Commit 418fbf55 authored by unknown's avatar unknown


into three.local.lan:/home/matthias/Arbeit/mysql-4.1/src
parents 5698a1ef 989cac5c
......@@ -945,3 +945,4 @@ libmysqld/
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ RSC=rc.exe
# PROP Output_Dir ".\debug"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\debug"
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "USE_TLS" /D "_MBCS" /Fp".\debug/mysqltest.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "USE_TLS" /D "_MBCS" /Fp".\debug/mysqltest.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../regex" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Fp".\debug/mysqltest.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../regex" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "SAFEMALLOC" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "_CONSOLE" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_MBCS" /Fp".\debug/mysqltest.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\debug\mysqltest.tlb" /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\debug\mysqltest.tlb" /win32
# ADD BASE RSC /l 1033 /d "_DEBUG"
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysys.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_debug\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysys.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_debug\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib mysys.lib regex.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_debug\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib mysys.lib regex.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_debug\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_debug\" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysqltest - Win32 classic"
......@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_classic\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\classic\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_classic\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\classic\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_classic\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\classic\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_classic\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\classic\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysqltest - Win32 Release"
......@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ BSC32=bscmake.exe
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_release\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\release\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_release\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\release\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_release\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\release\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib mysqlclient.lib wsock32.lib /nologo /out:"..\client_release\mysqltest.exe" /incremental:no /libpath:"..\lib_release\" /pdb:".\release\mysqltest.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:console /MACHINE:I386
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated Build File, Format Version 6.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101
# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103
CFG=mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE,
......@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ CFG=mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application")
!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
!MESSAGE "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Console Application")
# Begin Project
......@@ -33,51 +33,51 @@ RSC=rc.exe
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Debug"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
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# PROP Output_Dir ".\Debug"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Debug"
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\debug/mysql_test_run.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\debug/mysql_test_run.pch" /Fo".\debug/" /Fd".\debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /win32
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\Debug/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /Z7 /W3 /Od /G6 /D "_DEBUG" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /Fp".\Debug/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Debug/" /Fd".\Debug/" /GZ /c /GX
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32
# ADD BASE RSC /l 1033
# ADD RSC /l 1033
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map /mapinfo:exports /subsystem:windows
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /debug /pdb:".\debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map /mapinfo:exports /subsystem:windows
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:yes /debug /pdb:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map:".\Debug\" /subsystem:console
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:yes /debug /pdb:".\Debug\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /map:".\Debug\" /subsystem:console
!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release"
# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Output_Dir ".\Release"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir ".\Release"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP Output_Dir ".\Release"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir ".\Release"
# PROP Target_Dir ""
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fo".\release/" /Fd".\release/" /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fo".\release/" /Fd".\release/" /c /GX
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /win32
# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fp".\Release/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Release/" /Fd".\Release/" /c /GX
# ADD CPP /nologo /MTd /I "../include" /I "../" /W3 /Ob1 /G6 /D "DBUG_OFF" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "SAFE_MUTEX" /D "USE_TLS" /D "MYSQL_CLIENT" /D "__WIN__" /D "_WIN32" /GF /Gy /Fp".\Release/mysql_test_run_new.pch" /Fo".\Release/" /Fd".\Release/" /c /GX
# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32
# ADD MTL /nologo /tlb".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.tlb" /win32
# ADD BASE RSC /l 1033
# ADD RSC /l 1033
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:windows
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:windows
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:no /pdb:".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:windows
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib Ws2_32.lib /nologo /out:"..\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.exe" /incremental:no /pdb:".\Release\mysql_test_run_new.pdb" /pdbtype:sept /subsystem:windows
......@@ -87,19 +87,19 @@ LINK32=link.exe
# Name "mysql_test_run_new - Win32 Release"
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# Begin Source File
# End Source File
# End Target
# End Project
......@@ -824,11 +824,20 @@ Package=<5>
Begin Project Dependency
Project_Dep_Name libmysql
End Project Dependency
Begin Project Dependency
Project_Dep_Name mysys
End Project Dependency
Begin Project Dependency
Project_Dep_Name regex
End Project Dependency
Project: "mysql_test_run_new"=.\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.dsp - Package Owner=<4>
Project: "mysql_test_run_new"=".\mysql-test\mysql_test_run_new.dsp" - Package Owner=<4>
......@@ -836,6 +845,12 @@ Package=<5>
Begin Project Dependency
Project_Dep_Name mysqltest
End Project Dependency
Begin Project Dependency
Project_Dep_Name mysqladmin
End Project Dependency
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ typedef struct
int alloced;
} VAR;
#ifdef __NETWARE__
#if defined(__NETWARE__) || defined(__WIN__)
Netware doesn't proved environment variable substitution that is done
by the shell in unix environments. We do this in the following function:
......@@ -4600,6 +4600,9 @@ static char *subst_env_var(const char *str)
#undef popen /* Remove wrapper */
#ifdef __WIN__
#define popen _popen /* redefine for windows */
FILE *my_popen(const char *cmd, const char *mode __attribute__((unused)))
......@@ -90,3 +90,4 @@ extern const char *client_errors[]; /* Error messages */
#define CR_SECURE_AUTH 2049
#define CR_FETCH_CANCELED 2050
#define CR_NO_DATA 2051
#define CR_NO_STMT_METADATA 2052
......@@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ const char *client_errors[]=
"Invalid connection handle",
"Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)",
"Row retrieval was canceled by mysql_stmt_close() call",
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch"
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch",
"Prepared statement contains no metadata",
/* Start of code added by Roberto M. Serqueira - - 05.24.2001 */
......@@ -137,7 +139,9 @@ const char *client_errors[]=
"Invalid connection handle",
"Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)",
"Row retrieval was canceled by mysql_stmt_close() call",
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch"
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch",
"Prepared statement contains no metadata",
#else /* ENGLISH */
......@@ -194,7 +198,9 @@ const char *client_errors[]=
"Invalid connection handle",
"Connection using old (pre-4.1.1) authentication protocol refused (client option 'secure_auth' enabled)",
"Row retrieval was canceled by mysql_stmt_close() call",
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch"
"Attempt to read column without prior row fetch",
"Prepared statement contains no metadata",
......@@ -2139,12 +2139,12 @@ static void update_stmt_fields(MYSQL_STMT *stmt)
This function should be used after mysql_stmt_execute().
