Commit 36699541 authored by Matthias Leich's avatar Matthias Leich

Fix for Bug#37853

    Test "funcs_1.processlist_val_ps" fails in various ways
+ corrections of logic in poll routines
+ minor improvements
parent e86433e0
########### suite/funcs_1/datadict/ ################# ########### suite/funcs_1/datadict/ #########################
# # # #
# Testing of values within INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST # # Testing of values within INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST #
# # # #
# Ensure that the values fit to the current event of the connection # # Ensure that the values fit to the current state of the connection and #
# and especially that they change if a connection does nothing or # # especially that they change if a connection does nothing or runs some SQL. #
# runs some SQL. # # runs some SQL. #
# Examples: # # Examples: #
# - change the default database # # - change the default database #
# - send some time no SQL command to the server # # - send some period of time no SQL command to the server #
# - send a long running query # # - send a long running query #
# # # #
# Note(mleich): # # Note(mleich): #
# 1. Please inform me if this test fails because of timing problems. # # 1. Please inform me if this test fails because of timing problems. #
# I tried to avoid instabilities but the values within the column # # 2. Storage engine variants of this test do not make sense. #
# TIME are very sensible to fluctuations of the machine load. # # - I_S tables use the MEMORY storage engine whenever possible. #
# I had to unify some TIME values with "--replace_result" in cases # # - There are some I_S tables which need column data types which are not #
# where they are too unstable. # # supported by MEMORY. Example: LONGTEXT/BLOB #
# 2. Storage engine variants of this test do not make sense. # # MyISAM will be used for such tables. #
# - I_S tables use the MEMORY storage engine whenever possible. # # The column PROCESSLIST.INFO is of data type LONGTEXT ----> MyISAM #
# - There are some I_S table which need column data types which # # - There is no impact of the GLOBAL(server) or SESSION default storage #
# are not supported by MEMORY. Example: LONGTEXT/BLOB # # engine setting on the engine used for I_S tables. #
# MyISAM will be used for such tables. # # That means we cannot get NDB or InnoDB instead. #
# The column PROCESSLIST.INFO is of data type LONGTEXT # # 3. The SHOW (FULL) PROCESSLIST command are for comparison. #
# ----> MyISAM # # The main test target is INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST ! #
# - There is no impact of the GLOBAL(server) or SESSION default # # 4. Attention: #
# storage engine setting on the engine used for I_S tables. # # The values of the PROCESSLIST columns HOST and TIME tend to cause #
# That means we cannot get NDB or InnoDB instead. # # problems and therefore their printing has to be suppressed. #
# 3. The SHOW (FULL) PROCESSLIST command are for comparison. # # Examples of the exact values: #
# The main test target is INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST ! # # HOST: 'localhost' (UNIX derivates) #
# # # 'localhost:<varying_port>' (WINDOWS) #
# Creation: # # TIME: In many cases within this test 0 seconds but if the testing box is #
# 2007-08-09 mleich Implement this test as part of # # overloaded we might get up to 2 seconds. #
# WL#3982 Test information_schema.processlist # # Solution: #
# 2008-01-05 HHunger Changed time test and long statement test. # # --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> #
# It could happen that the long statement test # # 5. How to debug the script? #
# fail due to timing problems. # # <graphical diff tool> \ #
# 2008-04-14 pcrews Changed --replace_columns to include host # # suite/funcs_1/datadict/ \ #
# this is due to failure occurring on Windows # # <Result|Reject|Log file> #
# Win results included port number as well causing # # I tweaked a lot of the script lines around "echo" so that you will get a #
# test failures # # lot of useful synchronisation. #
######################################################################## # #
