(FILE *stream, struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space);
-/*      			  R E F L E C T   D M A   S E T U P                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaSetup             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaSetup)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaSetup(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, sci_dma_queue_t *dmaQueue);
-/*      			  R E F L E C T   D M A   R E M O V E                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaRemove             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaRemove)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaRemove(sci_dma_queue_t dmaQueue);
-/*   	    			R E F L E C T   D M A   R U N                            */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDmaRun             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDmaRun)
-sci_error_t ReflectDmaRun(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, 
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset, 
-                           sci_dma_queue_t dmaQueue);
-/*          C L O S E   R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E            */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectClose             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectClose)
-sci_error_t ReflectClose(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space, unsigned int segment_no);
-/*           O P E N  R E F L E C T I V E   M E M O R Y   S P A C E              */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectOpen             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectOpen)
-sci_error_t ReflectOpen(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space, 
-                       unsigned int size, 
-                       unsigned int segment_no,
-                       unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                       unsigned int remoteNodeId, 
-                       unsigned int protection, 
-                       unsigned int retry_value);
-/* 			  	    R E F L E C T   G E T   A C C E S S                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectGetAccess             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectGetAccess)
-sci_error_t ReflectGetAccess(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space);
-/* 			  	 R E F L E C T   R E L E A S E   A C C E S S                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectReleaseAccess             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectReleaseAccess)
-sci_error_t ReflectReleaseAccess(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace *RM_space);
-/*   	    			  	R E F L E C T   D M A                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectDma             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectDma)
-sci_error_t ReflectDma(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset);
-/*   	    	         R E F L E C T   M E M C O P Y                           */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectMemCopy             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectMemCopy)
-sci_error_t ReflectMemCopy(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int* privateSrc, 
-                           unsigned int size, 
-                           unsigned int offset,
-                           unsigned int flags);
-/*   	    			  	R E F L E C T   S E T                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectSet             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectSet)
-sci_error_t ReflectSet(struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                           unsigned int value,
-                           unsigned int size,                            
-                           unsigned int offset,
-                           unsigned int flags
-                           );
-/*   	    			R E F L E C T   P R I N T                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReflectPrint             _RMLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReflectPrint)
-sci_error_t ReflectPrint(FILE *stream, 
-                          struct ReflectiveMemorySpace RM_space,
-                          unsigned int size, 
-                          unsigned int offset
-                          );
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/scilib.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/scilib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index d1501082bab7c89bf35b7d5563ccd57f9d512191..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/scilib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: scilib.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 2002                                                          * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#include "sisci_api.h"
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
- * SISCI segment id pollution:
- * ===========================
- * The SISCI library uses regular SISCI segmens internally. 
- * The MSG_QUEUE_LIB_IDENTIFIER_MASK is a mask which is used by the SISCI 
- * library to identify internal SISCI segments ids, from segments used directly 
- * by the user. 
- * 
- * Future versions of the library may have its own namespace.
- * 
- */
-#define MSG_QUEUE_LIB_IDENTIFIER_MASK 0x10000000 
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-extern const unsigned int SCIL_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK_DATA;
-extern const unsigned int SCIL_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK_PROT;
-extern const unsigned int SCIL_FLAG_FULL_ERROR_CHECK;
-typedef struct sci_msq_queue *sci_msq_queue_t;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L C r e a t e M s g Q u e u e                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- * Parameters:                                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * Creates a message queue. The message queue identifier object will be allocated*
- * if the sci_msq_queue_t * msg pointer is NULL. The function will create a      *
- * remote connection. If this connection times out, the function shoud be        *
- * repeated until connection is established. SCILRemoveMsgQueue() must be called *
- * to remove the connection and deallocate the message queue identifier.         *
- *                                                                               *
- * sci_msq_queue_t       *msq : Message queue identifier                         *
- *                              The function must be called with a null pointer  *
- *                              the first time.                                  *
- * unsigned int localAdapterNo: Local Adapter Number                             *
- * unsigned int remoteNodeId  : Remote nodeId                                    *
- * unsigned int msqId		  : Message queue number                             * 
- * unsigned int maxMsgCount   : The maximum count of messages in queue           *
- * unsigned int maxMsgSize,   : The maximum size of each messages in queue       * 
- * unsigned int timeout       : Time to wait for successful connection           *
- * unsigned int flags         : Flags.                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None. Normal SISIC error codes.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILCreateMsgQueue           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILCreateMsgQueue)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILCreateMsgQueue(sci_msq_queue_t 	   *msq,		    
-                                   unsigned int 	    localAdapterNo, 
-                                   unsigned int 	    remoteNodeId,   
-                                   unsigned int 	    msqId,			
-                                   unsigned int         maxMsgCount,    
-                                   unsigned int         maxMsgSize,  
-                                   unsigned int         timeout,
-                                   unsigned int 	    flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L R e c e i v e M s g                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Receives a message from the queue.                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- * Paremeters                                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  sci_msq_queue_t   msq : message queue identifier                             *   
- *  void             *msg : Location to store received data                      * 
- *  unsigned int     size : Size of message to read                              *
- *  unsigned int *sizeLeft: Bytes left in buffer, after current receive. This is *
- *                          just a hint. There may be more.                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCIL_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK_PROT: The internal buffer management is done using full*
- *                              error checking.  
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_ERR_EWOULD_BLOCK     : There is not enough data in the message buffer   *
- *                              to read the specified number of bytes.           *
- *                                    .                                          *
- *   SCI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED    : The connection is not established.               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILReceiveMsg           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILReceiveMsg)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILReceiveMsg(		
-                           sci_msq_queue_t  msq,  
-                           void	           *msg,  
-                           unsigned int     size, 
-                           unsigned int    *sizeLeft,
-                           unsigned int     flags);                         
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L S e n d M s g                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Sends a message to the queue.                                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- * Paremeters                                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  sci_msq_queue_t   msq : Message queue identifier                             *   
- *  void             *msg : Send data                                            * 
- *  unsigned int     size : Size of message to send                              *
- *  unsigned int *sizeFree: Bytes free in buffer, after current send. This is    *
- *                          just a hint. There may be more.                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCIL_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK_DATA: The data is transmitted using full error checking*                        
- *  SCIL_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK_PROT: The internal buffer management is done using full*
- *                              error checking.                                  *
- *  SCIL_FLSG_FULL_ERROR_CHECK: This flag is an combination of both above.       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_ERR_EWOULD_BLOCK     : There is not enough data in the message buffer   *
- *                              to send the specified number of bytes.           *
- *                                    .                                          *
- *   SCI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED    : The connection is not established.               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILSendMsg           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILSendMsg)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILSendMsg(		
-                        sci_msq_queue_t     msq,    
-                        void               *msg,    
-                        unsigned int        size,   
-                        unsigned int       *sizeFree,
-                        unsigned int        flags);                              
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L R e m o v e M s g Q u e ue                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Removes a message queue.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  sci_msq_queue_t   msq : Message queue identifier                             *   
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILRemoveMsgQueue           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILRemoveMsgQueue)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILRemoveMsgQueue(	
-                               sci_msq_queue_t *msq,           
-                               unsigned int     flags);           
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L I n i t                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Initializes the SCI library. This function must be called before any other    *
- * function in the library.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *	None                                                                     *
- *                                    .                                          *
- *********************************************************************************/
-DLL sci_error_t SCILInit(unsigned int flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L D e s t r o y                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Removes internal resources allocated by the SCI Library. No other library     *
- * function should be called after this function.                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *	None                                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILDestroy           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILDestroy)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILDestroy(unsigned int flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L C o n n e c t M s g Q u e u e                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Makes a connection to a remote message queue. This must be done before        * 
- * SCILSendMsg() is called.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- * Parameters:                                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * sci_msq_queue_t       *msq : Message queue identifier                         *
- * unsigned int localAdapterNo: Local Adapter Number                             *
- * unsigned int remoteNodeId  : Remote nodeId                                    *
- * unsigned int msqId         : Message queue number                             * 
- * unsigned int maxMsgCount   : The maximum count of messages in queue           *
- * unsigned int maxMsgSize,   : The maximum size of each messages in queue       *
- * unsigned int timeout       : Time to wait for successful connection           *
- * unsigned int flags         : Flags.                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None. Normal SISIC error codes.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILConnectMsgQueue           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILConnectMsgQueue)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILConnectMsgQueue(sci_msq_queue_t     *msq,              
-                                    unsigned int         localAdapterNo,
-                                    unsigned int         remoteNodeId,     
-                                    unsigned int         rmsgId,           
-                                    unsigned int         maxMsgCount,      
-                                    unsigned int         maxMsgSize,       
-                                    unsigned int         timeout,          
-                                    unsigned int         flags);             
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I L D i s c o n n e c t M s g Q u e u e                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Disconnects from a remote message queue.                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- * Parameters:                                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * sci_msq_queue_t       *msq : Message queue identifier                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  None                                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *	None                                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCILDisconnectMsgQueue           _SCIL_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCILDisconnectMsgQueue)
-DLL sci_error_t SCILDisconnectMsgQueue(sci_msq_queue_t *msq,  
-				   unsigned int     flags);             
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f4a1ddffb37db6f901046948d40908686fd000c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_api.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2217 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_api.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2001                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License,            *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License    *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_API_H
-#define _SISCI_API_H
-#include "sisci_types.h"
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#ifdef API_DLL
-#define DLL __declspec(dllexport)
-#define DLL __declspec(dllimport) 
-#endif /* WIN32 */
-#ifndef DLL
-#define DLL 
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
-extern "C" {
-/*                         FLAG VALUES                                           */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_COUNTING_INT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_EMPTY                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_EMPTY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_EMPTY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_POST;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET;
-#define SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY;
-/* the FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY flag is for backwards compabillity only and should never be used */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS;
-#define SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP;
-#if defined(OS_IS_LYNXOS) || defined(OS_IS_VXWORKS)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP;
-#define SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA;
-/*                         GENERAL VALUES                                        */
-#define SCI_LOCAL_HOST                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_LOCAL_HOST)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_LOCAL_HOST;        
-extern const unsigned int SCI_INFINITE_TIMEOUT;    
-/*                       GENERAL ERROR CODES                                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG          - Illegal flag value.                          */ 
-/*  SCI_ERR_FLAG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED  - Flag legal but flag feature not implemented. */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED       - Function not implemented.                    */
-/*  SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                - A system error. Check errno.                 */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NOSPC                 - Unable to allocate OS resources.             */
-/*  SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC             - Unable to allocate API resources.            */
-/*  SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC              - Unable to allocate HW resources (Hardware)   */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                    GENERAL "ADAPTER" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO     - Adapter number is legal but does not exist.  */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO     - Illegal local adapter number  (i.e. outside  */
-/*                                  legal range).                                */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*                     GENERAL "NODEID" ERROR CODES                              */
-/*                                                                               */
-/*  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID        - The remote adapter identified by nodeId does */
-/*                                  not respond, but the intermediate link(s)    */
-/*                                  seem(s) to be operational.                   */
-/*  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID        - Illegal NodeId.                              */
-/*                                                                               */
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   I N I T I A L I Z E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function initializes the SISCI library.                                  *
- * The function must be called before SCIOpen().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIInitialize                            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIInitialize)
-DLL void SCIInitialize(unsigned int flags,
-                       sci_error_t *error);
-#if 0
-unsigned int __Internal_SISCI_version_var;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T E R M I N A T E                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function terminates the SISCI library.                                   *
- * The function must be called after SCIClose().                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITerminate                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITerminate)
-DLL void SCITerminate(void);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   O P E N                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- * Opens a SCI virtual device.                                                   *
- * Caller must supply a pointer to a variable of type sci_desc_t to be           *
- * initialized.                                                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_THREAD_SAFE  - Operations on resources associated with this         *
- *                          descriptor will be performed in a multithread-safe   *
- *                          manner.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS    - Inconsistency between the SISCI library   *
- *                                     and the SISCI driver versions.            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIOpen                                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIOpen)
-DLL void SCIOpen(sci_desc_t   *sd,
-                 unsigned int flags,
-                 sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C L O S E                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function closes an open SCI virtual device.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    None                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY 		             - All resources are not deallocated.        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIClose                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIClose)
-DLL void SCIClose(sci_desc_t sd,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S  E G M E N T                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- * Connects to a remote shared memory segment located at <nodeId> with the       *
- * identifier <segmentId>.                                                       *
- * The user may then call SCIMapRemoteSegment() to map shared memory             *
- * into user space.                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_ASYNCHRONOUS_CONNECT                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT       - Could not find the remote segment with the   *
- *                                  given segmentId.                             *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIConnectSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                           sci_remote_segment_t    *segment,
-                           unsigned int            nodeId,
-                           unsigned int            segmentId,
-                           unsigned int            localAdapterNo,
-                           sci_cb_remote_segment_t callback, 
-                           void                    *callbackArg,
-                           unsigned int            timeout,
-                           unsigned int            flags,
-                           sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * Disconnects from the give mapped shared memory segment                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The segment is currently mapped or in use.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectSegment                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectSegment)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectSegment(sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T  R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  S I Z E                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetRemoteSegmentSize(sci_remote_segment_t segment);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   R E M O T E  S E G M E N T  E V E N T                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED             - The wait operation has been cancelled du     *
- *                                  to a SCIDisconnectSegment() on the same      *
- *                                  handle. The handle is invalid when this      *
- *                                  error is returned.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForRemoteSegmentEvent(
-                                            sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                            sci_error_t          *status,
-                                            unsigned int         timeout,
-                                            unsigned int         flags,
-                                            sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   R E M O T E   S E G M E N T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function is used to include a shared memory segment in the virtual       *
- * address space of the application.                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_MAP           - The low level physical map may be shared by  * 
- *                                  other applications.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR       - Map at the suggested virtual address         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP         - The segment is mapped in read-only mode      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_LOCK_OPERATION       - Enable Lock operations (fetch and add)       *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_AGGR_HOLD_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Enable aggressive prefetch with speculative  *
- *                                  hold.                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READ_PREFETCH_NO_HOLD_MAP                                            * 
- *                                - The PSB66 will prefetch 64 bytes. As soon    *