You can safely check that prepared statement has a result set by calling
mysql_stmt_num_fields(): if number of fields is not zero, you can call
mysql_stmt_field_count(): if number of fields is not zero, you can call
this function to get fields metadata.
Next steps you may want to make:
- find out number of columns in result set by calling
mysql_num_fields(res) (the same value is returned by
- fetch metadata for any column with mysql_fetch_field,
mysql_fetch_field_direct, mysql_fetch_fields, mysql_field_seek.
- free returned MYSQL_RES structure with mysql_free_result.
......@@ -3882,11 +3882,10 @@ my_bool STDCALL mysql_stmt_bind_result(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_BIND *bind)
if (!bind_count)
if ((int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE)
set_stmt_error(stmt, CR_NO_PREPARE_STMT, unknown_sqlstate);
int errorcode= (int) stmt->state < (int) MYSQL_STMT_PREPARE_DONE ?
set_stmt_error(stmt, errorcode, unknown_sqlstate);
......@@ -4278,7 +4277,7 @@ static void stmt_update_metadata(MYSQL_STMT *stmt, MYSQL_ROWS *data)
row+= (stmt->field_count+9)/8; /* skip null bits */
bit= 4; /* first 2 bits are reserved */
/* Go throw all fields and calculate metadata */
/* Go through all fields and calculate metadata */
for (bind= stmt->bind, end= bind + stmt->field_count, field= stmt->fields ;
bind < end ;
bind++, field++)
......@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ static int NEAR_F write_merge_key_varlen(MI_SORT_PARAM *info,
IO_CACHE *to_file,
char* key, uint sort_length,
uint count);
inline int my_var_write(MI_SORT_PARAM *info,IO_CACHE *to_file, byte *bufs);
static inline int
my_var_write(MI_SORT_PARAM *info, IO_CACHE *to_file, byte *bufs);
Creates a index of sorted keys
......@@ -625,7 +627,8 @@ static int NEAR_F write_keys(MI_SORT_PARAM *info, register uchar **sort_keys,
} /* write_keys */
inline int my_var_write(MI_SORT_PARAM *info, IO_CACHE *to_file, byte *bufs)
static inline int
my_var_write(MI_SORT_PARAM *info, IO_CACHE *to_file, byte *bufs)
int err;
uint16 len = _mi_keylength(info->keyinfo, (uchar*) bufs);
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ CLEANFILES = $(test_SCRIPTS) $(test_DATA)
INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir)/../include -I../include -I..
EXTRA_PROGRAMS = mysql_test_run_new
noinst_HEADERS = my_manage.h
mysql_test_run_new_SOURCES= mysql_test_run_new.c my_manage.c
mysql_test_run_new_SOURCES= mysql_test_run_new.c my_manage.c my_create_tables.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#ifndef __WIN__
#include <dirent.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef __NETWARE__
#include <screen.h>
#include <proc.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifndef __WIN__
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "my_manage.h"
This function testes a exist file
mdata: path to data
file_name: name of file
A zero value indicates that file is exist.
bool test_sys_file(const char *mdata,const char *file_name)
struct stat file;
char path_file_name[PATH_MAX];
snprintf(path_file_name, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", mdata, file_name);
This function creates a file with sql requstes for creating
system data files.
mdata: path to data
output_file: file name for output file
test: to create system files with test data
A zero value indicates a success.