# Creation: #
# 2007-08-09 mleich Implement this test as part of #
# WL#3982 Test information_schema.processlist #
# #
# Last Modification: #
# 2008-07-04 mleich Fix for #
# Bug#37853 Test "funcs_1.processlist_val_ps" fails in #
# various ways #
# - issues with printing of port (Win only) #
# - too optimistic assumptions about timing #
# + corrections of logic in poll routines #
# + minor improvements #
# Basic preparations # Basic preparations
--disable_abort_on_error --error 0, ER_CANNOT_USER
DROP USER ddicttestuser1@'localhost'; DROP USER test_user@'localhost';
--enable_abort_on_error CREATE USER test_user@'localhost';
CREATE USER ddicttestuser1@'localhost'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO test_user@'localhost';
GRANT ALL ON *.* TO ddicttestuser1@'localhost'; REVOKE PROCESS ON *.* FROM test_user@'localhost';
REVOKE PROCESS ON *.* FROM ddicttestuser1@'localhost'; SET PASSWORD FOR test_user@'localhost' = PASSWORD('ddictpass');
SET PASSWORD FOR ddicttestuser1@'localhost' = PASSWORD('ddictpass');
--disable_warnings --disable_warnings
--enable_warnings --enable_warnings
USE test;
# Show the definition of the PROCESSLIST table # Show the definition of the PROCESSLIST table
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ensure that the values follow the changing default database and statement # Ensure that the information about the own connection is correct.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
# - We have now exact one connection. -> One record ;
# - Other expected values
# - USER = 'root' # - USER = 'root'
# - HOST = 'localhost' # - HOST (printed value is unified), the exact values are often like
# UNIX: 'localhost'
# WIN: 'localhost:<some port>'
# - DB = 'test' # - DB = 'test'
# - Command = 'Query' # - Command IN (no protocol -> 'Query', ps-protocol -> 'Execute')
# - TIME = 0, I hope the testing machines are all time fast enough # - TIME (printed value will be unified), the exact values are like
# - State IS NULL # "normal" load: 0 (seconds)
# "heavy" load: 1 or more (seconds)
# - State 'executing'
# - INFO must contain the corresponding SHOW/SELECT PROCESSLIST # - INFO must contain the corresponding SHOW/SELECT PROCESSLIST
USE test;
--replace_column 1 <ID>
--replace_column 1 <ID>
# #
# Expect to see now DB = 'information_schema' # 1. Just dump what we get
USE information_schema;
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
# #
# Expect to see now INFO = 'SELECT INFO FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST;' # Determine the connection id of the current connection (default)
# 2. There must be exact one connection with @default_id;
SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 AS "Expect exact one connection with this id"
# 3. Check the remaining stuff
SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 AS "Expect 1"
AND USER = 'root' AND DB = 'test' AND Command IN('Query','Execute')
AND State = 'executing';
# 4. Change the DB
USE information_schema;
SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 AS "Is the DB correct?"
WHERE ID = @default_id AND DB = 'information_schema';
# 5. Change the statement
let $my_statement =
WHERE ID = @default_id;
eval $my_statement;
SELECT @my_info = '$my_statement'
AS 'Is the content of PROCESSLIST.INFO correct?';
# 6. TIME must have a reasonable value
SELECT COUNT(*) = 1 AS "Has TIME a reasonable value?"
WHERE ID = @default_id AND 0 <= TIME < 10;
# Ensure that the values for an additional connection are correct echo
# Ensure that the information about an inactive connection is correct.
#-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo echo
--echo ----- establish connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- # ----- establish connection con1 (user = test_user) -----
connect (ddicttestuser1,localhost,ddicttestuser1,ddictpass,information_schema); ;
connect (con1,localhost,test_user,ddictpass,information_schema);
# #
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
# - We have now a second connection. # We have now a second connection.
# First working phase for this connection is "Connect". # First working phase for the new connection is with Command = 'Connect'.