- *                                  as the PCI read retry has been accepted,     *
- *                                  the stream will change state to FREE, even   *
- *                                  if less than 64 bytes were actually read.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_IO_MAP_IOSPACE       - Enable No Prefetch, no speculative hold.     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMOVE_MAP            - Enable DMOVE packet type. The stream will be *
- *                                  set into FREE state immediately.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITES_DISABLE_GATHER_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Disable use of gather.                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DISABLE_128_BYTES_PACKETS                                           * 
- *                                - Disable use of 128-Byte packets              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                           *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an atomic "fetch-and-add-one" operation on   *
- *                                  remote memory, but in addition an interrupt  *
- *                                  will be generated if the target memory       *
- *                                  location contained a "null value" before the *
- *                                  add operation was carried out.               *
- *                                  The conditional interrupt flag must also be  *
- *                                  specified in the SCIRegisterInterruptFlag()  *
- *                                  function.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                - Write operations through this map will cause *
- *                                  an interrupt for the remote adapter          *
- *                                  "in addition to" updating the corresponding  *
- *                                  remote memory location with the data being   *
- *                                  written.                                     *
- *                                  The unconditional interrupt flag must also   *
- *                                  be specified in the                          *
- *                                  SCIRegisterInterruptFlag() function.         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_WRITE_BACK_CACHE_MAP                                                *
- *                                - Enable cacheing of the mapped region.        *
- *                                  Writes through this map will be written to a *
- *                                  write back cache, hence no remote SCI updates*
- *                                  until the cache line is flushed. The         *
- *                                  application is responsible for the cache     *
- *                                  flush operation.                             *
- *                                  The SCImemCopy() function will handle this   *
- *                                  correctly by doing cache flushes internally. *
- *                                  This feature is architechture dependent and  *
- *                                  not be available on all plattforms.          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_MEMORY_LOOPBACK_MAP                                              *
- *                                - Forces a map to a remote segment located     *
- *                                  in the local machine to be mapped using      *
- *                                  SCI loopback. This is useful i.e. if you     *
- *                                  want to use a regular map access to be       *
- *                                  serialized with lock operations.             *
- *                                  The default behaviour is to access a remte   *
- *                                  segment located in the local machine as a    *
- *                                  local MMU operation.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapRemoteSegment                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapRemoteSegment)
-DLL volatile void *SCIMapRemoteSegment(
-                              sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                              sci_map_t            *map,
-                              unsigned int         offset,
-                              unsigned int         size,
-                              void                *addr,
-                              unsigned int         flags,
-                              sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M A P   L O C A L   S E G M E N T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_MAP_ADDR                                                      *
- *  SCI_FLAG_READONLY_MAP                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is            *
- *                                  larger than the segment size.                *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as             *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as           *
- *                                  required by the implementation.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMapLocalSegment                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMapLocalSegment)
-DLL void *SCIMapLocalSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                             sci_map_t           *map,
-                             unsigned int        offset,
-                             unsigned int        size,
-                             void                *addr,
-                             unsigned int        flags,
-                             sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   U N M A P  S E G M E N T                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- * This function unmaps pages of shared memory from the callers virtual          *
- * address space.                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *    None.                                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY		          - The map is currently in use.                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIUnmapSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIUnmapSegment)
-DLL void SCIUnmapSegment(sci_map_t    map,
-                         unsigned int flags,
-                         sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- * Make the specified segment available for connections via the specified        *
- * adapter. If successful, the segment can be accessed from remote nodes         *
- * via the specified adapter.                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events    *
- *                           on this segment.                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_EMPTY         - No memory will be allocated for the segment.        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE       - The segment will be private meaning it will never   *
- *                           be any connections to it.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED - The segment with this segmentId is already used     *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT - Size is not correctly aligned as required           *
- *                           by the implementation.                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateSegment)
-DLL void SCICreateSegment(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                          sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                          unsigned int           segmentId,
-                          unsigned int           size,
-                          sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                          void                   *callbackArg, 
-                          unsigned int           flags,
-                          sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  W A I T   F O R   L O C A L   S E G M E N T  E V E N T                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT      - The function timed out after specified timeout value. *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED    - The wait operation has been cancelled du to a         *
- *                         SCIRemoveSegment() on the same handle.                *
- *                         The handle is invalid when this error is returned.    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent              _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent)
-DLL sci_segment_cb_reason_t SCIWaitForLocalSegmentEvent(
-                                                sci_local_segment_t segment,     
-                                                unsigned int *sourcenodeId,
-                                                unsigned int *localAdapterNo,
-                                                unsigned int timeout,
-                                                unsigned int flags,
-                                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R E P A R E   S E G M E N T                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_SOURCE_ONLY - The segment will be used as a source segment      *
- *                             for DMA operations. On some system types this     *
- *                             will enable the SISCI driver to use performance   *
- *                             improving features.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPrepareSegment                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPrepareSegment)
-DLL void SCIPrepareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                           unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int        flags,
-                           sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E G M E N T                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_BUSY  - Unable to remove the segment. The segment is currently       *
- *                  in use.                                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSegment                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSegment)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                          unsigned int        flags, 
-                          sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   A V A I L A B L E                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The segment has not been prepared for access *
- *                                  from this adapter.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - The segment is created with the              *
- *                                  SCI_FLAG_PRIVATE flag specified and          *
- *                                  therefore has no segmentId.                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentAvailable                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentAvailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentAvailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int        flags,
-                                sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   S E G M E N T   U N A V A I L A B L E                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FORCE_DISCONNECT                                                    *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NOTIFY                                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation.                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetSegmentUnavailable                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetSegmentUnavailable)
-DLL void SCISetSegmentUnavailable(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        localAdapterNo,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I  C R E A T E   M A P   S E Q U E N C E                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FAST_BARRIER                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateMapSequence                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateMapSequence)
-DLL void SCICreateMapSequence(sci_map_t   map, 
-                           sci_sequence_t *sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   S E Q U E N C E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveSequence                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveSequence)
-DLL void SCIRemoveSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                           unsigned int   flags, 
-                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T A R T   S E Q U E N C E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStartSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStartSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCIStartSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C H E C K   S E Q U E N CE                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_FLUSH                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_NO_STORE_BARRIER                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICheckSequence                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICheckSequence)
-DLL sci_sequence_status_t SCICheckSequence(sci_sequence_t sequence, 
-                                           unsigned int   flags,
-                                           sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S T O R E   B A R R I E R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIStoreBarrier                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIStoreBarrier)
-DLL void SCIStoreBarrier(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H   R E A D   B U F F E R S                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlushReadBuffers                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlushReadBuffers)
-DLL void SCIFlushReadBuffers(sci_sequence_t sequence);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P R O B E   N O D E                                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIProbeNode                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIProbeNode)
-DLL int SCIProbeNode(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                     unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                     unsigned int nodeId,
-                     unsigned int flags,
-                     sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetCSRRegister)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                   unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                   unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                                   unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                   unsigned int flags,
-                                   sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   C S R   R E G I S T E R                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS        - It was not possible to communicate via the   *
- *                                  local adapter.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_REMOTE_LINK_ACCESS - It was not possible to communicate via a     *
- *                                  remote switch port.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetCSRRegister                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetCSRRegister)
-DLL void SCISetCSRRegister(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                           unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int SCINodeId,
-                           unsigned int CSROffset,
-                           unsigned int CSRValue,
-                           unsigned int flags,
-                           sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   G E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetLocalCSR)
-DLL unsigned int SCIGetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t   sd,
-                                unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                unsigned int CSROffset,
-                                unsigned int flags,
-                                sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   S E T   L O C A L   C S R                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function
- *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCISetLocalCSR                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCISetLocalCSR)
-DLL void SCISetLocalCSR(sci_desc_t        sd,
-                        unsigned int      localAdapterNo,
-                        unsigned int      CSROffset,
-                        unsigned int      CSRValue,
-                        unsigned int      flags,
-                        sci_error_t       *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A T T A C H   P H Y S I C A L   M E M O R Y                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Description:                                                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function enables usage of physical devices and memory regions where the *
- *  Physical PCI bus address ( and mapped CPU address ) are already known.       *
- *  The function will register the physical memory as a SISCI segment which can  *
- *  be connected and mapped as a regular SISCI segment.                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Requirements:                                                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCICreateSegment() with flag SCI_FLAG_EMPTY must have been called in advance *                  
- *                                                                               *                 
- *  Parameter description:                                                       *  
- *  sci_ioaddr_t ioaddress : This is the address on the PCI bus that a PCI bus   *
- *                           master has to use to write to the specified memory  *
- *  void * address         : This is the (mapped) virtual address that the       *
- *                           application has to use to access the device.        *
- *                           This means that the device has to be mapped in      *
- *                           advance bye the devices own driver.                 *
- *                           If the device is not to be accessed by the local    *
- *                           CPU, the address pointer shold be set to NULL       *
- *   Flags                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *   None                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAttachPhysicalMemory                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachPhysicalMemory)
-DLL void SCIAttachPhysicalMemory(sci_ioaddr_t         ioaddress,
-                                 void                *address,
-                                 unsigned int         busNo,
-                                 unsigned int         size,
-                                 sci_local_segment_t  segment,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   Q U E R Y                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY         - Unrecognized command.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIQuery                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIQuery)
-DLL void SCIQuery(unsigned int command,
-                  void         *data,
-                  unsigned int flags,
-                  sci_error_t  *error);
-/* MAJOR QUERY COMMANDS                                             */
-/* This command requires a pointer to a structure of type           */
-/* "sci_query_string". The string will be filled in by the query.   */
-#define SCI_Q_VENDORID                                     _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_VENDORID)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_VENDORID; 
-/* Same as for SCI_VENDOR_ID                                        */
-#define SCI_Q_API                                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_API)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_API;       
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_adapter" struct.                                      */
-#define SCI_Q_ADAPTER                                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_ADAPTER)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER;
-/* User passes a pointer to an allocated object of the              */
-/* "sci_query_system" struct.                                       */
-#define SCI_Q_SYSTEM                                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_SYSTEM)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT; 
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT; 
-#define SCI_Q_MAP                                           _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(SCI_Q_MAP)
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP; 
-typedef char* sci_semaphoreId_t;
-#ifdef WIN32
-struct _semaphoreid {
-	char *semaphoreName;
-#endif /*WIN32*/
-typedef struct {
-    char         *str;                     /* Pointer to a string of minimum "length" characters */
-    unsigned int length;
-} sci_query_string_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int localAdapterNo;           /* The adapter no. that the query concern.          */
-    unsigned int portNo;                   /* The SCI Link port number that the query concern. */
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_adapter_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned int subcommand;               /* A subcommand as specified below.                 */
-    void         *data;                    /* A pointer to an unsigned int that will return    */
-                                           /* the response to the query.                       */
-} sci_query_system_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_local_segment_t  segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_remote_segment_t segment;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    union {
-        sci_ioaddr_t     ioaddr;
-    }                    data;
-} sci_query_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct {
-    sci_map_t            map;
-    unsigned int         subcommand;
-    unsigned int         data;
-} sci_query_map_t;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_ADAPTER */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_SIZE_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_DMA_MTU;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_DMA_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SUGGESTED_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SERIAL_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CARD_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER_OF_STREAMS;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONFIGURED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LINK_OPERATIONAL;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_HW_LINK_STATUS_IS_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_INSTANCE_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_FIRMWARE_OK;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_CONNECTED_TO_SWITCH;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_TYPE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_LOCAL_SWITCH_PORT_NUMBER;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_PAGE_SIZE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_NUMBER_OF_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_ATT_AVAILABLE_ENTRIES;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MEM_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_MBX_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_PHYS_LINK_PORT_NODEID;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_SCI_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_B_LINK_FREQUENCY;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_ADAPTER_IO_BUS_FREQUENCY;
-/* Minor query commands (sub-commands) for adapter specific information SCI_SYSTEM */
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_HOSTBRIDGE;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_SYSTEM_WRITE_COMBINING_ENABLED;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_LOCAL_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_REMOTE_SEGMENT_IOADDR;
-extern const unsigned int SCI_Q_MAP_MAPPED_TO_LOCAL_TARGET;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_NOT_AVAILABLE; 
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_UNKNOWN; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440FX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440FX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440FX;  
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440LX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440LX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440LX;   
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_A;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B                                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440BX_B;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_440GX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_440GX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_440GX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450KX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450KX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450KX; 
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_430NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_430NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_430NX;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_MICO;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_450NX_PXB;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810_DC100;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I810E                                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I810E)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I810E;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I815                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I815)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I815;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I840                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I840)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I840;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I850                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I850)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I850;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_I860                                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_I860)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_I860;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500                             _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_INTEL_E7500;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KT133;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_KX133;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_133A;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_VIA_APOLLO_PRO_266;