bool create_system_files(const char *mdata,const char *output_file, bool test)
FILE *out;
out = fopen(output_file, "w+");
if (!out)
return 1;
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql"))
fprintf(out,"CREATE DATABASE mysql;\n");
if (test && test_sys_file(mdata,"test"))
fprintf(out,"CREATE DATABASE test;\n");
fprintf(out,"USE mysql;\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/db.frm"))
"Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db,User),"
"KEY User (User))"
"comment='Database privileges';\n");
if (test)
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%%','test','','Y','Y','Y','Y'"
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO db VALUES ('%%','test\\_%%','','Y','Y','Y'"
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/host.frm"))
"Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,Db))"
"comment='Host privileges;"
" Merged with database privileges';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/user.frm"))
#ifdef __WIN__
WSADATA wsa_data;
char hostname[FN_REFLEN];
#ifdef __WIN__
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD( 2, 2 ),&wsa_data))
return 1;
if (gethostname(hostname, FN_REFLEN))
return 1;
#ifdef __WIN__
WSACleanup( );
if (strchr(hostname, '.') == NULL)
strcat(hostname, "%");
"Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Password char(41) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Select_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Insert_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Update_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Delete_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Drop_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Reload_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Shutdown_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Process_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"File_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Grant_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"References_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Index_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Alter_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL,"
"x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL,"
"x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL,"
"max_questions int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
"max_updates int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
"max_connections int(11) unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY Host (Host,User)"
") comment='Users and global privileges';\n");
if (test)
"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root',''"
"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('%s','root','','Y','Y',"
"REPLACE INTO user VALUES ('','root','',"
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');\n");
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('%s','');\n",hostname);
"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','root','',"
#ifndef __WIN__
"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('%s','root','','Y','Y',"
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('%s','');\n",hostname);
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO user (host,user) values ('localhost','');\n");
"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('localhost','','','Y','Y','Y'"
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/func.frm"))
"name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"ret tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL,"
"dl char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"type enum ('function','aggregate') NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY (name)"
") comment='User defined functions';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/tables_priv.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE tables_priv ("
"Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Grantor char(77) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Timestamp timestamp(14),"
"Table_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','Delete',"
"Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References')"
"PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name),"
"KEY Grantor (Grantor)"
") comment='Table privileges';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/columns_priv.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE columns_priv ("
"Host char(60) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Db char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"User char(16) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Column_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"Timestamp timestamp(14),"
