Commit 33af691f authored by Monty's avatar Monty

Updated comments in best_access_path()

parent 0eca91ab
......@@ -8117,10 +8117,12 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
Assume that there is at least one accepted row from previous table combinations.
This fixes a problem when the selectivity for the preceding table combinations
becomes so high that record_count becomes << 1.0, which makes the cost for the
current table so low that it does not matter when calculating the best plans.
Assume that there is at least one accepted row from previous table
This fixes a problem when the selectivity for the preceding table
combinations becomes so high that record_count becomes << 1.0,
which makes the cost for the current table so low that it does not
matter when calculating the best plans.
set_if_bigger(record_count, 1.0);
......@@ -9123,17 +9125,15 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
Simple scan
For each record we have to:
- Read the table record
- Compare with the current WHERE clause
We estmate that 'rnd_records' will survive this check.
We estimate we have to read org_records rows.
records_after_filter rows will survive the where check of constants.
'best.records_out' rows will survive after the check against columns
from previous tables.
scan_type= "scan";
If this is not the first table we have to compare the rows against
all previous row combinations
We have to compare each row set against all previous row combinations
cur_cost= COST_MULT(cur_cost, record_count);
......@@ -9143,9 +9143,8 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
double cmp_time, row_copy_cost, refills;
Calculate cost of checking the the WHERE for this table.
This is done before we check the TABLE rows aginst the rows
in the join cache.
Note that the cost of checking all rows against the table specific
WHERE is already included in cur_cost.
scan_type= "scan_with_join_cache";
......@@ -9158,7 +9157,10 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
/* We come here only if there are already rows in the join cache */
DBUG_ASSERT(idx != join->const_tables);
Cost of:
records_after_filter is the number of rows that have survived
the table specific WHERE check that only involves constants.
Calculate cost of:
- Copying all previous record combinations to the join cache
- Copying the tables from the join cache to table records
- Checking the WHERE against the final row combination
......@@ -9206,7 +9208,8 @@ best_access_path(JOIN *join,
best.cost= cur_cost;
best.records_read= org_records; // Records accessed
best.records= records_after_filter; // Records to be checked with WHERE
best.records= records_after_filter; // Records to be checked against
// previous row combinations
If we are using 'use_cond_selectivity > 1' then
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