-#define HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP                              _SISCI_EXPANDE_CONSTANT_NAME(HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP)
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_760_MP;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_AMD_HAMMER;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_HE_B;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_LE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_HE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_LE;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_WS;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_SERVERWORKS_GC_SL;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_DISABLED;
-extern const unsigned int HOSTBRIDGE_WRITE_POSTING_ENABLED;
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_PHDMA : Create physical DMA queue. Please note that this is an *
- *                        priveleged operation.                                  *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCICreateDMAQueue(sci_desc_t      sd,
-                           sci_dma_queue_t *dq,
-                           unsigned int    localAdapterNo,
-                           unsigned int    maxEntries,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   D M A   Q U E U E                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Not allowed in this queue state.             *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveDMAQueue                        _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIRemoveDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                           unsigned int    flags,
-                           sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   E N Q U E U E   D M A   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ             - The DMA will be remote --> local             *
- *                                  (default is local --> remote)                *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the offset and size is larger     *
- *                                  than the segment size or larger than max     *
- *                                  DMA size.                                    *
- *  SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES	          - The DMA queue is full                        *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_PREPARED  - The local segment has not been prepared for  *
- *                                  access from the adapter associated with the  *
- *                                  queue.                                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_SEGMENT_NOT_CONNECTED - The remote segment is not connected through  *
- *                                  the adapter associated with the queue.       *   
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnqueueDMATransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnqueueDMATransfer)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIEnqueueDMATransfer(sci_dma_queue_t      dq,
-                               sci_local_segment_t  localSegment,
-                               sci_remote_segment_t remoteSegment,
-                               unsigned int         localOffset,
-                               unsigned int         remoteOffset,
-                               unsigned int         size,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   P O S T   D M A   Q U E U E                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK      - The end of the transfer will cause the callback *
- *                               function to be invoked.                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION  - Illegal operation                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIPostDMAQueue                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIPostDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIPostDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq, 
-                         sci_cb_dma_t    callback, 
-                         void            *callbackArg,
-                         unsigned int    flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   A B O R T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIAbortDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E S E T   D M A   Q U E U E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIResetDMAQueue                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIResetDMAQueue)
-DLL void SCIResetDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                          unsigned int    flags,
-                          sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D M A   Q U E U E   S T A T E                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDMAQueueState                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDMAQueueState)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIDMAQueueState(sci_dma_queue_t dq);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   D M A   Q U E U E                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               * 
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForDMAQueue                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForDMAQueue)
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIWaitForDMAQueue(sci_dma_queue_t dq,
-                                             unsigned int    timeout,
-                                             unsigned int    flags,
-                                             sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   E N Q U E U E                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *   SCI_FLAG_DMA_READ                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIphDmaEnqueue _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIphDmaEnqueue)
-DLL void SCIphDmaEnqueue(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                         unsigned int     size,
-                         sci_ioaddr_t     localBusAddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_nodeid,
-                         unsigned int     remote_highaddr,
-                         unsigned int     remote_lowaddr,
-                         unsigned int     flags,
-                         sci_error_t     *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *    S C I   P H   D M A   S T A R T                                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_WAIT                                                            *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_DMA_RESET                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-DLL sci_dma_queue_state_t SCIphDmaStart(sci_dma_queue_t  dmaqueue,
-                                        sci_cb_dma_t     callback,
-                                        void            *callbackArg,
-                                        unsigned int     flags,
-                                        sci_error_t     *error);
-#ifdef WIN32
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   N A M E D   I N T E R R U P T                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO                                                         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT                                                          *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INTNO_USED     - This interrupt number is already used.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateNamedInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateNamedInterrupt)
-DLL void SCICreateNamedInterrupt(sci_desc_t            sd,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          localAdapterNo,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptNo,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t    callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-							sci_semaphoreId_t     semId,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
-#endif /*WIN32*/
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C R E A T E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *  SCI_FLAG_FIXED_INTNO                                                         *
- *  SCI_FLAG_SHARED_INT                                                          *
- *  SCI_FLAG_COUNTING_INT: This flag will enable counting interrupts. This means *
- *                         that the number of trigged interrupts is equal to the *
- *                         number of received interrupts.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_INTNO_USED     - This interrupt number is already used.              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCICreateInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCICreateInterrupt)
-DLL void SCICreateInterrupt(sci_desc_t            sd,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          localAdapterNo,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptNo,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t    callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   R E M O V E   I N T E R R U P T                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRemoveInterrupt                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRemoveInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIRemoveInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   I N T E R R U P T                                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT     - The function timed out after specified timeout value.  *
- *  SCI_ERR_CANCELLED   - The wait was interrupted by a call to                  *
- *                        SCIRemoveInterrupt.                                    *
- *                        The handle is invalid when this error code is returned.*
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIWaitForInterrupt(sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt, 
-                             unsigned int          timeout,
-                             unsigned int          flags, 
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T  I N T E R R U P T                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_COUNTING_INT: This flag will enable counting interrupts. This means *
- *                         that the number of trigged interrupts is equal to the *
- *                         number of received interrupts.                        *
- *                         if SCI_FLAG_COUNTING_INT is not used, the interface   *
- *                         guarentees that there always will be an remote        *
- *                         interrupt generated after the first and after the last*
- *                         trigger. If interupts is triggered faster than the    *
- *                         remote interrupt handler can handle, interrupts may be*
- *                         lost.                                                 *
- *                                                                               * 
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_INTNO	    - No such interrupt number.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED  - Connection attempt refused by remote node.     *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT             - The function timed out after specified         *
- *                                timeout value.                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIConnectInterrupt(sci_desc_t             sd,
-                             sci_remote_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           nodeId,
-                             unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                             unsigned int           interruptNo,
-                             unsigned int           timeout,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   D I S C O N N E C T   I N T E R R U P T                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisconnectInterrupt                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisconnectInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisconnectInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                unsigned int           flags,
-                                sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R I G G E R   I N T E R R U P T                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITriggerInterrupt                      _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITriggerInterrupt)
-DLL void SCITriggerInterrupt(sci_remote_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int           flags,
-                             sci_error_t            *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   R E G I S T E R   I N T E R R U P T  F L A G                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function register an "interrupt flag" that is identified as an unique   *
- *  location within a local segment. If successful, the resulting interrupt      *
- *  handle will have been associated with the specified local segment.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  It is up to the (remote) client(s) to set up an "interrupt mapping" for the  *
- *  corresponding segment offset using either the                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  - SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT_MAP                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *     or the                                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *  -  SCI_FLAG_UNCONDITIONAL_DATA_INTERRUPT_MAP                                 *
- *                                                                               *
- *  option to "SCIMapRemoteSegment()". - I.e. after having established a         *
- *  connection to the corresponding segment. A trigger operation can then        *
- *  be implemented using a store operation via the relevant "interrupt map".     *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_INTERRUPT - Triggering is to take place using           *
- *                                   "conditional interrupts".                   *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *     None.                                                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterInterruptFlag                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterInterruptFlag)
-DLL void SCIRegisterInterruptFlag(
-                            unsigned int           localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t *interrupt,
-                            sci_local_segment_t    segment,
-                            unsigned int           offset,
-                            sci_cb_interrupt_t     callback,
-                            void                  *callbackArg,
-                            unsigned int           flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   E N A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T              *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function make sure that another HW interrupt will take place the next   *
- *  time the corresponding interrupt flag is triggered by a                      *
- *  "conditional interrupt" operation.                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  When successful, the client can rely on that the first subsequent trigger    *
- *  operation will cause a HW interrupt and subsequently cause the client        *
- *  handler function to be invoked.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If an interrupt was triggered in parallell with the enable operation, then   *
- *  the operation will fail (SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM), and the client can  *
- *  not rely on another trigger operation will lead to handler invocation.       *
- *  Hence, any state checking normally associated with handling the              *
- *  corresponding interrupt should take place before attempting to enable        *
- *  again.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *              
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_COND_INT_RACE_PROBLEM - The enable operation failed because an       *
- *                                  incomming trigger operation happened         *
- *                                  concurrently.                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt            _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   D I S A B L E   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T            *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *  
- *  Prevent subsequent "conditional interrupt"trigger operations for             *
- *  the specified interupt flag from causing HW interrupt and handler            *
- *  invocations.                                                                 * 
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, no subsequent HW interrupts will take place, but handler      *
- *  invocations that have already been scheduled may still take place.           *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt           _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt)
-DLL void SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt(
-                             sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                             unsigned int          flags,
-                             sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   G E T   C O N D I T I O N A L   I N T E R R U P T   C O U N T E R    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Returns a value that indicates the number of times this flag has             *
- *  been trigged since the last time it was enabled or disabled.                 *
- *  Calling the SCIEnableConditionalInterrupt / SCIDisableConditionalInterrupt   *
- *  functions will reset the counter value.                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Default semantics:                                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  If successful, the current trig count is returned in the                     *
- *  interruptTrigCounter parameter.                                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW  - The number of trig operations have exceeded the range    *
- *                   that can be counted.                                        *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter)
-DLL void SCIGetConditionalInterruptTrigCounter(
-                            sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                            unsigned int          *interruptTrigCounter,
-                            unsigned int          flags,
-                            sci_error_t           *error);
- *                                                                               *
- *  S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K                                           *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlock                         _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlock)
-DLL void SCITransferBlock(sci_map_t    sourceMap,
-                          unsigned int sourceOffset,
-                          sci_map_t    destinationMap,
-                          unsigned int destinationOffset,
-                          unsigned int size,
-                          unsigned int flags,
-                          sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   T R A N S F E R  B L O C K   A S Y N C                                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                          *
- *  SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK                                                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE      - The sum of the size and offset is larger than    *
- *                              the corresponding map size.                      *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT    - Size is not correctly aligned as required by     *
- *                              the implementation.                              *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT  - Offset is not correctly aligned as required      *
- *                              by the implementation.                           *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED   - The data transfer failed.                        *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCITransferBlockAsync                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCITransferBlockAsync)
-DLL void SCITransferBlockAsync(sci_map_t               sourceMap,
-                               unsigned int            sourceOffset,
-                               sci_map_t               destinationMap,
-                               unsigned int            destinationOffset,
-                               unsigned int            size,
-                               sci_block_transfer_t    *block,
-                               sci_cb_block_transfer_t callback,
-                               void                    *callbackArg,
-                               unsigned int            flags,
-                               sci_error_t             *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   W A I T   F O R   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *  SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT               - The function timed out after specified       *
- *                                  timeout value.                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIWaitForBlockTransfer                  _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIWaitForBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIWaitForBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                 unsigned int         timeout,
-                                 unsigned int         flags,
-                                 sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   A B O R T   B L O C K   T R A N S F E R                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION     - Illegal operation                            *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIAbortBlockTransfer                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAbortBlockTransfer)
-DLL void SCIAbortBlockTransfer(sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                               unsigned int         flags,
-                               sci_error_t          *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C P Y                                                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCpy                                _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCpy)
-DLL void SCIMemCpy(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                   void           *memAddr,
-                   sci_map_t      remoteMap,
-                   unsigned int   remoteOffset,
-                   unsigned int   size,
-                   unsigned int   flags,
-                   sci_error_t    *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   M E M   C O P Y                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags:                                                                       *
- *    SCI_FLAG_BLOCK_READ                                                        *
- *    SCI_FLAG_ERROR_CHECK                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE          - The sum of the size and offset is larger     *
- *                                  than the corresponding map size.             *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT      - Offset is not correctly aligned as required  *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED       - The data transfer failed.                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIMemCopy                               _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIMemCopy)
-DLL void SCIMemCopy(void         *memAddr,
-                    sci_map_t    remoteMap,
-                    unsigned int remoteOffset,
-                    unsigned int size,
-                    unsigned int flags,
-                    sci_error_t  *error);
- *                                                                               * 
- * S C I   R E G I S T E R   S E G M E N T   M E M O R Y                         *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT   - Size is not correctly aligned as required by      *
- *                             the implementation.                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS  - Illegal address.                                  *
- *  SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE     - Size is larger than the maximum size for the      *
- *                             local segment.                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIRegisterSegmentMemory                 _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIRegisterSegmentMemory)
-DLL void SCIRegisterSegmentMemory(void                *address,
-                                  unsigned int        size,
-                                  sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                  unsigned int        flags,
-                                  sci_error_t         *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   C O N N E C T   S C I   S P A C E                                     *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SISCI Priveleged function                                                    *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   None.                                                                       *
- *                                                                               *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Specific error codes for this function:                                      *
- *                                                                               *
- *  SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT        - Size is not correctly aligned as required    *
- *                                  by the implementation.                       *
- *  SCI_ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED    - Connection attempt refused by remote node.   *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIConnectSCISpace                       _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIConnectSCISpace)
-DLL void SCIConnectSCISpace(sci_desc_t           sd,
-                            unsigned int         localAdapterNo,
-                            sci_remote_segment_t *segment,
-                            sci_address_t        address,
-                            unsigned int         size,
-                            unsigned int         flags,
-                            sci_error_t          *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   A T T A C H   L O C A L   S E G M E N T
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIAttachLocalSegment() permits an application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *  
- *     SCI_FLAG_USE_CALLBACK  - The callback function will be invoked for events 
- *                              on this segment.     
