Commit 24807c0a authored by Teemu Ollakka's avatar Teemu Ollakka

Updated wsrep-lib to have more permissive compiler options by default

WSREP_LIB_MAINTAINER_MODE was introduced in wsrep-lib cmake options
to enable -Werror. The maintainer mode is disabled by default in order
not to fail compilation on every compiler warning. The wsrep-lib
maintainer mode can be enabled via -DWSREP_LIB_MAINTAINER_MODE:BOOL=ON.
parent fc77fc80
Subproject commit 28e52c8412e0f7d3040a52b808adf50f26bc5238
Subproject commit 136767ae044eac53e7f3d76909d176cde0dc27a8
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