"Column_priv set('Select','Insert','Update','References')"
"PRIMARY KEY (Host,Db,User,Table_name,Column_name)"
") comment='Column privileges';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_topic.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE help_topic ("
"help_topic_id int unsigned not null,"
"name varchar(64) not null,"
"help_category_id smallint unsigned not null,"
"description text not null,"
"example text not null,"
"url varchar(128) not null,"
"primary key (help_topic_id),"
"unique index (name)"
") comment='help topics';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_category.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE help_category ("
"help_category_id smallint unsigned not null,"
"name varchar(64) not null,"
"parent_category_id smallint unsigned null,"
"url varchar(128) not null,"
"primary key (help_category_id),"
"unique index (name)"
") comment='help categories';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_keyword.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE help_keyword ("
"help_keyword_id int unsigned not null,"
"name varchar(64) not null,"
"primary key (help_keyword_id),"
"unique index (name)"
") comment='help keywords';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/help_relation.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE help_relation ("
"help_topic_id int unsigned not null references help_topic,"
"help_keyword_id int unsigned not null references help_keyword,"
"primary key (help_keyword_id, help_topic_id)"
") comment='keyword-topic relation';\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_name.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE time_zone_name ("
"Name char(64) NOT NULL,"
"Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY Name (Name)"
"comment='Time zone names';\n");
if (test)
"INSERT INTO time_zone_name (Name, Time_Zone_id) VALUES"
"('MET', 1), ('UTC', 2), ('Universal', 2), "
"('Europe/Moscow',3), ('leap/Europe/Moscow',4);\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE time_zone ("
"Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"
"Use_leap_seconds enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY TzId (Time_zone_id)"
"comment='Time zones';\n");
if (test)
fprintf(out,"INSERT INTO time_zone (Time_zone_id, Use_leap_seconds)"
"VALUES (1,'N'), (2,'N'), (3,'N'), (4,'Y');\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_transition.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE time_zone_transition ("
"Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL,"
"Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY TzIdTranTime (Time_zone_id, Transition_time)"
"comment='Time zone transitions';\n");
if (test)
"INSERT INTO time_zone_transition"
"(Time_zone_id, Transition_time, Transition_type_id)"
" (1, -1693706400, 0) ,(1, -1680483600, 1)"
",(1, -1663455600, 2) ,(1, -1650150000, 3)"
",(1, -1632006000, 2) ,(1, -1618700400, 3)"
",(1, -938905200, 2) ,(1, -857257200, 3)"
",(1, -844556400, 2) ,(1, -828226800, 3)"
",(1, -812502000, 2) ,(1, -796777200, 3)"
",(1, 228877200, 2) ,(1, 243997200, 3)"
",(1, 260326800, 2) ,(1, 276051600, 3)"
",(1, 291776400, 2) ,(1, 307501200, 3)"
",(1, 323830800, 2) ,(1, 338950800, 3)"
",(1, 354675600, 2) ,(1, 370400400, 3)"
",(1, 386125200, 2) ,(1, 401850000, 3)"
",(1, 417574800, 2) ,(1, 433299600, 3)"
",(1, 449024400, 2) ,(1, 465354000, 3)"
",(1, 481078800, 2) ,(1, 496803600, 3)"
",(1, 512528400, 2) ,(1, 528253200, 3)"
",(1, 543978000, 2) ,(1, 559702800, 3)"
",(1, 575427600, 2) ,(1, 591152400, 3)"
",(1, 606877200, 2) ,(1, 622602000, 3)"
",(1, 638326800, 2) ,(1, 654656400, 3)"
",(1, 670381200, 2) ,(1, 686106000, 3)"
",(1, 701830800, 2) ,(1, 717555600, 3)"
",(1, 733280400, 2) ,(1, 749005200, 3)"
",(1, 764730000, 2) ,(1, 780454800, 3)"
",(1, 796179600, 2) ,(1, 811904400, 3)"
",(1, 828234000, 2) ,(1, 846378000, 3)"
",(1, 859683600, 2) ,(1, 877827600, 3)"
",(1, 891133200, 2) ,(1, 909277200, 3)"
",(1, 922582800, 2) ,(1, 941331600, 3)"
",(1, 954032400, 2) ,(1, 972781200, 3)"
",(1, 985482000, 2) ,(1, 1004230800, 3)"
",(1, 1017536400, 2) ,(1, 1035680400, 3)"
",(1, 1048986000, 2) ,(1, 1067130000, 3)"
",(1, 1080435600, 2) ,(1, 1099184400, 3)"
",(1, 1111885200, 2) ,(1, 1130634000, 3)"
",(1, 1143334800, 2) ,(1, 1162083600, 3)"
",(1, 1174784400, 2) ,(1, 1193533200, 3)"
",(1, 1206838800, 2) ,(1, 1224982800, 3)"
",(1, 1238288400, 2) ,(1, 1256432400, 3)"
",(1, 1269738000, 2) ,(1, 1288486800, 3)"
",(1, 1301187600, 2) ,(1, 1319936400, 3)"
",(1, 1332637200, 2) ,(1, 1351386000, 3)"
",(1, 1364691600, 2) ,(1, 1382835600, 3)"
",(1, 1396141200, 2) ,(1, 1414285200, 3)"
