Commit 3179f056 authored by unknown's avatar unknown

dict0mem.c, dict0dict.c, row0mysql.c, dict0mem.h:

  Do less statistics calculations for tables
dict0mem.h, row0mysql.c:
  Make calculation of new statistics less frequent, because the statistics in 3.23.44 involves many random disk reads

  Do less statistics calculations for tables
  Do less statistics calculations for tables
  Do less statistics calculations for tables
  Do less statistics calculations for tables
parent 91650532
......@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ dict_table_get(
if (table != NULL) {
if (table->stat_last_estimate_counter == (ulint)(-1)) {
if (!table->stat_initialized) {
......@@ -2578,6 +2578,8 @@ dict_update_statistics_low(
ulint size;
ulint sum_of_index_sizes = 0;
printf("Updating statistics for table %s\n", table->name);
/* Find out the sizes of the indexes and how many different values
for the key they approximately have */
......@@ -2614,7 +2616,9 @@ dict_update_statistics_low(
table->stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes = sum_of_index_sizes
- index->stat_index_size;
table->stat_last_estimate_counter = table->stat_modif_counter;
table->stat_initialized = TRUE;
table->stat_modified_counter = 0;
......@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ dict_mem_table_create(
table->does_not_fit_in_memory = FALSE;
table->stat_last_estimate_counter = (ulint)(-1);
table->stat_initialized = FALSE;
table->stat_modif_counter = 0;
table->stat_modified_counter = 0;
mutex_set_level(&(table->autoinc_mutex), SYNC_DICT_AUTOINC_MUTEX);
......@@ -348,20 +348,20 @@ struct dict_table_struct{
database pages */
ulint stat_sum_of_other_index_sizes;
/* other indexes in database pages */
ulint stat_last_estimate_counter;
/* when the estimates were last time
calculated; a value (ulint)-1 denotes that
they have not yet been calculated for this
table (or the counter has wrapped over) */
ulint stat_modif_counter;
ibool stat_initialized; /* TRUE if statistics have
been calculated the first time
after database startup or table creation */
ulint stat_modified_counter;
/* when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted,
we add the row length to this number; we
calculate new estimates for the stat_...
values for the table and the indexes at an
but for small tables more often, also
interval of 2 GB or when about 1 / 16 of table
has been modified; also
when the estimate operation is called
for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; this counter
for MySQL SHOW TABLE STATUS; the counter is
reset to zero at statistics calculation;
this counter
is not protected by any latch, because this
is only used for heuristics */
......@@ -378,10 +378,6 @@ struct dict_table_struct{
#define DICT_TABLE_MAGIC_N 76333786
/* Statistics are calculated at least with this interval; see the struct
above */
/* Data structure for a stored procedure */
struct dict_proc_struct{
mem_heap_t* heap; /* memory heap */
......@@ -432,19 +432,24 @@ row_update_statistics_if_needed(
row_prebuilt_t* prebuilt) /* in: prebuilt struct */
ulint counter;
ulint old_counter;
counter = prebuilt->table->stat_modif_counter;
counter = prebuilt->table->stat_modified_counter;
counter += prebuilt->mysql_row_len;
prebuilt->table->stat_modif_counter = counter;
/* Since the physical size of an InnoDB row is bigger than the
MySQL row len, we put a safety factor 2 below */
old_counter = prebuilt->table->stat_last_estimate_counter;
counter += 2 * prebuilt->mysql_row_len;
if (counter - old_counter >= DICT_STAT_CALCULATE_INTERVAL
|| counter - old_counter >=
* prebuilt->table->stat_clustered_index_size / 2)) {
prebuilt->table->stat_modified_counter = counter;
/* Calculate new statistics if 1 / 16 of table has been modified
since the last time a statistics batch was run, or if
stat_modified_counter > 2 000 000 000 (to avoid wrap-around) */
if (counter > 2000000000
|| ((ib_longlong)counter >
(UNIV_PAGE_SIZE * prebuilt->table->stat_clustered_index_size)
/ 16)) {
......@@ -1019,6 +1024,26 @@ row_create_table_for_mysql(
keywordlen = ut_strlen("innodb_mem_validate");
if (namelen >= keywordlen
&& 0 == ut_memcmp(table->name + namelen - keywordlen,
"innodb_mem_validate", keywordlen)) {
/* We define here a debugging feature intended for
developers */
printf("Validating InnoDB memory:\n"
"to use this feature you must compile InnoDB with\n"
"UNIV_MEM_DEBUG defined in univ.i and the server must be\n"
"quiet because allocation from a mem heap is not protected\n"
"by any semaphore.\n");
printf("Memory validated\n");
/* Serialize data dictionary operations with dictionary mutex:
no deadlocks can occur then in these operations */
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