Commit 0d745343 authored by Sergei Golubchik's avatar Sergei Golubchik

fix plugins.processlist

make it not to fail when `show engine innodb status` output
contains a double quote
parent ef64856b
......@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ start transaction;
insert t1 values (1);
let id=`select connection_id()`;
connect con2,localhost,root;
let s=query_get_value(show engine innodb status,Status,1);
replace_regex /\"/-/; #"
let s=`show engine innodb status`;
eval select regexp_replace("$s", '(?s)^.*MySQL thread id $id,.*root([^\n]*)\n.*', '\\\\1') as `state from show engine innodb status`;
eval select state as `state from show processlist` from information_schema.processlist where id = $id;
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