- *
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- * 
- *     SCI_ERR_ACCESS          - No such shared segment 
- *     SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT - No such segment 
- *     Note: Current implenentation will return SCI_ERR_ACCESS for both cases. This will
- *           change from next release. Application should handle both cases.   
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIAttachLocalSegment                    _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIAttachLocalSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIAttachLocalSegment(sci_desc_t              sd,
-                      sci_local_segment_t    *segment,
-                      unsigned int            segmentId,
-                      unsigned int           *size,
-                      sci_cb_local_segment_t callback,
-                      void                   *callbackArg,
-                      unsigned int           flags,
-                      sci_error_t            *error);
- * =====================================================================================
- *
- *    S C I   S H A R E   S E G M E N T
- * 
- *   Description:
- *
- *     SCIShareSegment() permits other application to "attach" to an already existing
- *     local segment, implying that two or more application want
- *     share the same local segment. The prerequest, is  that the
- *     application which originally created the segment ("owner") has
- *     preformed a SCIShareSegment() in order to mark the segment
- *     "shareable".
- *
- *
- *   Flags:
- *     none
- *
- *   Specific error codes for this function:  
- *
- *
- *
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-#define SCIShareSegment                          _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIShareSegment)
-DLL void
-SCIShareSegment(sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                unsigned int flags,
-                sci_error_t *error);
- *                                                                               *
- * S C I   F L U S H                                                             *
- *                                                                               *
- *  This function will flush the CPU buffers and the PSB buffers.                *
- *                                                                               *
- *  Flags                                                                        *
- *   SCI_FLAG_FLUSH_CPU_BUFFERS_ONLY :                                           *
- *                                    Only flush CPU buffers ( Write combining   *
- *                                    etc buffers).                              *
- *                                                                               *
- *********************************************************************************/
-#define SCIFlush                   _SISCI_EXPANDE_FUNCTION_NAME(SCIFlush)
-DLL void SCIFlush(sci_sequence_t sequence,
-                         unsigned int   flags);
-#if defined(CPLUSPLUS) || defined(__cplusplus)
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ce5bb2aec8ef85ed006ab3bcabc84915090e70bd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_demolib.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_demolib.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#if defined(_REENTRANT)
-/*                     Q U E R Y   A D A P T E R                                 */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define QueryAdapter              _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(QueryAdapter)
-sci_error_t QueryAdapter(
-                    unsigned int subcommand,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int portNo,
-                    unsigned int *data);
-/*                     Q U E R Y   S Y S T E M                                   */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define QuerySystem               _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(QuerySystem)
-sci_error_t QuerySystem(
-                    unsigned int subcommand,
-                    unsigned int *data);
-/*             D E T E C T   F I R S T   A D A P T E R   C A R D                 */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define DetectFirstAdapterCard    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(DetectFirstAdapterCard)
-sci_error_t DetectFirstAdapterCard(
-                    unsigned int *localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int *localNodeId);
-/*                   G E T   A D A P T E R   T Y P E                             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAdapterType    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAdapterType)
-sci_error_t GetAdapterType(unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                           unsigned int *adapterType);
-/*                      G E T   L O C A L   N O D E I D                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetLocalNodeId            _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetLocalNodeId)
-sci_error_t GetLocalNodeId(
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int *localNodeId);
-/*            G E T   A D A P T E R   S E R I A L   N U M B E R                  */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAdapterSerialNumber    _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAdapterSerialNumber)
-sci_error_t GetAdapterSerialNumber(
-                     unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                     unsigned int *serialNo);
-/*                  G E T   H O S T B R I D G E   T Y P E                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetHostbridgeType       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetHostbridgeType)
-sci_error_t GetHostbridgeType(unsigned int *hostbridgeType);
-/*                P R I N T   H O S T B R I D G E   T Y P E                      */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define PrintHostbridgeType       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(PrintHostbridgeType)
-void PrintHostbridgeType(unsigned int hostbridge);
-/*               G E T   A P I   V E R S I O N   S T R I N G                     */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define GetAPIVersionString       _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(GetAPIVersionString)
-sci_error_t GetAPIVersionString(char str[], unsigned int strLength);
-/*         G E T   A D A P T E R   I O   B U S    F R E Q U E N C Y              */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterIoBusFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                     unsigned int *ioBusFrequency);
-/*      G E T   A D A P T E R   S C I   L I N K   F R E Q U E N C Y              */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterSciLinkFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                       unsigned int *sciLinkFrequency);
-/*          G E T   A D A P T E R   B L I N K   F R E Q U E N C Y                */
-/*                                                                               */
-sci_error_t GetAdapterBlinkFrequency(unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                     unsigned int *bLinkFrequency);
-/*                       S E N D   I N T E R R U P T                             */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define SendInterrupt             _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(SendInterrupt)
-sci_error_t SendInterrupt(
-                    sci_desc_t   sd,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo, 
-                    unsigned int localNodeId, 
-                    unsigned int remoteNodeId,
-                    unsigned int interruptNo);
-/*                    R E C E I V E   I N T E R R U P T                          */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define ReceiveInterrupt          _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(ReceiveInterrupt)
-sci_error_t ReceiveInterrupt(
-                    sci_desc_t   sd,
-                    unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                    unsigned int localNodeId,
-                    unsigned int interruptNo);
-/*                           E N D I A N   S W A P                               */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define EndianSwap                _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(EndianSwap)
-unsigned int EndianSwap (unsigned int  value);
-/*                    S L E E P   M I L L I S E C O N D S                        */
-/*                                                                               */
-#define SleepMilliseconds         _SISCI_DEMOLIB_EXPAND_NAME(SleepMilliseconds)
-void SleepMilliseconds(int  milliseconds);
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 56fa0d18b3ac1e771c7eb011039d97132944aea6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_error.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_error.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-#define _SISCI_ERROR_H_
-/* SCI Error return values always have 30 bit  set */
-#define SCI_ERR_MASK                0x40000000
-#define SCI_ERR_REMOTE_MASK            0x01        /* Remote errors should have bit 0 set */
-#define SCI_ERR(u) ((unsigned32)(u)&0x7FFFFFFF )
-/* Error codes */
-typedef enum {
-   SCI_ERR_OK                         = 0x000,
-   SCI_ERR_BUSY              	      = (0x900  | SCI_ERR_MASK), 
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_FLAG               = (0x902  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOSPC                      = (0x904  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_API_NOSPC                  = (0x905  | SCI_ERR_MASK),         
-   SCI_ERR_HW_NOSPC                   = (0x906  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED            = (0x907  | SCI_ERR_MASK),  
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADAPTERNO          = (0x908  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_ADAPTERNO          = (0x909  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TIMEOUT                    = (0x90A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE               = (0x90B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_SEGMENT            = (0x90C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_NODEID             = (0x90D  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SIZE_ALIGNMENT             = (0x910  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OFFSET_ALIGNMENT           = (0x911  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER          = (0x912  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_MAX_ENTRIES                = (0x913  | SCI_ERR_MASK),   
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS            = (0x915  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_OPERATION          = (0x916  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ILLEGAL_QUERY              = (0x917  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SEGMENTID_USED             = (0x918  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_SYSTEM                     = (0x919  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_CANCELLED                  = (0x91A  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED              = (0x91B  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_AVAILABLE              = (0x91C  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_OVERFLOW                   = (0x91F  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NOT_INITIALIZED            = (0x920  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_ACCESS                     = (0x921  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_SUCH_NODEID             = (0xA00  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_NO_LINK_ACCESS             = (0xA05  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_TRANSFER_FAILED            = (0xA06  | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-   SCI_ERR_EWOULD_BLOCK               = ( 0xB00 | SCI_ERR_MASK),
-} sci_error_t;
-#endif /* _SCI_ERROR_H_ */
diff --git a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h b/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e7957c3f22fc4742268a589c3df2df58b1cef6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/src/external/WIN32.x86/sci/include/sisci_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-/* $Id: sisci_types.h,v 1.1 2002/12/13 12:17:23 hin Exp $  */
- *                                                                             *
- * Copyright (C) 1993 - 2000                                                   * 
- *         Dolphin Interconnect Solutions AS                                   *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify        * 
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,              *
- * or (at your option) any later version.                                      *
- *                                                                             *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,             *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              *
- * GNU General Public License for more details.                                *
- *                                                                             *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software                 *
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA. *
- *                                                                             *
- *                                                                             *
- *******************************************************************************/ 
-#ifndef _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#define _SISCI_TYPES_H
-#include "sisci_error.h"
-#ifndef IN
-#define IN
-#ifndef OUT
-#define OUT
-#ifndef IN_OUT
-#define IN_OUT
-/* Opaque data types for descriptors/handles */
-typedef struct sci_desc *sci_desc_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_segment *sci_local_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_remote_segment *sci_remote_segment_t;
-typedef struct sci_map *sci_map_t;
-typedef struct sci_sequence *sci_sequence_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef struct sci_dma_queue *sci_dma_queue_t; 
-typedef struct sci_remote_interrupt *sci_remote_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_local_interrupt *sci_local_interrupt_t;
-typedef struct sci_block_transfer *sci_block_transfer_t;
- * Constants defining reasons for segment callbacks:
- */
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_CB_CONNECT = 1,
-} sci_segment_cb_reason_t;
-/* dma_queue_states is identical to the dma_queue_state_t in genif.h, they must be consistent.*/
-typedef enum {
-} sci_dma_queue_state_t;
-typedef enum {
-    SCI_SEQ_OK,
-} sci_sequence_status_t;
-typedef struct {
-    unsigned short nodeId;      /* SCI Address bit 63 - 48 */
-    unsigned short offsHi;      /* SCI Address bit 47 - 32 */
-    unsigned int   offsLo;      /* SCI Address bit 31 -  0 */
-} sci_address_t;
-typedef unsigned int sci_ioaddr_t;
-typedef enum {
-} sci_callback_action_t;
-#ifndef KERNEL
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_local_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                        sci_local_segment_t segment,
-                                                        sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                        unsigned int nodeId, 
-                                                        unsigned int localAdapterNo,
-                                                        sci_error_t error);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_remote_segment_t)(void *arg,
-                                                         sci_remote_segment_t segment,
-                                                         sci_segment_cb_reason_t reason,
-                                                         sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_dma_t)(void IN *arg,
-                                              sci_dma_queue_t queue,
-                                              sci_error_t status);
-typedef int (*sci_cb_block_transfer_t)(void *arg,
-                                       sci_block_transfer_t block,
-                                       sci_error_t status);
-typedef sci_callback_action_t (*sci_cb_interrupt_t)(void *arg,
-                                                    sci_local_interrupt_t interrupt,
-                                                    sci_error_t status);
-#endif /* KERNEL */
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab429c8ea1c9cc4fd9bc55606d841f52b55c289..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-include .defs.mk
-TYPE =			*
-BIN_TARGET =	       	tpcb	
-SOURCES =		ttTime.c tpcb.cpp
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/ndbapi \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/portlib \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/util \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/test/include \
-			-I/usr/local/include
-CCFLAGS_WARNINGS +=	-Wno-unused -Wno-sign-compare -Wformat
-ifeq ($(NDB_OS),SOLARIS)
-BIN_TARGET_LIBS +=	dmallocthcxx
-include $(NDB_TOP)/Epilogue.mk
-$(BIN_DIR)$(BIN_TARGET): Makefile
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_mysql b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_mysql
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e1b9a25fe26b2a0b1f5472cec5eb6dd8d02af48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_mysql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-include $(NDB_TOP)/Defs.mk
-TYPE =                  odbcclient
-BIN_TARGET =            tpcb
-SOURCES =               ttTime.c tpcb.cpp
-CCFLAGS_LOC += 		-I/usr/local/include \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/test/include \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/util \
-                        -I$(NDB_TOP)/src/client/odbc/common 
-#CCFLAGS_WARNINGS +=     -Wno-unused
-LIBS_LOC +=		-L/usr/local/lib
-BIN_TARGET_LIBS_DIRS +=	/usr/local/lib
-BIN_TARGET_LIBS +=	odbc odbcinst
-#LIBS_SPEC += -pg
-#	-lNDBT \
-#		-lodbc \
-#		-lodbcinst \
-#		-lportlib
-include $(NDB_TOP)/Epilogue.mk
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_ndb b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_ndb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85960413ef083dc5b3a173825500b0933b36ceea..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/Makefile_ndb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-include $(NDB_TOP)/Defs.mk
-TYPE =			*
-BIN_TARGET =	       	tpcb	
-SOURCES =		ttTime.c tpcb.cpp
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/ndbapi \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/portlib \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/include/util \
-			-I$(NDB_TOP)/test/include \
-			-I/usr/local/include
-CCFLAGS_WARNINGS +=	-Wno-unused -Wno-sign-compare -Wformat
-ifeq ($(NDB_OS),SOLARIS)
-BIN_TARGET_LIBS +=	dmallocthcxx
-include $(NDB_TOP)/Epilogue.mk
-$(BIN_DIR)$(BIN_TARGET): Makefile
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/readme.txt b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 008cafb9d2fa539a148b0ce93099dc8551dcdfc3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-'tpcb' requires an .odbc.ini file in
-or in
-The .odbc.ini file must contain a DSN entry called ndb:
-#--------- .odbc.ini example --------------------
-Driver = /path_to_installation/lib/libNDB_ODBC.so
-#--------- End of example -----------------------
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/timesten.h b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/timesten.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 45579f9d2774c04bfa75c62070aa10d18041c9d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/timesten.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
- * $Revision: 1.1 $
- * (c) Copyright 1997-2003, TimesTen, Inc.