",(1, 1427590800, 2) ,(1, 1445734800, 3)"
",(1, 1459040400, 2) ,(1, 1477789200, 3)"
",(1, 1490490000, 2) ,(1, 1509238800, 3)"
",(1, 1521939600, 2) ,(1, 1540688400, 3)"
",(1, 1553994000, 2) ,(1, 1572138000, 3)"
",(1, 1585443600, 2) ,(1, 1603587600, 3)"
",(1, 1616893200, 2) ,(1, 1635642000, 3)"
",(1, 1648342800, 2) ,(1, 1667091600, 3)"
",(1, 1679792400, 2) ,(1, 1698541200, 3)"
",(1, 1711846800, 2) ,(1, 1729990800, 3)"
",(1, 1743296400, 2) ,(1, 1761440400, 3)"
",(1, 1774746000, 2) ,(1, 1792890000, 3)"
",(1, 1806195600, 2) ,(1, 1824944400, 3)"
",(1, 1837645200, 2) ,(1, 1856394000, 3)"
",(1, 1869094800, 2) ,(1, 1887843600, 3)"
",(1, 1901149200, 2) ,(1, 1919293200, 3)"
",(1, 1932598800, 2) ,(1, 1950742800, 3)"
",(1, 1964048400, 2) ,(1, 1982797200, 3)"
",(1, 1995498000, 2) ,(1, 2014246800, 3)"
",(1, 2026947600, 2) ,(1, 2045696400, 3)"
",(1, 2058397200, 2) ,(1, 2077146000, 3)"
",(1, 2090451600, 2) ,(1, 2108595600, 3)"
",(1, 2121901200, 2) ,(1, 2140045200, 3)"
",(3, -1688265000, 2) ,(3, -1656819048, 1)"
",(3, -1641353448, 2) ,(3, -1627965048, 3)"
",(3, -1618716648, 1) ,(3, -1596429048, 3)"
",(3, -1593829848, 5) ,(3, -1589860800, 4)"
",(3, -1542427200, 5) ,(3, -1539493200, 6)"
",(3, -1525323600, 5) ,(3, -1522728000, 4)"
",(3, -1491188400, 7) ,(3, -1247536800, 4)"
",(3, 354920400, 5) ,(3, 370728000, 4)"
",(3, 386456400, 5) ,(3, 402264000, 4)"
",(3, 417992400, 5) ,(3, 433800000, 4)"
",(3, 449614800, 5) ,(3, 465346800, 8)"
",(3, 481071600, 9) ,(3, 496796400, 8)"
",(3, 512521200, 9) ,(3, 528246000, 8)"
",(3, 543970800, 9) ,(3, 559695600, 8)"
",(3, 575420400, 9) ,(3, 591145200, 8)"
",(3, 606870000, 9) ,(3, 622594800, 8)"
",(3, 638319600, 9) ,(3, 654649200, 8)"
",(3, 670374000, 10) ,(3, 686102400, 11)"
",(3, 695779200, 8) ,(3, 701812800, 5)"
",(3, 717534000, 4) ,(3, 733273200, 9)"
",(3, 748998000, 8) ,(3, 764722800, 9)"
",(3, 780447600, 8) ,(3, 796172400, 9)"
",(3, 811897200, 8) ,(3, 828226800, 9)"
",(3, 846370800, 8) ,(3, 859676400, 9)"
",(3, 877820400, 8) ,(3, 891126000, 9)"
",(3, 909270000, 8) ,(3, 922575600, 9)"
",(3, 941324400, 8) ,(3, 954025200, 9)"
",(3, 972774000, 8) ,(3, 985474800, 9)"
",(3, 1004223600, 8) ,(3, 1017529200, 9)"
",(3, 1035673200, 8) ,(3, 1048978800, 9)"
",(3, 1067122800, 8) ,(3, 1080428400, 9)"
",(3, 1099177200, 8) ,(3, 1111878000, 9)"
",(3, 1130626800, 8) ,(3, 1143327600, 9)"
",(3, 1162076400, 8) ,(3, 1174777200, 9)"
",(3, 1193526000, 8) ,(3, 1206831600, 9)"
",(3, 1224975600, 8) ,(3, 1238281200, 9)"
",(3, 1256425200, 8) ,(3, 1269730800, 9)"
",(3, 1288479600, 8) ,(3, 1301180400, 9)"
",(3, 1319929200, 8) ,(3, 1332630000, 9)"
",(3, 1351378800, 8) ,(3, 1364684400, 9)"
",(3, 1382828400, 8) ,(3, 1396134000, 9)"
",(3, 1414278000, 8) ,(3, 1427583600, 9)"
",(3, 1445727600, 8) ,(3, 1459033200, 9)"
",(3, 1477782000, 8) ,(3, 1490482800, 9)"
",(3, 1509231600, 8) ,(3, 1521932400, 9)"
",(3, 1540681200, 8) ,(3, 1553986800, 9)"
",(3, 1572130800, 8) ,(3, 1585436400, 9)"
",(3, 1603580400, 8) ,(3, 1616886000, 9)"
",(3, 1635634800, 8) ,(3, 1648335600, 9)"
",(3, 1667084400, 8) ,(3, 1679785200, 9)"
",(3, 1698534000, 8) ,(3, 1711839600, 9)"
",(3, 1729983600, 8) ,(3, 1743289200, 9)"
",(3, 1761433200, 8) ,(3, 1774738800, 9)"
",(3, 1792882800, 8) ,(3, 1806188400, 9)"
",(3, 1824937200, 8) ,(3, 1837638000, 9)"
",(3, 1856386800, 8) ,(3, 1869087600, 9)"
",(3, 1887836400, 8) ,(3, 1901142000, 9)"
",(3, 1919286000, 8) ,(3, 1932591600, 9)"
",(3, 1950735600, 8) ,(3, 1964041200, 9)"
",(3, 1982790000, 8) ,(3, 1995490800, 9)"
",(3, 2014239600, 8) ,(3, 2026940400, 9)"
",(3, 2045689200, 8) ,(3, 2058390000, 9)"
",(3, 2077138800, 8) ,(3, 2090444400, 9)"
",(3, 2108588400, 8) ,(3, 2121894000, 9)"
",(3, 2140038000, 8)"
",(4, -1688265000, 2) ,(4, -1656819048, 1)"
",(4, -1641353448, 2) ,(4, -1627965048, 3)"
",(4, -1618716648, 1) ,(4, -1596429048, 3)"
",(4, -1593829848, 5) ,(4, -1589860800, 4)"
",(4, -1542427200, 5) ,(4, -1539493200, 6)"
",(4, -1525323600, 5) ,(4, -1522728000, 4)"
",(4, -1491188400, 7) ,(4, -1247536800, 4)"
",(4, 354920409, 5) ,(4, 370728010, 4)"
",(4, 386456410, 5) ,(4, 402264011, 4)"
",(4, 417992411, 5) ,(4, 433800012, 4)"
",(4, 449614812, 5) ,(4, 465346812, 8)"
",(4, 481071612, 9) ,(4, 496796413, 8)"
",(4, 512521213, 9) ,(4, 528246013, 8)"
",(4, 543970813, 9) ,(4, 559695613, 8)"
",(4, 575420414, 9) ,(4, 591145214, 8)"
",(4, 606870014, 9) ,(4, 622594814, 8)"
",(4, 638319615, 9) ,(4, 654649215, 8)"
",(4, 670374016, 10) ,(4, 686102416, 11)"
",(4, 695779216, 8) ,(4, 701812816, 5)"
",(4, 717534017, 4) ,(4, 733273217, 9)"
",(4, 748998018, 8) ,(4, 764722818, 9)"
",(4, 780447619, 8) ,(4, 796172419, 9)"
",(4, 811897219, 8) ,(4, 828226820, 9)"
",(4, 846370820, 8) ,(4, 859676420, 9)"