# This is a very short phase and the likelihood to meet it is # This is a very short phase and the likelihood to meet it is
# - nearly zero on average boxes with low parallel load # - nearly zero on average boxes with low parallel load
# - around some percent on weak or overloaded boxes # - around some percent on weak or overloaded boxes
# (Bug#32153 Status output differs - scheduling ?) # (Bug#32153 Status output differs - scheduling ?)
# Therefore we poll till we reach the long lasting phase with: # Therefore we do not try to catch this state.
# - USER = ddicttestuser1 # We poll till we reach the long lasting phase with Command = 'Sleep'.
# - HOST = 'localhost' # - USER = 'test_user'
# - DB = 'information_schema' # - DB = 'information_schema'
# - Command = 'Sleep' # - Command = 'Sleep'
# - TIME >= 0 Overloaded boxes can cause that we do not hit TIME = 0. # - State is empty
# - State IS NULL # - INFO IS NULL
# - INFO must be empty echo
# # Poll till the connection con1 is in state COMMAND = 'Sleep'.
let $wait_condition= SELECT id,user,host,db,command,@time:=time,state,info FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST ;
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep' AND TIME > 0; let $wait_timeout= 10;
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep' AND USER = 'test_user';
--source include/ --source include/
# 1. Just dump what we get
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
# #
# Expect to hit TIME > 1. # Pull ID and TIME of the second connection
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep' AND USER = 'test_user';
# #
--echo # Sleep some time # 2. The second connection must (behaviour at least since 2007) have an
# The value of TIME must increase and reach 2 after some sleeps. # ID = ID_of_previous_connection + 1
let $wait_timeout= 4; SELECT @test_user_con1_id = @default_id + 1
let $wait_condition= SELECT id,user,host,db,command,@time2:=time,state,info FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST AS "Did we got the next higher PROCESSLIST ID?";
WHERE TIME > @time;
--source include/
# #
# Expect to hit TIME > @time # 3. TIME must have a reasonable value
SELECT @time < @time2; SELECT 0 <= @time < 10 AS "Has TIME a reasonable value?";
# #
# 4. HOST must be for both connections similar (varying port on Win)
SELECT COUNT(*) = 2 AS "Is HOST LIKE 'localhost%'?"
WHERE HOST LIKE 'localhost%';
# #
# The second connection must have an ID = my ID + 1; # 5. Check the remaining stuff
WHERE USER = 'ddicttestuser1'; FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE ID = @test_user_con1_id
AND USER = 'test_user' AND DB = 'information_schema'
AND Command = 'Sleep' AND State = '' AND INFO IS NULL;
# 6. Check that TIME increases
let $wait_timeout= 10;
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep' AND USER = 'test_user'
AND TIME > @time;
--source include/
# Ensure that the user ddicttestuser1 sees only connections with his username echo
# Ensure that the user test_user sees only connections with his username
# because he has not the PROCESS privilege. # because he has not the PROCESS privilege.
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo ;
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- echo
connection ddicttestuser1; # ----- switch to connection con1 (user = test_user) -----
connection con1;
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
# Ensure that the user ddicttestuser1 sees all connections with his username. echo
# Ensure that the user test_user sees all connections with his username.
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo ;
--echo ----- establish connection con2 (user = ddicttestuser1) ------ echo
connect (con2,localhost,ddicttestuser1,ddictpass,information_schema); ----- establish connection con2 (user = test_user) ------
# ;
# If the testing box is under heavy load we might see connection ddicttestuser1 connect (con2,localhost,test_user,ddictpass,information_schema);
# within the short phase INFO = 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST' and STATE = 'Writing to net'. echo
let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST # ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep'; ;
connection default;
# If the testing box is under heavy load we might see within some of the
# next queries connection
# con2 with Command = 'Connect'
# con1 with INFO = 'SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST' and STATE = 'Writing to net'
# Both phases are too short to be checked.
# Poll till all connections of 'test_user' are in a state with COMMAND = 'Sleep'
WHERE USER = 'test_user' AND COMMAND = 'Sleep';
--source include/ --source include/
# ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
connection con2;
# Just dump what we get
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
# #
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
--echo ----- close connection con2 ----- # Pull the ID of con2, we will need it later
WHERE ID <> @test_user_con1_id
AND USER = 'test_user' AND DB = 'information_schema';
# Ensure we see correct values if a connection is during work echo
# Ensure we get correct information about a connection during work
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo ;
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- echo
connection ddicttestuser1; # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
# "Organise" a long running command to be observed by the root user ;
--echo connection con2;
--echo # "Organise" a long running command to be observed by the root user.