- * All rights reserved. 
- */
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sql.h>
-#include <sqltypes.h>
-#include <sqlext.h>
- * TimesTen extension to application data types; only usable
- * when application directly linked to the TimesTen driver.
- */
-#define SQL_C_ADDR      100
-#ifndef SQL_C_SBIGINT
-#if (ODBCVER < 0x0300)
-#if (ODBCVER < 0x0300)
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef __int64 SQLBIGINT;
-/* On Unix platforms SQLBIGINT is defined in odbcinclude directory*/
-#ifdef _WIN32
-#define UBIGINT   unsigned __int64
-#define UBIGINT   unsigned long long
-#define SQL_WCHAR         (-8)
-#define SQL_WVARCHAR      (-9)
-#define SQL_WLONGVARCHAR  (-10)
-#define SQL_C_WCHAR       SQL_WCHAR
-/* SQLGetInfo() InfoTypes */
-#define SQL_CONVERT_WCHAR         122
-#define SQL_CONVERT_WVARCHAR      126
-/* TimesTen specific SQLGetInfo types */
-/* SQLGetInfo() return value bitmasks */
-#ifndef SQL_CVT_WCHAR
-** These definitions differ from Microsoft in that they are not
-** specified as long (e.g. 0x00200000L), hence they are protected
-** by the ifndef above.
-#define SQL_CVT_WCHAR           0x00200000
-#define SQL_CVT_WLONGVARCHAR    0x00400000
-#define SQL_CVT_WVARCHAR        0x00800000
-** The Microsoft Driver Manager SQLBindParameter() will not pass SQL_WCHAR
-** through.  Use this hack to get around it.
-/* This is an extension to ODBC's isolation levels. It reflects an
- * earlier implementation of read-committed that released locks on
- * next fetch, rather than releasing locks before returning value to
- * application.  */
-#define SQL_TXN_CURSOR_STABILITY            0x00001000
-#define SQL_TXN_NOBLOCK_DELETE              0x00002000
-/* TimesTen-specific connection option */
-#define TT_PREFETCH_CLOSE                   10001
-#define TT_PREFETCH_CLOSE_OFF               0
-#define TT_PREFETCH_CLOSE_ON                1
-/* Adding a new sql connection option */
-#define TT_PREFETCH_COUNT                   10003
-#define TT_PREFETCH_COUNT_MAX               128
- * Platform specific data types for integers that scale
- * with pointer size
- */
-#ifdef _IA64_
-typedef signed   __int64 tt_ptrint;
-typedef unsigned __int64 tt_uptrint;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef signed   long    tt_ptrint;
-typedef unsigned long    tt_uptrint;
-typedef signed   long    tt_ptrint;
-typedef unsigned long    tt_uptrint;
-#ifdef _WIN32
-typedef signed   __int64    tt_int8;
-typedef unsigned __int64    tt_uint8;
-typedef signed   long long  tt_int8;
-typedef unsigned long long  tt_uint8;
-/* printf formats for pointer-sized integers */
-#ifdef _IA64_                   /* 64-bit NT */
-#define PTRINT_FMT    "I64d"
-#define UPTRINT_FMT   "I64u"
-#define xPTRINT_FMT   "I64x"
-#define XPTRINT_FMT   "I64X"
-#ifdef _WIN32                   /* 32-bit NT */
-#define PTRINT_FMT    "ld"
-#define UPTRINT_FMT   "lu"
-#define xPTRINT_FMT   "lx"
-#define XPTRINT_FMT   "lX"
-#else                           /* 32 and 64-bit UNIX */
-#define PTRINT_FMT    "ld"
-#define UPTRINT_FMT   "lu"
-#define xPTRINT_FMT   "lx"
-#define XPTRINT_FMT   "lX"
-/* printf formats for 8-byte integers */
-#ifdef _WIN32                   /* 32 and 64-bit NT */
-#define INT8_FMT      "I64d"
-#define UINT8_FMT     "I64u"
-#define xINT8_FMT     "I64x"
-#define XINT8_FMT     "I64X"
-#else                           /* 32 and 64-bit UNIX */
-#define INT8_FMT      "lld"
-#define UINT8_FMT     "llu"
-#define xINT8_FMT     "llx"
-#define XINT8_FMT     "llX"
-#define INT8_FMT_DEFINED 1
-/* The following types are defined in the newer odbc include files
-   from Microsoft
-#if defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_IA64_)
-#define SQLLEN          SQLINTEGER
-#define SQLULEN         SQLUINTEGER
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/tpcb.cpp b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/tpcb.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60d746e78445a5743ec36cd31dc31aed2b99bbb0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/tpcb.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1415 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
-static const volatile char cvsid[] = "$Id: tpcb.cpp,v 1.4 2003/09/26 09:04:34 johan Exp $";
- * $Revision: 1.4 $
- * (c) Copyright 1996-2003, TimesTen, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- */
-/* This source is best displayed with a tabstop of 4 */
-#define NDB
-//#define MYSQL
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include "ttRand.h"
-#if !defined NDB && !defined MYSQL
-#include <sqlunix.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#ifdef SB_P_OS_CHORUS
-#include "ttRand.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sql.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#if !defined NDB && !defined MYSQL
-#include "ttTime.h"
-#include "utils.h"
-#include "tt_version.h"
-#include "timesten.h"
-#if defined NDB || defined MYSQL
-#include <NdbOut.hpp>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sqlext.h>
-#include <sql.h>
-extern "C" {
-#include "ttTime.h"
-#include "timesten.h"
-  void ttGetWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* timeP);
-  void ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* beforeP,
-                                  ttWallClockTime* afterP,
-                                  double* nmillisecondsP);
-  void ttGetThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes * endRes);
-  void ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes*  startRes, 
-                                ttThreadTimes * endRes, 
-                                double * kernel, 
-                                double * user);
-#define app_exit exit
-#define status_msg0 ndbout_c
-#define status_msg1 ndbout_c
-#define status_msg2 ndbout_c
-#define err_msg0 ndbout_c
-#define err_msg1 ndbout_c
-#define err_msg3 ndbout_c
-#define out_msg0 ndbout_c
-#define out_msg1 ndbout_c
-#define out_msg3 ndbout_c
-#define CONN_STR_LEN 255
-#define DBMS_TIMESTEN 1
-#define DBMS_MSSQL 2
-#define DBMS_UNKNOWN 3
-#define NO_EXIT 0
-#define ERROR_EXIT  1
-/* this value is used for results (and err msgs) only */
-#define VERBOSE_RESULTS    1
-/* this value is the default for the cmdline demo */
-#define VERBOSE_DFLT   2
-#define VERBOSE_ALL    3
-#ifdef MYSQL
-#define DSNNAME "DSN=myodbc3"
-#elif defined NDB
-#define DSNNAME "DSN=ndb"
-#define DSNNAME "DSN="
-/* number of branches, tellers, and accounts */
-#define NumBranches             1
-#define TellersPerBranch        10
-#define AccountsPerBranch       10000
-/* number of transactions to execute */
-#define NumXacts                25000
-/* starting seed value for the random number generator */
-#define SeedVal                 84773
-/* for MS SQL, the drop, create and use database statements */
-#define DatabaseDropStmt        "drop database tpcbDB;"
-#ifdef MYSQL
-#define DatabaseCreateStmt      "create database tpcbDB;"
-#define DatabaseCreateStmt      "create database tpcbDB ON DEFAULT = %d;"
-#define DatabaseUseStmt         "use tpcbDB;"
- * Specifications of table columns.
- * Fillers of 80, 80, 84, and 24 bytes, respectively, are used
- * to ensure that rows are the width required by the benchmark.
- *
- * Note: The TimesTen and MS SQL CREATE TABLE statements for the
- *       accounts, tellers and branches tables are different.