",(4, 877820421, 8) ,(4, 891126021, 9)"
",(4, 909270021, 8) ,(4, 922575622, 9)"
",(4, 941324422, 8) ,(4, 954025222, 9)"
",(4, 972774022, 8) ,(4, 985474822, 9)"
",(4, 1004223622, 8) ,(4, 1017529222, 9)"
",(4, 1035673222, 8) ,(4, 1048978822, 9)"
",(4, 1067122822, 8) ,(4, 1080428422, 9)"
",(4, 1099177222, 8) ,(4, 1111878022, 9)"
",(4, 1130626822, 8) ,(4, 1143327622, 9)"
",(4, 1162076422, 8) ,(4, 1174777222, 9)"
",(4, 1193526022, 8) ,(4, 1206831622, 9)"
",(4, 1224975622, 8) ,(4, 1238281222, 9)"
",(4, 1256425222, 8) ,(4, 1269730822, 9)"
",(4, 1288479622, 8) ,(4, 1301180422, 9)"
",(4, 1319929222, 8) ,(4, 1332630022, 9)"
",(4, 1351378822, 8) ,(4, 1364684422, 9)"
",(4, 1382828422, 8) ,(4, 1396134022, 9)"
",(4, 1414278022, 8) ,(4, 1427583622, 9)"
",(4, 1445727622, 8) ,(4, 1459033222, 9)"
",(4, 1477782022, 8) ,(4, 1490482822, 9)"
",(4, 1509231622, 8) ,(4, 1521932422, 9)"
",(4, 1540681222, 8) ,(4, 1553986822, 9)"
",(4, 1572130822, 8) ,(4, 1585436422, 9)"
",(4, 1603580422, 8) ,(4, 1616886022, 9)"
",(4, 1635634822, 8) ,(4, 1648335622, 9)"
",(4, 1667084422, 8) ,(4, 1679785222, 9)"
",(4, 1698534022, 8) ,(4, 1711839622, 9)"
",(4, 1729983622, 8) ,(4, 1743289222, 9)"
",(4, 1761433222, 8) ,(4, 1774738822, 9)"
",(4, 1792882822, 8) ,(4, 1806188422, 9)"
",(4, 1824937222, 8) ,(4, 1837638022, 9)"
",(4, 1856386822, 8) ,(4, 1869087622, 9)"
",(4, 1887836422, 8) ,(4, 1901142022, 9)"
",(4, 1919286022, 8) ,(4, 1932591622, 9)"
",(4, 1950735622, 8) ,(4, 1964041222, 9)"
",(4, 1982790022, 8) ,(4, 1995490822, 9)"
",(4, 2014239622, 8) ,(4, 2026940422, 9)"
",(4, 2045689222, 8) ,(4, 2058390022, 9)"
",(4, 2077138822, 8) ,(4, 2090444422, 9)"
",(4, 2108588422, 8) ,(4, 2121894022, 9)"
",(4, 2140038022, 8);\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_transition_type.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE time_zone_transition_type ("
"Time_zone_id int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"Transition_type_id int unsigned NOT NULL,"
"Offset int signed DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
"Is_DST tinyint unsigned DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
"Abbreviation char(8) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY TzIdTrTId (Time_zone_id, Transition_type_id)"
"comment='Time zone transition types';\n");
if (test)
"INSERT INTO time_zone_transition_type (Time_zone_id,"
"Transition_type_id, Offset, Is_DST, Abbreviation) VALUES"
"(1, 0, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 1, 3600, 0, 'MET')"
",(1, 2, 7200, 1, 'MEST') ,(1, 3, 3600, 0, 'MET')"
",(2, 0, 0, 0, 'UTC')"
",(3, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST')"
",(3, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(3, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST')"
",(3, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
",(3, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(3, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET')"
",(3, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(3, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
",(3, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(3, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET')"
",(4, 0, 9000, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 1, 12648, 1, 'MST')"
",(4, 2, 9048, 0, 'MMT') ,(4, 3, 16248, 1, 'MDST')"
",(4, 4, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 5, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
",(4, 6, 18000, 1, 'MSD') ,(4, 7, 7200, 0, 'EET')"
",(4, 8, 10800, 0, 'MSK') ,(4, 9, 14400, 1, 'MSD')"
",(4, 10, 10800, 1, 'EEST') ,(4, 11, 7200, 0, 'EET');\n");
if (test_sys_file(mdata,"mysql/time_zone_leap_second.frm"))
"CREATE TABLE time_zone_leap_second ("
"Transition_time bigint signed NOT NULL,"
"Correction int signed NOT NULL,"
"PRIMARY KEY TranTime (Transition_time)"
"comment='Leap seconds information for time zones';\n");
if (test)
"INSERT INTO time_zone_leap_second "
"(Transition_time, Correction) VALUES "
"(78796800, 1) ,(94694401, 2) ,(126230402, 3)"
",(157766403, 4) ,(189302404, 5) ,(220924805, 6)"
",(252460806, 7) ,(283996807, 8) ,(315532808, 9)"
",(362793609, 10) ,(394329610, 11) ,(425865611, 12)"
",(489024012, 13) ,(567993613, 14) ,(631152014, 15)"
",(662688015, 16) ,(709948816, 17) ,(741484817, 18)"
",(773020818, 19) ,(820454419, 20) ,(867715220, 21)"
",(915148821, 22);\n");
return fclose(out);
......@@ -333,7 +333,6 @@ int spawn(char *path, arg_list_t *al, int join, char *input,
PROCESS_INFORMATION process_information;
DWORD exit_code;
char win_args[1024]= "";
char command_line[1024]= "";
/* Skip the first parameter */
for (i= 1; i < al->argc; i++)
......@@ -724,7 +723,7 @@ int removef(const char *format, ...)