--echo # Send a long enough running statement to the server, but do not echo
--echo # wait till the result comes back. We will pull this later. # Send a long enough running statement to the server, but do not
send SELECT sleep(2.5),'Command time'; # wait till the result comes back.
# Worst case scenario (=high I/O load on testing box):
# - My experience:
# in rare cases.
# - The following sequence contains ~ 4 of such SELECTs
# Therefore we sleep 10 seconds.
let $sleep_command =
SELECT sleep(10), 17;
eval $sleep_command;
# #
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
# Sleep a bit so that we can be nearly sure that we see the SELECT of ddicttestuser1. echo
# Expect to see within the processlist the other connection just during statement # Poll till connection con2 is in state 'User sleep'.
# execution. ;
# - USER = ddicttestuser1 # Expect to see within the processlist the other connection just during
# - HOST = 'localhost' # statement execution.
# - USER = 'test_user'
# - DB = 'information_schema' # - DB = 'information_schema'
# - Command = 'Query'(run without --ps-protocol)/'Execute' (run --ps-protocol) # - Command = 'Query'(run without --ps-protocol)/'Execute' (run --ps-protocol)
# - TIME = 1, Attention: check with TIME = 0 is not stable # - TIME >= 0
# - State IS NULL # - State = 'User sleep'
# - INFO = "SELECT sleep(2.5),'Command time'" # - INFO = $sleep_command
--echo # Sleep some time let $wait_condition=
# The command must be after some time in work by the server. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST
# So poll till INFO is no more NULL and TIME > 0. WHERE ID = @test_user_con2_id AND Command IN('Query','Execute')
let $wait_condition= SELECT id,user,host,db,command,@time:=time,state,info FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST AND State = 'User sleep' AND INFO IS NOT NULL ;
--source include/ --source include/
# 1. Just dump what we get
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
# #
# Expect to see TIME > 0; # Pull some information about the connection con2
SELECT @time > 0; SELECT STATE, TIME, INFO INTO @state, @time, @info
--echo # Sleep some time WHERE ID = @test_user_con2_id;
# The value of TIME must increase and reach 2 after some sleeps. # 2. TIME must have a reasonable value
let $wait_timeout= 2; SELECT 0 <= @time < 10 AS "Has TIME a reasonable value?";
let $wait_condition= SELECT id,user,host,db,command,@time2:=time,state,info FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST # 3. STATE must be 'User sleep'
WHERE TIME > @time; SELECT @state = 'User sleep' AS "Has STATE the expected value?";
# 4. INFO must fit
eval SELECT @info = '$sleep_command' AS "Has INFO the expected value?";
# 5. Check that TIME increases
let $wait_timeout= 10;
WHERE ID = @test_user_con2_id AND INFO IS NOT NULL AND TIME > @time;
--source include/ --source include/
# echo
# Expect to see @time < @time2 # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = testuser) -----
SELECT @time < @time2; ;
# connection con2;
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- # Pull("reap") the result set from the statement executed with "send".
connection ddicttestuser1; ;
--echo # Pull("reap") the result set from the statement executed with "send".
reap; reap;
# ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default;
# Poll till all connections of 'test_user' are in a state with COMMAND = 'Sleep'
let $wait_timeout= 10;
WHERE COMMAND = 'Sleep' AND USER = 'test_user';
--source include/
# Ensure that SHOW/SELECT processlist can handle extreme long commands echo
# Ensure that we see that a connection "hangs" when colliding with a
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo ;
--echo LOCK TABLE test.t1 WRITE;
--echo # Send a long (21 KB code and runtime = 2 seconds) statement to the server,
--echo # but do not wait till the result comes back. We will pull this later.