- *
- */
-#define TuplesPerPage 256
-#ifdef MYSQL
-#define AccountCrTblStmt "create table accounts \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float not null, \
-filler char(80));"
-#define TellerCrTblStmt "create table tellers \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float not null, \ 
-filler char(80));"
-#define BranchCrTblStmt "create table branches \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-balance float not null, \
-filler char(84));"
-#ifdef NDB
-#define AccountCrTblStmt "create table accounts \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float not null, \
-filler char(80)) nologging"
-#define TellerCrTblStmt "create table tellers \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float not null, \ 
-filler char(80)) nologging"
-#define BranchCrTblStmt "create table branches \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-balance float not null, \
-filler char(84)) nologging"
-#ifdef NDB
-#define HistoryCrTblStmt "create table History \
-(tellernum integer not null, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-accountnum integer not null, \
-delta float not null, \
-createtime integer not null, \
-filler char(24), \
-primary key (tellernum, branchnum, accountnum, delta, createtime)) nologging"
-#ifdef MYSQL
-#define HistoryCrTblStmt "create table History \
-(tellernum integer not null, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-accountnum integer not null, \
-delta float(53) not null, \
-createtime integer not null, \
-filler char(24))"
-#define HistoryCrTblStmt "create table History \
-(tellernum integer not null, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-accountnum integer not null, \
-delta float(53) not null, \
-createtime integer not null, \
-filler char(24));"
-#define TTAccountCrTblStmt "create table accounts \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float(53) not null, \
-filler char(80)) unique hash on (number) pages = %" PTRINT_FMT ";"
-#define TTTellerCrTblStmt "create table tellers \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-branchnum integer not null, \
-balance float(53) not null, \
-filler char(80)) unique hash on (number) pages = %" PTRINT_FMT ";"
-#define TTBranchCrTblStmt "create table branches \
-(number integer not null primary key, \
-balance float(53) not null, \
-filler char(84)) unique hash on (number) pages = %" PTRINT_FMT ";"
-/* Insertion statements used to populate the tables */
-#define NumInsStmts 3
-char* insStmt[NumInsStmts] = {
-  "insert into branches values (?, 0.0, NULL)",
-  "insert into tellers  values (?, ?, 0.0, NULL)",
-  "insert into accounts values (?, ?, 0.0, NULL)"
-/* Transaction statements used to update the tables */
-#define NumXactStmts 5
-#ifdef NDB
-char* tpcbXactStmt[NumXactStmts] = {
-  "update accounts \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?",
-  "select balance \
-from   accounts \
-where  number = ?",
-  "update tellers \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?",
-  "update branches \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?",
-  "insert into History(tellernum, branchnum, \
-accountnum, delta, createtime, filler) \
-values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL)"
-char* tpcbXactStmt[NumXactStmts] = {
-  "update accounts \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?;",
-  "select balance \
-from   accounts \
-where  number = ?;",
-  "update tellers \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?;",
-  "update branches \
-set    balance = balance + ? \
-where  number = ?;",
-  "insert into History \
-values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL);"
-/* Global parameters and flags (typically set by parse_args()) */
-int     tabFlag = 0;                 /* Default is NOT tab output mode */
-char    szConnStrIn[CONN_STR_LEN];   /* ODBC Connection String */
-int     printXactTimes = 0;          /* Transaction statistics
-                                      * gathering flag */
-char    statFile[FILENAME_MAX];      /* Transaction statistics filename */
-int     scaleFactor = 2;             /* Default TPS scale factor */
-int numBranchTups;             /* Number of branches */
-int numTellerTups;             /* Number of tellers */
-int numAccountTups;            /* Number of accounts */
-int numNonLocalAccountTups;    /* Number of local accounts */
-int numXacts = NumXacts;       /* Default number of transactions */
-int     verbose = VERBOSE_DFLT;      /* Verbose level */
-FILE   *statusfp;                    /* File for status messages */
-int DBMSType;                 /* DBMS type (DBMS_TIMESTEN, DBMS_MSSQL...) */
-SQLHENV henv;                        /* Environment handle */
-void handle_errors( SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT hstmt, int errcode, int action,                   char * msg,
-		  char * file, int line) {
-  if (errcode == SQL_SUCCESS)
-    return;
-  if(errcode == SQL_ERROR) {
-    int ret;
-    long diagCount=0;
-    short length=0;
-    SQLCHAR state[10] = "";
-    SQLCHAR message[200] = "";
-    long native = 0;
-    if(hstmt != 0) {
-      ret = SQLGetDiagField(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, 0, SQL_DIAG_NUMBER, &diagCount, SQL_IS_INTEGER, 0);
-      for(long i = 0; i < diagCount; i++) {
-        ret = SQLGetDiagRec(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt, i, (SQLCHAR*)state, &native, (SQLCHAR*)message, 200, &length);
-        ndbout_c("GetDiagRec: Message : %s  ", message);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(errcode != SQL_SUCCESS) {
-    ndbout_c("Message: %s", msg);
-    switch(errcode) {
-      ndbout_c("SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO");
-      break;
-      ndbout_c("SQL_STILL_EXECUTING");
-      break;
-    case SQL_ERROR:
-      ndbout_c("SQL_ERROR");
-      break;
-      ndbout_c("SQL_INVALID_HANDLE");
-      break;
-    default:
-      ndbout_c("Some other error");
-    }
-    exit(1);
-  }
- *  FUNCTION:       usage
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function prints a usage message describing
- *                  the command line options of the program.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     char* prog      full program path name
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-static void usage(char *prog)
-  char  *progname;
-  /* Get the name of the program (sans path). */
-#ifdef WIN32
-  progname = strrchr(prog, '\\');
-  progname = strrchr(prog, '/');
-  if (progname == 0)
-    progname = prog;
-  else
-    ++progname;
-  /* Print the usage message */
-  fprintf(stderr,
-          "Usage:\t%s [-h] [-help] [-V] [-connStr <string>] [-v <level>]\n"
-          "\t\t[-xact <xacts>] [-scale <scale>] [-tabs] [-s <statfile>]\n\n"
-          "  -h                  Prints this message and exits.\n"
-          "  -help               Same as -h.\n"
-          "  -V                  Prints version number and exits.\n"
-          "  -connStr <string>   Specifies an ODBC connection string to replace the\n"
-          "                      default DSN for the program. The default is\n"
-          "                      \"DSN=TpcbData<version>;OverWrite=1\".\n"
-          "  -v <level>          Verbose level\n"
-          "                         0 = errors only\n"
-          "                         1 = results only\n"
-          "                         2 = results and some status messages (default)\n"
-          "                         3 = all messages\n"
-          "  -xact <xacts>       Specifies the number of transactions to be run\n"
-          "                      The default is 25000 transactions.\n"
-          "  -scale <scale>      Specifies a scale factor which determines the\n"
-          "                      number of branches (scale), tellers (scale x 10),\n"
-          "                      accounts (scale x 10000) and non-local accounts\n"
-          "                      ((scale-1) x 10000. The default scale factor is 2.\n"
-          "  -tabs               Specifies that the output be a tab-separated\n"
-          "                      format suitable for import into a spreadsheet.\n"
-          "                      Results only go to stdout; status and other\n"
-          "                      messages go to stderr.\n"
-          "  -s <statfile>       Prints individual transaction times to <statfile>.\n",
-          progname);
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       parse_args
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function parses the command line arguments
- *                  passed to main(), setting the appropriate global
- *                  variables and issuing a usage message for
- *                  invalid arguments.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     int argc         # of arguments from main()
- *                  char *argv[]     arguments  from main()
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
-  int           i = 1;
-  *szConnStrIn = 0;
-  while (i < argc) {
-    if ( !strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "-help") ) {
-      usage(argv[0]);
-      app_exit(0);
-    }
-    /*
-    if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-V")) {
-      printf("%s\n", TTVERSION_STRING);
-      app_exit(0);
-    }
-    */
-    if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) {
-      if (argc < i+2 ) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1], "%s", statFile) == 0) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      printXactTimes = 1;
-      i += 2;
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp(argv[i], "-connStr")) {
-      if (argc < i+2 ) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      strcpy(szConnStrIn, argv[i+1]);
-      i += 2;
-      continue;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp("-v", argv[i]) == 0) {
-      if (argc < i+2 ) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &verbose) == -1 ||
-          verbose < 0 || verbose > 3) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "-v flag requires an integer parameter (0-3)\n");
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      i += 2;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp("-xact",argv[i]) == 0) {
-      if (argc < i+2 ) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1], "%" PTRINT_FMT, &numXacts) == -1 || numXacts < 0) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "-xact flag requires a non-negative integer argument\n");
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      i += 2;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp("-scale",argv[i]) == 0) {
-      if (argc < i+2 ) {
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      if (sscanf(argv[i+1], "%d", &scaleFactor) == -1 || scaleFactor < 1) {
-        fprintf(stderr, "-scale flag requires an integer argument >= 1\n");
-        usage(argv[0]);
-        app_exit(1);
-      }
-      /* Calculate tuple sizes */
-      numBranchTups = NumBranches * scaleFactor;
-      numTellerTups = TellersPerBranch * scaleFactor;
-      numAccountTups = AccountsPerBranch * scaleFactor;
-      numNonLocalAccountTups = AccountsPerBranch * (scaleFactor-1);
-      i += 2;
-    }
-    else if (strcmp("-tabs",argv[i]) == 0) {
-      tabFlag = 1;
-      statusfp = stderr;
-      i += 1;
-    }
-    else {
-      usage(argv[0]);
-      app_exit(1);
-    }
-  }
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       doImmed
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function executes and frees the specified
- *                  statement. It is used as a direct means to
- *                  create the tables used by this benchmark,
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     SQLHDBC hdbc    SQL Connection handle
- *                  SQLHSTMT hs     SQL Statement handle
- *                  char* cmd       SQL Statement text
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-doImmed(SQLHDBC hdbc, SQLHSTMT hs, char* cmd)
-  /* Execute the command */
-  rc = SQLExecDirect(hs, (SQLCHAR *) cmd, SQL_NTS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hs, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "Error executing statement", __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Close associated cursor and drop pending results */
-  rc = SQLFreeStmt(hs, SQL_CLOSE);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hs, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "closing statement handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       main
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This is the main function of the tpcb benchmark.
- *                  It connects to an ODBC data source, creates and
- *                  populates tables, updates the tables in a user-
- *                  specified number of transactions and reports on
- *                  on the transaction times.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     int argc        # of command line arguments
- *                  char *argv[]    command line arguments
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-main(int argc, char *argv[])
-  /* variables used for setting up the tables */
-  char               cmdStr[1024];
-  char               errstr[4096];
-  /* variables used during transactions */
-  int                accountNum;
-  int                tellerNum;
-  int                branchNum;
-  int                timeStamp;
-  double             delta;
-  unsigned int               lrand;
-  unsigned short     *srands, localLimit;
-  int                lp64;
-  /* variables used for timing and statistics */
-  int                warmup;
-  double             kernel, user, real;
-  ttThreadTimes      startRes, endRes;
-  ttWallClockTime    startT, endT;
-  ttWallClockTime**  rtStart;
-  ttWallClockTime**  rtEnd;
-  double**           resTime;
-  double             maxTime, totTime;
-  int                i;
-  int                j;
-  int          numLocalXacts=0, numRemoteXacts=0;
-  /* variables for ODBC */
-  SQLHDBC            hdbc;
-  SQLHSTMT           hstmt;
-  SQLHSTMT           txstmt[NumXactStmts];
-  SQLRETURN          rc;
-  char               DBMSName[32];
-  char               DBMSVersion[32];
-  int                databaseSize;
-  int                fThreadTime = 1;
-#ifdef WIN32
-  OSVERSIONINFO      sysInfo;
-  sysInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
-  GetVersionEx (&sysInfo);
-    /* GetThreadTimes is not supported on 95/98. Hence,
-     we do not support Resource/User/System times */
-  if (sysInfo.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT)
-        fThreadTime = 0;
-#if defined(TTCLIENTSERVER) && defined(__hpux) && !defined(__LP64__)
-  /* HP requires this for C main programs that call aC++ shared libs */
-  _main();
-#endif /* hpux32 */
-  /* Set up default signal handlers */
-#ifndef NDB
-  /*  StopRequestClear();
-  if (HandleSignals() != 0) {
-    err_msg0("Unable to set signal handlers\n");
-    return 1;
-  }
-  */
-  /* set IO mode for demo */
-  /* set_io_mode(); */
-  /* initialize the file for status messages */
-  statusfp = stdout;
-  /* set variable for 8-byte longs */
-  lp64 = (sizeof(lrand) == 8);
-  /* set the default tuple sizes */
-  numBranchTups = NumBranches * scaleFactor;
-  numTellerTups = TellersPerBranch * scaleFactor;
-  numAccountTups = AccountsPerBranch * scaleFactor;
-  numNonLocalAccountTups = AccountsPerBranch * (scaleFactor-1);
-  /* parse the command arguments */
-  parse_args(argc, argv);
-  /* allocate the transaction-based variables */
-  rtStart = (ttWallClockTime**) malloc(numXacts * sizeof(ttWallClockTime*));
-  if (!rtStart) {
-    err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-    app_exit(1);
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < numXacts; i++) {
-    rtStart[i] = (ttWallClockTime*) malloc(sizeof(ttWallClockTime));
-    if (!rtStart[i]) {
-      err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-      app_exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-  rtEnd = (ttWallClockTime**) malloc(numXacts * sizeof(ttWallClockTime*));
-  if (!rtEnd) {
-    err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-    app_exit(1);
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < numXacts; i++) {
-    rtEnd[i] = (ttWallClockTime*) malloc(sizeof(ttWallClockTime));
-    if (!rtEnd[i]) {
-      err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-      app_exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-  resTime = (double**) malloc(numXacts * sizeof(double*));
-  if (!resTime) {
-    err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-    app_exit(1);
-  }
-  for (i = 0; i < numXacts; i++) {
-    resTime[i] = (double*) malloc(sizeof(double));
-    if (!resTime[i]) {
-      err_msg0("Cannot allocate the transaction timing structures");
-      app_exit(1);
-    }
-  }
-  /* ODBC initialization */
-  rc = SQLAllocEnv(&henv);
-  if (rc != SQL_SUCCESS && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) {
-    /* error occurred -- don't bother calling handle_errors, since handle
-     * is not valid so SQLError won't work */
-    err_msg3("ERROR in %s, line %d: %s\n",
-             __FILE__, __LINE__, "allocating an environment handle");
-    app_exit(1);
-  }
-  /* call this in case of warning */
-  handle_errors(NULL, NULL, rc, NO_EXIT,
-                "allocating execution environment",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLAllocConnect(henv, &hdbc);
-  handle_errors(NULL, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "allocating connection handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Connect to data store */
-  status_msg0("Connecting to the data source...\n");
-  /* Set up the connection options if not specified on the command line
-   *    (default to TimesTen settings).
-   */
-  if ( !*szConnStrIn ) {
-    /* Running the benchmark with a scale factor creates (scale) branches,
-     * (scale x 10) tellers, (scale x 10000) accounts and ((scale-1) x 10000)
-     * non-local accounts. The size of the table rows are branches (141)
-     * tellers (141) and accounts (141). Therefore the data size requirements
-     * of this benchmark is:
-     *   size ~= 141 * ((scale * 20011) - 10000) (bytes)
-     *
-     * Multiply data size by 20% to account for additional DB overhead (e.g.
-     * indexes), and round up the nearest 10Mb for safety.