return remove(path);
#eldef __WIN__
#elif __WIN__
va_list ap;
char path[FN_REFLEN];
......@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ int my_vsnprintf_(char *to, size_t n, const char* value, ...);
#define TRY_MAX 5
#ifdef __WIN__
#define kill(A,B) TerminateProcess((HANDLE)A,0)
#define NOT_NEED_PID 0
#define MASTER_PID 1
......@@ -130,4 +132,6 @@ int removef(const char *, ...);
void get_basedir(char *, char *);
void remove_empty_file(const char *file_name);
bool create_system_files(const char *mdata,const char *output_file, bool test);
#endif /* _MY_MANAGE */
......@@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ void install_db(char *datadir)
snprintf(output, FN_REFLEN, "%s/install.out", datadir);
snprintf(error, FN_REFLEN, "%s/install.err", datadir);
if (create_system_files(datadir,input, TRUE))
die("Unable to create init_db.sql.");
/* args */
add_arg(&al, mysqld_file);
......@@ -307,9 +309,6 @@ void mysql_install_db()
/* var directory */
snprintf(temp, FN_REFLEN, "%s/var", mysql_test_dir);
/* clean up old direcotry */
/* create var directory */
#ifndef __WIN__
mkdir(temp, S_IRWXU);
......@@ -1435,6 +1434,17 @@ void setup(char *file __attribute__((unused)))
Compare names of testes for right order
#ifdef __WIN__
int compare( const void *arg1, const void *arg2 )
return _stricmp( * ( char** ) arg1, * ( char** ) arg2 );
......@@ -2115,9 +2115,7 @@ GovernmentForm char(45) NOT NULL default '',
HeadOfState char(60) default NULL,
Capital int(11) default NULL,
Code2 char(2) NOT NULL default ''
Warning 1287 'TYPE=storage_engine' is deprecated; use 'ENGINE=storage_engine' instead
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('XXX','Xxxxx','Oceania','Xxxxxx',26.00,0,0,0,0,0,'Xxxxx','Xxxxx','Xxxxx',NULL,'XX');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ASM','American Samoa','Oceania','Polynesia',199.00,0,68000,75.1,334.00,NULL,'Amerika Samoa','US Territory','George W. Bush',54,'AS');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ATF','French Southern territories','Antarctica','Antarctica',7780.00,0,0,NULL,0.00,NULL,'Terres australes franaises','Nonmetropolitan Territory of France','Jacques Chirac',NULL,'TF');
......@@ -1731,9 +1731,9 @@ alter table t1 add b set ('Y','N') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
alter table t1 add c enum ('Y','N') CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin;
select * from t1;
Catalog Database Table Table_alias Column Column_alias Name Type Length Max length Is_null Flags Decimals Charsetnr
def test t1 t1 a a 254 3 1 Y 384 0 8
def test t1 t1 b b 254 9 0 Y 2176 0 8
def test t1 t1 c c 254 3 0 Y 384 0 8
def test t1 t1 a a 254 1 1 Y 384 0 8
def test t1 t1 b b 254 3 0 Y 2176 0 8
def test t1 t1 c c 254 1 0 Y 384 0 8
a b c
drop table t1;
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ insert delayed into t1 set a = 4;
insert delayed into t1 set a = 5, tmsp = 19711006010203;
insert delayed into t1 (a, tmsp) values (6, 19711006010203);
insert delayed into t1 (a, tmsp) values (7, NULL);
--sleep 1
--sleep 2
insert into t1 set a = 8,tmsp=19711006010203;
select * from t1 where tmsp=0;
select * from t1 where tmsp=19711006010203;
......@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ CREATE TABLE t1 (
HeadOfState char(60) default NULL,
Capital int(11) default NULL,
Code2 char(2) NOT NULL default ''
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('XXX','Xxxxx','Oceania','Xxxxxx',26.00,0,0,0,0,0,'Xxxxx','Xxxxx','Xxxxx',NULL,'XX');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ASM','American Samoa','Oceania','Polynesia',199.00,0,68000,75.1,334.00,NULL,'Amerika Samoa','US Territory','George W. Bush',54,'AS');
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ATF','French Southern territories','Antarctica','Antarctica',7780.00,0,0,NULL,0.00,NULL,'Terres australes franaises','Nonmetropolitan Territory of France','Jacques Chirac',NULL,'TF');
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ void hash_reset(HASH *hash)
handle inline functions that are not defined as native types
inline char*
static inline char*
hash_key(HASH *hash,const byte *record,uint *length,my_bool first)
if (hash->get_key)
......@@ -189,7 +189,10 @@ copy_dir_files()
mkdir $BASE/$arg
for i in *.c *.cpp *.h *.ih *.i *.ic *.asm *.def \
README INSTALL* LICENSE *.inc *.test *.result \
*.pem Moscow_leap des_key_file *.dat *.000001 \
*.require *.opt
if [ -f $i ]
......@@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ done
# Input directories to be copied recursively
for i in bdb innobase
for i in bdb innobase mysql-test
copy_dir_dirs $i
......@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ class Item_empty_string :public Item_string
Item_empty_string(const char *header,uint length, CHARSET_INFO *cs= NULL) :
Item_string("",0, cs ? cs : &my_charset_bin)
{ name=(char*) header; max_length=length;}
{ name=(char*) header; max_length= cs ? length * cs->mbmaxlen : length; }
void make_field(Send_field *field);
