Commit 0eea6b08 authored by Michael Widenius's avatar Michael Widenius

Revoked changes from MySQL 5.1.55 merge as Sergei's code is more general

parent 3fbc91f6
......@@ -64,16 +64,12 @@ sub fix_pidfile {
sub fix_port {
my ($self, $config, $group_name, $group)= @_;
my $hostname= $group->value('#host');
return $self->{HOSTS}->{$hostname}++;
return $self->{PORT}++;
sub fix_host {
my ($self)= @_;
# Get next host from HOSTS array
my @hosts= keys(%{$self->{HOSTS}});;
my $host_no= $self->{NEXT_HOST}++ % @hosts;
return $hosts[$host_no];
sub is_unique {
......@@ -237,7 +233,7 @@ if (IS_WINDOWS)
sub fix_ndb_mgmd_port {
my ($self, $config, $group_name, $group)= @_;
my $hostname= $group->value('HostName');
return $self->{HOSTS}->{$hostname}++;
return $self->{PORT}++;
......@@ -436,20 +432,24 @@ sub post_check_embedded_group {
sub resolve_at_variable {
my ($self, $config, $group, $option)= @_;
local $_ = $option->value();
my ($res, $after);
# Split the options value on last .
my @parts= split(/\./, $option->value());
my $option_name= pop(@parts);
my $group_name= join('.', @parts);
$group_name =~ s/^\@//; # Remove at
while (m/(.*?)\@((?:\w+\.)+)(#?[-\w]+)/g) {
my ($before, $group_name, $option_name)= ($1, $2, $3);
$after = $';
my $from_group= $config->group($group_name)
or croak "There is no group named '$group_name' that ",
"can be used to resolve '$option_name' for test '$self->{testname}'";
my $from= $from_group->value($option_name);
$config->insert($group->name(), $option->name(), $from)
my $value= $from_group->value($option_name);
$res .= $before.$value;
$res .= $after;
$config->insert($group->name(), $option->name(), $res)
......@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ sub post_fix_resolve_at_variables {
next unless defined $option->value();
$self->resolve_at_variable($config, $group, $option)
if ($option->value() =~ /^\@/);
if ($option->value() =~ /\@/);
......@@ -603,25 +603,12 @@ sub new_config {
croak "you must pass '$required'" unless defined $args->{$required};
# Fill in hosts/port hash
my $hosts= {};
my $baseport= $args->{baseport};
$args->{hosts}= [ 'localhost' ] unless exists($args->{hosts});
foreach my $host ( @{$args->{hosts}} ) {
$hosts->{$host}= $baseport;
# Open the config template
my $config= My::Config->new($args->{'template_path'});
my $extra_template_path= $args->{'extra_template_path'};
if ($extra_template_path){
my $self= bless {
CONFIG => $config,
ARGS => $args,
HOSTS => $hosts,
PORT => $args->{baseport},
testname => $args->{testname},
}, $class;
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