-     */
-    int est_size = (int) (3.6 * scaleFactor + 10.0);
-    est_size = est_size - (est_size % 10);
-    sprintf(szConnStrIn,"OverWrite=1;PermSize=%d;%s",
-            est_size, DSNNAME);
-    status_msg0("Connecting to the data source... %s \n", szConnStrIn);
-  }
-  rc = SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, (SQLCHAR *) szConnStrIn, SQL_NTS,
-                        NULL, 0, NULL,
-                        SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT);
-  status_msg0("Connected to the data source...\n");
-  sprintf(errstr, "connecting to driver (connect string %s)\n",
-          szConnStrIn);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                errstr, __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Turn auto-commit off */
-  rc = SQLSetConnectOption(hdbc, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT, SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_OFF);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "switching off the AUTO_COMMIT option",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Allocate a statement handle */
-  rc = SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &hstmt);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "allocating a statement handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* (Implicit) Transaction begin */
-  /* Determine the DBMS Type*/
-  DBMSName[0] = '\0';
-  rc = SQLGetInfo(hdbc, SQL_DBMS_NAME, (PTR) &DBMSName,
-                  sizeof(DBMSName), NULL);
-  rc = SQLGetInfo(hdbc, SQL_DRIVER_VER, (PTR) &DBMSVersion,
-                  sizeof(DBMSVersion), NULL);
-  if (strcmp(DBMSName, "TimesTen") == 0)
-  else if (strcmp(DBMSName, "Microsoft SQL Server") == 0)
-  else DBMSType = DBMS_UNKNOWN;
-  /* if not TimesTen: delete (if it exists), create & use the new database */
-  if (DBMSType != DBMS_TIMESTEN) {
-    status_msg0("Deleting the database...\n");
-    rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) DatabaseDropStmt, SQL_NTS);
-    /* estimate database size, size = data space + log space
-     * data space = (#tuples)/(tuples per page) * 2K bytes/page
-     * tuples per page = useable page size / row size (no index) = 2016/(96+2)
-     * log space = #transactions * average log size for the program transaction mix
-     * database size is in MB
-     */
-    databaseSize = (int) ceil((((numBranchTups + numTellerTups + numAccountTups)/
-                                (2016/98)) * 2048 + (numXacts * 600)) / 1000000.0);
-    status_msg1("Creating the database (%dMB)...\n", databaseSize);
-#ifndef NDB
-    sprintf(cmdStr, DatabaseCreateStmt, databaseSize);
-    doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, cmdStr);
-    strcpy(cmdStr, DatabaseUseStmt);
-    doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, cmdStr);
-  }
-  status_msg2("Connected to '%s' version '%s'...\n", DBMSName, DBMSVersion);
-  /* create branches table */
-  status_msg0("Creating tasddbles...\n");
-#ifndef NDB
-    sprintf(cmdStr, TTBranchCrTblStmt, numBranchTups/TuplesPerPage + 1);
-  else
-    sprintf(cmdStr, BranchCrTblStmt);
-  doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, cmdStr);
-  /* create tellers table */
-#ifndef NDB
-    sprintf(cmdStr, TTTellerCrTblStmt, numTellerTups/TuplesPerPage + 1);
-  else
-    sprintf(cmdStr, TellerCrTblStmt);
-  doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, cmdStr);
-  /* create accounts table */
-#ifndef NDB
-    sprintf(cmdStr, TTAccountCrTblStmt, numAccountTups/TuplesPerPage + 1);
-  else
-    sprintf(cmdStr, AccountCrTblStmt);
-  doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, cmdStr);
-  /* create History table */
-  doImmed(hdbc, hstmt, HistoryCrTblStmt);
-  /* lock the database during population */
-#ifndef NDB
-  if ( DBMSType == DBMS_TIMESTEN ) {
-    rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *)"call ttlocklevel('DS')", SQL_NTS);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc,  ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "specifying dbs lock usage",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    /* make sure dbs lock take effect in next transaction */
-    rc = SQLTransact(henv,hdbc,SQL_COMMIT);
-    if ( rc != SQL_SUCCESS) {
-      handle_errors(hdbc, SQL_NULL_HSTMT, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                    "committing transaction",
-                    __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    }
-  }
-  /* populate branches table */
-  rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) insStmt[0], SQL_NTS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "preparing statement",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &branchNum, sizeof branchNum, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  status_msg1("Populating branches table (%" PTRINT_FMT " rows)...\n",
-              numBranchTups);
-  for (i=0; i<numBranchTups; i++) {
-    branchNum = i;
-    rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "Error executing statement",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  /* Reset all bind-parameters for the statement handle. */
-  rc = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_RESET_PARAMS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "resetting parms on statement handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* populate tellers table */
-  status_msg1("Populating tellers table (%" PTRINT_FMT " rows)...\n",
-              numTellerTups);
-  rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) insStmt[1], SQL_NTS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "preparing statement",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER,
-                        10, 0, &tellerNum, sizeof tellerNum, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER,
-                        10, 0, &branchNum, sizeof branchNum, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  for (i=0; i<numTellerTups; i++) {
-    tellerNum = i;
-    branchNum = i/TellersPerBranch;
-    rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "Error executing statement",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  /* Reset all bind-parameters for the statement handle. */
-  rc = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_RESET_PARAMS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "resetting parms on statement handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* populate accounts table */
-  status_msg1("Populating accounts table (%" PTRINT_FMT " rows)...\n",
-              numAccountTups);
-  rc = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *) insStmt[2], SQL_NTS);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "preparing statement",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER,
-                        10, 0, &accountNum, sizeof accountNum, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG, SQL_INTEGER,
-                        10, 0, &branchNum, sizeof branchNum, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  for (i=0; i<numAccountTups; i++) {
-    accountNum = i;
-    branchNum = i/AccountsPerBranch;
-    rc = SQLExecute(hstmt);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "Error executing statement",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  status_msg0("Commit...\n");
-  rc = SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT);
-  status_msg0("Commit done...\n");
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "committing transaction",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* compile SQL statements of transaction */
-  status_msg0("Compiling statements of transaction...\n");
-  for (i=0; i<NumXactStmts; i++) {
-#ifndef NDB
-    rc = SQLAllocStmt(hdbc, &txstmt[i]);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "allocating a statement handle",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    rc = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &txstmt[i]);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "allocating a statement handle",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-    rc = SQLPrepare(txstmt[i], (SQLCHAR *) tpcbXactStmt[i], SQL_NTS);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[i], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "preparing statement",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  /*  unuse dbs lock */
-#ifndef NDB
-  if ( DBMSType == DBMS_TIMESTEN ) {
-    rc = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR *)"call ttlocklevel('Row')", SQL_NTS);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "specifying row lock usage",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  /* commit transaction */
-  rc = SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "committing transaction",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Initialize random seed and timers */
-  srand48(SeedVal);
-  localLimit = (unsigned short)((1<<16) * 0.85);
-  /* Initialize parameter lists for each of the transactions */
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[0], 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DOUBLE,
-                        SQL_DOUBLE, 15, 0, &delta, sizeof delta, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[0], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[0], 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &accountNum, sizeof accountNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[0], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[1], 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &accountNum, sizeof accountNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[1], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[2], 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DOUBLE,
-                        SQL_DOUBLE, 15, 0, &delta, sizeof delta, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[2], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[2], 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &tellerNum, sizeof tellerNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[2], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[3], 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DOUBLE,
-                        SQL_DOUBLE, 15, 0, &delta, sizeof delta, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[3], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[3], 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &branchNum, sizeof branchNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[3], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[4], 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &tellerNum, sizeof tellerNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[4], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[4], 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &branchNum, sizeof branchNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[4], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[4], 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &accountNum, sizeof accountNum,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[4], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[4], 4, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_DOUBLE,
-                        SQL_DOUBLE, 15, 0, &delta, sizeof delta, NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[4], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLBindParameter(txstmt[4], 5, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_SLONG,
-                        SQL_INTEGER, 10, 0, &timeStamp, sizeof timeStamp,
-                        NULL);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[4], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "binding parameter",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  /* Execute transaction loop.
-   * Do it twice, once briefly as a warm-up. */
-  for (warmup = 1; warmup >= 0; warmup--) {
-    int max_i = (warmup ? numXacts/10 : numXacts);
-    /* Execute tpcb transaction max_i times.*/
-    if (warmup) {
-      status_msg1("\nWarming up with %d tpcb transactions...\n", max_i);
-    }
-    else {
-      status_msg1("Executing and timing %d tpcb transactions...\n", max_i);
-    }
-    ttGetWallClockTime(&startT);
-    ttGetThreadTimes(&startRes);
-    for (i = 0; i < max_i; i++) {
-      lrand = lrand48();
-      srands = (unsigned short *)(&lrand);
-      if (lp64) srands += 2; /* skip high half -- all zero */
-      /* randomly choose a teller */
-      tellerNum = srands[0] % numTellerTups;
-      /* compute branch */
-      branchNum = (tellerNum / TellersPerBranch);
-      /* randomly choose an account */
-      if (srands[1] < localLimit || numBranchTups == 1) {
-        /* choose account local to selected branch */
-        accountNum = branchNum * AccountsPerBranch +
-          (lrand48() % AccountsPerBranch);
-        ++numLocalXacts;
-      }
-      else {
-        /* choose account not local to selected branch */
-        /* first select account in range [0,numNonLocalAccountTups) */
-        accountNum = lrand48() % numNonLocalAccountTups;
-        /* if branch number of selected account is at least as big
-         * as local branch number, then increment account number
-         * by AccountsPerBranch to skip over local accounts
-         */
-        if ((accountNum/AccountsPerBranch) >= branchNum)
-          accountNum += AccountsPerBranch;
-        ++numRemoteXacts;
-      }
-      /* select delta amount, -999,999 to +999,999 */
-      delta = ((lrand48() % 1999999) - 999999);
-      /* begin timing the "residence time" */
-      ttGetWallClockTime(rtStart[i]);
-      for ( j = 0; j < NumXactStmts - 2; j++) {
-        rc = SQLExecute(txstmt[j]);
-        handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[j], rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                      "Error executing statement1",
-                      __FILE__, __LINE__);
-        /* Close the handle after the SELECT statement
-         * (txstmt[1]) for non TimesTen DBMS' */
-        if ((DBMSType != DBMS_TIMESTEN) && (j == 1)) {
-          SQLFreeStmt(txstmt[1], SQL_CLOSE);
-        }
-      }
-      /* note that time must be taken within the */
-      timeStamp = time(NULL);
-      rc = SQLExecute(txstmt[NumXactStmts - 1]);
-            handle_errors(hdbc, txstmt[NumXactStmts - 1], rc,
-                    ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT, "Error executing statement2",
-                    __FILE__, __LINE__);
-      rc = SQLTransact(henv, hdbc, SQL_COMMIT);
-      handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                    "Error committing transaction",
-                    __FILE__, __LINE__);
-      ttGetWallClockTime(rtEnd[i]);
-    } /* end fortransaction loop */
-    ttGetThreadTimes(&endRes);
-    ttGetWallClockTime(&endT);
-    ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(&startRes, &endRes, &kernel, &user);
-    ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(&startT, &endT, &real);
-    if (warmup) {
-      if (!tabFlag) {
-        if (verbose) {
-          if (fThreadTime) {
-            out_msg0("                           time              user            system\n");
-            out_msg3("Warmup time (sec): %12.3f      %12.3f      %12.3f\n\n",
-                     real/1000.0, user, kernel);
-          } else {
-            out_msg1("Warmup time (sec): %12.3f\n\n", real/1000.0);
-          }
-        }
-      } else {
-        if (verbose) {
-          if (fThreadTime) {
-            out_msg0("\ttime\tuser\tsystem\n");
-            out_msg3("Warmup time (sec):\t%12.3f\t%12.3f\t%12.3f\n",