......@@ -983,9 +983,9 @@ class Item_null_helper :public Item_ref_null_helper
Item_null_helper(Item_in_subselect* master, Item *item,
const char *table_name_par, const char *field_name_par)
:Item_ref_null_helper(master, &store, table_name_par, field_name_par),
:Item_ref_null_helper(master, &item, table_name_par, field_name_par),
{ ref= &store; }
void print(String *str);
......@@ -549,10 +549,18 @@ bool Protocol::send_fields(List<Item> *list, uint flag)
pos= (char*) local_packet->ptr()+local_packet->length();
*pos++= 12; // Length of packed fields
if (item->collation.collation == &my_charset_bin || thd_charset == NULL)
/* No conversion */
int2store(pos, field.charsetnr);
int4store(pos+2, field.length);
int2store(pos, thd_charset->number);
int4store(pos+2, field.length);
/* With conversion */
int2store(pos, thd_charset->number);
uint char_len= field.length / item->collation.collation->mbmaxlen;
int4store(pos+2, char_len * thd_charset->mbmaxlen);
pos[6]= field.type;
pos[9]= (char) field.decimals;
......@@ -1101,7 +1101,8 @@ static void test_prepare_simple()
/* update */
strmov(query, "UPDATE test_prepare_simple SET id=? WHERE id=? AND name= ?");
strmov(query, "UPDATE test_prepare_simple SET id=? "
"WHERE id=? AND CONVERT(name USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -1129,7 +1130,8 @@ static void test_prepare_simple()
/* select */
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_prepare_simple WHERE id=? AND name= ?");
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_prepare_simple WHERE id=? "
"AND CONVERT(name USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -1158,7 +1160,7 @@ static void test_prepare_field_result()
rc= mysql_query(mysql, "CREATE TABLE test_prepare_field_result(int_c int, "
"var_c varchar(50), ts_c timestamp(14), "
"char_c char(3), date_c date, extra tinyint)");
"char_c char(4), date_c date, extra tinyint)");
/* insert */
......@@ -1184,8 +1186,8 @@ static void test_prepare_field_result()
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", current_db, 10, 0);
verify_prepare_field(result, 3, "ts_c", "ts_c", MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", current_db, 19, 0);
verify_prepare_field(result, 4, "char_c", "char_c", MYSQL_TYPE_STRING,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", current_db, 3, 0);
verify_prepare_field(result, 4, "char_c", "char_c", MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING,
"t1", "test_prepare_field_result", current_db, 4, 0);
verify_field_count(result, 5);
......@@ -1921,7 +1923,8 @@ static void test_select()
rc= mysql_commit(mysql);
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_select WHERE id= ? AND name=?");
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_select WHERE id= ? "
"AND CONVERT(name USING utf8) =?");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -1981,7 +1984,8 @@ static void test_ps_conj_select()
"(2, 'hh', 'hh'), (1, 'ii', 'ii'), (2, 'ii', 'ii')");
strmov(query, "select id1, value1 from t1 where id1= ? or value1= ?");
strmov(query, "select id1, value1 from t1 where id1= ? or "
"CONVERT(value1 USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -2060,7 +2064,8 @@ session_id char(9) NOT NULL, \
"(\"abx\", 1, 2, 3, 2003-08-30)");
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_select WHERE session_id= ?");
strmov(query, "SELECT * FROM test_select WHERE "
"CONVERT(session_id USING utf8)= ?");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -2898,7 +2903,8 @@ static void test_simple_delete()
/* insert by prepare */
strmov(query, "DELETE FROM test_simple_delete WHERE col1= ? AND col2= ? AND col3= 100");
strmov(query, "DELETE FROM test_simple_delete WHERE col1= ? AND "
"CONVERT(col2 USING utf8)= ? AND col3= 100");
stmt= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, query);
......@@ -4866,7 +4872,8 @@ static void test_multi_stmt()
/* alter the table schema now */
stmt1= mysql_simple_prepare(mysql, "DELETE FROM test_multi_table "
"WHERE id= ? AND name=?");
"WHERE id= ? AND "
"CONVERT(name USING utf8)=?");
verify_param_count(stmt1, 2);
......@@ -5629,9 +5636,6 @@ static void test_subselect()
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_param(stmt, bind);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, bind);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
id= 2;
rc= mysql_stmt_execute(stmt);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
......@@ -5975,7 +5979,7 @@ static void test_pure_coverage()
check_execute(stmt, rc);
rc= mysql_stmt_bind_result(stmt, (MYSQL_BIND*)0);
check_execute(stmt, rc);
DIE_UNLESS(rc == 1);
......@@ -6632,7 +6636,7 @@ static void test_field_misc()
"@@table_type", "", /* field and its org name */
MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, /* field type */
"", "", /* table and its org name */
"", type_length*3, 0); /* db name, length */
"", type_length, 0); /* db name, length */
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