# Please do not change the next statement.
# The annoying long line is intended. Many short lines would be a different test.
send SELECT sleep(2),'BEGIN this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very 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statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.this is the representative of a very long statement.END' AS "my_monster_statement";
# #
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
connection con2;
# Send a statement to the server, but do not wait till the result
# comes back. We will pull this later.
# ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
--echo # Sleep some time echo
# The command must be after some time in work by the server. # Poll till INFO is no more NULL and State = 'Locked'.
# There is a short phase with STATE IS NULL followed by a longer phase ;
# with STATE = 'executing'.
# So poll till INFO is no more NULL AND STATE = 'executing'.
let $wait_timeout= 9;
--source include/ --source include/
# #
# Expect to see that SELECT/SHOW PROCESSLIST can handle my statement monster. # Expect to see the state 'Locked' for the third connection because the SELECT
--replace_column 1 <ID> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE> # collides with the WRITE TABLE LOCK.
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE> UNLOCK TABLES;
# SHOW PROCESSLIST truncates INFO after 100 characters. echo
--replace_column 1 <ID> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE> # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
--echo connection con2;
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- echo
connection ddicttestuser1; # Pull("reap") the result set from the statement executed with "send".
--echo # Pull("reap") the result set from the monster statement executed with "send". ;
reap; reap;
# Ensure that we see that a connection "hangs" when colliding with a
# Ensure that SHOW/SELECT processlist can handle extreme long commands
#---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
--echo ;
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # We do not want to waste runtime, therefore we run the following test based
# on "Lock collision" and not with some "sleep(10)".
# ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
# #
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
connection ddicttestuser1; ;
--echo # Send a statement to the server, but do not wait till the result connection con2;
--echo # comes back. We will pull this later. echo
send SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.t1; # Send a long (~20 KB code) statement to the server, but do not wait
# # till the result comes back. We will pull this later.
--echo ;
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- let $string=
REPEAT('This is the representative of a very long statement.',400),
let $my_statement =
SELECT count(*),'$string' AS "Long string" FROM test.t1;
eval $my_statement;
# ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
--echo # Sleep some time echo
# The command must be after some time in work by the server. # Poll till INFO is no more NULL and State = 'Locked'.
# So poll till INFO is no more NULL. ;
let $wait_timeout= 4;
--source include/ --source include/
# echo
# Expect to see the state 'Locked' for the second connection because the SELECT # Expect result:
# collides with the WRITE TABLE LOCK. # Statement Content of INFO
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> # SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST Complete statement
# SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST Complete statement
# SHOW PROCESSLIST statement truncated after 100 char
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 6 <TIME> --replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE>
--replace_column 1 <ID> 3 <HOST_NAME> 5 <COMMAND> 6 <TIME> 7 <STATE>
# echo
--echo # ----- switch to connection con2 (user = test_user) -----
--echo ----- switch to connection ddicttestuser1 (user = ddicttestuser1) ----- ;
connection ddicttestuser1; connection con2;
--echo # Pull("reap") the result set from the statement executed with "send". echo
# Pull("reap") the result set from the monster statement executed with "send".
reap; reap;
# Cleanup # Cleanup
--echo echo
--echo ----- switch to connection default (user = root) ----- # ----- switch to connection default (user = root) -----
connection default; connection default;
--echo echo
--echo ----- close connection ddicttestuser1 ----- ----- disconnect con1 and con2 -----
disconnect ddicttestuser1; ;
DROP USER ddicttestuser1@'localhost'; disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;
DROP USER test_user@'localhost';
DROP TABLE test.t1; DROP TABLE test.t1;
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