-                     real/1000.0, user, kernel);
-          } else {
-            out_msg1("Warmup time (sec):\t%12.3f\n", real/1000.0);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  status_msg0("\nExecution completed...\n");
-  /* Compute and report timing statistics */
-  maxTime = 0.0;
-  totTime = 0.0;
-  for (i = 0; i < numXacts; i++) {
-    ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(rtStart[i], rtEnd[i], resTime[i]);
-    totTime += *(resTime[i]);
-    if (*(resTime[i]) > maxTime) maxTime = *(resTime[i]);
-  }
-  if (!tabFlag) {
-    if (verbose) {
-      if (fThreadTime) {
-        out_msg0("                            time              user            system\n");
-        out_msg3("Total time (sec):   %12.3f      %12.3f      %12.3f\n",
-                 real/1000.0, user, kernel);
-      } else {
-        out_msg1("Total time (sec):   %12.3f\n", real/1000.0);
-      }
-    }
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("\nAverage transaction time (msec):%12.3f\n",
-               totTime/numXacts);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("Maximum transaction time (msec):%12.3f\n", maxTime);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("\nLocal transactions:  %7" PTRINT_FMT "\n", numLocalXacts);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("Remote transactions: %7" PTRINT_FMT "\n", numRemoteXacts);
-  } else {
-    if (verbose) {
-      if (fThreadTime) {
-        out_msg0("\ttime\tuser\tsystem\n");
-        out_msg3("Total time (sec):\t%12.3f\t%12.3f\t%12.3f\n",
-                 real/1000.0, user, kernel);
-      } else {
-        out_msg1("Total time (sec):\t%12.3f\n", real/1000.0);
-      }
-    }
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("\nAverage transaction time (msec):\t%12.3f\n",
-               totTime/numXacts);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("Maximum transaction time (msec):\t%12.3f\n", maxTime);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("Local transactions:\t%7" PTRINT_FMT "\n", numLocalXacts);
-    if (verbose)
-      out_msg1("Remote transactions:\t%7" PTRINT_FMT "\n", numRemoteXacts);
-  }
-  /* If the statfile option is selected, print each transaction's time */
-  if (printXactTimes) {
-    FILE * fp;
-    if ( (fp = fopen (statFile, "w")) == NULL ) {
-      err_msg1("Unable to open stat file %s for writing\n\n", statFile);
-    } else {
-      for (int i = 0; i < numXacts; i++)
-        fprintf(fp,"%6d: %12.3f\n", i, *(resTime[i]));
-      fclose(fp);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Disconnect and return */
-  rc = SQLFreeStmt(hstmt, SQL_DROP);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                "dropping the statement handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  for (int i=0; i<NumXactStmts; i++) {
-    rc = SQLFreeStmt(txstmt[i], SQL_DROP);
-    handle_errors(hdbc, hstmt, rc, ABORT_DISCONNECT_EXIT,
-                  "dropping the statement handle",
-                  __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  }
-  if (verbose >= VERBOSE_DFLT)
-    status_msg0("Disconnecting from the data source...\n");
-  rc = SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "disconnecting",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLFreeConnect(hdbc);
-  handle_errors(hdbc, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "freeing connection handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  rc = SQLFreeEnv(henv);
-  handle_errors(NULL, NULL, rc, ERROR_EXIT,
-                "freeing environment handle",
-                __FILE__, __LINE__);
-  app_exit(0);
-  return 0;
-/* Emacs variable settings */
-/* Local Variables: */
-/* tab-width:8 */
-/* indent-tabs-mode:nil */
-/* c-basic-offset:2 */
-/* End: */
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.c b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f10b0c6b912d1c483338b721707ddc7571dfee9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,366 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
-static const volatile char cvsid[] = "$Id: ttTime.c,v 1.1 2003/09/23 12:43:46 johan Exp $";
- * $Revision: 1.1 $
- * (c) Copyright 1996-2003, TimesTen, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-/* Contains functions for performing elapsed-time calculations
-   in a portable manner */
-#include "ttTime.h"
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <mapiutil.h>
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttGetThreadTimes
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function sets the supplied parameter's
- *                  user and kernel time for the current thread.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttThreadTimes* timesP   thread time structure
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttGetThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* timesP)
-  BOOL rc;
-  HANDLE curThread;
-  FILETIME creationTime;
-  FILETIME exitTime;
-  FILETIME kTime;
-  FILETIME uTime;
-  memset (&kTime, 0, sizeof (FILETIME));
-  memset (&uTime, 0, sizeof (FILETIME));
-  curThread = GetCurrentThread();
-  rc = GetThreadTimes(curThread,
-                      &creationTime,
-                      &exitTime,
-                      &kTime,
-                      &uTime);
-  timesP->kernelTime = kTime;
-  timesP->userTime = uTime;
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function calculates the user and kernel
- *                  time deltas.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttThreadTimes* beforeP  beginning timestamp (IN)
- *                  ttThreadTimes* afterP   ending timestamp (IN)
- *                  double* kernelDeltaP     kernel time delta (OUT)
- *                  double* userDeltaP       user time delta (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* beforeP,
-                         ttThreadTimes* afterP,
-                         double* kernelDeltaP,
-                         double* userDeltaP)
-  static const double secPerHi = (double) 4.294967296; /* 2**32 * 10**-9 */
-  FILETIME *before, *after;
-  before = &beforeP->kernelTime;
-  after = &afterP->kernelTime;
-  *kernelDeltaP = (double) ((after->dwHighDateTime - before->dwHighDateTime) * secPerHi
-                           + (after->dwLowDateTime - before->dwLowDateTime) * 100e-9);
-  before = &beforeP->userTime;
-  after = &afterP->userTime;
-  *userDeltaP = (double) ((after->dwHighDateTime - before->dwHighDateTime) * secPerHi
-                         + (after->dwLowDateTime - before->dwLowDateTime) * 100e-9);
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttGetWallClockTime
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function gets the current wall-clock time.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttWallClockTime* timeP  tms time structure (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttGetWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* timeP)
-  LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
-  if ( QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency) ) {
-    QueryPerformanceCounter(&(timeP->time64));
-  }
-  else {
-    _ftime(&(timeP->notSoLargeTime));
-  }
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function calculates the elapsed wall-clock
- *                  time in msec.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttWallClockTime* beforeP        starting timestamp
- *                  ttWallClockTime* afterP         ending timestamp
- *                  double* nmillisecondsP           elapsed time (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* beforeP,
-                           ttWallClockTime* afterP,
-                           double* nmillisecondsP)
-  LARGE_INTEGER frequency;
-  if ( QueryPerformanceFrequency(&frequency) ) {
-    *nmillisecondsP = 1000 * ((double) (afterP->time64.QuadPart
-                                       - beforeP->time64.QuadPart))
-      / frequency.QuadPart;
-  }
-  else {
-    double start;
-    double end;
-    start = (double) beforeP->notSoLargeTime.time * 1000. +
-      (double) beforeP->notSoLargeTime.millitm;
-    end   = (double) afterP->notSoLargeTime.time  * 1000. +
-      (double) afterP->notSoLargeTime.millitm;
-    *nmillisecondsP = (double) (end - start);
-  }
-#elif defined (RTSYS_VXWORKS)
-/* VxWorks VERSION */
- * The TimeBase registers have a period of 60ns, i.e.
- * 0.00000006 or (6e-8) seconds.
- */
-#define TIMER_MSEC_PER_CYC (6e-5)
-ttGetWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* timeP)
-  vxTimeBaseGet(&timeP->sep.upper32, &timeP->sep.lower32);
-ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* beforeP,
-                           ttWallClockTime* afterP,
-                           double* nmillisecondsP)
-  *nmillisecondsP = (double)(afterP->val - beforeP->val) * TIMER_MSEC_PER_CYC;
-#include <unistd.h>
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttGetThreadTimes
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function sets the supplied parameter's
- *                  tms structure.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttThreadTimes* timesP   tms time structure
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-#ifdef SB_P_OS_CHORUS
-void ttGetThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* timesP)
-  KnCap actorCap;
-  if (acap (agetId(), &actorCap) == -1) {
-    timesP->ins.tmSec  = 0;
-    timesP->ins.tmNSec = 0;
-    timesP->ext.tmSec  = 0;
-    timesP->ext.tmNSec = 0;
-  }
-  else {
-    (void) threadTimes (&actorCap, K_ALLACTORTHREADS,
-                        &timesP->ins, &timesP->ext);
-  }
-void ttGetThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* timesP)
-  (void) times(timesP);
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function calculates the user and kernel
- *                  time deltas.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttThreadTimes* beforeP  beginning timestamp (IN)
- *                  ttThreadTimes* afterP   ending timestamp (IN)
- *                  double* kernelDeltaP     kernel time delta (OUT)
- *                  double* userDeltaP       user time delta (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-#ifdef SB_P_OS_CHORUS
-ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* beforeP,
-                         ttThreadTimes* afterP,
-                         double* kernelDeltaP,
-                         double* userDeltaP)
-  double kernelBefore;
-  double kernelAfter;
-  double userBefore;
-  double userAfter;
-  kernelBefore = (beforeP->ext.tmSec) + (beforeP->ext.tmNSec / 1e9);
-  kernelAfter  = (afterP->ext.tmSec) + (afterP->ext.tmNSec  / 1e9);
-  *kernelDeltaP = kernelAfter - kernelBefore;
-  userBefore = (beforeP->ins.tmSec) + (beforeP->ins.tmNSec / 1e9);
-  userAfter  = (afterP->ins.tmSec) + (afterP->ins.tmNSec  / 1e9);
-  *userDeltaP = userAfter - userBefore;
-ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* beforeP,
-                         ttThreadTimes* afterP,
-                         double* kernelDeltaP,
-                         double* userDeltaP)
-  double ticks = (double)sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK);
-  *kernelDeltaP = (afterP->tms_stime - beforeP->tms_stime) / ticks;
-  *userDeltaP = (afterP->tms_utime - beforeP->tms_utime) / ticks;
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttGetWallClockTime
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function gets the current wall-clock time.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttWallClockTime* timeP  tms time structure (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttGetWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* timeP)
-  gettimeofday(timeP, NULL);
- *
- *  FUNCTION:       ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime
- *
- *  DESCRIPTION:    This function calculates the elapsed wall-clock
- *                  time is msec.
- *
- *  PARAMETERS:     ttWallClockTime* beforeP        starting timestamp
- *                  ttWallClockTime* afterP         ending timestamp
- *                  double* nmillisecondsP           elapsed time (OUT)
- *
- *  RETURNS:        void
- *
- *  NOTES:          NONE
- *
- *********************************************************************/
-ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* beforeP,
-                           ttWallClockTime* afterP,
-                           double* nmillisP)
-  *nmillisP = (afterP->tv_sec - beforeP->tv_sec)*1000.0 +
-    (afterP->tv_usec - beforeP->tv_usec)/1000.0;
-/* Emacs variable settings */
-/* Local Variables: */
-/* tab-width:8 */
-/* indent-tabs-mode:nil */
-/* c-basic-offset:2 */
-/* End: */
diff --git a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.h b/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f78b71667fee9ebb6afd344c92b4a720466c1460..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ndb/test/odbc/tpcb/ttTime.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */
- * $Revision: 1.1 $
- * (c) Copyright 1996-2003, TimesTen, Inc.
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-#ifndef __TT_TIME
-#define __TT_TIME
-#ifdef WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/timeb.h>
-typedef struct {
-  FILETIME kernelTime;
-  FILETIME userTime;
-} ttThreadTimes;
-typedef union {
-  LARGE_INTEGER time64;
-  struct _timeb notSoLargeTime;
-} ttWallClockTime;
-#elif defined(RTSYS_VXWORKS)
-#define srand48(x) sb_srand48((x))
-#define drand48() sb_drand48()
-#ifdef SB_P_OS_VXPPC
-/* For little-endian switch the lower, upper fields */
-typedef union {
-  struct {
-    unsigned int upper32;
-    unsigned int lower32;
-  } sep;
-  long long val;
-} ttWallClockTime;
- * This is a VxWorks private function to read the PPC's 64 bit Time Base
- * Register.  This is the assembler dump of this function.
-    001126e4  7cad42e6                 mftb        r5, TBU
-    001126e8  7ccc42e6                 mftb        r6, TBL
-    001126ec  7ced42e6                 mftb        r7, TBU
-    001126f0  7c053800                 cmp         crf0, 0, r5, r7
-    001126f4  4082fff0                 bc          0x4, 0x2, vxTimeBaseGet
-    001126f8  90a30000                 stw         r5, 0x0(r3)
-    001126fc  90c40000                 stw         r6, 0x0(r4)
-    00112700  4e800020                 blr         
- * This is a fine grained timer with a period of 60ns.
- */
-void vxTimeBaseGet(unsigned int* pUpper32, unsigned int* pLower32);
-#endif /* SB_P_OS_VXPPC */
-#elif defined(SB_P_OS_CHORUS)
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <vtimer/chVtimer.h>
-struct chrTimes {
-  KnTimeVal ins;
-  KnTimeVal ext;
-typedef struct chrTimes ttThreadTimes;
-typedef struct timeval ttWallClockTime;
-/* UNIX version */
-#include <sys/times.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-typedef struct tms ttThreadTimes;
-typedef struct timeval ttWallClockTime;
-#endif /* NT, VxWorks, Chorus, Unix */
-void ttGetThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* timesP);
-void ttCalcElapsedThreadTimes(ttThreadTimes* beforeP, ttThreadTimes* afterP,
-                              double* kernelDeltaP, double* userDeltaP);
-#endif /* ! VXWORKS */
-void ttGetWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* timeP);
-void ttCalcElapsedWallClockTime(ttWallClockTime* beforeP,
-                                ttWallClockTime* afterP,
-                                double* nmillisecondsP);
-#endif /* __TT_TIME */
-/* Emacs variable settings */
-/* Local Variables: */
-/* tab-width:8 */
-/* indent-tabs-mode:nil */
-/* c-basic-offset:2 */
-/* End: */